
Life of a God in the Multiverse

This is an Autobiography of a God, from the moment he died, up to the point he reins supreme over the entire Multiverse. Follow Soren as he tells us about his life, and how sightseeing in the different worlds would cause him troubles befitting a God. Disclaimer!: I do NOT own any franchise that I may use in this Fan Fiction, and it is purely for entertainment, and mental relief for fantasy. All work goes to their proper creators... Please support the Official release! Disclaimer 2: The cover image is not my picture, it's just a representation of what I assume the main character Soren would look like, I will take it down if you show proof that you own the picture and wish me to take it down

God_King_Soren · Anime & Comics
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71 Chs

Chapter 9: Becoming a Ninja

Soren graciously took the offer to stay with Minato and Kushina while the city began it's rebuilding stage, and after 4 months of the entire village putting in work, along with Soren helping out here and there, the village was once again functioning normally while Soren now had his own place. Funny enough, the place Soren moved into was the same building that Naruto was placed in in the cannon, but now that Naruto had a family to go home to, he never would move into this place.

'Hmm… I guess it would only be right to save Sasuke's family as well, but with the changes that happened so far, will the Uchiha even want to revolt?... Will Danzo even find a reason to have the Uchiha massacred?': soren

Only time could tell, and like that, a few days had passed, and just like old man Hiruzen promised, a Jonin Shinobi came by, and he was dressed in a green spandex suit with a red band tied around his waist boasting a metal plate with the Leaf villages emblem engraved on it. The man wore a light green flack jacket that was specific to the Jonin, and also wore orange leg warmers that went up to his knee, while he had blue open toed sandals on his feet. The man looked weird in all kinds of ways, from the way he dressed, to even his bowl shaped haircut, and bushy eyebrows, but the second Soren saw him, he wasn't disappointed, rather he was excited, as this man who looked like a fool from any direction you looked at him in, was by far the best Taijutsu master in all of existence, and was even praised as such by a roided up Madara Uchiha after he became a semi-god.

[Hello?... Anyone home?]: ???

Soren opened the door and saw the man known as Might Guy, or what most call him, Guy sensei, and then watched as Guy introduced himself.

[Hello!... My name is Might Guy, but you can call me Guy sensei, as I have been tasked by the Hokage to train you in Taijutsu to the best of my capabilities]: guy

Soren watched as Guy had introduced himself with a thumbs up before ending his introduction with a bright smile showing off his pearly white teeth.

[Nice to meet you Guy sensei… My name is Soren… So, when will we start training?]: soren

When Guy heard Soren's question, he began to take a liking to Soren, as Soren seemed eager to learn, and that's what Guy liked most in people.

[That's the spirit!... We can start now, and train till the sun sets to bring out the Youth within!]: guy

Soren was then dragged off by Guy, and was brought to the outskirts of the village, before Guy then began to tell Soren the plan.

[I heard about how strong you were from Kushina-chan, so I won't start off easy with our training… From here, we will do 500 laps around the entire village on our hands alone]: guy

Guy then began showing Soren how they would begin training, by doing a handstand, then he began to move around while still using his hands as his feet. Soren then began to copy this by performing a handstand of his own, and also began to move around, and after the two of them were more adjusted to using their hands to move around, Guy then gave the signal to start, and began taking off to finish his 500 laps, while Soren wasn't too far behind him.

'Even though I have no problem standing like this, it really is challenging to focus the hand eye coordination needed to run 500 laps around the village… And I don't want to cheat by holding my body up by flying': soren

Soren began running around the village with only his hands, and after 20 minutes, Soren had completed one lap, and began getting faster and faster, as his coordination was improving as well, and after 5 hours, Soren completed 500 laps around the village, and noticed Guy had just finished not but a few minutes before Soren.

[Great god Soren!... I didn't think you would be able to keep up with me there… Let's start moving into the forms used in Taijutsu]: guy

Soren then spent the next hour learning all the basics, and practicing them hundreds of times before he then began facing off with Guy to help better commit these moves into muscle memory.

[Here I come Soren… I'll be a bit slow at first to let you catch up, but don't expect me to stay slow for too long]: guy

Guy then charged towards Soren and threw a punch, to which Soren blocked with his right arm before countering with his left, only for Guy to catch Soren's punch and use his leg to attack Soren. Soren saw this and stepped out of the way, while lifting his own leg to kick towards Guy, but Guy saw this and caught Soren's leg, but was unprepared for the punch Soren threw towards his face, sending Guy flying back a bit, but he quickly regained his balance.

[That was quite good!... Keep it up and you will surpass me in no time!]: guy

After a few hours of sparing, Guy decided to call an end, and begin working on what he planned for the second half of the day.

[Okay… Next I will teach you some Shinobi battle tactics… You had requested for this, right?]: guy

Soren nodded his head, and Guy began teaching Soren about placing traps, and hiding from the enemy, while also teaching him information gathering, and after committing everything to memory, Soren was then forced to do some drills and commit them to muscle memory next.

[You are one quick learned Soren!... The power of Youth runs strong in you!]: guy

Guy gave Soren another smile along with a thumbs up, before Soren was allowed to go back home where he saw Minato waiting outside of his door for him.

[So, how was training with Guy?... I picked him because he is the best Taijutsu master we have, even if his methods seem a bit too exotic and far fetched, they work for him]: minato

[It was fine, and I learned a lot today… Thank you Minato]: soren

[No problem… It's the least I could do for the one who helped me and my wife stay with our child… So, how about you come over for some dinner? Kushina is making her own take on Ichiraku Ramen from old man Teuchi's place]: minato

[Sure!... I'd love to tase Kushina's cooking again]: soren

Minato then brought Soren back to his home where he saw Kushina cooking with Naruto sleeping in the crook of her arm.

[Good afternoon Kushina… How's Naruto doing?]: soren

[He's doing great!... You mind taking him for a bit? It's kinda hard to cook while holding a baby Ya'know?]: kushina

Soren came and took Naruto out of Kushina's arms, while he then went and sat on the couch along with Minato who seems drained from being Hokage.

[You seem kinda drained… Is that what being Hokage does to you?]: soren

[You have no idea… I get no breaks, and the ones I do get, I spend them sleeping… How can one person do it all?]: minato

Soren listened to Minato's complaints, and decided to sneak in a hint about using Shadow Clones to do the work for him, but he didn't want to say anything, as he wasn't supposed to know about them.

[Man… It would be cool if there were a Jutsu that could make multiple of the same person, as you could let the clone do the work for you, while you sit back and relax… But the only thing I know of is the Clone Jutsu, but they can't do any work, only be a distraction]: soren

When Minato heard Soren, a light went off in his head as he jumped up and shouted.

[Holy shit!... The Shadow Clone Jutsu!]: minato

[The what?]: soren

Minato then explained to Soren about the exact type of Jutsu Soren just explained about, and made Soren smile, as inwardly he knew about it, but now he was told about it, so there was no need to be mindful about the Jutsu.

[Dinner's ready!]: kushina

Kushina called out from the kitchen, and both Soren and Minato got up and went to sit down while Kushina took Naruto out from Soren's hands, and began breast feeding him under a cloth blanket. Soren then spent the rest of dinner with Minato and Kushina before heading back to his home and going to sleep. Then over the course of the next 2 years, Soren would train with Guy in the early morning, and train all the way until evening when he would go and eat dinner before heading to bed, and on the days Guy couldn't train with Soren due to being on a mission, Soren would train with Minato himself, while a clone would being doing his work. Over the course of these 2 years, Soren had come to the peak of Taijutsu and began fusing it with his own Martial Arts, and in the process accidentally added some Profound Energy into it, and created a new page in the System.

<{ Soren, you have created a very special form of Arts that have been imbued with Profound Energy… Please name this new form of Martial Arts}>

'Hmm… A new form of Martial Arts that uses Profound Energy?... Then can it be called Profound Martial Arts?... No, that's not domineering enough… How about the (Heavenly Void Emperors Profound Martial Arts)... Yeah, that sounds domineering, and is a mouth full when pronouncing': soren

<{ Registering Heavenly Void Emperors Profound Martial Arts as the new name for this style}>

'Awesome… I guess the last thing on my list is to get a Sword, then I can be considered a Cultivator, but maybe I can buy a nice one from the System store… Ava, how much is it to get a Zanpakuto?... If it's too expensive, I'll go to Bleach next and find a way to receive one': soren

<{There are many choices Soren… Let me compile them into a list from the most expensive to the cheapest…

Ryujin Jakka- 1 Million

Kyoka Suigetsu- 900,000

Katen Kyokotsu- 800,000

Sakanade- 700,000

Zangetsu- 600,000

Senbonzakura- 500,000

Nozarashi- 400,000

Benihime- 300,000

Unnamed Zanpakuto- 10,000

These are the best compilations of the ones suited towards you, as well as the cheapest}>

'Hey Ava… What is the Unnamed Zanpakuto?': soren

<{This is a blank Zanpakuto… Once it is wielded, it will form the user's Soul into the Zanpakuto, and in turn will become the heart of the sword, meaning if you die, so does your sword, and vice versa… It's a risky play, but could also be the strongest choice, as this Zanpakuto will only continue to grow with its user, and in the future, you can pass it on to anyone you deem worthy to wield this sword}>

'It does sound risky… But I was never one to back down from a gamble… But 10 thousand is a lot, I'll need to start hunting some beasts or bandits… Wow, I just realized, I've never killed anything since getting my 2 wishes and being reborn': soren

Soren then decided to take a day off from training, and went to the Hokage's office to talk with Minato, and seeing Soren, Minato came to greet him.

[So what are you here for today? Is Guy out on a mission? He shouldn't be, I haven't seen him come register one]: minato

[No… Actually, I was wondering if I could take a fe missions involving killing some rouge Nin, or killing bandits]: soren

Minato then began to ponder for a while before speaking.

[Under normal circumstances, I can't give you any missions without you being a Ninja of the Leaf… But I can make you a Ninja, I just need you to fill out some paperwork]: minato

[Great!... I'll become a Ninja]: soren

Minato then turned towards Soren while holding a few pieces of paper and handed them out towards him while speaking.

[Answer these questions and ace them… Then you are officially a Ninja of Konoha]: minato

Soren's smile turned into a frown, but in the end took the papers and began filling them out at a blinding speed, and after he finished, Minato graded the papers himself and then took a headband from inside of his desk, and presented it to Soren with a small speech.

[I present to you, Soren, the Headband of the Hidden Leaf village… Wearing this will forever make you a ninja of Konoha… Do you accept?]: minato

[Yes, I accept]: soren

[Then you are now officially a Konoha Ninja, and are of the Genin rank… Now, as the Hokage, I give you the right to promote to Jonin under the act of protecting and saving Konoha along with it's Hokage]: minato

Soren was shocked, as he never expected to be promoted to Jonin, as he never expected to become a Ninja, as he was just looking to take out some bandits and claim some rewards. Soren then walked out from the Hokage's office wearing a spare Jonin flak jacket, while he was having his Ninja license made, and was told to come back in a few hours, and only then could he start taking missions for the Hidden Leaf.

'Man… This has been one eventful day': soren