
1 year later

It's been a year I've built my house. I've put a fence up around the property. I've built 2 houses on the property my grandma wanted a 3 bed 2 bath it's 200x200 and it's in the front of the property . I built my house as a 7 bed 6 bath a indoor pool. I've also built a car shop and 10 car garage. Since it's been a year I've been met some important people from Hollywood and with that ill be buying a home in LA and my grandma wants to stay here so I'll be going alone. Walking to the kitchen I open the key drawer and grab my Mercedes AMG. I pull out and drive to highway 1 I know this road by heart. Hitting the gas I take of to LA.

As I'm driving I get a call ( hello) ( Yha Baki I got some puppies ) ( okay your in San Francisco right I'm driving to LA so I'll pass .but in about 2 hours to get them) ( alright I'll wait)

Arriving to San Francisco I call him( I'm down stairs) ( okay one coming now) he walks out with 2 American pit bulls ( here there both girls) grabbing them I put them on the seat and say ( thanks it will be nice to have some dogs again) ( Yha man want to buy some weed) ( Yha do you got a pound of cookie and 4 grams of wax) ( Yha cash app me I'll be back) After buying the weed I drive off and the dogs fall asleep I drive to my new house in Beverly Hills.

Arriving the house looks like a one story house but it's a 3 story home the top floor is at street level and the house is built into the mountain.

Walk I sit down and pull out my laptop and sell 4 stock and now I've have 400.5 million. As I sit down I hear the dogs come running in there's a white one and a black one( come here puppies) they walked over and looking at them I'll name the white one yuki and the black one midnight.

I get a call( hello Baki speaking) ( Yha Baki when have the meeting at universal studios)

( yes what time) ( 3:00 this afternoon) ( okay I'll be there) hanging a see up I walk downstairs to the bathroom and take a shower. Getting dressed I looked in the mirror and look at my body I've worked out since I watch the anime Baki and I'm not gunna be out done by a anime character. My body is Tone I now stand at 6,6 and I've let my hair grow and now it's down my back and I stopped shaving now my beard has also grown out.

Getting in the AMG I drive to universal studios. Pulling in I park and walk in and see the receptionist( hello I'm here for a appointment at 3 for Baki) ( yes go in that door) walk-in I see the head Director of universal studios. ( hello Baki I want to hav you invest in a movie) ( how much) ( 20 million with 30% cut of all profits) ( why so much) ( I don't think the movie's gonna do well but it will pay back) ( okay fine here's the check send the money to my bank I want my name in the credits)

( okay thank you Baki) now I need to find a way to get me to Pluto for it's Core for the propulsion motor. With a gravitational pull of the Core I can travel at light speed to any sun and the body of the ship will be made out of a light Metal that is stronger than diamond that I found on my property in Utah. But I need to look at how much money I can make with in the next 4 months.

Taking out my phone I look at the calendar and see that the next 4 months I will make 700.5 billion I'll start building the rocket and the equipment i been working and found a way to hold the core on the ship.The plan it to take the core of all dwarf planets and use them for space travel.

Time skip 4 months

Done I've completely done with the rocket ship it will be able to do everything I want it to do but now I need to buy land lots of it to. Looking online on a gov website I found a 300 anchor lot for 60 million I bought it.

Looking out the windows I get a call from the bank ( hello Baki here) ( yes mr.Baki you were just transferred 6.7 billion from Universal Studios) ( yes thank you) I'll be flying to Pluto in 3 days so I'm just going to cill and smoke some weed.

The next day I get a call from that hot chick that has a crush on me I met here a month ago( hey Baki do you have time to hang out)

( Yha I'll get you a Uber here) ( Kay what do you want to eat tonight) ( Mmm you pick I love eating your cooking) ( Kay I'll see you soon) she hangs up i order her a Uber and go upstairs to take a shower.

I was drying off when I heard ( I'm here Baki ) walking down stairs i see her ( yo how have you been Lilly)( I've been good but when are you going to marry me) ( I told you I'm not going to marry anyone) ( but we can't have sex until we're married) ( fine I'll marry you in a couple of years you all ready come over every day tomorrow you can go get your stuff but I'm leaving for 2 months I'm going to space for plutos core)( your still doing that just come home alive and in one piece)