
Life of a Mafia: A shadow reborn

Melony_Rodriguez · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 5: A new society

It's been three years since I left my family there are some choices one would have to make sometimes it's hard to make the right one especially when you're the leader of a group now this week me and the crew are trying to figure out where our next heist will be everyone just kept arguing all day until I came across an unknown familiar they kept giving me Intel on the best robberies and exactly where to get the money I kept thinking it would either be someone I once knew or someone I was close to so one day when I came across the unknown familiar again I asked for the name turns out it was my sister Akaria but that wasn't all it was also my older brother I don't know why they would help me mother and father forbade them talking to me since they saw me as a traitor once I explained of my doings they forgave me.

Alex came to me a week later saying that he found a new heist I was head over heels for it after graduating from the top five in the Academy I couldn't think of anything else to do at this point I was speechless I don't know what to say I didn't know what to do I couldn't even think straight so anytime something like that would happen I would either leave one of my siblings in charge or I would leave Alex in charge however I knew I picked the right people because they've been by my side for almost three years now I guess there are somethings in life that some may expect and some may not life is full of secrets and I want to uncover some let's see where fate leads us...