
Life of an Africa Single Mom

Oly_Mandy · History
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Who is a Single Mom

YES! I got those questions a lot and it seems so embarrassing that a gown up woman doesn't know what a single mom means. not necessary a woman living alone with a child or more

not a woman trying to survive alone with a house full of family and relatives. a married woman could also be a SINGLE MOM, Oh YES you heard me right. I wished to not make you feel less loved or probably make you feel sad. I wished to make you understand and acknowledge the truth which might feel awkward.

now a single mom is one who pays ALL her BILLS and that of the child or children.

a woman who RUNS all errands at home and office

a woman who pays the Rent,

a woman who OVER SEES every damn thing in the house

a woman who assist in everything for either both family,

a woman who acts as mother, cook, father, teacher, doctor, friend and playmate.

a woman who pass through fire, ice and river to ensure the safety of her child.

a protector who fight for her children freedom, who shield her offspring, who had numerous sleepless night

a woman that cries through out the night and in the morning acts as strong as a lioness

woman who go hungry days to ensure her child eats the best meal

a woman who go extra mile to provide for her family

a woman who endure pains and sorrows, whom through her pain gains strength to pull through

a woman who have pass through pains and gained something through the sorrow

a broken woman who have wished she never gotten married

a broken woman who has wished to turn back time to her youthful period

a woman who have endure unspeakable insults and unnecessary blames

a woman who have been subjected to domestic violence

a woman who have chosen to keep quiet even when she's in pains

a woman who doesn't have an opinion or a say to already concluded matter

a woman who summits to good or evil just to save her broken lonely marriage

a woman who can't render help to her own parents and family without the consent of her spouse. which is what ever you intend to give or offer to your family from your own pocket and establishment, your spouse must give you a go ahead before you can help your family

in most cases he convert everything in favour of his family leaving you and your family with nothing.

some would question what prompt her to inform her spouse.... it's TRADITION. most tradition has done more harm than good. in any case you help your family with out the consent of your spouse, you run Mad.. too pathetic right?

a woman who protects her spouse more than her children

a woman who don't feel loved, who live in shadow of her self

woman who have in one time or another choose to end her life, to end it all

thousands of women have given up and had died due to the unspeakable things done to them, thousands are in deep depression and thousands had choose to die. now The truth is she is a single mother, she bears everything and does everything alone

is she not a SINGLE MOM?

a woman who lives with a healthy strong man and have pass through all these is a STRONG SINGLE MOM living with a horrible insecure cheating man who neglects his position.

single moms are not necessary divorced or someone who had a child out of wedlock. YES, you can be married and still be SINGLE MOM