
Life With Humanity

With the introduction of Faster Than Light travel, Humanity has propelled into a new era of space exploration and subsequent discovery of another alien civilization. What will the Zulaith race future hold with life with humanity?

Foxman · Sci-fi
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18 Chs

1. First Contact

In the year 2520: Humanity has developed a technology that will revolutionize the whole Human race; Faster Than Light travel. For centuries it was only considered science fiction, but today, it's been brought into reality. Unveiled to the whole of Humanity, billions of people watched in awe of the possibility of such technology; some watched in skepticism, some outright rejected it. 

A year after the announcement, the first live test began. An autonomous ship exits the Earth's atmosphere as it heads towards Mars, passing the bustling Moon colony. Billions of people watch the maiden flight of the ship carrying the future technology of Humanity as it heads into the black unknown of space. Arriving at its coordinates, scientists stationed at the Mars colony proceed to initiate the ship's FTL drive. 

After a minute passes, the scientists anxiously wait; 5 minutes, 10 minutes, then 30 minutes. People watching the live broadcast from cities and colonies are now wondering what happened. An hour passed; every scientist and engineer working on the drive started searching for answers on what went wrong. Frantically typing on quantum computers to calculate any possible errors on their equation. The majority of the people watching are now saying it's a failure, a waste of time, an embarrassment; while some cling to hope.

Suddenly without warning, the space in front of the ship starts to distort, sucking it in before suddenly disappearing into nothingness. After a few short seconds of silence, an announcement from the scientists broke it.

"This is Mars' command: the jump is successful, I repeat, the jump is successful."

Everyone erupts into cheers as they hear those words, knowing that Humanity leaps into a new era of space exploration and travel.



[35 Years Later]



As a few decades pass, hundreds of ships equipped with FTL drive scours the unknown void of space. The first destination was the long-awaited Centauri system; being the closest neighbor to the solar system of Humanity, they sent ships after ships of explorers to investigate and catalog their findings. 

A few years into the large-scale Human interstellar exploration, Humanity has found multiple exo-planets, gas giants, and numerous unique types of planets throughout newly discovered star systems. But one noteworthy discovery has garnered Humanities attention: extraterrestrial life. Be it flora or fauna, it has been one of the most significant findings for Humanity. Knowing that an exo-planet in the goldilocks zone (habitable zone) can sustain extraterrestrial life, they start drafting plans for Human habitation.



[A Year Later]



As Humanity continues to explore the milky way galaxy, a ship warps into a new planetary system and discovers another Earth-like planet orbiting a type G2V star, similar to Earth's sun. As they cruise towards the Earth-like planet, they notice something mysterious on the planet's surface. Instead of the usual dark empty side of a planet, they noticed dots of light flickering. Perplexed by the discovery, the Human crew reported it to a nearby command ship via quantum communication as they continued observing the planet.

An hour passed, and the crew finally received transmission. 

`Orders are to maintain a distance of 1.5 million kilometers from the planet. Continue observing and wait for the arrival of the command ship. Completing this mission will award your team the recognition for finding the first extraterrestrial civilization in history and be paid generously for your efforts. Good job, explorers; you made history.`

Celebrating their findings, the crew grabs one of the best drinks on the ship before continuing to observe the planet while waiting for the arrival of the command ship. After waiting for a few hours, a command ship warps into the system. With a length of 750 meters, a height of 250 meters, and a width of 300 meters. It's the first biggest spacecraft ever built by Humanity with the capabilities to carry 100 space exploration ships in its hangar and the ability to house 1500 personnel. 



[Home Planet Zuloth]



Home to the alien species of Zulaith; Zulaiths are humanoid aliens having animal-like features. They have animal-like ears on top of their head, tails, and different types of fur covering most of their bodies. They are a type 0 civilization on the kardashev scale, similar to the 21st century Earth. As the Zulaith citizens remain unaware of the unexpected visitors, scientific organizations from various nations on Zuloth notices the unknown objects spotted in space. 

At first, they thought it was an undiscovered asteroid that managed to remain undetected, but judging on the lack of movements confused everyone. Until a new one abruptly showed up a few hours later, considerably more massive than the first one. After a few minutes of confusion and panic, it dawned on the Zulaiths that they have a possible first contact situation. With a quick response, every major Zulaith nations start to convene about the unidentified alien spacecraft orbiting the planet, regardless of the current relationships each country may have.

As most world leaders are still scrambling to head to the sudden and most significant convention of the entire Zulaith history, its citizens quickly caught on to it. Using social media, the news of all the major world leaders convening went viral. Wild and various speculations appeared to deduce the reason for the sudden convention, but one anonymous answer rose to the top—alien contact. With no reason to deny the allegations, every world leader reports the sudden appearance of an unidentified spacecraft currently orbiting the planet from 1.5 million kilometers away. 

With the news finally out, the whole Zulaith civilization broke out into a worldwide frenzy to address this significant matter. Multiple news agencies all around the planet immediately report the appearance of aliens like a shark attracted to blood. A few hours into the meeting, most of the Zulaith leaders agreed on contacting the aliens using satellite ground stations.



[Human Command Ship]



After a few hours of observing the planet, they received a vocal radio transmission. With the use of a quantum computer, they managed to decipher the alien language accurately in under an hour.  

"Hello, foreign visitor; we are the Zulaiths. We welcome you to our humble home planet Zuloth. Please do not be afraid to come down to our planet, for our people will welcome you with open arms. I hope that you will kindly do the same for us and avoid showing hostilities for the benefit of our two species. Thank you."

After the captain hears the message, she replies to the "Zulaiths."

"This is Captain Katharine Stewart, a Human from the United Terran Exploration Force. We have stumbled upon your world as we explore the Milky Way galaxy and the countless stars. We accept your invitation and will be landing our dropship in your designated landing zone. The Zulaiths will be our first companion in the vastness of space; I hope we will have a fruitful friendship forming between our two civilizations."

As the captain sent the reply, the quantum computers translated it to the Zulaith language.

After that, preparations for visiting the new planet named "Zuloth" are underway.






After the Zulaiths received the message, they ready the nearby airport for the Humans' arrival. An hour later, an unidentified aircraft appeared on military radars going at Mach 5 at the altitude of 20km and descending rapidly. After a few more minutes, the Human dropship slowed down to 300km\h and descended to 500 meters before entering the city's airspace. 4 Zulaith fighter jets quickly intercept the dropship before escorting it to the airport. 

While the jets are escorting the dropship, millions of people from the city and billions from live broadcast watch the never-before-seen alien craft attentively. As the dropship opens its landing gears, the four jets' pilots salute at the dropship before going full afterburners and pulling off. A few minutes later, the dropship lands on the tarmac before taxiing to the waiting Zulaith world leaders. 

When the alien ship finally stops in front of them, the bulky pressurized door opens, revealing the Humans behind it. A human woman wearing a service uniform with a handgun strap on her thighs exits the ship, followed by three people wearing a business suit, one wearing a lab coat, and four soldiers carrying assault rifles and wearing military exosuits. 

A woman wearing a service uniform greets the Zulaith leaders with a salute. "I am Captain Katharine Stewart from the United Terran Exploration Force, acting as a diplomat between our two civilizations." 

With a portable translator strap on her neck and smart glasses on her eyes; it translates everything she said in English to the Zulaiths language and vice versa. 

An elderly Zulaith man with wolfish features and grayed fur walks towards them with a smile on his face. "Welcome to our humble planet," He says with a bow. "I am Adahn Aice from the nation of Asoa."

Hi everyone! Foxman here! I hope everyone is happy and doing well! First of all, I'm back with a new story for everyone to enjoy!

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