

Who is the ugly and no job and lazy person.

That person name is Chris Brown.

He walk on the park then saw one girl named as Natasha.

He loved her entire 3 years .

Then final he said to her I love you but she refused because she is a football player .

Continously asked in 10 days she refused then last day he asked i take to you coffee shop . She realize then go to drink coffee and talk to each other and she thinks he is good person.

One day her team leader is a man that person saw that romantic view of her and her friend.

Don't play the game go to home and marry him.

Brown getting angry he bet him you play with me .

Teams are all seeing him like lazy person he don't know any rules of this game and then his team ready to play game but Natasha thinks he is don't know anything about this game don't play .

He refused and played well .

Never get that kick he kicked well in the game play . She was surprised