
Meeting Chris

Often times, the thought of children would be equated to spoiled, snotty little brats who knew nothing but mischief. They were as curious as they were talkative and as annoying as annoying could get. That was what the boy prince Chris thought as he stared at the girl who was peeking through her nurse's skirt.

She was his bride to be, his father had told him.

"Well isn't that nice, princess? Chancing upon his highness Chris in the garden like this?" Her nurse told her kindly and pushed her forward gently, but the girl was very shy, and clung to her nurse. "Oh dear," the nurse chuckled awkwardly as she picked up the girl who was clawing at her skirt.

The boy prince frowned at the girl's response. Was she afraid of him?

"Now, now, no need to be afraid," The nurse coaxed, and crouched down to the prince's level so she could put the princess down to face him, "See? He won't hurt you," she smiled.

The girl peeked through her lashes at him tearily and whined.

Well, how rude! That was not the way to treat a prince!

"Why are you afraid?" He spoke, making the girl flinch and cry into her nurse's shoulders.

"Oh my-"

"Why are you crying?! What did I do?!" The boy prince stomped his small foot as the girl's nurse stood with the girl clinging to her for dear life.

That was how the prince of the Kingdom of Hildegard met the princess of the Kingdom of Genevieve. The prince was five winters old, and merely two winters had passed since the princess' birth.

Not too far, two kings stood side by side in front of a window that had a very good view of the gardens. The taller one with golden hair, much like the boy prince's, chuckled as the scene unfolded.

"You're little princess seems to be quite frightened by my son." He mused.

"Oh, she's just a little shy." The other king, with the dark hair, defended, but felt satisfied with his daughter's cold reaction to the prince. He wasn't too keen on giving her away just yet, or even at all for that matter.

"Adorable, might I say. She would grow up to be a gem, hopefully more to be like her mother, your wife."

"...And what am I? A turd?" The dark haired king raised a bushy brow and glanced at his friend sideways, unamused.

The golden king laughed heartily, and patted the other king's back, "I jest, my old friend. Although, we both know who was more popular back in the day. "

"That was merely because I refused to entertain any woman other than Christine."

Although the dark haired king didn't see it, the laughter dimmed from the other king's eyes at the mention of the name, and he fell quiet. He stared at his son who was now sulking by his nurse while the other nurse tried to amuse the baby princess with a pretty flower which was slowly working. He glanced at the other king and then back to the girl whom his eyes stayed glued at. His gaze lingered at the girl with light blonde hair and eyes that resemble much of her mother's.

The tall king felt a prick in his heart, and a tinge of regret crawl into the tiny hole.

A knock on the door forced them out of their thoughts, and the dark hair king invited the servant in. "Dinner is ready, you're highness," he bowed and waited until both kings had passed him before straightening.

Women's laughter could be heard from inside the royal private dining room. It was where royals dined privately with their family and closest friends when there no event taking place. It was fairly smaller, and only held a round table that could hold up to twelve people. There was a hearth on one side of the room and a line of servants holding trays of utensils, napkins, and pitchers of wine on the other side. Above the table hung an elegant chandelier that lit up he room warmly.

The two kings entered, halting the women's laughter and they stood to welcome them.

"My king!" One woman greeted. She was slender, and had high cheek bones and a sharp chin. Her eyes were round with long lashes that brought out her olive green eyes. Her blonde hair was held up in an elegant bun, and she wore a green gown that hugged her waist and pushed up her breasts, making them look fuller. She greeted the golden king with a big smile, and jumped into his arms happily.

The other woman smiled at the couple, and turned to greet her own king, "Darling..." she smiled warmly and stared at him lovingly. She looked much like the other woman, but had a fuller figure and softer features. Her eyes were a darker green that had specks of gold, a trait that her daughter had luckily inherited. She wore a simpler gown white gown that flowed down to her feet and accentuated her full figure, and left her long golden hair down. She was beautiful.

"I'm back, my Christine," the dark haired king pulled her close and kissed her cheek adoringly, making her cheeks glow a pleasing red.

She slipped her hand into his and intertwined their fingers. "You must be hungry. Come eat!" She fussed, and he let her pull him over to the table to sit down.

"Oh, I'm famished!"

Their actions were sweet and full of adoration for each other. Even a blind man would be able to sense the love they had for each other.

The golden king stared at them with complex emotions. He didn't know what to feel at that moment. He frowned slightly, and seemed to be lost in thought.

"My king, are you well?" His wife asked him after they had settled.

"Oh, pardon me? I'm quite alright." He coughed awkwardly as he seemed to have caught the attention of everyone. "Well, I am famished! Shall we feast?!" He cheered, saving the cheerful atmosphere.