
Chapter 24 - Weapon's Grading System

Then, both Darius and Ashe were practically forced to leave this place.

"So, how are Awakened Weapons graded?" asked Darius as this was the question he had just asked before leaving.

Therefore, he wanted to know its answer. It seemed pretty evident.

However, it seemed that Ashe had a question before answering his question.

"Before that, where do you want to go next, now that you have a weapon."

Darius instantly replied as he pointed in the air, the building which strangely resembled a church."That big building over there."

"The Church why would you want to go there?" asked Ashe, not understanding his choice.

However, even if Darius wanted to give a reason, he didn't have one. He simply felt like he should go over to that Church.

It was as if he was destined to go over there.

"I don't know, I just feel like it. It seems like an interesting place," replied Darius.

"Um, sure, then let's go," said Ashe as they went through the small alley that they had taken to reach the shop.

Darius once again couldn't understand how one of the best blacksmiths to have ever existed was in such a shabby place and in such a shabby store.

Because literally, no one would be able to guess that someone would be at the end of this alley, maybe they would be able to, but they'd be guessing that such a person wouldn't be important.

'Maybe he wants to be away from people for some reason,' thought Darius, as he couldn't think of anything else at the moment.

And this hypothesis was the one which made the most sense.

Then, as Darius and Ashe continued walking in the direction of the Church, Ashe had started to explain to Darius how Awakened Weapons were graded.

"To start off, not all Awakened Weapons are crafted by a blacksmith. In fact, most of them aren't. Most of the time, weapons and skills can be dropped by monsters."

"But, in your case, I don't think that's even going to be possible as the monsters that you kill literally disappear right in front of our eyes."

As Ashe said that, a small smile appeared on her face. But it didn't last as she continued her explanation.

"Those weapons which are dropped by monsters are at best of the [Rare Grade], and at their worst, they are at the [Common Grade]. Basically, weapons dropped by monsters won't ever be the best of the best as the Grading System goes all the way to the [Legendary Grade]."

'This is basically the same as in Video Games,' thought Darius, as he heard that Ashe wasn't finished yet.

"But, your question was, how the weapons are graded," she said, repeating his question.

Darius nodded his head silently as she waited for her to continue.

"Alright, this is the part where this gets a little bit more tricky. So, [Common Grade] and [Uncommon Grade] weapons do not have skills inserted inside of the weapons and the difference between the two is that [Common Grade] weapons give one stat point and the [Uncommon Grade] weapons give two stats points."

'Is that really the only difference?' thought Darius, as he subtly looked at his dagger which really wasn't considered great at all.

"Then, when Awakened Weapons reach the [Rare Grade], that's when they start to truly be powerful because, before that, many would consider them lacking."

"Basically, when weapons reach the [Rare Grade], they not only give two stats points but they will also have a skill which will be inserted inside the weapon."

Then, as she said that, she got a little closer to Darius, whispering something in his ear.

"That's why you need to inspect your weapons."

After saying that, she giggled a little, seemingly to have once again mocked Darius for no reason.

"Ahaha, but enough of that, I guess that you learned your lesson. Then, after the [Rare Grade], there's the [Epic Grade] and [Legendary Grade]. I won't even talk about those to you because if you are able to wield one of those weapons at some point, you will already know what they can do," said Ashe, finally finishing her explanation.

However, Darius didn't seem satisfied as he still didn't know what the [Epic Grade] and [Legendary Grade] Weapons could do.

Still, he decided to trust her as what she had just said made sense. If he were to wield those weapons, he would surely be somewhat powerful because only by the name of their Grade, Darius knew that they were rare.

Then, the duo finally arrived in front of the massive church and Ashe couldn't help but question Darius's decision.

"Are you sure that you want to come here, they're all fanatics in there," she said, showing that she surely didn't like this Church.

"Fanatics? Of what god?" asked Darius, as he couldn't help but wonder if they had the same religions here.

"Rengar, that's the god that everyone is supporting and praying. Don't ask me his history, I don't know anything about it, religion isn't my cup of tea, to say the least," muttered Ashe.

Darius, only nodded hearing that, as he didn't want to get influenced by Ashe about the Church and those sorts of things.

However, Darius didn't know why but when he heard the name Rengar, he felt a little bit of rage bubbling of rage inside him.

But he didn't think much of it as it only happened for a second or two. It wasn't something worth worrying about.

"Well, alright thanks for the info, but yeah I still want to visit it," said Darius as he started walking toward the gigantic door that was in front of him.

It was made of wood and really had that Middle Ages architecture. Darius could easily assume that this door and the whole Church had been made a long time ago.

"Then I'll wait for you here, this place gives me the creeps," said Ashe, as she looked at Darius who finally entered the Church.

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