
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
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79 Chs


We ended up running afoul of the New Fishman pirates alongside Hody Jones and Vander Decken our first day there. It didn't turn out well at all at first until I beat Vander Decken to death and forced Hody Jones to confess his sins to the kingdom. Hody Jones admitted to killing the queen and stealing the formula for some steroid like pills. In point of fact his own crew were now aging rapidly from overuse because my crew had beaten them down.

They were tossed into prison and we were celebrated for saving the island apparently. I hardly cared and instead went with Robin to see the Poneglyph. I perked up listening to Joy Boy's promise to raise Fishman island and his apology for failing. Still, it was enough and I carved my message into the side of the Poneglyph.

It wasn't much, but it was undeniable proof that I was there, that I existed and I wouldn't just go away. The king offered us a great deal including the treasure in his castle for protecting his daughter and finding the truth of how his queen died. I didn't want it and told him as much, telling him I'd make the same promise Joy Boy failed to keep.

This surprised him and even Jimbei alongside the princes as I told them my plan to bring the World Government down, raise Fishman island and free all the slave in the holy city, Fishman and not. I told them their people were prized, but the celestial dragons bought everyone equally and tortured them all for fun. I told them that I would bring the walls down and free this world from their grasp. I slammed my fist down and growled. "No one will be below or above anyone, no matter the species or status in society. An era of change is coming and I don't care if it kills me, I will forge this world into something better even if I do so alone!"

My words were punctuated by my terrifying haki that engulfed all of Fishman island yet refrained from harming anyone, like a sword poised and ready to strike but bound to a will greater than the skies themselves. Robin giggled and told the king to excuse me because I was quite passionate about my dream and they had to remind me I wasn't alone all the time.

The giants laughed and said I was definitely lively today. I huffed and sat back and asked the king if he would be the one to lead his people into the coming era or if he'd fight it because either way I was inevitable and change would happen. He thought on it and his daughter, the mermaid princess Shirihoshi, said she wanted to go to the surface if it was fine.

I gave her a critical eye and huffed. "You won't on my ship girl. Though you appear nice, where we go now isn't a place for cowards."

I stood up and tossed a book on haki, the six powers and my note on swordsmanship onto the table. "So get stronger, be braver and next time remember your place."

My last words made the fishmen squirm as my gaze softened. "You're a princess and one day you'll be queen. With power comes the weight of the crown and you must be ready to bear it for your people. Never ask things of pirates you've just met. You are royalty, these lands are yours and by blood or fist, everything in them is your by rights. Demand, never ask. Do not question your own resolve or others will do the same. Being a queen or king isn't just a title and petty rights, it's a state of mind, a will that inspires hope in your people and the strength they follow into war and hell itself if need be, girl. You must find it within yourself or your people are doomed no matter where you are, above or below the sea."

She apologized and I turned my back to her, telling Neptune. "Make your decision when you're ready. My free advise, teach your people haki and Fishman karate along with the six powers, be they commoners or soldiers and princesses. The stronger they are the safer they will be and the less often any more kidnappings will take place because the risk is too high for the pirates and smugglers. Stop being weak."

He looked me in the eyes and accepted my criticisms. I sighed and waved him off before leaving. "We leave in two days for the new world. I expect your answer before then, be it yes or no, I will still raise Fishman island. Your people never deserved to be persecuted in the first place, besides for being weak and too lazy to get strong."

Two days later at the docks our ship was coated again and ready for the final underwater trek. There on the docks Neptune and the Royal family saw us off in person and told me that if and when I it's time his people would be ready for a stable life above the sea. I told him his people wouldn't regret it then and told him to educate his people and protect them from ignorance as much as pirates and enemies.

We left Fishman island and nearly towards the surface my ship's bubble lost integrity. Seeing this, I made a massive energy shield using oscillating energy currents. It was a hard push as the bubble popped, but with a boost from the giant's ship whose bubble was fine, we made it to the surface. I was drained a great deal and my crew was on edge, but we were alive.

I had my massive reserves still, this was just the energy I had on tap, but it still irked me a great deal. Grunting, I told Nami to take the most dangerous island that shook the most while the giants took the second most dangerous path. We waved them off and agreed to meet at Wano for a war with Kaido. A few hours later we made it to Punk Hazard which was covered in ice and bright lights frozen in them.

I grunted and smiled, realizing the fight between admirals had changed and Borsalino had wanted to be the fleet admiral, likely to hunt me down and kill me. Still, it was covered in part in poison fog so the crew split and I made damned sure Law came with me while the half that remained on the ship just used bubble suits to keep from being surprised. Nami, Robin, Brook and Law were with me while Fujitora lead the others on the ship.

The island was boring except a dragon I tamed and made a meal out of when it tried to bite me. We headed inward and killed the guards of the place, leaving a snow-snow fruit user that attacked Law, Vergo whom I took on and Caeser the Clown who Brook beat down. Try poisoning a skeleton and winning that fight, ha! Still, Vergo put up a decent fight, but his armament haki mastery simply wasn't on my level and I wasn't Luffy, I'd mastered my devil fruit already.

I dropped his charred body down next to the sea stone bound Caesar and knocked out Monet. I turned to Law who held her heart and shrugged. "Kill them or use them as bait?"

He tilted his head. "Bait for now."

I nodded. "Up to you. Doflamingo's your dream after all."

I nodded to Nami and she cuffed Money while Law took Vergo's heart. I smiled and told Them. "Did you know that the human brain releases electrical pulses in the brain that are the neurons firing? No? Did you know that if one is careful and extremely skilled in electrical based fruit abilities they can tap into and interpret those firing neurons that contain memories and thoughts?"

I bent down and grabbed the sides of Vergo's head. He was unconscious so he couldn't resist. I closed my eyes and opened them as electricity crackled in them. I viewed his entire life down to the very moment he fell unconscious. Nami said I was quite scary if I could ready minds.

I chuckled and released Virgo before grabbing Ceaser'e head. It was a bag of crazed cats, but a mad genius nonetheless. I learned a great deal from him before I grabbed Monet. She actually woke up and resisted, but she fell unconscious from the backlash of me overpowering her mind. I stood and looked at the place before telling Nami to take Robin and retrieve the children Caeser was experimenting one.

I retrieved the Chinese dragon devil fruit Caeser had been successful in making before telling Law and Brook to grab the prisoners. I grabbed the drugged candy and sighed, working out a formula for a cure to ween the kids off them. I used the laboratory equipment to make enough for the kids at least. When we were done, I destroyed the building behind us, taking all Caeser had on artificial devil fruits.

The prisoners were tossed on the ship until a G6 marine ship came with Smoker and Tashigi leading them. I wrote everything that happened down, leaving it with the kids and tossed Vergo to Smoker before we left. We placed a call once we were out to sea and Doflamingo got a ransom demand for Caeser and Monet. Monet cried when he said he wouldn't pay for a failure like her.

I shrugged and told him I gave Vergo over to the marines along with the proof of his betrayals I read from his mind down to everything he knew about the National treasure of the World Government. Doflamingo wasn't happy to hear this because his leverage with the world government had evaporated instantly now that there was proof he was the leak. He was quite angry and sent a string clone only for me to vaporize it and all the strings it was attached to.

Law called him back and told him the time and place we'd be or he'd lose Caeser for good because we were willing to kill him even if it angered all the Yonko's and the world government. Damned if he didn't agree seeing from his string clone's memories that my power had fully matured no doubt. We headed to Dressrosa and ended up on an inlet island not far away. I gave Fujitora and the crew missions to help bring down Doflamingo's crew while I stayed with Law and the prisoners to ensure Law doesn't fail or get ambushed.

They went to Dressrosa and Nami contacted me with news that Sugar had been disabled just before Doflamingo arrived in person. I threw up a dome around my ship and cut the strings Doflamingo tried to get to his people using. I gestured to the island. "You and Law will fight to the death. The winner takes all. I have no interest beyond helping a crew mate settle debts and ensuring you don't ambush him. If you win Caeser is yours, if not, well, you'll be too dead to care."

He frowned and Law waited for him on the beach. Still, he had little choice thanks to being in debt to two Yonko's and being an arms dealer for the marines and underworld. If he pissed them off he was fucked later and if he pissed me off he was fucked now. Their fight was quicker than I'd thought it would be, but it seems the time chamber I'd let Law and Fujitora use on Fishman island paid off well enough.

Once Doflamingo was well and truly dead, Law seemed far more relaxed. Monet and Caeser, not so much. Caeser was killed off on principle while Monet was devastated and begged us to bring him back or say it was a lie. I sighed and told her that her crew was beaten, but not dead and if they wanted somewhere they could feel at home, they could head to the revolutionaries who would take them in like they should have.

I truly felt moved by her sadness and sighed. "Doflamingo had this coming for killing so many innocents. Pain doesn't give one the right to abuse others. Revenge is all well and good, but he took that and twisted it, becoming just as bad as those that caused his pain in the first place. I can't say what happens next girl, or if and when I'll get what's coming to me as well, but for now it won't be you and it won't be today. Go, tell your crew mates to leave Dressrosa as quickly as possible because when the Yonko's come and the World Goventment finds out everything, yours will be the heads that will roll if caught. Remember, the revolutionaries want a home and safe place for everyone, despite how slow they move in my opinion."

Law gave her heart back and a paper with contacts for the revolutionaries. We stayed in Dressrosa a week to ensure a smooth succession to the original kingdom it was and remove all the stuff Doflamingo had brought to the island, devil fruits and all. Amongst them was the quake-quake and darkness-darkness fruits which from the paperwork were recent acquisitions. The magma-magma wasn't found yet and it wasn't my concern for now.

The disturbance of a warlord's death had given rise to marines coming and with them, Jack the Drought of Kaido's crew. Smiling, I faced the mammoth devil fruit user and found him very hard to kill. It took three days for me to take his head. Still, just another message to Kaido that his end was neigh.

We left as the Green Bull admiral showed up and king Riku's family solidified their hold over the kingdom once more. The World Government couldn't deny them now and with Doflamingo's body on display, his crew gone and us already long gone, they couldn't do squat. Even Jack's body was on display next to Doflamingo's so it made front page news that I was on the war path and taking no prisoners. A week out a tiger-turtle mink tribe man and a long leg tribe man pulled a ship next to ours and said Big Mam requested an audience on Whole Cake Island.

I didn't care so I told them to fuck off or I'd kill them and they could be the message. They weren't happy, but they left while we went to see Zou, the giant ass elephant with the Mink continent on it's back. It was far bigger than I'd imagined and so big in fact that Oda didn't do it justice! It looked like it could shit continents and piss oceans! I had Sanji catch as much fish and sea kings as he and the crew could before carrying Bonney to the elephant's head.

My will made it stop and my intent along with my voice told it what we wanted, to help it. I sat Bonney on it's head and she made it young again, tiring herself out greatly before making her ravenous. I brought her back down and she ate up a storm while Sanji and Mikita cooked up sweets and foods.

The rest of the crew climbed the elephant while I went back up and massaged the legs of the poor creature. I may be cruel to others, but I sympathize with this one. It longs to reach a place unreachable by most. So I did the best I could to help, feeding it pain relievers and using my electricity to turn all it's fat storages into muscle pocket, making the elephant stronger than it normally would be.

Like Bonney it became very hungry and ate dozens of sea kings. Hell, I tossed a senzu bean in it's mouth for good measure. Seeing it doing much better, Law removed the weapons from it's old wounds and treated them all. It was happy, healthy and soon loudly joyful.

I rejoined the crew on it's back and we met the Mink tribes who were extremely happy once we explained what we did. I asked where the whale forest was and more specifically the tail of it because we sought the road Poneglyph so Robin could read it. They hesitated and yet they brought us there when I pointed out that we could take our blessings back and watch Zou collapse within our lifetime.

As it is Bonney would be out of commission for a long while and Law would be doing a lot of work on Zou up until it was time for us to leave. They showed us to the road Poneglyph and Robin gave me the coordinates before I carved my message into the side of it. We stayed for a week before leaving after everyone had a chance to see the elephant island's charms. We headed toward Whole Cake island next and a fight that made everyone on edge.

A Yonko battle of this size was both necessary and inevitable so they each took turns in the time room I'd affixed to the ship. Everyone was much more confident when we landed and so was I, even if I felt a sense of dread as if I'd missed something. We went onto the island and a storm miles wide formed and followed. I sat across from big Mam and tossed out a banquet literally made of mountains of food Sanji had made.

I drank sake and watched her laugh and chow down. She asked in between bites. "So, what's a brat like you ignoring my invitation and coming here now for?"

I scoffed. "I do what I want, I go where I want and only when I want. Invitations mean nothing to me. I'm here because I want to be here, no reason needed."

My haki drowned the island's happy tunes down as the sky itself pressed down on the weak. I drank and Big Mam laughed, wiping her mouth slobber and pressed back with her own conquerors haki. I swatted it aside because my will was absolute. I glared at her and her eyes narrowed as she became the focal point of all my conquerors haki. The ground and things around us spit, cracked and gave way while she pushed back.

Only a handful of her children remained standing on the entire island and they were all present. What surprised her most was my entire crew remained standing as easily as she and I now. She grinned. "Challenging me red haired boy? How like your father-"

That was it, that was all it took for an immediate clash that signaled the war. I slugged her into the sky. Giant or not, my physical brute strength was only matched by monsters like Kaido and Garp now. She lost teeth and her children came after me only to be blocked by my crew. I zapped upwards and a battle in the clouds began.

In the end we retreated after both Big Mom and I had split the sky and half the island. Robin, Nami and Law had gotten what we came for and then some. We left and I destroyed Big Mam's ships, ensuring she and her crew couldn't follow easily. She was right pissed, but unless she was willing to fight me alone over open sea while her own crew was injured badly, she didn't have a choice.

That's what I thought at least until CP0 agents came out from all over and blocked my path. I turned to Fujitora. "Remember what I made you swear, now go!"

My last word was a roar that shook the skies as I powered up into a surge man, lightning style. Big Mam caught up to me with her wounded sons and daughters. What ensued was a battle of cataclysmic proportions. I knew if I was caught I was dead and if Big Mam got me I was worse than dead, so I growled, roaring immediately. "Secret arts, lightning style, RAGNAROK!"

The twilight of the thunder gods had begun as my body surged with power, going into a deadly version of overdrive. Half of Big Mam's children there including Cracker died along with all but one of the CP0 agents who fled missing an arm. Big Mam was in horrible shape missing an eye and having half her face extremely badly burned. I barely survived, drifting on my faithful cloud until it dropped me on deck of my ship days later.

Law kept me alive and they nursed me back to health while we made it to an unnamed deserted island. When I woke up, Fujitora and the rest demanded answers. I grunted. "CP0 and Big Mam. Separately I can beat them, but together plus her crew, I had to use my worst technique. It nearly killed me and if not for dumb luck I'd have ended up at the bottom of the ocean. Who knew a cloud I made as a kid would come in handy? Go figure."

I sat up slowly and grunted. "I'll recover in the healing tank I had installed. Fujitora if you would?"

He nodded and helped me up while I huffed and told them Big Mam was wounded, most of the CP agents were dead except one and half Big Mam's elite children were dead including her eldest and strongest. I grunted and told them I'd fried half her face when she'd tried to take my soul with her devil fruit powers, served the bitch right! I rested in the familiar healing liquid of a Saiyan healing chamber I'd given Iceberg the schematics for and he'd built into the medical room of the ship.

A day later I was right as reign mostly and back on my feet. Law was fascinated by the technology now while I had us set sail for Wano. A month later we arrived on the shores and split up, heading out to do different things. Nami, Robin and Fujitora were going to gather intel and find the Poneglyphs.

The rest of the crew was gaining intel on the streets, hiding the ship and contacting the giants. As it turns out they'd met up with four other giants and now had a reason to make partial use of the giant ship and enormous crew quarters. With their numbers doubled and still flying my flag, they'd taken out the Scratchman pirates along with Queen's crew, one of the three main crews under Kaido.

Queen, the spider poison bitch was dead now and they were nearing Wano themselves. I chuckled hearing the news from Zala and told her to take Gem and make some noise. I told the rest of the crew to keep watch and see how everyone reacts when some of Kaido's people start dying, starting with the so called emperor of Wano, Orochi.

I grunted and told Fujitora to eliminate anyone that gets in their path to the Poneglyphs. Sanji chuckled and said that was going to be a lot of noise. I chuckled. "Then maybe it'll get Kaido's attention. Personally, I'm looking forward to a fight from the world's strongest beast, especially after all that training."

I now looked about thirty thanks to the time room and overusing to ensure what happened with big Mam would never happen again. Still, at six foot seven, I wasn't far from my last world's height naturally so I wasn't mad about the age thing. Besides, who wants to live forever alone? I'd opted for a life of revenge long ago since I already despised living in this world.

Soon enough a loud boom went off as Gem destroyed the palace tower where Orochi held court. Orochi himself was dead alongside all those that willingly followed him, courtesy of the duo that assassinated him. Kaido and his crew responded quite quickly and I intercepted Kaido in person while Sanji went at King. The remaining crew picked their targets and the battle began.

I knew when Fujitora and Nami joined the fight they'd gotten what we came for because Robin wasn't far behind them. A battle erupted for a full week between Kaido and myself. Both of us being semi functioning indestructible beat sticks in our own way. King and Kaido's fleets were destroyed, killed off entirely. Kaido himself was a massive eastern dragon at the moment while we clashed constantly and exchanged explosively devastating blows.

The massive storm raging fueled my body with every lightning strike, ensuring I had as much stamina as he did at this point even with the both of us bleeding massively and healing as more and more blows were exchanged. I was throwing my all into whittling the fucker down and decided that was going nowhere fast at this point so I pulled a me and used my big guns, twilight of the thunder gods, advent of god and the biggest move I'd made so far, red hell.

Red lightning descended on Kaido, blowing off scales in swathes and becoming attracted to my blade, Yoake, as I drew it. I became ungodly powerful as I flickered and cut a massive bloody line down Kaido's side from jaw to tail. The massive cut on one side had him roaring in agony and changing back into his more human form. I didn't hesitate and beheaded him mid transition.

This was war and I didn't give a fuck about fair, I wasn't sitting still in order to fight harder and possibly lose later because of talk no jutsu. No, fuck this guy and all that. Still, he managed to partially dodge and another blade met my own as Kaido was partially decapitated. He fell from the sky and I turned to the new arrival, narrowing my eyes. "What are you doing here old man? Come to fight me as well?"

He shook his head and told me. "Enough. You aren't looking to become the pirate king and weakening the Yonko who hold back the World Government only weakens everyone. It's enough Ren. Kaido has lost, the war is over here."

Our haki's clashed and the sky parted as we lowered to the ground. I withdrew my blade after a hard stare. "Tch, fine, whatever. If he comes back to ruin peoples lives, I'll come for him, then I'll come for your head old man."

I flicked my blade, cleaning it as I sheathed it and looked at his crew. They watched, tense, but relaxing. My devil fruit powers ended and the storm dissipated. I nearly fell and Fujitora was there to keep me upright. Law got me to the healing tank while Kaido fucking healed naturally. The son of bitch wasn't human, whatever he was.

Coming back from a partial beheading with little more than a scar wasn't natural even here, I don't give a shit what anyone says. As it is, six days later he was back on his feet watching me with Shanks there between us. I told him to leave Wano and take his remaining underlings with him or even if I had to go through all the Yonko, I'd end him. My conquerors haki was so massively condensed it was a force of nature that slammed into him and wounded the beast man.

He grunted and said he was done with Wano anyways. I hardly cared and he said I'd best never weaken because he'd be back to fight me again later. I grunted now and turned to the Samurai watching and the innocent there. "Wano is free. From now on it is my territory and if anyone touches it-"

I looked to Shanks and Kaido both as I growled. "I'll kill them all, no excuses!"

The people of Wano cheered especially when Sanji told the would be princess of the former emperor before Orochi that we didn't take tributes nor did I care about such things, we cared that the people were happy, safe and no longer subjugated, nothing more. Kaido went to take the road Poneglyph and I didn't comment since we had it copied like all the others. Shanks asked where we were going next and I grunted. "Elbaf, then Raftel."

Shanks and Kaido's eyes went wide and Shanks asked. "You're going after one piece?"

I shook my head. "I'm going after the nine Rio Poneglyphs and the World Government. I could give a fuck about being a pirate king, my goals are bigger than being some king of outlaws. Once we know what happened during the void century, the true history of the world and everyone else's dreams are achieved, I'm going to destroy the holy city and bring down the red line forever. I'll raise Fishman island and see to it that slavery in this world ends for good. I couldn't give a fuck about a crown or gold."

My eyes sparked and Kaido laughed, saying I reminded him of his old captain. I grunted and told him to fuck off and stay out of my way or he'd die like everyone else that gets in it. I turned to Shanks. "The only reason you're alive now is because killing you would make Shakky and Rayleigh sad old man. You won't get a second pass. This is your one and only warning."

I turned and walked away as my flag was raised over Wano and Kaido's nearly destroyed fleet buggered off. We left a day later for Elbaf where we spent a week on the water before arriving. The giants were happy to be home and welcomed us, showing us around and celebrating. Their ship was impressive enough that another dozen giant shipwrights studied it for the time we were there.

On the bright side, in the deepest part of Elbaf was two Poneglyphs. One was a road Poneglyph, making our collection complete, and the last was a rio Poneglyph, one of the few remaining we hadn't seen. The elder giants told us we could see but not touch them since our crew contained so many honorable giant warriors. If not for that we wouldn't have even been allowed to see them.

With the last coordinates, we had Raftel's location down to a spec of unmarked sea on the current maps. Nami's world map was coming along swimmingly and it was about a third completed abandoned islands and all. When we set out, we were prepared for anything and anything is what we got. Typhoons, hurricanes, fog so thick you couldn't see your own hand in front of your face, thunderstorms that even I couldn't control, anything and everything.

Hell, it literally rained frogs and snakes at one point. Still, we stayed on course and soon enough the light came through as we saw land through a curtain of fog. It was an island in the eye of the world's deadliest wonky storm. When we maid land, I tried to throw up a bug zapper and my devil fruit powers didn't work.

I wasn't weak per say, just not working fully. I could make a small static charge and that was it. We beached and found giant elephants, creatures so large they made the giants look like pebbles and the laws of physics so broken it was clearly an ancient battlefield of devil fruit powers of some sort. We found and left the treasures Rogers left, adding our own horde of treasures to it and making a literal mountain of treasures.

Sanji was excited because the waters around and running through the island was teaming with fish from all four seas and the grand line. He got his all blue after all it seems in the end. What interested me most was the Poneglyphs here, three of them. One spoke of the ancient weapon Uranus and it being in the bloodline of D that attracted friends and followers capable of becoming armies that could topple the world.

Another spoke of Joy Boy, the first giant leader of the ancient kingdom and carrier of the will of D. It spoke of how the twenty kingdoms gathered together against the ancient kingdom because he refused to submit and become corrupted by the being that controlled them. It ended with his death and the first power of haki unleashed, sealing the evil creature in the red line for so long as the will of D lives, a curse in the bloodlines of the carriers of the name D that protects the world from it's evil.

The last Poneglyph spoke of how the world was effected and drops of the creature's evil blood fell into the sea, becoming devil fruits. It spoke of how the creature could control those with the power of it's blood in their hearts as long as they didn't carry the will of D. It finished with how haki was originally the will of the world, trying to force the evil out of it, now tainted by those that use said powers for evil, twisted by a world the creature controlled from above.

I turned to Law almost immediately after it was done. "Follow me now. I won't allow such evil to remain inside me."

Law was shocked. "You'll weaken if you don't outright die."

I shook my head, snorting. "It was borrowed power anyways. I have a solution, but it'll require a month of healing before we can leave this place. Brook, it's time you step in the healing chamber anyways. With you being technically alive it should regenerate everything else. Once that's done you can choose to have replacement heart surgery like I'm going to or you can keep you power, like every devil fruit used here can. The choice is yours, but I have my dream and it won't end until this evil is eliminated and the walls come down. For now we will see every island in the New world before heading to paradise and completing Nami's world map. Then you'll all have a chance to jump ship while I go to complete my dream or die trying. I won't bring you all down with me, but I won't give up on my dreams either."

I left with Law and used the supplies I had in my ring to make an artificial organic android heart. Law replaced it without his devil fruit powers and when I woke up from surgery, I recovered in a tank next to Brook. My powers were gone and shockingly, my heart itself had turned into a fucking devil fruit, the same one is eaten. Smiling, I knew just what to do with it now.

I closed my eyes and three weeks later I was out, training my body further in the gravity room while those that wanted it had heard surgery. Isshio D Fujitora was all I could think, shaking my head with a smile. That was a conversation I hadn't expected, still, I carved my message to the future pirate kings while Robin spoke to me on the coms, teaching me the ancient language along with those that were willing to learn.

I'd helped her remember the Poneglyph on Ohara she'd once seen using my lightning ring I'd made. Yup, I went there and retained most of my mastery with it. Hell, Isshio and I had fought to push it and I was able to more accurately use the powers now that they weren't draining me anymore. Sure it wasn't unlimited nor could it last as long anymore, but that's why I was pushing my body to such extremes, to be as physically durable as Garp and Kaido.

A week later even Brook was done regenerating and having his heart transplanted. The Android heart was far more durable and longer lasting than even our previous ones. It would outlast our bodies or so Law says. Still, even Robin had the surgery and was powerless besides the two years I'd taught her the sword.

She used the elephant sword and a flower flower ring while Brook had a rebirth-rebirth ring. Gem kept his powers while none of the giants had any so they were fine. Back to the point, Robin had remembered the name of the ancient kingdom on the Ohara Poneglyph, Dreamland, a kingdom of lovable fools who preferred freedom and dreams over enslavement and ruling. We returned to the world a month later and ended up island hopping for the next six months.

The shanks had spread the word when he and I fought on his paradise islands that I'd become the new pirate king having gotten one piece and been to the end of the world. He knew because I no longer had my devil fruit powers when we fought and called my way of maintaining the facade creative. Still, I was the better of us as he'd lost his hood sword arm and he laughed it off when I won, saying I was doing him proud by living my dream.

We met Marco and the others next and they were fighting off Shiki the Golden Lion who needed a strong army while they needed a strong captain and they'd refused. I killed shiki, obtaining his fruit in a bag Nami carried. Marco asked if the rumors were true and I told him we'd been to Raftel, but I cared for no titles. He laughed saying Roger said the same thing.

I wrote a lot and gave it to Marco, telling him to spread it like I had Shanks, telling him not to give up if he read and understood why I was doing so. He looked them over and became serious before asking. "Your powers?"

I held up my ring and he nodded slowly. "How?"

Law grunted and told them how I'd made a machine that made hearts by blood type and he'd replaced our hearts in very risky open heart surgery. Marco and Ace's eyes went wide and Ace laughed after reading the paper, glad he didn't need to do so. They had a friend coat our ships and we headed to Fishman island where I raised the island itself as promised, shocking them Fishmen.

I'd used Shiki's power to do so and bring it into paradise with us. There warriors were strong enough for paradise and once we placed their island near water seven, we branched off and finished our journeys through paradise, the blues and ending at Crocus's lighthouse. I told Fujitora and the rest. "As of now I'm disbanding the crew. Go, find more dreams to follow, see your loved ones, take in life and remember me if you choose to. I decided the moment I knew what I faced that I wouldn't drag you all into this. Fujitora and I will go on and complete this dream or fade like Roger did. I can't have you all dying on my conscience, not when you're all that I treasure in this world."

I flicked Fujitora's head. "If I hadn't sworn to take him long ago I'd make him stay as well. Stubborn old fool."

He chuckled. "You promised me something more than these others, I intend to collect and make sure you're alive in the end."

I huffed and turned to the others, leaving them the ships. The giants wanted to come with me and so did the crew, but I shook my head, creating a weightless metal platform for Fujitora and I. We flew up and left them, heading to the moon first. There we collected an army of electronic soldiers powered by my ring. We headed directly for the red line next, destination: Holy Land Mary Geoise.

I contacted Garp and told him I was moving now and asking him to detain the three admirals if at all possible so I wasn't forced to kill them. We landed in the holy city and bots were everywhere killing everyone not in chains, branded or collared. Fujitora and I moved fast, freeing all the slaves and killing the world nobles. It was a slaughter and once the slaves were out of the city, massive meteors hit it.

It was one hell of an entrance and while the bots held off the marines, having seen us slaughter all the world nobles, I emptied out all the devil fruits into my special ring. We walked through a burning city as the dead all around us were all that remained of the world Nobles in the holy lands. I waved my sword, cutting the castle into thirds as both sides fell away. The five Gorosei flew out and charged at us, only for them to be cut down by Hawkeye.

I turned and saw him there, sporting a collar and shook my head, removing it for him. "So that's what happens to defeated warlords with real skill. I'm sorry old friend."

He waved me off. "Don't feel sorry for me, feel sorry for-"

He looked around. "You killed everyone."

I shrugged. "I'm sure there are celestial dragons somewhere below."

He huffed and I handed him Yoake which he accepted while I put away my rings in my special one. The bots were charged so they'd stay until they ran out of power. For now though, I had bigger issues and for that I used a blade the Wano people had given me, Shodai Kitetsu, the first generation demon splitter and cursed blade. I gripped it's hilt and pressed my will against the curse, bending the sword's will to my own with the promise of real demon's blood.

I walked on with Fujitora and told Hawkeye. "The empty throne isn't empty, so let's go see the one responsible for everyone, Im, the would be emperor of the world."

I kicked the overly large castle doors open and off their hinges. Blade swings were heard as the doors were split into cubes and fell harmlessly to the ground. My eyes narrowed and there Im sat on the empty throne, a female. I was surprised, but it hardly mattered to me.

I moved and clashed with the woman ten steps from the throne. She was fast, faster than I thought possible for someone who had to be so old. Still, I wasn't the world's current best swordsman and apparent pirate king for nothing. Our clash and fight began and destroyed the remains of the castle.

I felt some dread when I realized the other two weren't helping when I was thrown back. I looked over my shoulder just as Hawkeye stabbed me through the heart with Yoake saying. "I'm sorry old friend, but it's power is too great."

I looked up and a meteor dropped onus the size of which was enough to do real damage even to the red line. Seeing no other choice and Hawkeye grabbing Yoru from seemingly nowhere as well to finish me, I twisted off Yoake's blade and beheaded Hawkeye. Gathering my will, I swung the demon splitter and cut the meteor in half, just enough that it would miss me mostly.

I grabbed Yoake and Yoru, sighing as the resulting boom landed the meteor on both side of me. Hawkeye's body was destroyed and I grimaced, hoping the Android heart would last til the end. I put Yoake and Yoru away in my special ring. Waving demon splitter, I watched the red line bust and crumble around.

I ran out at high speeds with soru and knocked Fujitora out as our observation haki made it like a dance until I got the upper hand and he laughed unconscious. I jumped up with moon walk and took him to the slaves and marines fleeing the total annihilation going on. I threw him to the former slave ship headed to the new world, yelling for them to take him away from here.

They agreed and I ran back with all my might, clashing with Im repeatedly until we were both wounded badly and she lay at my feet. She told me to kill her so he could rise and destroy me. I frowned and she said she was a servant and wife to the demon lord of this world. I waved my blade, taking her head and grabbing her sword which was on par with my own blades now.

I took the one supreme sword one of the five elders had and walked on into the ruins, down into the depths and into the frozen chamber deep in the red line. I saw the giant hat and frowned when I saw it on a giant demon looking figure. Frowning I asked. "Joy Boy?"

It grinned and sneered. "Great isn't it? All these centuries fighting me sealing his own body away and here I am finally free because you broke the last seal."

I scoffed and we began a battle I was ill equipped to fight it seems. It was many times stronger than the giants I'd fought before. So much so that if I wasn't so god damned paranoid with training I'd have been entirely outmatched. As it is all I could do was leave light scratches.

The ensuing battle lasted a full week before I lay dying until Shanks and fucking Luffy of all people arrived with my crew and his. Hell, even Marco and the new Phoenix pirates had arrived. Seeing this, I roared and struck out with all I had, all my will, everything I am, was and could be. In one move I bisected the demon nearly in half at the stomach. It roared in agony as they could see it's spine.

I collapsed and caught fire as the cursed blade ate my blood and lifeforce for one final move. It had given them all the time they'd needed though and they struck with everything they had, spears, swords, cannons, everything. An intense battle unfolded before my dying eyes before the demon died for good. I woke up barely alive on a ship as the red line crumbled not far away.

Issho told me he'd warned them of the devil fruits and had his own removed so the demon couldn't be reborn through him or anyone. He said it had been a month all in all after and now that they knew I couldn't be saved, they'd decided to give me my dream, to see the red line fall and the world become equal.

I couldn't respond on the respirator, but he knew I was grateful. I raised my hand weakly and pointed to Sabaody. He gave the order and when we made land after the waves stopped crashing, I held up a hand, making mountains of gold and berries appear. All of it was from the celestial dragons and everything that went on up there.

Nami didn't care about it at all oddly. Still, it had to be done if they were to recover and rebuild properly. Seeing my crew around me with Rayleigh and Shakky there, I smiled and closed my eyes as I felt my body fade. I'd done it, I'd fucked the world government, the celestial dragons, a full blown demon whore and the world's oldest demonic entity. Yeah, I could die fucking happy as the pirate king and the world's greatest swordsman.

Zoro, Luffy, if you can hear me, eat my ass.