

The three guys were lost their way, "Where at Earth is this place" the mother asked but the "only thing I knew that this place is out of my command" the president whispered, the place is like an arena, we nervously entered the arena and all we saw is a chess field arena I was greatly amazed every time I look around my eye sight is covered with flashes and my ears is filled with loud voices of the audience, I felt that we doesn't belong here, the arena was huge every square is equivalent to a foot ball field, chess board has 63 squares, imagine how long can a human to complete a one lap in this kind of arena. A lady gives us a paper, the paper of information about this area, it said there that each person in this arena has a sport even the one give you this paper, you need to reach sportsman top list or just to survive this game for the whole lifetime, no one can get out when you already entered the arena.

Wait for the continuation

Tin_Juscreators' thoughts