
Life of a stepping stone - as a villain

When fate chooses you to be a stepping stone, for its chosen son to shine - what do you do in return. Accept it? Wait to die? Hope that the next life will be better? Or fight back. Against fate, against those protagonist, and against everyone. Ali Arya, the handsome and happy young master of the Arya family. The man who had everything - a loving family, a childhood sweetheart, a friend who's more like a brother, and followers who'll not hesitate to die for him. Yet all this love and luxury was only supposed to last until the day he met his fateful enemy - the chosen child of destiny. But as they say, if Good has a God, then the darkness has a devil. And the Devil did found him. [Ding - The Great Villain System 2.0 is here.] [Worry not oh pitiful prey, for I'll turn you into the finest hunter in creation.] [Devil smiles staring at the blind canvas of this planet.] [Paint it red.] From then on Ali started his counterattack against the so called will of the world and fought against all the chosen sons and his enemies. The roles had reversed now. Those protagonists can just be his stepping stones now. As for those heroines, well since these heroes like snatching the girls from others, he shall let them have a taste of what it feels like to be on the other side. To be abandoned and be green'd. ## Join my discord for character arts and discussions https://discord.gg/zFTJsYP7kM DevilDarkness#0506

DevilDarkness · Urban
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94 Chs

Liv and Love

After the dinner with everyone that lasted for nearly an hour since Aliya kept playing around with Shashi, teasing her and forcing her to eat 'one more bite' until the little girl had a visible bulge on her belly and fell into her chair like a log, just ready to topple and roll to the side at slightest touch.

Ali wanted to stop and help her but seeing how happy both of them looked he just let them be, surprisingly the little girl didn't cry for her mommy or threw any tantrum on missing home the whole day which was making him worry since he didn't know what to tell her if she did.

Maybe it was because Aliya made sure she didn't leave the little girl alone even for a moment since she saw her crying last time. She even scooped up Shashi and took her back to her own room saying they'll share and sleep together.

How they even got so close in just half a day, he wasn't even sure. Maybe due to Aliya's cheerful personality or Shashi's funny antics, whatever it was he was glad as long as they were happy.

"She's adorable." Liv said as she heard a few giggles coming from upstairs.

Looks like the heavy sleep and snoring both of them boasted at the dinner table left as soon as they reached their room.

Ali shook his head with a smile, saying "She is."

"Did you find anything about her parents or any relatives?" Liv asked as she looked at her side, watching him as for the first time he was actually with her. Not there and still checking his phone from time to time or talking about that bitch at every turn, but with her wholeheartedly.

She didn't give herself any hope as she didn't want to feel disappointed again, but it did feel nice.

Ali, unaware of her gaze or thoughts, just heard her question and answered back, "Not yet," He said, a hint of frustration evident in his voice. "Emily sent her photo to the police, and I've asked Rangaa to see if he can find anything, but so far both have been silent."

"You're in touch with that guy?" Liv asked, hearing the name of Rangaa.

"He was the one who came to meet me today." Ali informed her.

"What did he say?" She asked, curious for more details.

"He gave me two month's time to kill Kevin, before he takes matters into his own hands." Ali replied, his tone turning serious as he mentioned the bastard's name.

"Two months?" Liv asked, feeling confused over why would anyone need that much time to kill a single person. When she can just hire a hitman and get it done in like two hours at most.

Ali chuckled seeing her response, guessing she really is a villainess, but pushing that thought aside, he answered back. "I don't want him to have a painless death. I want him to be sad, to suffer, to break and beg for mercy only to realize he got nothing left, no one left. I want him to regret taking Shiva's life in every breath he takes from this moment on. And finally I want to watch as he curses the gods whom he prays to, and then when I'm satisfied, I'll kill him, with my own hands."

The mention of Kevin alone had brought forth a coldness in Ali's voice as he became the source and vent for all his hatred. Liv just listened to his words at the side and furrowed her brows. This was the first time she had seen him be so cold and determined. And she.. liked it.

A small imperceptible smile came to her face as she looked at Ali and found him even more pleasing to her eyes at this moment. But being who she is, it didn't cause her to stumble in her words or the questions she had next.

"Just tell me if you need any help." She said, "And don't take him lightly and go fighting alone like last time, he's become a _ stronger." Liv said remembering the reports she got from her guards about how Kevin has created an invincible reputation of sorts in his colony, where in the past 3 days alone the man had fought and beaten over two dozen people and won every time.

The guy who was eyeing his sister was lying in hospital now with broken bones and crippled jewels. As for the other platoon of ruffians in that area, all those were taught a lesson by Kevin's hands too.

Ali, who heard her words, wasn't surprised by Kevin's fighting skills, if anything he knew best of what Kevin could do since he had received the same skills as the protagonist, but the fact that Liv knew it brought a smile to his face.

"You're keeping an eye on him?" He asked.

"Well, he is your enemy, isn't he? It's better to be safe, than sorry." Liv replied, not at all embarrassed about her open display of worry or affection.

"I _ should go back. Dad would be worried if I'm late." She gave a lousy excuse and chose to leave, as she saw Emily coming towards them, with a glass of water and Ali's medicine in her hands.

"Take care of him." She said to Emily and stood up to leave.

Ali looked at Liv leaving and thought for some time before rushing to catch up to her when she crossed the gate of the mansion. "Just give me a minute." He said to Emily and left to follow her.

"Liv," He shouted when he saw her getting into the car. "Can I _ talk to you for a minute?" He said with some hesitation as she turned back and looked at him with confused eyes. "Just wanted to say something important." He added, worried she might leave.

Liv looked at him and then at the time on her watch '11:25 pm' and nodded her head.

Seeing her still standing there by her driver, Ali signaled her with his head to walk a little away, "Let's take a walk," He said, to which she complied and followed him.

"What happened?" She asked, when they were both alone at the edge of the garden, under the open sky filled with a full moon and the blanket of night missing the twinkling stars due to all the lights and pollution of the city.

"Beautiful, isn't it?" Ali ignored her question and said as he looked at Liv, who was busy looking at the scenery around her.

"It is." She said, and turned her attention back to him, finding his gaze fixed on her instead. For a second a tinge of blush did crept on her face, but she controlled her emotions as fast as they surfaced and returned to normal. "So what did you want to talk about?"

Hearing her question Ali's expression turned a little serious, as he looked at her and apologized. "I'm sorry." He said, looking into her eyes, catching the slight movement his words caused.

"For what?" She said, meeting his gaze instead of looking away.

"For being a dick." Ali replied smiling as he saw her lips curling up a little too. "I shouldn't have ignored all your feelings and everything else. I've hurt your emotions, hurt you and our friendship for years now, so for all of that, I'm sorry."

Liv, who heard his serious words of confession closed her eyes as every little memory of when she waited, missed and cried as she couldn't have him with her came to her mind, but when she opened those eyes again, she looked no different than before. Her emotions calm, breathing normal, the perfect face ever so pretty and peaceful except a bit of relief and sadness flickering deep within her expressions that she tried to hide behind her facade. She wished to hear those words for so long, but over time she kind of gave up on that hope too.

To her, hope is scary. Cause it only brings more tears and disappointment when it shatters in pieces.

"You don't have to apologize, Ali." she said, looking at him closely "It's not your fault that I fell in love, is it?"

"No. Maybe. I don't know." Ali said, shaking his head, not even sure when the childhood friendship of theirs turned into something more for Liv. Maybe it was before he could even understand love himself, or maybe after when he was too busy pleasing Aarvi that he chose to ignore her.

"I don't know that answer, but I do know that I've hurt you, and that I don't want to do that again, not anymore." Ali said, moving closer to her a step until he could hear the sound of her breathing.. "So_ if you're still willing to give me a chance, I hope we can start again."

"Ali…" Liv said with some hesitation in her voice as she tried to step back. Before Ali grabbed her hand and stopped her.

"I'm serious, Liv." Ali said, holding both her hands in his and pulling her close. "It's not cause I had a fight with her, or am having a sad meltdown, or want to make her jealous or something else, it's not that. I want you_ with me."

"If you break my trust again, I will kill you." Liv said in a serious tone as she hugged him to hide the sight of her a few tears that crept up in her eyes.

"I'll try not to." Ali said jokingly, changing the mood to something light, as he hugged her back, but grimaced in pain as Liv tightened her grip.

"I'm sorry" He said seriously again, as she let go of her tight grip and just stayed like that.

"I love you." Liv mouthed the words silently, but couldn't bring herself to say it out loud, while Ali just closed his eyes, enjoying the hug and the feeling of relief in his heart that he didn't lose her yet.

'For all the pain I've caused you till now, I promise to stop every suffering this destiny has planned for you in the future.' Ali seriously said in his heart remembering the appraisal of fate he saw in Liv's life.


[Name - Olivia Roy. ]

[Age - 23 years. ]

[Parents - Siddharth Roy & Zara Sahai. ]

[Role - Main Villainess. ]

[Title - Lovesick, Blackened, Mad girl. ]

[Destiny - Pure black. ]

[Emotion range - Love (+91)


Click to expand🔻

—Main Villainess - A girl destined to stand against the chosen son of destiny until her last breath.

—Lovesick - A girl hopelessly in love with someone to ever get out of his shadow and shackles. Can do anything and everything for her love. (Awakened)

—Blackened one - Someone whose heart turned dark, and whose life lost all sense or purpose, except the negativity surrounding them. They're bound with no rules - no morals, afraid of no laws - no punishments. A real threat to themselves and everyone around them. ( Not yet awakened)

—Mad girl - A girl destined to live her life in the shadows of madness until the clutches of death consumes her soul.

—Pure Black - Someone destined to lose everything in their life. A life filled with misery and pain, yet no relief of death for a long long while. Life a living hell.


Author note --- how was this chapter. Did u like it? How's Liv? Lovely??

If the answer is yes throw a review, a couple pf powerstones for her.

And if you're feeling extra itchy and generous might as well send that wedding gift a dragon/castle Or spacecraft for Ali and Liv's happy marriage life and sweet honeymoon in advance.