

There was a Man called Sigu in the city of Nairobi. Sigu was very much interested to ladies to an extent he was always om street during leisure time to look for them. One day he came across a very brown, medium size and shining lady. Sigu: " Hey cutie!" The lady responded with a soft low voice, "How can i help you". Sigu complimented the young lady who responded positively. Sigu was very much attracted to the lady as the facial expressions could show. The lady introduced herself as Mercy. They exchanged there contacts and finally said good bye to each other.

When Sigu arrived at his place of residence, he kept chatting the lady and finally made arrangements for a meet up in the following weekend. Sigu was very much disturbed by the beauty of the lady to an extent of overthinking. At his work place, he was never settled. John, one of Sigu's workmate , also friend realized that things was not well with Sigu. He approached Sigu to find out.

John: " Hello Sigu"

Sigu: " Hello too brother"

John: " I think you are not okay, what is disturbing you".

Sigu: (After laughing for a while) "Am fine my brother"

John: Insisting, "Be open, i may help you"

Sigu: Am disturbed by a certain lady and am thinking on how i can convince her for a relationship ".

Sigu: ( Both laughing) " All shall be well my friend ". The conversation ended as they returned to work.

Sigu Kept on chatting the lady and showing that he has an interest in her by calling her sweet name like cutie.

Finally the weekend came, as they had an arrangement for a meet up, Sigu woke up early to prepare her house because he was expecting the visitor. They were to meet at Sigu's place of residence. It was at noon when the lady arrived in a beautiful red dress, her hair was nicely plaited and her face was well applied with make up. She was welcomed in the house and treated well. He was first served with a juice. Mercy was really amazed by how Sigu had organise his house. Sigu looked to have enough money from the way his house looked. They sat close to each other as they kept chatting. Sigu insisted that he was single and searching. Mercy kept reminding Sigu everytime Sigu touched her indecently. They made a chat UpTo evening but something strange happened. It started raining heavily in the evening making it difficult for Mercy to leave. They had their supper and Mercy was convinced to sleep on the same bed with Sigu. Sigu being a gentle man kept distance because he did not want to destroy his image. The lady did not have a night dress with her and opted just to wrap a towel in her waist and joined Sigu in bed. Sigu was really disturbed almost the whole night, salivating but can't try to access her. At around 3am in the morning, Sigu felt around him. Mercy was now very close to Sigu and had one of her leg on Sigu. Sigu gained courage and kissed her. The response encouraged Sigu to go further and finally they did it.