

My mother told me, i was born in a Tuesday,of all days around nine in the morning. Since I was so small , I barley remember. Sonethings however, I do remember, the warm hug of my mother, the way she kissed me goodnight when I was younger, the way as I grewup she held me and stirred me from wrong doings. The way I grew up to be a good person. Sike! What the hell! You really believed that?! Yeah none of that happened. That touchly feely crap never happened. This, this is my story.

I am by no means a good person, nor an I bad, I would say I'm in between. I tend to hide behind my emotionless expression, but one day someone saw me and called me out on it. It felt like (let's call this person L for now) L ripped off all my clothes and I was naked. From that moment, I swore never to let anyone in again.

Looking back at my childhood, I canbot seem to remember much, is it becaus I got older,or because of a previous proceduer so truamatic I cannot really remember the magority of my memories. I don't think that just my childhood memories are going, things from my life I also don't remember. Honestly, my brain is still giving me some problems that I struggle with. Is this a long term sideeffect from the procedure, or is this another problem in it's entierty? Oh the procedure I had aformentioned is called a lumbar puncture or as it is casually called a spinal tap. The only thing that I really remember from that procedure is the students doctors comming in before blacking that and other memories out completly.

I will go in detail about my life as deeply as I fell comfortable with. There are obviously some secrets that you donot tell and you carry with you to the grave. I will not be naming names, and i will not tell desciptions. In the case that someone from my life reads this, THIS IS MY LIFE, MY JOURNEY, THROUGH MY EYES AND IN MY PERSPECTIVE. THIS IS HOW I FELT AND HOW I SAW THING REGARDLESS OF IF I WAS WRONG OR RIGHT. So no offence.