
Life of Ace Mikaelson (the originals fanfic

Reincarnated into the world of the supernatural after a boring life in his original world, our MC Ace is given some wishes and told to make things entertaining for both him and ROB. I own anything from the originals except for my OC and any OC characters I may create in the future.

LonerZN · TV
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21 Chs

Chapter 12: Setting Off

Looking at me with respect and horror, Lief got up from his seat and down on one knee. "I, Lief Erikson, pledge to follow my lord until my last breath, or the gods shall strike me down.

A smile made its way on my face as I retracted my hands, causing the storm outside to settle, leaving only a drizzle. "you have made the right choice Lief, and you will not regret it. Now let us go get your brother." I said, making my way to the door with Lief following behind.

As we exited the alehouse, we saw a figure running towards us. Once the figure got closer, we identified him as Lief's brother Erik. "Brother, did you see that storm just now? I swore that the gods were about to destroy the village!"

Reaching us, Erik started shooting questions causing both me and Lief's eyes to twitch until Lief interrupted him. "Calm down, Erik; I know about the storm; it's over, so stop worrying about it. Come meet-" When he was about to introduce me, we realized that I had never told him my name.

"I am Ace Mikaelson, and I would like you and your brother to join me on my journey," I told him, causing him to look confused and turn to his brother for answers. Pulling him to the side, Lief whispered some stuff to his brother, ensuring he knew what was happening, what I offered, and the power I showed. Finding out that I was the cause of the storm, Erik looked at me with surprise and admiration.

Finishing their talk, both returned to me, with Erik coming before me and dropping to one knee. "I, Erik Erikson, pledge to follow my lord until my last breath or the gods shall strike me down." With Erik finishing his pledge, I gained two new partners.

"Alright, boys, take today to get your affairs in order, and we will set out immediately," I told them. Receiving nods from the two, we separated, with me finding a place to stay for the night and the two brothers getting their stuff together for the next day.


(Lief POV)

Today was one big surprise for me as I met a man who appeared out of nowhere, asking my brother and me to join him on the journey he was planning to take across the lands. At first, I thought he was just another man boasting without the strength to back it up, but then he stretched a finger making my mug float, and his words still rang in my head when I asked him if he had proof to back his claims. " Because I have power beyond your understanding, and this era is just a stepping stone on my way to being king." then I saw him raise his hand upwards to the ceiling and suddenly thundered and roared, lightning flashed, and the winds howled causing the alehouse to shake.

The power that the man, if I could him, wielded was like the power of the gods in the old fables said to us by the elders in the village. After seeing his passion, I gave up any resistance and pledged to him. Once I did, he retracted his abilities, and we left to find my brother; after seeing him, I told him about what I witnessed and ensured that he also made his pledge.

He gave us a day to get our stuff together and said that we would begin our journey at first light, and I honestly have to say that I am excited; this is what I have been waiting for, the opportunity to do something bigger than I could ever achieve staying here in the village. The chance to gain more glory than I ever could have here.

Packing my stuff, I looked over to my brother, who was excited to get out of the village, probably for the same reasons as me. "Erik, we are finally going to do something meaningful in this life," I said, turning to him. "That is right, brother, if what Lord Mikaelson says is true, then we shall be able to gain the glory that would leave our names in history to be remembered by those for generations after us."

Little did the two brothers know that their names would be remembered for far more than the current journey they would be going on and would be feared by the world as the 'Two Demon Heads.'


(Ace POV)

As the sun rose for the next day's start, I stood at the village entrance waiting for the two brothers to arrive. About a few minutes later, they appeared from within the village, making their way to the meeting point.

"Good morning, gentlemen; I take it that you have gotten everything you needed to do in order?" I said, looking over at them.

"Yes, lord, we are all set to leave when you are ready," Lief replied respectfully.

"That's good, then let us set off; I have no set direction; we will just choose a random direction and make our way until we come across another village. The ultimate goal, though, is to find a man named King Olaf." I said as I started to walk in a random direction.

"King Olaf? Are you serious, lord? He is the king of the surrounding areas and has an army of his own; how will we kill him with the three of us?" Erik asked in disbelief at the end goal of this journey.

"Technically, I could do it while strolling there, but where is that fun? We will leave him for last while we walk around the lands, and who knows, maybe we will find some interesting people to join our group," I replied as a smile made its way onto my face at the prospect of that happening.

"Well you're the one in charge lord we are just here along for the ride, just don't lead us to Valhalla too early, i still haven't found a wife yet." Erik said, wiping a fake tear from his eyes.

"Yeah yeah, do not worry about it, you will probably have more than one in the future." I said waving my hand at his antics. "Let us go have a fun adventure shall we boys?."

"Yes lord!" x2

With that we made our way in a random direction not knowing where the road was taking us but wherever it was would just be the start as the whole of Norway would know our names in the future.