
Life, Obviously

Chakawak_Farida · Sci-fi
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13 Chs

chapter eleven

It gets two backed of ice cream, pacing for 15 minutes like my ass was on fire and 30 minute bath that finally I could clam down, a little bit.

Now I'm laying down in my bed, looking at ceiling, windows, walls, door, my closet or anything I could see in darkness of my room to distract my mind, but I can't obviously. I'm scared and here is these gut wrenching feeling that don't let me sleep. Is it normal if I say, I feel exited too? I don't know how, but as much as Edward's story seems crazy, like psycho crazy, I kinda believe it. But I don't want to believe him. He said he had an accident, maybe he seriously damaged his brain and all those changes voice and acting and pretending to be someone else were his sick games. I don't want to believe him, but I have witnessed enough crazy shits too. People always tell me that I actually differently an do here are times they tell me about things I already know, but I don't remember knowing about them or the times they tell me I told them something or did something that I don't remember and they sartorial acting like I'm fooling them and playing dumb.

Could it be real?

Am I some space princess?

And they worst of all, is Edward really my soul mate?

Huh, the last question answer it all. It can't be real, okay I had a crush on Edward and maybe I still have, but being soul mates? That is out of question. I can't just get a husband, soul mate and a different world out of blue, I'm seventeen, for crying out loud. It's fine to have a boyfriend or even its ok to have a fiance, but marriage and soul mates? No thanks. I don't know what to do with my life and suddenly they decided to give another life, another world and don't forgot, a husband! No karma, you may think that you are so generous, but you are still a bitch for me.

Noting is worst then a headache! With all the bullshit that Edward given me, not I should suffer this head wrenching unbearable headache too. Today I'm not going to school, I can't go to school like this. If a look at mirror I will totally face a zombie, because I'm acting and moving like one. It gets 10 minutes to finally brush my teeth and splash some cold water at my face. I will not go to school, I can't with my headache send that is the only reason!nothing else.

It 8:00 and I'm eating my breakfast as slow as possible and look at my family that are looking at me weirdly like I gain two head, maybe did who knows any. These days anything can happen and anything I mean ANYTHING!

"Mom I'm not going to school, too." Little brother said, crossing his arms at his chest and glared at me.

I just Rais an eyebrow, too lazy to responded.

Mom looked confused. "And why do prey tell us?"

"She is not going why I should go." He said pointing at me.

Again to lazy to respond.

"Your sister had headache Tomas, she can't go to school like that, everybody will be at our door asking why we beat her up." She said.

"Thanks, mom." I said.

She looked at me and smiled apologetically.

"I don't care if she stays, I will stay too." He said throwing his hands.

"Lower your voice, son." Said dad while typing on his phone.

"I don't want to go school just for one day!"he said groaning.

"You are going nowhere to school today young man, and you are doing it right five minutes later. So hurry up and finish your breakfast." Mom said purring dad one more cup coffee, he stop typing for one and kiss her hand.

"But mom-"

"No buts, young man do what your mom said. You don't want to push her, belive me." He said and winked at mom, she shake her head and said something about being charming. They are soooooo cute.

"He is kind of right dad, it's not fair, but life is not fair little brother." I said messing his hairs.

"Don't call be that." He said glaring at me.

"What? Little bro?"

"Dad tell her stop calling me that, I'm not little anymore, I'm almost 14."

Everyone start laughing.

"You are 12 Tomas." Mom said setting on her chair.

"I don't like it when she call me that. All my classmates laugh at me, i dont want them to laugh at me. And that is all her fault!"

"You don't want your all classmates laugh at you or it is just about Dora?" I said smiling for he first time today.


"Mira, behave. Don't tease him."

Little bro picked his tongue at me and I did the same.

"Anyhow, I feel better now and I should go to school, but I promise Mrs. Drake to help her in library. Today, she needs more help, she is expecting new books. And if you go to school, little bro, I promise to give you some new comic books, I'm sure they purchased new once too."

His dark brown eyes light up and he gives me one of his big big smile that whenever he wants something, he will give you that.

"I'm going to school today. I love school." He said nodding. And make all of us laugh again. He is really a bright kid, with his dark brown eyes, golden hair and that smile on his boyish face some day he will charm all world, I'm sure of that.

Little bro remind me to remember my promise and left. Minutes later dad left too after kissing granny on cheeks, me on head and secretly kissing mom at kitchen. I and granny pretended that we are so busy talking to each other. She goes to check her old-lady-friends. Grandpa leave to take care of garden and said something about how messy it becomes. It was me and mom. She wash dishes and I dry them with some soft fabric.