
Don't do it.

It is a real story, and this is my life story. I was 13 years old and was good in football. I was all favorite person.

One day my friend bought some pills (drugs) and said that if you take those pills neither you will tired nor you will feel pain while playing football. And i take those pills. After taking pills i feel amazing. It's like never feel before. Day after day he brings those pills and i take it. But i didn't realize that i am addicted to drugs. After pills he brought heroine, injection, weed, etc and i totally became an addict. Day passes, months passes, years passes i spend lots of money of my parents. I spend more than income. And there's much loan. My parents saved money for festival but i stole those money and spend all in drugs. My parents always cried thinking about me. My loved one also leave me because of drugs. And i don't feel anything about my parents tear and i don't care that my girlfriend left me. All i care was drugs. Drugs makes me selfish. One day i saw a guy who was also struggling with drugs and everybody left him, he was all alone in his end. And now lots of struggling i am clean now. My family loves me now. I don't know how to elaborate this story by writing because i am not a writer. I just wanted to say that please don't do drugs it affects family, society and mostly it's killing you insidely.