
Life Of Bolton: Hiden Evil

Reborn as Domeron Bolton

Nisiris · TV
Not enough ratings
27 Chs


285 AC

"My lord, my lady, it was a pleasure to stay there, and hopefully, once Sansa is older or you bear another child, I could visit again." I bent my head down in a show of deference, Eddard nodded his head, and Catelyn actually smiled at me, she already hugged me back where there were fewer eyes, as to not spring rumors of the too friendly lady of the castle or such, me being a child or not was not a factor...

I already bade goodbye to Robb, who took me leaving with a straight face, even if it clearly hurt him watching his friend leave, and Jon, Jon took it worse, he still tried to keep a straight face but was miserably failing.

"Not that I couldn't visit at other times, unfortunately, my father said he would teach me about ruling and being lord, so I would have nowhere time to visit, but if you want, you can ask your father to visit my family castle, and I will show you around," I spoke, making Robb gain curious expression, and Jon almost nodded his head in wanting but stopping himself as they both looked at their father, who looked at them and then at me with an unreadable expression, of course, Catelyn took it much worse, but hopefully she understood that this was just friend wanting to show his friends his home...

And as I bided my final goodbyes, I left the castle with my four guards and a few Stark men, as the rest of my forty-six guards waited outside of the town gates.

As we slowly rode from the Winterfell, I did go through my goals, or rather the ones I was able to accomplish at first, I wanted to scout Winterfell for blacksmiths, but then, it could spell disaster for me if I would actually manage to poach Eddard's men, so I gave up on that idea, no need to give Eddard reason not to like me...

Another was meeting with Luwin, the old Maester seemed not to mind my presence in his study and actually seemed to like answering my academic questions, seeing me more curious than the rest of Northern folk, which wasn't a surprise, this rigid cold weather could make people ignore academic or things that had nothing with the survival...

The biggest news I managed to obtain was that Qyburn was already exiled out of the Citadel, making my mind race as I tried to remember where he went then, I thought something about a brave word and Essos mercenaries.

That said, getting word to the man you never met or know where is, is much harder than I thought, and if I wanted to get him, I would need to use some of my father's men...

As we rode, I looked at the side where I saw a familiar building...

"What is that building?" I asked one of Stark men, who suddenly seemed to wish to burry themselves into the ground.

"That's whore house milord." It was one of my men who answered me, making me look at Ricker, one of my few guards, with a lifted eyebrow.

"Ah, I see, I don't mind what you are doing in your free time, as long as both parties are willing." I nodded my head, and Ricker seemed to smile.

"Oh, they are very willing milord, especially when given more coin." Huh, he was quite daring, but then, I tried to project an air of acceptance, and he actually told me what I wanted, a five-year-old child or not, so punishing him for something good was a big no-no in my books how to by seen as good lord...

"Not like I have these needs you men seem to have." I mused, still, I remembered one particular beauty whore Rose or something, who ended in a quite tragic death, being used as a living target by a monster boy who didn't even know how to shoot a crossbow...

Tragic, but that was how it was, I didn't plan to save her, at least not yet, I knew that once my hormones came back, I would need to be careful about my decisions or let my dick ruin my plans, it would be better if I had just a few bedwarmers, Myranda, Violet and Tansy I think?

Not like I wanted to fuck all Ramsay women, but he did have a good eye for them, and if things are going my way, then he never would ever even see them...

With these thoughts, we finally arrived at the gates where Stark men bid us farewell as we were joined with the rest of my men and quickly made our way from Stark lands...

The travel was, again, without much problem, I didn't know why all these fics used bandits, when common sense, something even bandits have, surely tells them that attacking a lord or convoy of men is a bad idea for them...

It took a few days, but we were again back to Bolton lands, and the change was eyeopening, where Stark lands are lusher, the Bolton lands were more barren...

Still, just like I planned, we stopped in a few places, especially the villages and taverns, why villages?

Well, when I was on the way to the Stark's, I chose the more faraway villages from the Dreadfort to try to coerce people to follow me back into the castle, especially learned men, I knew I couldn't take the sole blacksmith in the village, that would spell disaster for the village, but I could take their apprentices if they had more than one and were willing to follow me, quite a few joined us on our travel, by the time we arrived to the first tavern I visited on the journey to the Stark's, days already went by, and we were joined by ten blacksmith apreantices and one old man who already gave his position to his son, leaving him with free time, and my offer was like god sent to the man who entire life worked with his hands and now no longer could, men like him knew they already were a burden on their already poor families, so my offer that would make him earn coin that he can send back to his family, and offer that could make him again somehow useful was god sent to him, all he needed was to teach the apreantices I gathered his wisdom and skill, something the old man had time on as he no longer needed to work with his own hands himself...

After that, we spent the night in the tavern, making the wenches again squeal in delight as they remembered me and now welcomed me with warm feelings, I actually took a good look at the women who seemed to wish to woo me? Become my bedwarmers or mistresses?

By this world standard, they were quite lookers, of course, the youngest already being fourteen years old, thus almost double my age, her older sister being sixteen, and their mother who was first to call me cute twenty-eight, women in this place were young parents...

I could see their looks, eyes that told me they were tired of being just wenches, not even for a second did I think they actually truly liked me, not like they even truly knew me, all they knew was that I was Bolton heir, and that was all they needed...

And at the same time, I knew that having sex partners would make my dick, once he starts making himself a problem for me, was a good idea, as there was nothing worse than having all that authority power and being pent up from all that stress or tunability to wet my cock...

I threw the idea of them serving in the castle as my maids to them when I went to sleep, and in the morning, they were already packed, all too happy to leave with me.

Well, now that I would see them more, I guessed their names needed to be remembered, the youngest fourteen-year-old, brunette with a still child body and baby fat cheeks was Astrid, the elder sister who already had a childbearing body with nice tits was Frida, again she had the same hair, being brunette but much more curly hair, and finally, their mother who had still youthful appearance, even if the toll of being tavern wench showed on her body and face was still a looker, who actually reminded me of Ygritte but much older version, with her name being Estrid...

They had quite Norse names, well North was quite Norsen land, minus Vikings and such...

"Milord, we arrived."

Ah, home sweet home, you still look like horror castle shit...