
Life of a Mafia: A shadow reborn

Melony_Rodriguez · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 2: Dealing with the devil

It was day two of trying to help my family and things weren't going well, Alex started to tell me to do things for him and I couldn't say no to him if I did he wouldn't pay me the money I needed to help them however I needed to pass my final exams and my final classes so once school was over I went to the same meeting place but Alex wasn't there then out of the blue someone tried to put a bag over my head but when I tried to shoot I missed but I was able to put a bullet in the forearm but that wasn't enough they put the bag on my head and took me to a location where no one would look, in the old abandoned hospital downtown. "You got her?" said an unknown person and once the others took the bag off I didn't know where I was at and then the person in black just gave me a uniform and untied me...

When I tried to explain of my doings they gave me an option to either join them or my family would know the truth of my doings so I made my decision of joining them for the sake of my family "you don't recognize me Diana?" said the person in black and once they revealed themselves to me and it was Alex Reveres, Regina Caldwell, Thomas Kent, Alyson Reveres and Damian Millers. "Well, if it isn't my old friends...if you wanted my attention you could've asked me" but Alex explained that they needed me because I knew everything of different banks, traps, and mafia groups so they needed my intelligence "come on Diana you can be one of us actually doing things you like without people telling you that you can't so...what do you think?" said Damian and I really had to think this through so I said yes and I made sure no one found out of my doings for the rest of my days...