
Life of lay

The growth of 1 girl can change lives...

Queen102 · Teen
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38 Chs

I am back

HELLO EVERYONE I HAD A SHORT BREAK I hope y'all liked my story I promise I will update more 😂. So how's life? Mines is pretty sucky right now. My mom had a bf. So far that is now her ex. Her ex was actually cool it was just her. My mom doesn't know how reality is. She is soooooo bipolar. Everything kinda hurts you know? Since my grandmother passed away nothing has been the same. I haven't left this house in a month and 6 days already. I'm kinda wondering what would life be like if my grandmother was still here. I will keep y'all updated with everything I was also shocked by the bumper of views when I came back. Oh ye follow me on Instagram at @evanclans