
Good time

The wind blew faster from east, I knew that is the way how my luck flows around I entered a game I know it's way too much risky, even I only have 500 Sports Yen I offered the whole of it my enemy girl offered 1000.(After 5 minutes) I win the game the audience laughs while the other was paused, I heard the voice outside my bench room, "check in just three moves makes my bone out of stock", it splits me into two....." as the crowd laugh. The girl, she is running away with tears, i tried to catch her, finally she ended up in the Food court,"I know it's bad, sorry" I sadly apologies to her, "let me take back my mistake" I added, she keep crying until she get starved, she invited me to eat with her, "How did you get those moneys that you offered to the game" I carefully asked, "It's none of your clean businesses" she answered angrily, I went at the Host's Set and defend the girl I asked the crowd to take an apology to the girl, and the crowd shouted a one big sorry and that filled us both with happiness." Right now we will be partners" I said to aim her for alliance, my request was eloquent she agreed," Than" I introduced to her, "Ayura" she replied we give a hand shake to each other and that is greatly happy.