
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
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79 Chs


Next Fifth had his private chat with Sam and I was left out of the head fisting for now. We got out and Fifth got fucked as soon as the others had woken up. The time dilation field freezing the replicators in place worked so we met up with the Asgard and got towed home. Weeks and missions passed before we found an ancient device I was able to recognize.

I warned them not to mess with it and told them what it did and how it effected perception through a static aura shift in the biosphere of the individuals. I recommended it be taken to an off world lab and thoroughly read over before being tested so no one brings the effects back to earth. General Hammond agreed with me in the debriefing. In the meantime shit went down and General Hammond managed to have all the top players of the trust arrested.

I'd spent years gathering evidence on them in my spare time so his files were very complete. Unfortunately catching them on small charges was the only way without lobbing his nuke and risking his family while dragging the SGC into the public limelight. Weeks later one of the Russian teams brought back a local from an off world planet named Alebran. His body was unstable genetically and it was all Aiyana and I could do to keep him from reverting into base elements, mostly water at this stage.

The Tok'ra helped and with them we were able to build a DNA resequencer capable of reversing the damage. It was ancient technology and far older than the one Alebran described on the planet, but effective enough to do what was necessary for now. Sadly we had no prior knowledge of his DNA from before the change so we couldn't fully reverse everything only stop the degradation. We headed through the gate with several Tok'ra who insisted since Aiyana was needed.

Sadly the team had gone ahead with the Russians so Alebran and came with us and the Tok'ra team. We found Nirrti experimenting on Jonas and took what we needed before killing her. Sadly her host was too far gone and nothing she knew could be of use tactically. Still, Alebran was able to stop the locals and allow us to help reverse the damage to all of them.

Alebran was the first in so he was the first to be fully recovered. Then it was a long list starting with the SG teams experimented on. I studied the device while Aiyana worked and once all of the locals were fixed, they wanted to destroy the machine. I stopped them and told them that regardless of what Nirrti's done, they weren't the only race that needed the machine right now.

I told them of the Asgard and how even with our knowledge they were barely fighting off genetic degradation that was so extreme Nirrti wouldn't have been able to do squat to help them with all her knowledge.

I asked that they allow us to give it to the Asgard so that their race doesn't get destroyed. To that end the locals agreed so we packed it up, all of it, and left. With the machine and the knowledge from Hathor about how the Jaffa were changed, the Asgard weren't the only ones to benefit from the machine. Still, the Asgard helped and the Tretonin cure was finished for the Jaffa. It was a single dose retrovirus that got rid of the symbiote pouch and altered the Jaffa to no longer need the symbiotes.

Teal'c was the first to allow testing and had in fact been the willing specimen used to identify and create the cure from. His symbiote sat in Hathor's old tank while his body rivaled my own before the Atonik armband virus had forced my body to evolve. Teal'c was slightly faster, stronger and had his own healing ability that rivaled an ancient's. He was quite pleased with the changes and from there, we were able to come up with an injection for all Jaffa.

The Tok'ra symbiote he'd been carrying would be ready soon for it's own host. In the meantime the Asgard took the device for their own use while they installed Asgard systems and weapons on the Prometheus to upgrade it somewhat for our efforts in their war against the replicators. Aiyana and I had to go to the disclosure meeting and when Senator Kinsey ran his mouth calling me a too bit con artist business men pretending to be an Air Force officer, Aiyana pinned him to the ceiling with a look.

He told me to put him down and I shook my head. "It isn't me you angered senator."

Aiyana stepped forward and dropped him saying that just because he's corrupt and has power within his own nation doesn't give him the right to insult people to their faces over things he knows nothing about. She apologized for the outburst and went to sit by Sam. I continued, ignoring the Senator as I explained the ancients and their laws, why they won't interfere to help us and why Dr.Jackson cannot without the others destroying us or preventing him from doing so altogether. I told them that the more power you appear to have the more rules and laws strictly prohibit the use of said power by those who already have it.

I shrugged. "Anyways, the ascended either don't care to help or won't do so because of their own laws so Anubis is our problem."

The Russian colonel Chekov as I'd mistaken for a General asked if there was anything Aiyana and I could do to take Anubis out of play. I looked to Aiyana and she shook her head sadly so I shrugged. "She doesn't know of anything, but I might be able to come up with an energy device to trap him in. If we can remove him temporarily, we could eliminate his armies either by conversion to the free Jaffa or destruction. Still, with their advanced weapons and shields, if Anubis got ahold of an ancient repository or more ancient technology the others wouldn't stop him from using that knowledge so we'd likely be destroyed against ships far more powerful than our own technology can effectively fight back against even with the Asgard's help."

The French minister asked if Aiyana knew of ancient technology that could help and she shook her head before stopping and saying. "Perhaps. The outpost my people had built Atlantis around thirty million years ago and where k was left when the rest of my people fled. It could have been found and upgraded. I know it had defensive weapons capable of great destruction in my time."

They asked if she knew it's location and she shook her head so I told them. "Somewhere in the Arctic under the ice. Unfortunately we have no idea where and our sensors aren't powerful enough to penetrate that far. Even goa'uld hatak sensors from the ship in orbit aren't strong enough."

The British minister asked if it would even be in one piece after all this time. Aiyana told them of Destiny and the seed ships that are still planting stargates even after sixty million years of time has passed. She shook her head saying that Alteran technology was built to outlast almost anything. The Senator kept his mouth wisely shut and Major Davis asked as I sat down if the Asgard could find it.

I told him he'd have to ask them before waving a hand and saying that even if it's found all the nations here would have to agree on the personnel to man it and one such being would likely need to be myself, Jack or Aiyana since we're the only ones we know have the ancient gene lock that allows us to use the technology. Aiyana said the technology wouldn't work for her while Egeria was with her so Jack or I would have to do it until more earthlings could be tested for the gene.

When Thor came in after Senator Kinsey talked a hood game and nearly had them agreeing to the NID taking over the SGC, he convinced them that for now it was best in General Hammond's hands. Major Davis told Thor of the ancient outpost here on earth and asked if it were possible for him to scan the planet for it, specifically the Arctic. Thor did so and shook his head before saying his sensors picked up an ancient's power module in Egypt and the ancient healing device that was defective in our containment storage.

He shook his head saying that if it is under the ice, it is out of range of his ship's detailed sensors. He said that it was either there somewhere, destroyed or cloaked with technology even the Asgard have no way of detecting. Major Davis thanked him and he nodded before giving the Asgard high council's opinions on the stargate program. Aiyana and I walked to him and we beamed away once General Hammond thanked us.

Aiyana and I went to Othala, the Asgard home world where I was given access to the Asgard's knowledge repository of sorts. They put me under to access my subconscious with their computers and managed to find a way to eliminate the replicators in one blast. I'd of course required half of the raw material the replicators would leave behind including the neutronium. Since Othala was abundant with the raw ore in the planet.

The high council agreed so soon they said the shipments would be sent to us since it was a success. The Asgard had won the war and even the human form replicators were no more. They still had a long way to go to making themselves no longer dependent on the cloning technology and while the degradation was reversed, they were still suffering issues. For now though they thanked us and sent us back.

I told General Hammond of what happened and the amount of raw naquadah, trinium, neutronium and other materials that we'd soon be getting in shipments. I told him half of which would go to Armor Tech while the rest could be stored off world for ships and brought back as needed. He agreed so I went back to working on the Naquadria problem with it as my sole focus. I was interrupted to be pulled on a mission to see a Nebula.

Jonas and Teal'c found a crashed ship and I scanned it before going inside and going through it's systems. I came back outside after getting everything of use from the ship's computers. That's when I heard gunfire and stopped the fighting quite effectively by knocking out everyone not on the team. I walked over and turned to the aliens both human looking and not.

I took all the knowledge they had that was useful before pointing towards the human ones. "Bad guys. The ship is a prison transport vessel and they're the prisoners. The other two are good guys."

I explained the Serrakin and Hebridians to them before telling the others about their ability to interbreed. I took the picture Jack had and said it was the captain's wife. I woke them up and explained that I was a telepath and put them all to sleep to avoid unnecessary casualties until we could figure out who was on what side. He and the copilot were grateful and with a naquadah power core we were able to recharge their ship, putting the criminals back into stasis.

With that, we exchanged information and showed them earth before they had to leave and said they'd call when they can to discuss possible trades. I told him I'd like to modify his ship sometime because I think it'd be fun to see what I could do with the bare minimum. He agreed and said he'd definitely contact us when they get done with their job sometime. We got to see the nebula and record everything before heading back to earth for a full debriefing.

I gave them all the knowledge and technology I could get out of both parties and the ship including it's schematics and technology. I had to return to the Naquadria project after that alone since Sam had other things to work on. A month and a half of non stop working on it came with success. The adjustments to the Naquadria modulator in the reactor gave the Prometheus the exact power boost and supply it needed in all the simulations.

To that end the Prometheus was able to take it's first mission while I went on another to meet with those under Lord Mot, a minor goa'uld planning to overthrow Ba'al. We helped them rebel, killing Mot and giving the Jaffa over to the free Jaffa while Jonas was in surgery to remove a tumor giving him visions. A week later Daniel had returned long enough to drop hints that we needed to head to Abydos for the eye of Ra before saying the tablet I had was more important, but still not as important as taking the eye of Ra to earth away from Anubis's grasp.

We met with the Abydonians and Skaara and he showed us to the chamber I found the tablet before. Teal'c set up a perimeter while I searched and found the eye seconds later. I put it away in a capsule and passed it to Jack. "Let's get to work."

We met Teal'c and I brought down the death gliders by throwing lightning. We fell back to the pyramid and I dropped a bolt of lightning that chained to all the Jaffa trying to come in, killing them. I used the ring platform to go up cooked to Anubis's ship while Jack and the others retreated through the gate. I moved through the ship and stole the other three eyes of the goa'uld before leaving a bomb in the weapon chamber that blew while I ringed down to the pyramid below.

I knew the system lords had come so I left with the eyes and gave them to General Hammond. Skaara and his people had escaped into the desert when I killed all the Jaffa so they were safe. The system lords fought Anubis and many ships were destroyed over Abydos because Anubis destroyed Abydos itself, weakening the collective power of the system lords while losing a single ship himself. Lord Yu barely managed to escape in his flag ship following Anubis while the rest of the fleet was destroyed.

Daniel was missing and Abydos was destroyed or so Skaara said when we visited him next. I sighed and told the team. "They're all ascended."

Skaara nodded. "The one called Oma saved us."

I sighed and he said for me not to be sad. I nodded and told him we'd meet again on our paths some day. He agreed and told us the planet and gate would remain until we leave. Jonas tried his hand at cracking the tablet for clues about Atlantis's gate location.

A few days later we were on Vis Uban while the satellite shields were fully powered by the eyes. There we found Daniel at least yet no clues about Atlantis. Daniel had no memories so I helped him remember, though he didn't have any memories of being ascended. He came back to the SGC and the Tok'ra said Anubis was building a far more advanced ship with weapons without needing the eyes of the Goa'uld by using a rare bit of neutronium he found on a planet to make a device capable of powering the weapon.

Jonas came up with a plan and we all went f so along with it. Jonas was captured and Daniel was with me hiding on Anubis's ship trying to get passed the forcefield without being noticed to free Jonas. The power source had been destroyed but Anubis was after another by going to Langara for the Naquadria. Their satellite defense shields held for a time, but once they failed, Anubis's fleet went down and retrieved some of the Naquadria the Langarans had.

Daniel and I managed to get Jonas out when Anubis's ship shook from an explosion in the Naquadria reactor. They couldn't compensate for it either it seems so we ringed down and took out the Jaffa on the ground while the new Naquadria shield generators the SGC was providing to power the satellite shields. Once the shields were online, the first prime of Anubis managed to get the crystal out on the old ring platform in the museum by sacrificing his men. Anubis tried firing the newly recharged weapon at the world shield which withstood it before flickering.

The reactors could power the shields but after each firing the shields would briefly fall. On the bright side the system lord's fleet arrived and began firing at Anubis's ship. Anubis's new mothership was destroyed but he escaped yet again. The system lords left and Jonas Quinn stayed on Langara to play the diplomat since Daniel was back with us.

For that matter, soon Aiyana left with the Tok'ra since they needed Egeria right now more than we needed her. The Tretonin cure needed mass producing for all the free Jaffa so she went off world with them. A month later we learned of Bra'tac and Ry'ac being held captive on a Jaffa prison world that only Jaffa can survive on.

Daniel came up with the codes from the Alpha site gate and we used the code to unlock the gate sending a dozen cloaked gate ships since the world is now in Ba'al's territory and he now controls the combined might of the system lords. We managed to free the Jaffa slaves, kill those holding them captive and bring all of them under the free Jaffa movement. The ship that was being built was destroyed and all the refined weapons grade naquadah on the planet was taken by us, not that we needed it with the shipments the Asgard were sending us in capsules I provided them.

Weeks later I sent air purifier balloons through the gate by the hundreds to clean up a planet that had a dome on it filled with a people. The team went to the dome while I dealt with the planet's toxic environment. Once everything was in place and the toxins were rapidly vanishing, I went into the dome and took some readings before following the readings to the power source for the dome.

My readings showed it was slowly failing so I hooked up a naquadah power core and boosted the dome's power, taking the reliance off of the planet's geothermal energy. The dome rapidly expanded to full capacity, cleaning the toxins on the ground and air as it went and revealing the destroyed ruins of what used to be included in the dome. The people were shocked, but I told the team what I'd done.

I explained to the people that the dome shrank over time and from what my scans say, their link sacrificed the few to save the many for as long as it could. I told them that the mark two naquadah generator would give them a few months at full dome capacity, but the planet's core is going cold and after the reactor fails it'll shrink or possibly collapse. I told them that the cleaners and scrubber technology would clean their world, but once the planet goes cold at the core it's going to freeze in a never ending ice age.

I sighed. "Sadly I've only managed to buy you time. None of our technology is capable of restarting a planet's geothermal process. The fact is, your planet's dying and if you stay it'll take you with it."

They said I was wrong and I showed them the data before pointing at all the bleached bones of the dead. I shook my head. "If you cannot see logic then there's nothing I can do for you. Your own link is limiting what's right before your eyes."

They took the link off and I re-explained everything in excruciating detail. Luckily the gate was now back within the dome so we had a couple months to relocate them and their homes which was relatively easy with capsule technology. We brought the entire town, link and all, with us eventually. They settled in to their new world simply and with comfort before coming back and seeing the wreckage after the cleaners had scrubbed the planet clean.

Plants and trees were growing, but the skies were forever dark and the trees would die when the ice age came and it was starting. Hard cosmic radiation and ice destroyed the planet within weeks after we left. It was a dead planet now and of no interest to us. Still, we learned a lot especially from the link and geothermal technology the locals had shared with us.

Weeks later we had the link technology Armor Tech was making public for consumption of all people on earth to learn all the knowledge that had been released so far along with all the knowledge earth had in books, scrolls, the internet, all of it. It started small at a college that agreed to the experiment and it grew to encompass an entire state by the time we found the crashed ship of the people of Talthus. We managed to get their systems up and running with our generators only for myself to be uploaded with all the personalities of the dead Talthus people.

I retreated into the subconscious of my mind and left the congress of people to argue it out until they found me. The angry dictator consciousness tried to command me and I locked his ass in a soundproof box, telling the rest to stay put and let me help them regain bodies of their own or watch me suppress and seal them away in my subconscious. I eventually woke up as Teal'c shook me and I groaned, before standing. I told Teal'c to catch the guy aboard the ship. I stopped him saying. "No zats. Forcibly restrain him and bring him to me then get us to the SGC. We have to call the Tok'ra and we need Ma'chello's help."

He nodded and took off the way I pointed as I checked on Daniel, Jack and Sam. I revived them but my power faded because my mind was under a great deal of stress. I told them what was happening before telling Sam we needed to contact the Asgard as well and we had to get the power regulated to the life pods to save those still alive. Daniel caught me as I nearly fell and Teal'c brought the crazed man to me.

I told him to put him on his knees and restrain him. He did so and I grabbed the sides of the man's head, taking the subconscious minds into my own. My nose bled and I fell over, telling them we need the dead people cloned and to move their minds into their new bodies while waking those asleep. I was carried into the SGC and spent a lot of time in a hospital bed while I helped those inside simmer down.

Their sovereign was freed after a while and after learning what happened, he tried to take over again. Back into the box he went and the rest simmered down after I made it clear it was my mind and I was in control. It was agonizingly painful, but the Asgard and the Tok'ra were able to help make the clones and with Ma'chello's help we were able to put them into the cloned bodies.

Aiyana helped me isolate my passengers and keep them so before placing them one by one into the cloned bodies. The sovereign was last and I made sure he feared me more than death itself before I let him go. He lowered his voice and kept it there when I walked into the room he was in. I told Thor that a meteor storm brought down their ship.

We helped the Talthus people find their new planet Ardina and even gave them their ship back after making repairs to it. The technology was scanned and in our database so we had no use for it. The man that did all that to me thanked me because I was able to give him his son back and save their minds and lives.

A thousand lives had been saved and an entire people would flourish, though their sovereign feared me more than anything. Jack asked about it and I told him that my mind is sacred to me and being controlled even by a non goa'uld asshat on a power trip wasn't going to happen. Janet told me the very process of holding over two dozen minds in my body shouldn't have been possible at the amount of stress it was under. I told her that was probably why I felt like I'd been through a meat grinder and came out on the meat tenderizer block a few times over.

She suggested I rest before my body shuts down on it's own. I literally slept for a week after that before going off world on a mission with Daniel and Chaka to stop a war with Unas on another naquadah mining planet. What can I say, earth wasn't about to give up any possible resources it can get. Chaka helped and I made sure the men all fell back because my mind was picking up thousands of Unas.

Chaka stopped chanting to look at me and I nodded, telling him most of the planet appeared to be covered in Unas caves and possibly more than a million of them. I explained our numbering system and what a million meant before Chaka's went wide. He was certainly eager to meet the Unas while the military all pulled back to the gate by my words. While the Naquadah here was valuable, it wasn't worth a war of that scale.

I changed my scanners and brought up a full in depth scan of the planet's surface, showing them all the caves on a 3D hologram. The Unas nearby saw as well no doubt while we sat quietly and waited. By nightfall, Iron Shirt, the Unas leader, came and we made peace with them. We made an alliance and shared link technology to teach them how to mine with Tok'ra crystals since they insisted on doing it themselves.

I took off my armor and gave it to Iron Shirt, telling him it was unstoppable. I then shot Daniel with a Zat and a staff weapon before telling Iron Shirt that the naquadah was used to make those as well. I gestured to him to keep it and he gave me a dagger before giving Daniel a bone necklace for another lighter. Daniel told the SGC what we worked out with the Unas and I prepared a link system for the Unas.

They were fascinated by it and learned quickly. To that end they began using the crystals to mine the deposits of naquadah on the planet to honor their ancestors and help fight their enemies. Weeks later the Serrakin Warrick showed up on our day off and wanted our help to win a race. It was an unofficial way to gain access to Serrakin technology.

Sam wanted to participate in the race and I wanted some time alone to upgrade his ship so it was a compromise of sorts considering he wanted to borrow a naquadah generator for the race itself. General Hammond agreed so long as the advances I made weren't of the weapons variety and both Sam and I participated in the race. Warrick hesitated and I told him the first thing I'd do is upgrade the shields and inertial dampeners so we'd be fine and I could be done with my work in six hours or so.

Warrick agreed because of the potential gain and very little downside. I got a delivery of capsules from Armor Tech and told General Hammond the continental teleportation platforms would soon be available and mass produced for the public or so my people said. He nodded and wished us luck, telling Jack, Daniel and Teal'c they'd be doing the diplomatic part of the mission. We met Warrick's younger brother and he complained before I ignored him and headed straight for the ship.

Sam told them that I'm a little eager to get started with the upgrades. Warrick's brother Eaman wasn't happy to hear that but Warrick said it was fine because I already knew everything about the ship. I put on headphones and started taking things apart, telling them to go for lunch or something because I'd be a while. Eamon asked what I was listening to and I took out a stereo from a capsule, putting on Feed the Machine by Nickleback.

I worked deftly and faster than anyone he'd ever known so Warrick dragged him away saying not to bother the powerful telepathic man working with cold fusion ion drive in the ship. I tore half the ship apart and upgraded all of it, getting rid of the wiring mostly and using crystal technology in places. From sensors to shields, hull materials and everything, by the time they returned from their quick outing the ship had already changed so much while South of the Border played on the stereo.

When they came inside, they saw me working on an energy matrix holo screen. I finished up what I was doing, I ran a full scan before telling them the internal sensors were working and soon the external ones would be reconfigured to scan the entire quadrant of the galaxy in real time, even while close to the corona of a star. Warrick was happy to hear that before Sam asked where I needed her.

I told her I built a naquadah reactor for into the ship from scratch that yields an excess of twenty times greater than the generators due to the unique combination with the ion drive so I needed an in depth diagnostic scan of the joint reactors ran while I adjust the external sensors. She agreed and Warrick asked if we needed the long range scanning control unit. I handed him my handheld com and scanner. "Scan the unit with this and anything else you can for that matter and I'll tell you if we need it or if I can or have installed something better."

He nodded and I told him how to use the coms so I'd be able to speak with him and let him know as it happens. He thanked me and left since Jack and Daniel were elsewhere while Teal'c asked for me to put him to work. I shrugged saying the extra pair of hands would speed things along considerably so I had him helping me while telepathically directing him. By the time Warrick finished scanning things I had half the competition and most of the planet scanned.

I told him what we could use and what was useless now. When he came back with the weapons and parts, he said he traded the scanner like I suggested. I smirked and told him it was a great job all things considered. He asked how it was coming along, saying they were releasing the race information on a transmission now.

I told him that once all the diagnostic programs were completed and the new parts were added in a few minutes the ship would be about five times faster than anything on the planet and could withstand several reactors like Sam brought exploding against the shields repeatedly or at once. I told him to check out everything himself before finishing the ship's construction. When we finished, Eamon and Warrick asked if we were hungry. I agreed so long as the food was something I could eat without caring what it was.

When we went to leave, a shield popped up around the ship and I smiled before Warrick asked what it was. I told him. "Automated defense systems. It'll stun anyone who touches unconscious it while we're away. When we return I'll show you how to use it and augment it to your needs. It's DNA locked by scanning so anyone that isn't you can't change the controls and no one you don't authorize can come near the ship. No harmful materials can be brought on board and no tampering done either. The ship will defend itself and you to it's upmost capabilities with the simulated matrix onboard as the ship's core systems now. Neat huh?"

He said it was very much so and Eamon frowned saying it was dangerous. I shook my head saying it wasn't and only knocked out those who tried anything without Warrick's express permission. I passed Warrick a modified link. "That will link your mind with the ship so you know everything about it at all times. I thought it up and made it on the fly so it's a prototype, but it's all yours. I'd say that ship could fight a war and come out swinging so long as the enemy isn't Anubis, the goa'uld we're at war with currently."

I passed same a case saying that since she was the copilot and I was the onboard engineer for the duration of the race I'd only made three for now. I put mine on and showed them it didn't do more than pinch a bit. We left and not minutes later the ship notified us of an intruder attempting to enter the ship that was stunned. I waved it off saying they'd be there when we're done eating.

Eamon agreed so we tried a few foods which in the end didn't appeal to me before I brought out a capsule with fresh pizza from Little Caesars. Warrick liked it while Eamon said he had to go check in at work so we ate at a table stall before heading back. The guy that tried to board the ship was gone and so was whatever he'd wanted to use. Soon the race started and I sat in a third seat while things went smoothly for us.

I manned the weapons and took out anything firing at us. We were faster, safer and fully operational as we moved through the courses faster than any other ship, looping past the sun's corona sphere. The next course was an outright race through an asteroid field which was easily handled. We ended up on the last strip and nearly there when a man called making threats as we passed the finish line.

We won the race, ended up saving Jarlath and Warrick got the new contract from Tech Con, the company with a monopoly on everything in their world. The threats failed and Eamon's supervisor was arrested for trying to sabotage the race and endangering their lives. Warrick's new ship schematics made quite the impression once they were released to Tech Con and our diplomatic relations went smoothly on that front as well. Some of the technology was quite thought provoking apparently and I left it to Warrick considering everything.

He shared the technology with another female pilot that would've normally won the race along with having her as his copilot for the contract. They seemed to click and hit it off well so he was happy considering his wife married another man while he was stuck barely surviving on the planet we found him for a few years. Sam had fun and told me when we got to earth that she'd lied about being with someone before because she didn't want herself to be the reason I'd come back and she was angry that I'd stayed away so long.

I sighed and told her that Aiyana had broken our bond when she left because she wanted to spend her time helping the Tok'ra who needed her more. I shrugged saying that I guess I wasn't into it as much as she wanted. Sam asked why and I didn't answer at first before sighing. "I can't say why I came back Sam, but I do know that whatever changes I've gone through, I'm no longer interested or capable of holding onto you the way you wanted before. I'm no longer human at all the way you would understand it. My DNA has been overwritten by Alteran DNA ever since I came back. My mutated gene evolved it so much because the Alteran were more evolved than humans."

Sam asked what it meant for us and I shook my head telling her that it's changed the way I see relationships and how I defined Aiyana and I as well as how I see her. I told her ancients didn't marry, they took lovers for protracted periods, but if another match for them came along they'd split and diversify until they felt whatever draws them back together or not as their very long lives went on. Sam swallowed and said she saw but I shook my head. "It's more than just physical, you know that. The way I feel and how a relationship with me would be, there's no secrets and only privacy in private thoughts. Whatever mixture I am now, I share all of me and myself with whomever I'm with and the opposite is true as well. It's almost like a yearning to be and feel more together."

I waved a hand and sighed. "Aiyana came into my life when I wasn't over you and now she's gone because she wants me to figure out what I want. She and I will have centuries to figure it out or not if we find others who want to be with us as well. After all, Armor Tech is working on giving humans our lifespans as well."

Sam's eyes went wide and asked. "Seriously?"

I nodded. "Increased cellular regeneration, immune systems and lifespan. It's one of the long term projects that was started when I learned I was going to live at least a thousand years in perfect health. It's almost finished thanks to Aiyana's help before she left. Soon enough one dose will ensure it all."

She only said wow repeatedly while I told her I'd never wanted to be so long lived or be alone so I came up with the project so others could enjoy it or not at their discretion. Weeks later Sam and I were physical again at least before my next mission which she wanted to stay and speak with Felger about a computer program for. When I asked what, she told me and I shook my head, telling her that it would shut down the entire gate network because they all communicate simultaneously through subspace and have regular update intervals which would pass the virus to the whole gate system. I told her it was one of the first things discovered about the gate system while they were studying it back at Armor Tech.

She was surprised, but asked if I knew some way to help Felger save his job. I asked what he was working on when the base's power grid shut down his lab. She told me and I passed the knowledge and what I knew about phaser technology to Sam. I shrugged. "It's not perfect, but if you combine the targeting system with the link system, his project could be quite helpful and in fact capable of bringing down exact targeting to cripple ships quickly once their shields are down."

She called it a precision strike and I nodded before slipping on my shirt while she pulled up her camouflage panties. Her breasts giggled a bit and I cupped them before kissing her. She said we don't have time so my fingers delved into her slick depths inside her panties while my palm rested on her landing strip. I growled saying there wasn't enough time for me, but for her once more, I could spare it.

Her sheath clenched and worked my fingers while I worked her bud and nipples. She rocked her hips as her empty heart due to the condoms, grew more slick. When her climax came, I shared myself and her, bringing it so much higher for us both. She panted with a glistening sheen and I pulled my hand out, slick with her discharge.

She sucked on my fingers and looked into my eyes knowing I'd enjoyed seeing her like this. We kissed and I said I had to go so she nodded and I suited up while she lay there panting for awhile, wondering if I'd consume her entirely one day and leave us both burning from spontaneous combustion. I chuckled and left to the armory, getting my weapons before heading to meet Jack and Teal'c to help negotiate peace between the new free Jaffa coming in and all the bad blood between them.

Apparently the symbiote's were ready as well so the Tok'ra met up with us which meant thousands of Tok'ra taking cloned bodies from samples on earth and all over in general. Selmak led the new ones out when an ambush happened by the system lords. We managed to get out and I spent a long time on the Jaffa hatak ship reading Jaffa minds to find the traitor. When I found them, they tried to blow themselves and us up only for me to teleport them outside and activate the ship's shields.

I told them Ba'al sent them before finishing and catching three more before telling Bra'tac that all his men are honorable and it was my honor to be of service in weeding out those who would subvert that honor for false gods. He thanked me ain't front of everyone and I parted with Jack and the delegation once peace was had. We headed back to the SGC and learned Ba'al was beating down the other system lords.

We soon met a group of Jaffa women in need of symbiotes. Daniel said they were similar to amazons and Jack asked if they may want to mate with us. I snorted lightly and ignored that thought since they only wanted our help. We met with Ishtar, the female leader of the group and offered the Tretonin as a solution.

I told them the drug would make it so they healed like they had a goa'uld and make it so they wouldn't get sick while healing the pouch and ridding them of that weakness. Ishtar said they had no weaknesses and I chuckled. "Love, I could kill you all with a thought or beat you all to death in a blood rage. Everyone has weaknesses. The jaffa's most prominent is their stomach pouch. A clean shot to the spine through the pouch and they're done or if it kills the symbiote they die slow and painfully from it's blood infecting them like poison."

She quirked an eyebrow and one girl asked if I was really that strong. I moved like lightning and punched a tree, shattering it and sending the upper half flying into another tree. I made a bolt of lightning fall into my hands and spread outwards like an electric dragon, slamming into the trees like a bomb and incinerating them while I held up a hand, making a shield that protected them all from the blast. I snuffed out the fire and made said girl float into the air, noting that she looked like Amanda only younger.

I set her down as her sister commanded while point a staff weapon at my head. I smirked and made the weapons fly out of their hands, aiming them at them all before flying into a neat pile. The one that looked like Amanda said it was cool and Jack agreed. The girl asked if I could overthrow Moloc and I raised an eyebrow before asking for his gate address.

Jack asked what I was thinking and I shrugged. "If I kill Moloc, the sacrifices he demands will be halted. If I torture and make him plead for mercy before I take his head in front of all his people, their belief in him will falter and perhaps they can join the free Jaffa fighting to overthrow the system lords. In the meantime Teal'c can show these women that the drug not only doesn't weaken them, but it can make them stronger as well. Perhaps they can join the Jaffa fighting the goa'uld and one day soon this galaxy can be free of the false gods."

Ishtar asked if I could do this and I nodded. "I've done worse and trust me, even goa'uld have a breaking point. He will beg and plead for mercy and I'll give him the end he deserves, one of fire. His head will be mounted on his palace walls so that all Jaffa can see it and know the goa'uld are not gods. With the Tretonin we can exterminate the goa'uld by a war of attrition alone if no Jaffa could or would carry them any longer and can't be used as hosts."

Jack agreed and told me to give him hell. I told him I planned to do exactly that when I burn him alive. Jack said no details because he wanted to see it on the big screen. Ishtar gave me the address and I left fast at a dead run, pushing my body to the limits until I reached the gates.

I went to Moloc's throne world while Teal'c got laid and paralyzed the guards, releasing the goa'uld long range communication devices and making Moloc connect to all his worlds through the device. The torture that came next lasted almost a day before Moloc broke and admitted he wasn't a god. He was the goa'uld that believed the whole shtick the most and now he took back his words and told the worlds the truth of what the goa'uld were and where they came from. I lit him on fire and he burned in place screaming before I took his head.

I mounted it on the palace wall above his throne and told the masses watching that if they didn't believe it was true, they were free to put their false god in a sarcophagus now and try to revive him. With that, I broke the long range communication device and freed the paralyzed Jaffa. They didn't try to stop me as I left, having seen everything with their own eyes. I left the planet unchallenged and went to Hak'Tyl, the planet that had the female Jaffa.

I returned to the camp seeing many women without pouches. It was early morning and riders brought word to Ishtar of what I'd done just before I'd arrived. Teal'c and Daniel were there so Teal'c nodded to me and Daniel asked how it went. I turned to Nesa and tossed her the sword I'd used. "That is the blade that took Moloc's head. It now decorated the palace wall above his old throne where his burnt corpse sits rotting. Be careful whom you ask to kill people next time, because they just might do it."

She nodded slowly and went to give it back. I shook my head. "Keep it. The blade is special. It's made so strong it can cut through any armor or metal including my own. The button on the hilt activates the phase shit technology and vibrates the metal so fast it can cut through goa'uld personal shields and take their heads at will. Wield it with strength and honor."

She thanked me and promised that she would. I turned to Ishtar. "I see you've taken the drug. Has it made you any weaker than you were before?"

She said no, that she feels stronger which I nodded to. I turned to Teal'c and smirked, telling him to be careful with her or she may spirit away his heart as well. He bowed his head lightly and I turned to Daniel. "Does that answer your question?"

He nodded and I sighed, popping my neck and shedding my weapons before twisting and stretching almost inhumanly. Bones popped and I sighed as I stood up straight. "Torturing assholes all day and night really takes a toll on your body when they can't fight back after the first few seconds."

I yawned before tossing my weapons to Teal'c except my armor connected wrist plasma repeaters. I told him I was going to meditate in a nearby field. "You and Daniel here should contact the rebel Jaffa and let them know to try and gain a movement in Moloc's territory before another goa'uld tries to take over or wipe them out for knowing the truth of them."

He nodded and I tapped the girl's head, giving her sword lessons telepathically. Hundreds of years and styles passed in her mind in seconds before she collapsed. She dreamed of sword lessons and her sister demanded to know what I did. I told her simply at the point of a staff weapon. "I gave her sword lessons in her mind. She dreams even now of training over and over again. By the time she wakes she will be a sword grandmaster capable of killing hundreds in minutes on the battlefield. She will need to train and condition her body, but it will be no hardship. She sleeps and dreams of swords, nothing more."

I turned and ignored them, heading to the field and meditating, going through the ancient repository in my subconscious and learning more. Jack brought me out of it and said it was time to go because the free Jaffa were here to make inroads to joining them. I nodded and left with the team while Teal'c told me that Nesa woke up and beat many girls her own age and several of the Jaffa women with a stick verses their training staffs. He said it was a sight to behold when she bested her own sister through skill despite lacking in strength.

I nodded saying I taught her everything I knew about wielding a sword and one day she would become the fiercest Jaffa alive, capable of being just as devastating on the battlefield as I am. Nesa had taken the drug and was now free of any need for a symbiote while being about as strong as a normal Jaffa child at puberty. Nesa and her sister with several free Jaffa saw us off at the gate. There Ishtar kissed Teal'c very affectionately before Nesa's sister said Nesa herself had developed affection for me.

I grunted saying maybe in a century or two since the newest Tretonin gives the Jaffa a seven hundred year lifespan once they fully mature. I bowed lightly to Nesa and told her to remember that real strength comes from within and so long as one maintains honor, they'll never be alone for others will follow them of their own free will. Nesa bowed lightly thanking me for my teachings and asked if it was me in those dreams wielding the swords. I shrugged and told her someday she may find that answer, but for now she was much too inexperienced in the ways of life to see passed the dream.

She said she just asked because when it came to wielding the hands like a blade, it was just as effective. I took her sword and told her the blade wasn't before her eyes. I tapped her chest with the handle. "It is in here. A true sword isn't made of metals or technology, it is the heart of the wielder. You forge it with every breath, temper it with every experience and sharpen it with your very will."

I passed it back to her saying that it was just metal and wood until she could understand that. She nodded and Jack asked what nonsense I was teaching the poor girl. My smile softened and told him that it's called wisdom and why he'd never become a swordsman or swordswoman. He said he'd never become a swordswoman because he isn't female.

I chuckled and told him I could fix that for him if he wants me to. I told him that kings used to shave the priests of all their equipment and virtually make them female by design so they wouldn't sleep with the queens. He said he'd met a few queens in his day, changing the subject. Weeks later the goa'uld's Tilgath and Ramius tried to make an alliance only to be slaughtered at the meeting.

Ramius escaped barely and Teal'c was with Bra'tac when they found the battlefield they came across a warrior with more sophisticated kinetic armor than our own now only it was on an Ashrak warrior in a cloned body modified by Anubis. The warrior died and and they brought it back to us. I frowned as I took it apart and examined it with Sam, Selmak and Aiyana who came for it. We learned enough that with the ancient healing device we were able to come up with viable weapons to kill them.

Aiyana told them we needed to capture one and with our armor it was possible. I stayed and worked on the weapon, spending a good day on it even after they found out where the warriors were from and whom they served. When they mentioned a mission to the planet to stop Anubis, I gave them a capsule and told them. "Inside is a pet project of mine I worked on with Naquadria. It's a bomb capable of destroying an entire planet. Set it, take the control with you and press the red button when you're off the planet. If you come back through the gate make sure the Iris is closed because it'll cause a secondary explosion from the gate and expand faster than a ship can fly out of the atmosphere. It'll turn the air to fire and make the core of the planet explode like Netu only without needing to be anywhere near the core."

Jack whistled saying that was a bomb and I nodded. "I made it extremely powerful in case we ever came across enemies using suits like our own in numbers too many to face. It's one of a kind and no, I won't make more because it's specifically designed to blow up planets and I really don't want to make it a habit."

General Hammond agreed and gave them the go ahead. Jack asked if I was interested in going with and I told him I needed more time to finish the TER and test it. They came back later saying Anubis was dead and I shook my head while saying that as a partially ascended he can't die that easily. I told them at best he would regroup and come back later with more warriors no doubt.

I waved a hand. "In the meantime I've made sixty TERs. The Tok'ra and Jaffa can use their own technology to make more as needed. Be careful with them because they can and will kill all of us in our suits now. I'm studying the armor to improve on our own where I can. The design is clearly ancient."

Aiyana agreed and soon each group took twenty. They were one shot kills to anything with lifeforce and I wasn't sure if it was a good thing. Still, they had a limited charge so numbers can be overcome. In the meantime, I worked on upgrading our armor to hopefully be resistant to the TERs and someday entirely immune.

As time passed we soon found ourselves catching Osiris after a date Sam and I had with dinner and dancing. Sarah was back and Osiris was captured while Daniel had the stargate address to Atlantis I'd given him supposedly when I was ascended. He never knew more than that and beyond the city ship being underwater. Still, the gate address wasn't useful at the moment because the gate booster didn't last long enough to send more than one person at a time and the eyes were only allowed to be used for the world shield.

Hell, we had a team in Egypt trying to narrow down the location of the ancient power source or potentia. Soon the Omega site was attacked with Sam there working on a TER repeater weapon to bring down the newly named Kull warriors in faster and higher numbers. Selmak was there with her when it happened and the Omega site had self destructed. I went there and learned the Jaffa there had sent warriors to kill Olokun only to be captured by Anubis who sent forces to kill Olokun and now destroy the Omega site.

I found the last Kull warrior hunting Sam and killed him before finding Sam and giving her a medical pill. She was healed up fast so I told her next time to wear her armor. She smiled and finished the TER repeater so I grabbed the Kull warrior and dragged it with us back to the stargate while Jack brought the rest of the now healed survivors. I told Selmak that he should've told me there was a spy in Olokun's ranks.

He said Egeria didn't want to risk me going after Olokun himself and getting a message to the spy to take out Olokun had become difficult. I told him to warn the Tok'ra that Anubis may know their locations as well. George said he knew and at the request of Aiyana and Egeria, I'd been excluded. Even the Jaffa had known the Tok'ra were trying to kill Olokun and had become impatient.

Still, the Tok'ra spy managed to get most of the Jaffa out as it turns out and hundreds of Jaffa joined the free Jaffa, but those sent from the Omega site had been captured. That's how it all played out in the end and General Hammond said that despite the Jaffa's actions that led to the destruction of the Omega site, it was better than my having been captured or possessed by Anubis so he could gain access to all the knowledge I had while ascended.

He said Daniel told him I'd learned more than just Atlantis, but with the repository of knowledge and everything else I could've learned, it would make Anubis unstoppable. I got angry at first before calming down and telling him that I wasn't afraid of Anubis or any ascended because I knew somehow I could beat them if it came to it. I told him that if Anubis had tried to capture me himself there wouldn't be an Anubis anymore nor any ascended that tried the same. I told him that I don't remember how, but I knew they weren't capable of hurting me much less possessing my body.

He said he'd rake it under advisement, but for now any chance I could be captured by Anubis is a chance the galaxy couldn't afford to take. Soon Janet was killed as Anubis sent his Jaffa troops to a planet with ruins from the Ancients. We went and I knocked out most of the force but Janet had been shot treating a man that lost a leg. The Jaffa hit her with a staff blast in the head while her helmet was down.

The man survived, but Janet hadn't. As for the Jaffa, all of them were captured and sent to the free Jaffa while I'd brought down all except the hatak ship in orbit. Even that only survived because of shields when I'd fired all the mental energy I could spare in a massive bolt of lightning that temporarily disabled the ship from what we could tell. I was spent and bleeding from the nose as Jack got me through the gate.

I punched the camera man that looked like Artie and told him to get the camera out of my face when Sam told me Janet died. He'd had a matching bloody nose, but otherwise he was fine. I left and a few days later we had a service for Janet. Cassandra was eighteen and in college so I told her my place was open to her and while I'm rarely there, I'd do my best to be there if she needed me to talk or for anything.

It wasn't like I needed to be there to take her to high school or whatever. I wasn't the only one who made the offer. Everyone including General Hammond had done so. Still, time went on and soon the new president Hayes was elected with Kinsey as his Vice President.

Robert Woolsey came to Hammond and left with the hard drive with all the dirt we'd gotten on the Vice President and his coconspirators. More pressure was on us to find the ancient outpost on earth. Hell, there was already plans to building a team of scientists and people to send to Atlantis someday soon. Daniel soon said another SG team found a possible repository and came up with a plan to find the outpost on earth using it.

Sadly I couldn't access the database in my subconscious and if I took it a second time I could end up losing it all in an Asgard mind wipe. I told Daniel as much and that Aiyana can't access it with Egeria in her so it was all moot for us. He mentioned using computers to interface with it and when I got to the SGC, Jack was there pulling me into Daniel's meeting. We ended up on the planet where the repository was and when Anubis found us, Jack used it himself again.

We got back to the gate under heavy fire from ships. I unleashed a storm that dropped all the ships and fired at Anubis's mothership trying my damnedest to destroy it. We barely made it back to the SGC with Jack and we took the weekend off. Sam and I visited Jack the next morning and the others seemed to have the same idea.

General Hammond showed up after the full team arrived and told us over beers that the stargate program was shut down temporarily effective immediately while General Hammond himself was relieved of command and he was being reassigned.

He told us of Dr.Elizabeth Weir and two days later we met her at the SGC. She was weary of me because she knew all of what I was and what I could do. I simply told her that Jack had the new repository downloaded into his head and it could lead to accessing the ancient outpost on earth which if nothing else would give us access to a potentia outside of those being used to power the satellite shield, much less possibly defending this planet from any potential attacks with Ancient weapons and I'm not talking just old.

She said she was aware of the situation and I sighed. "Then you know that soon after he gives us what we need, it's guaranteed that the repository will kill him unless we contact or send him to the Asgard to have it removed."

She nodded and I shrugged. "So long as we're clear that I'll do whatever it takes to ensure that this world and Jack aren't destroyed you won't hear another word from me then. And do try not to be so weary of me. You look as if I terrify you. I don't do tricks and I try not to read the minds of people on the base unless it's asked of me."

She seemed to relax and thanked me for my candor. Bra'tac came with news that Anubis was done attacking the system lords for now and was gathering the full force of his fleet. Anubis will be attacking earth in three days apparently all because he believes we know the location of Atlantis which we do but it was out of reach and not the point right now. Senator- I mean Vice President- no I mean asshat, arrived and started off saying some people just didn't know when to leave.

I looked at him and snorted. "I really hope for your sake you don't mean me. My company funds half the stargate program on an ongoing bases. Not only can I have it exposed, I could just as easily back anyone against you in the political arena and have your less than legal dealings uncovered and exposed with a mere phone call. I'm not military and no prison can hold me while violence will only have you putting on a pink tutu and singing I'm a little tea cup in the corner of a padded cell for the rest of your life."

He looked slapped and angry, but he was smart enough to realize that none of what I said was in jest. I smirked and waved a hand. "Now that we have the insults out of the way, let's hear what you have to say."

Dr.Weir sat down and told us that to start off with, either I or Sam would have to leave SG-1 because of our relationship. Sam went to speak and I stopped her saying I was off the team then, but I'd help until this threat was passed. Dr.Weir agreed and Met the rest of the team while Kinsey made snide comments to Jack.

When Kinsey took offense to Bra'tac title of master, I spoke up. "The term master for a Jaffa is similar to that of a master martial artist here on earth only with more reverence because they teach warriors to survive so get the bug out of your ass Kinsey, he's Master Bra'tac just like I'm Dr.Johnson or major Johnson."

Kinsey sneered before doubting the word of Bra'tac. Dr.Weir said we should assume Bra'tac was telling the truth before asking about negotiating with Anubis.