

It once happened to me when I was in school i was relaying on my grandpa,this is because my mother was jobless.I used to come back home from school and go to fetch water in the nearby river which is just a kilometer from home. it was a normal task for me because I was used to it. I continued with school and luckily I managed to finish my high school and got good grades fortunately I was called in a in a university in the United States and according to my home background that was not possible because it was a beat expensive.this is where my troubles began my problems staying at home without doing anything finding very hard jobs having gotten a very big high School grade this was a mercyless journey,a tough journey,a hell journey.....

Life seriously started getting harder and harder and the more it got harder the more I was forced to work hard this made me give up my parents give up and anybody else who relayed on me.

it was not easy because I used to earn $2 per 5 hours and I had to work for 10 hours in short the whole day I earned $4 this was bad really bad.

Little did I know this was just a journey to my success if only I will relayed on my faith my religion , I would defeat the problems back in my home back in my life this was just a way of success A bridge to success not a failure.

I continued praying for God to continue giving me a lot of faith and big hope until the day came and I was about to give up I was hopeless I was feeling like I was nobody.my grandpa back to his work he used just half of his payment and then the rest he saved.

Days passed months passed and it was about a day to the day I was supposed to book my flight and travel to the University of my dream.loosing faith , lead to God hearing my prayers and at the very last minute God had my prayers and my grandpa paid fees to the school the flight and everything else I needed This is where I now came to realise how Faith works with life how life works with faith if you just define life and find Faith you'll see that they have no difference they work together.Without faith no Life because tell me if I lost hope and stay at home without earning what i earned that lead to showing my efforts to my grandpa do you think I could have gone to wear i could have reached to where I wanted know it is only that I got Faith and i manage to go to the university Oxford University in the USA and I study there I went there because that was my dream, my grandpa's dream to help me alot my faith help me alot and now I'm happy to know how life works with Faith please ALWAYS life works with faith.