
Valtor Shade

Following the guide map towards the red dot on his watch, which showed the pathway to his capsule, Rio reached there.

Taking the VR headgear placed near the capsule on a table, he just took a long breath and placed it over his head. It covered half his face. After adjusting it carefully, he pressed the button at the side with his thumb and the headgear was turned on. The digital display came to life, projecting a transparent screen in front of his eyes. Various notifications started appearing in front of him.

[Initiating Biometric Scan...]

[Initiating Retina scan… ]

[User Identification Confirmed: Rio Blake]

With the scans and identification complete, Rio stepped into the capsule. The interior was a pristine and sterile space, lined with sensors and equipped with a softly padded floor to ensure the user's comfort.

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