
Lifeforce System

Matteo has always been very distant and strategic however when he is transferred into the body of a nobody orphan who is in a perilous situation how well will he fare? Armed with a creation system and a calculative mind in an unfamiliar world where bloodlines, magic, and mythical creatures are not just the ramblings of a demented old man. How can he not only survive, but he will thrive?

Daddy_Kuliki · Fantasy
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2 Chs


Matteo opened his eyes. His senses gradually returned to him as he was inflicted with a groggy feeling. After clearing his mind, he quickly realized that whatever he was laying on was not the soft and comfortable bed he went to sleep on, when he looked around himself he found that he was correct. What he was laying on was instead damp earth that had left fragments of dirt in his hair which he quickly brushed off. The room that he had gone to sleep in was nowhere to be found as a thick forest replaced it. Tall trees with lush green leaves were all around him, insects created noise around him with their nightlife. Matteo was immediately plagued with questions. How did he get here, and where is here, were among the questions that he asked himself. However something felt off, his balance which normally had not impaired him felt wrong, as did his height. He inspected his body and found why everything felt off. He was dressed in strange clothes that even he, who had never been exposed to clothes like these, could tell were shabbily made. But it was not the clothes which had garnered his attention, it was the fact that his previously tanned skin was replaced by smooth olive colored skin. His previously relatively short 5'7 height has grown to a 5'11 frame. His previously dark brown colored hair now shined pure black. He was confused as to why these changes occurred but decided to figure that out later because of his current situation. Suddenly memories that he had no recollection of painfully invaded his mind and left him clutching his head in agony. He was on the ground as memories of people, places, and experiences exposed themselves. After a few more minutes which felt like days to Matteo, his pain subsided and he gradually came to a conclusion on where was. However he hoped he was wrong, he prayed with every cell of his body that he was wrong because if he was right then he was in trouble. He came to the conclusion that where he was was Earth ant forest. Named after the 1st order beasts, the Earth ants, that populated the forest.