
Life of a Novice Writer

For 365 days I will talk about random things I may or may not be able to tell people in real life. As a beginner in writing, I will tell stories about my life, while hoping to improve my writing skills. Can't guarantee it will be everyday due to the author's mentality.

V0VIE · Urban
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38 Chs

Day 19 "Self made Q & A"

Still dizzy~

Hey hello welcome! To the self made Q & A!

1. Why are you often dizzy?

Not sure. And we're too broke to know right now~

2. What the fuck are you doing?

Same~ Not completely sure what I'm doing either.

3. Why is question no. 3 that way?

Because I'm dizzy and wanted some laughs. Like I just wrote in a notebook and now I've been dizzy for at least an hour now I think.

4. Are you single?


5. Has anyone asked you out before?

Not really. Had some people crushing on me but yeah. No one.

6. Any past romantic relationships?

It's complicated. First time I confessed...let's just say never again. Maybe I'll talk about it in another chapter. I dunno.

7. How often are you anxious/depressed?

If not everyday, then most days.

8. Do you prefer the outdoors or the indoors?

Indoors. But going out every now and then is okay.

9. What do you do when you're anxious?

Try not to think about it too much. I tend to overthink, so that's my first step. Usually doesn't work, but hey, we tried. I just thought I seriously need help. But therapy is expensive. So aside from that, I drink warm water and try to cheer up myself.

10. Do you plan to go back to school? If so, what course are you going to pick?

Yes. Not sure about getting accepted to a school but yes. I'll at least try to think about it.

As for the course....something related to language maybe? Haven't picked one yet. But I'm sure we're not picking any courses where what they're learning is mainly about technology.

11. Can you tell us more about your previous course?

Sure. It was IT. Information Technology. It's a course where we learn about technology and coding among many other things. We made our own brochures was it? Pretty proud of that one. Mostly did the work 'cause I didn't want to disappoint my partner and make a bad first impression. Just asked for their opinion and let them translate some words. Yes, I overthink even such things.

It's a cool course. Pretty cool actually. Prayed for it and thank God I got in. I'm happy I got in because I was on the waiting list for that course. And if your grades go down below a certain point or something they take you out of that course because it's limited. So I felt lucky to be accepted. And felt hope that maybe I wasn't such a hopeless case after all. It was okay.

Until I experienced the following months being an IT student. Had to reschedule some subjects because they conflict with other things, had to stare at screens for long periods of time that didn't help with the anxiety and the anxiety. Not gonna lie, I've had my fun moments. And overall it's not that hard. Except for the fact that I later realized I don't like it as much as I expected and was the course I picked, only because I thought it's the best course that could help me, from the school my relatives wanted me to be in because it's convenient. I didn't like the other choices either. The other courses I mean.

So yeah. There's more details. And many months later I dropped out.

I'll stop it here 'cause I'm anxious again because I fucking brought up the past and remembered some not so pleasant memories.

So I'll maybe watch some mlp...or funny videos.

Until next chapter!
