
The beginning

memories were distant as I tried 2 recollect the events that transpired to lead me too were I am now...I started out n ky uh place called out of Spence if I even spelled it right the name has changed over tyme but I digress.....It was once a place that I never wanted 2 leave the majority of our family was up there...Dad my oldest daughter shouted as she came threw the door from school .....admittedly I was tired after a 6hr shift...wat could she possibly want now I sighed Dad there was this man up the street up from our house crewhe....was older guy he was tryin 2 talk 2 me he said some nasty stuff 2 me....!!! wat!!! I exclaimed where did this happen even tho she told me already I was pretty pissed show me I said I didn't notice then her hesitance to take me so she proceeds to take me up the street we c 2 people one n the middle of traffic the other sitting absentmindedly on some steps of a building I ask her 2 point them outlook who did it she pointed at the man sitting on the steps I approach the man I was hot I cant even lie I said alot of shyt but n my mind the worse that could happen is that we would end up fighting he was slightly older so it wasn't the case of me picking on some one he flatly denied any wrongdoing as the arguement started to escalate a police officer happened 2 come by n broke up r arguement n made both parties go there seperate ways they words that he spoke haunt me 2 this day.....its cool ima c u ...at that monent I thought nothing of it ....little did I know that encounter would change my life forever....