
Life of a Mafia: A shadow reborn

Melony_Rodriguez · Fantasy
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15 Chs

Chapter 11: Ain't no crying

Ever since I declared my rule over the family business I exposed my parents for the fools they are and I kept being annoyed by the press saying, "what will I do?" or "What will happen to the company and your family legacy?" I was so sick of hearing this, I was so sick I wanted to shut down the family company and decided to make one that's fully capable of being the richest muti-millionaire in the world. However, I couldn't sleep for 2 weeks and well...I am tired, terribly upset, and wanting to actually do something it's bad enough one of my crew says I'm close to depression well you see... I think they might be right.

My next plan wasn't they expect one even said "this plan? Does it have any blind spots and boss? Did you even sleep?" so I answered and said "the plan is fine; I don't care if I slept and no this does not even have any blind spots. Now I need someone to make sure our recruits are ready for field work" our new recruits were merely 10 – 20-year-olds now I started around age 13 so we would need a facility and training system that's where our bombing site would be. I didn't take no for an answer when it came for recruits and yet well...I didn't care one bit for my parents disrespect! some even call me a "villain" or a "Hero" I'm neither I can do things heroes nor villain can't do so don't even think of testing me because you'll regret dealing with "Portadora de dolor y Muerte".