
First Day

If there is one thing I learned in this world is that everything is ran by balance

And if the slightest chance that balance is tipped everything is turned into chaos

There are no winners without losers

Fate rules everything....or so we thought.

The principal stood before the class and gave a short announcement. "Please Welcome Kai Nodachi he'll be transferred from the Recon Class to the Combat Class starting from Today." As the principal walked out whispers went around the class as the rest took a look at the new student. "That's the new student? Just a weakling. He doesn't look like much. He's just a filthy commoner. I'll teach him his place soon enough." Kai walked to his seat but before he sat down he stopped at the table in front of his. "You know if all you ever do is look down on people you'll never get stronger than your current state. While those you look down on grow stronger you'll just get weaker until you're reduced to the state of nothing". He went to his seat and surprisingly the rest of the day actually went quite smoothly. "Principal are you sure he's the right person for this mission? His stats don't look so good." The principal tossed his assistant a file. "There's no one else who would be qualified in this school. Have you ever heard about The Demon of Gaizo Highschool?" The assistant opened the file. "I don't think I have sir?" The principal grinned for a while then started to speak. "That file you're reading turn to the next page." The assistant turned the page she had a stunned look on her face. "Oh my God he used to be rank #1 on the national combatants list. Why go through the trouble of making yourself look so weak if you were that great?" The principal hesitated before he answered. "I don't know what happened but it seems that his power was both a bless and a curse. "