

iI try to inhale its soft energy. I choked. I wondered why the sun was so close to my face, and why wasn't it burning me? I reached out for the light source that was obviously not the sun. Ouch. it burned me. Well, I better get up before I start choking more. I wondered how -and why- I was choking on light. When I step out of the -what!- what is this place! I don't remember this! It looked kinda like a tree house, but bigger, one more on the ground. What is it? Oh! A window! I look out, and then, FINALLY! My precious sun! As I absorbed it's energy, the image of me choking was replaying in my mind. Over and over and over. What was that light source? I better ask someone. As I walked out of my bed. I was taken back by all the on-the-ground-treehouses. They were all SO tall! And the amount of people living on this island was breathtaking! How could THIS many people live here? I see people talking about me. They don't think I can hear them but I hear them loud and clear. They talk about my feet, I have no shoes on, and they talk about my hair. What's wrong with my hair? I was quite famous because of my hair before all of this. I wonder if I should try to go into one of these buildings. I walked in. Oh how embarrassing! I just walked in glass! I hope no one saw that as I walk in, I meet a receptionist. He eyes me suspiciously. Then he me a question I can't answer. "Who are you?"