
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
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79 Chs


Things quieted until an angel named Orion came looking to destroy Abraham and take his power of death to wipe out humans like a plague. Orion was soon trapped and sealed in the painted world while I had his blade. I reforged my elven blades with that of Methuselah and Orion's chakram. They were still pretty much the same only now they held an angelic power and enochian power to extinguish souls and essence alongside stealing the powers of those killed with them and giving them to the wielder.

When Katrina and Ichabod found a haunted painting, I sealed it away and prevented the psychopathic soul inside from escaping again. I replaced it with a fake and took the real one, sealing it in the warehouse in the painted world. Then came Hawley's past rearing it's ugly head, though I got a magical Kali statue and an imprisoned demon that looked like HG out of it. The demonic essence was extracted from her while she was set free in the immortal world where I heard she and HG were both with Claudia and my other self.

Soon Solomon Kent came to town seeking the Grand Grimoire. It was sealed away in the warehouse so he was out of luck, but he did try and take it from me and caused his own downfall. The Balcoin medallion stole his magic and he was banished and dispersed into the earth, destroyed forever. Katrina thanked us again since her grandmother had been killed by Kent long ago.

Soon the reavers were destroyed by myself with my blades and the Fenistella they guarded was in Ichabod and Abby's hands. I told them how I'd spelled the maze to send all the dark things trying to free Abraham down into the pit which is why a great many of the reavers were dead before we came down to free the two living humans. Still, once the books and AI of Thomas Jefferson were moved, the Fenistella was destroyed with the dead reavers to ensure no one could find proof of the supernatural and start a world panic.

Everything was moved to the archives and armory where Ichabod and Abby had Jefferson to guide them. Next came Jeremy's return and the rise of the dark coven he'd tried to make. Ichabod shot him and I told Katrina how to save him, to help him forget and to start anew with her baby boy. She used the vial and told Ichabod to stay the hell away from her and her son.

She found sanctuary in the manor while Ichabod moved into Abby's place for a time. Nine months passed, the horseman of death disappeared and Ichabod was in Scotland or wherever. Cassie had entered my bed having been a virgin as it turns out since Adam was killed before they could address that issue. Katrina got her divorce with Ichabod over with and was happily adjusted to her new life in the coven.

She fidgeted the evening the horseman went missing and asked when and if she too was required to sleep with me. I shook my head and told her she wasn't, the choice was hers after all. I waved a hand to the humming Cassie and other relaxing females. "They choose to do so because I'm not complicated and extremely experienced in the art of pleasure. Not to mention the assurances I provide as a lover."

I told her of the dimensional artifact I carried linked to a dimension of immortals where they are assured safety and peace for eternity. I told her of the city and libraries, the potent magics and the immortality I provide my lovers upon entry. I turned to Katrina and told her the same could be provided for her and baby Jeremy if she were to be my lover, but it wasn't something I gave to just coven members.

She asked about Dawn whom she'd heard I'd sent there and I told her Dawn was Faye's mother and had been pregnant with my child. I told her it was a long and complicated issue which is why she wasn't my lover any longer or at least until we were immortals in the painted world as well. While I took Katrina as my lover, repeatedly and consistently flooding her depths with my seed, I felt my connection with the bracelet on the horseman of death break.

When we laid there in the afterglow, Katrina mumbled that I wasn't lying about being good. I stroked her red tuft of wet hair and told her that I'd been quite potent tonight. I asked if she was using a contraceptive potion or spell and she stilled before saying no. I hummed and did a spell before telling her she was ovulating so within four days it was likely my seed would take and she'd be a mother twice over now.

I slid between her legs and pinched her clit as I slid in, telling her that she'd need to decide soon what it is she wanted because I'd be cross with her if she aborted a baby she could've prevented from taking root altogether. She sighed and I kissed her, moving inside her as I kissed my way down to her breasts, telling her that I'd be there and happy to help raise a child of ours if she wanted. I moved inside her with a steady rhythm until she agreed before moving erratically and jackhammering her body as her breasts bounced with wild abandon.

When we reached the crescendo, she bucked and wrapped her legs around me while her body milked all of my offering into her needy depths. We perspired and breathed in gulps of air while I slid free of her and told her that she was mine now and unlike her former husband, I protect what's mine with all that I am, not try to harm it. She smiled and asked where I was two hundred years ago. I chuckled lightly telling her. "Fighting the armies of hell dimensions across thousands of dimensions."

She laid on my chest saying she'd wished I was there to father Jeremy and protect them both back then. I kissed her hand before telling her. "I cannot change the past without changing you and the present, but I can be the father Ichabod clearly isn't if you'd like. I've no issue with raising Jeremy as my own alongside any children we may have."

She kissed my shoulder and said she'd like that. I smiled before stroking her puffed lips. She groaned saying she couldn't handle anymore so Melissa came in and decided to help herself to my growing needs. Luckily I didn't need sleep and magic pretty much gave me infinite stamina once it reached passed a certain point. The sun rose on all five naked and panting woman as I pulled free of Cassie from behind.

She collapsed into Faye's crotch while Faye moaned. "No more, Ryan. Too tired."

I smiled and showered before reading the Grand Grimoire's magic spells, memorizing them all. Team witness didn't need us to deal with the Yao-Quai. Still, we offered and helped trap the creature before they killed it. Next came a wraith of sorts that killed those with deadly secrets.

It couldn't resist coming after me when I crossed it's path. So many secrets, so much blood and death, I was the ultimate target to it. Carolina's grasp trapped it and my swords destroyed it. I told Abby and the rest that the one that summoned the Yao-Quai was the same summoner of the wraith.

Finally the Byzantine Parang that turned the wielder into a Jack the Ripper monster was added to the warehouse so I was doing some good there. After trapping a demonic tooth fairy in the repaired and fully upgraded masonic cell. Ichabod killed it and Halloween was soon upon us. I took the women to a party where we all had fun including Katrina.

Even little Jeremy enjoyed the spooky bobbing toys over his crib with music. Several artifact chasers tried to rob me and one dumb ass tried to brute force it. His screams and brutal torture scared the others away. Randall Martin as he called himself, ended up with two shattered hands and a broken arm before I made it damned clear that if he stepped foot in Sleepy Hollow again I'd skin him alive and watch him die choking on his burning flesh. He swore to leave town and not ever come back so I gave him a pill and knocked his ass out with a spell.

He woke up in the trunk of his car with a note staples to his shirt to leave town like he promised or suffer my own promise. Next was an undercover FBI agent that came looking for the shard of Anubis as well. She tried and failed to find it, finding her way into my bed for a night. Unfortunately for her she didn't have the kind of protection that stopped magical conception so her well fucked self left the next day empty handed and full of seed.

I'd told her right after she woke up that I destroyed the shard of Anubis because it was a dangerous weapon I didn't want used against me. I kissed her shoulder and gave her breakfast in bed before telling her the world was more dangerous than she could imagine so she needed to be careful whom she seduces into bed to try and rob. I stood up and grabbed a shower before coming back out. She had a gun pointed at me and I chuckled. "You aren't going to shoot me love, it just isn't going to happen. You're an undercover FBI agent and I'm an unarmed civilian so far as the law is concerned. I've broken no laws and I've harmed no one as far as you can prove so put the gun down, grab a shower and get dressed or join me in bed again so I can taste you once more."

She shivered and lowered her gun before getting dressed, saying she couldn't be here if her cover was blown. I walked but behind her and grabbed her, spinning her around and dodging an attack. I chuckled and told her to calm down. My towel had dropped and the way I was holding her-

We both groaned for a moment before I told her that her secret was safe with me. I lifted her leg as her well fucked entrance parted and asked her if she wanted me again while the tip of me pressed gently into her, waiting. She bit her lip and sighed before sliding on me herself. We'd fucked one last time, repeatedly for one session I might say before she found her clothes cleaned and stacked neatly beside her and a towel.

I heard her shower and leave before finding the manor having been searched including Jeremy's room. Katrina and the others hadn't minded and watched her do so, encouraging her to look all over amused by her. It'd been a fun night and now an interesting day to them. Once the special agent left, we went to see Ichabod and Abby who were preparing to deal with a Draugr issue.

Ichabod gave Katrina a sad look, but just like she'd learned of his affair with Betsy Ross, he'd learned she was with me and with child. They had a very strained relationship, mostly because of how uptight he was. Still, we were there to help and help we did. I ripped the draugr stone out of General Howe who was leading his men and they all fell to dust and bone.

After storing the stone away, I told Abby and Ichabod that Howe's intentions were to incite fear and panic, just like the creatures before him so clearly he was sent by Pandora. We stayed out of what came next thanks to Abby and Ichabod not informing us of them finding Pandora's base. They hadn't even told us about the wasp demon nor the box Pandora had summoned her demons with, at least not until Pandora was gone and Atticus Nevins showed up at the manor's edge.

He had three berserkers with him only they died by my blades rather quickly. He shot me in the arm and the bullet fell flat against my skin. I smirked. "Nice try, now put down the gun and be a good little human or I'll stop playing nice."

I held up my swords. "These extinguish the soul and essence of those they kill. Your would be unstoppable friends should be a testament to that. Now that I have their strength and invulnerability to weapons, you're nothing more than a side note I don't care about. I destroyed the shard nearly two years ago and I no longer have an interest in you."

I put my swords away and dropped him with a sleeping spell. I scrolled through his memories and sent Katrina and the girls to steal his valuables including the scarab that controlled a Sumerian Ghoul. I dropped a tip to Abby to arrest Nevins with all the stolen items that wasn't magical in origin. Most of it was black market antiquities and stolen Iraqi gold.

I made it easy on them by forcing him to confess his sins on tape with a spell, editing out all the supernatural crap. When that was done, over ten million in stolen cash from Nevins was acquired with the magical artifacts. I took August Corbin's first case file and watched Nevins get arrested from afar. Soon Pandora had returned and Atticus Nevins was on the run while Abby and Ichabod were heading up for war against the god Pandora brought back with her.

They actually contacted us this time once they understood what it was they were facing. We joined them and most of the circle faced Pandora with Ichabod while I face the hidden one with Abby, Jenny and Joe Corbin. They fired at the half mummified man and laid into him with all they had until he came out unscathed. I smirked as he said their pathetic attempts could do nothing to him.

I waved them off and started chanting. "Kali, Hera, Kronos, Thonic. Air like nectar, thick as onyx. Cassiel, by your second star, Hold mine victim as in tar."

The air thickened and he was held in place for a time. He beat on it and I groaned telling them to go help Ichabod and the coven. They did and I held him as long as I could before I felt drained. He may not have had his full strength back, but he was still a god.

I raised a hand as I ran. "Thicken."

The air around him thickened once more while I got the fuck out. I yelled to the others. "That's it, we're leaving!"

At that moment Pandora's box exploded and nearly knocked me off my feet with the rest. I helped them up and told them we needed to go because I was running low on magic and the pissed off god was coming. They agreed and we got the fuck out of there while Pandora roared, pissed off. Soon afterwards we were chasing pieces of Pandora's box while the others were dealing with Gargoyles.

I had to make a basic ring to hold the pieces of the box because it was touched by pure evil incarnate. We had a good half of the box when Atticus Nevins showed up again half starved and talking about demons. He showed the others the first case file of August Corbin or rather where it was hidden before I'd taken it. In the end he had nothing and Abby took him in.

The ghoul that came found itself controlled by me and Nevins said I was to blame for everything. He wanted his stuff back and the file but I shrugged. "I know why you wanted it and I know who is behind the man you made a deal with for the locations. Trust me when I say they'll never get it from me. Now off to prison with you."

Abby asked what it was he wanted and I told her. "He wants the nine locations of mystical treasures and artifacts that August Corbin found like the place this ghoul came from and guarded. He won't be getting it because I'll be emptying them out and donating the gold and human treasures to museums while the mystical artifacts will be locked away for good along with the ghouls that guard them. Trust me, he was ready to kill us all for them which is why he hid a bomb in his stomach to threaten us with."

I punched Atticus in the gut, making him double over. "You won't find a bomb in there now. A bit of teleportation magic and a handshake was all it took to send your bomb to the storage place we found the scarab in. Enjoy prison asshole."

Abby had to drag him out of there kicking and screaming because I'd ruined his plans. In the meantime I headed home with the ghoul and sent it to the warehouse where it was bronzed by Claudia. The scarab was locked away once more and sent to the warehouse as well. Weeks later the hidden one made a move to recruit the Jersey Devil to his side.

There was only two pieces of the box missing when they came back with news of the Jersey Devil's death and the missing sands of time. They did however bring back an emblem of Thura. I told them what it was, what it could do and that if they used it in town on the hidden one it would wipe out the town and destroy him. I separated the two pieces and they sparked in my hands before I tossed them to Ichabod. "Seems I still have a bit of god juice in me after all. Still, it won't work on me. Do be careful with how you use it or you could end up destroying the town."

Abby asked. "So, not evil?"

I shook my head. "Not in the slightest. The emblem of Thura is a rune meant to seal gods away and protect humanity from them. It is a symbol of home, protection, family and ancestors. All of which it draws power from to protect humanity and seal the evils of the world away."

I left it at that and days later there was a barrier around the armory. The emblem of Thura had been activated and the hidden one was trapped inside with Ichabod. Abby called the coven and we showed up where she and Pandora were waiting. I touched the barrier and it sparked instead of flinging me back.

Pandora looked startled. "You are a god."

I shook my head. "Former. My soul is still divine partially anyways, but my body is human. The emblem of thura is useless against me."

I looked to her away from the barrier. "And so is your box. I've learned and adapted. Your box can kill gods and the like, but to me it is no more than a trinket to be collected or destroyed, just like your husband if I get serious."

I held out a hand and a sword appeared at her throat. I told her indifferently. "This blade can extinguish souls and essence, kill normal deities and destroy toys like your box if I've half a mind to use it."

I held up my other hand and another appeared with her neck at the center like a pair of sheers about to take her head off. I made them vanish. "And they would transfer all the power of those killed into the wielder."

I held up a hand to show her the ring that appeared. "All the power I've collected from many worlds and dimensions. More power than any one god can hold. Yet I'm missing a component to building myself a body of unheard of power capable of shattering realities and walking through worlds killing and drawing in power from all the gods and worlds I cross paths with."

My ring vanished and I told her. "Even your lover's eye of providence is fused with my ring, changing very little in any way. A drop of water in a vast universe of power I've collected. Thousands upon thousands of gods I've slaughtered. Thousands more dimensions of demons laid to waste. You little princess of a would be god, are as ignorant of real power as your stubborn and insolent husband. He thinks he knows power. Even with the hour glass that grants omnipotence, it is only for one planet in one solar system of one galaxy in one universe of one reality. I've killed more powerful gods for a laugh because they thought they were important."

I turned back to the barrier. "Precious few things are important to someone like me and only those that become special are worth anything. So far I've found five special women in this world and they will be taken to my abode, the realm of immortals. Much like the prison your people tossed the hidden one into only it is filled with life, laughter and peace. It's waters grant immortality and it's libraries are filled with thousands upon thousands of books on magic, knowledge and all the understanding I have of the multiverse. Free for those who live there to study and understand."

I ran my hands along the barrier as it sparked and hummed before turning to Pandora. "Magic and power is so thick there that it is in everything. From the grass to the food eaten and the clothes they wear. Six seeds of pure magic, all capable of fueling an entire world of magic alone. It is an immortal's paradise and a heaven for witches who want to learn more about everything, growing more powerful. One could become a god as easily as it is to breathe there."

Abby came over and asked about the barrier. I grunted. "The hidden one is attacking it, fueling it's power for now. I can drain about half the power in the barrier before I need to stop. My body isn't immortal nor indestructible at the moment so I can only channel so much power safely before overloading. If he continues to attack it there's precious little I could do to help."

Abby nodded. "Do what you can."

I sighed and my ring appeared as I touched the barrier, drawing power from it into myself and into the ring constantly. Soon the hidden one stopped attacking so I was able to rest for a bit, exhausted. Pandora said I wasn't so tough as it seems. I grunted and told her that her goading does nothing, much like talking to a wall because her opinions mean nothing to me.

The others found a banshee but they had to kill it so Pandora mentioned using Joe Corbin's wendigo half. I mentioned the ghoul and or a dragon or something and Pandora said the ghoul wouldn't be strong enough while a dragon would be too big for the area we have to work with. I tilted my head and watched her use her box piece which wasn't enough or so she said. She asked for any pieces we may have and admitted her wrongs of the past and present, having hidden the knowledge of the emblem from the hidden one.

Anyways, they gave in and Jenny brought out the piece she'd hid. Pandora used it and broke the barrier the rest of the way, freeing the hidden one and Ichabod. The emblem of thura was destroyed with the tablet Ichabod had while Pandora left and Joe was returned to normal. He asked me if I could check and see if the wendigo was gone and I did.

I shook my head. "Not gone, but dormant and severely weakened. I can draw it out the rest of the way if you'd like and remove it for good."

He nodded and I warned him. "This is going to be unpleasant. The spell required requires blood of both halves and a special severing curse. If I do this you'll feel as if a big part of you is gone. It'll last years before your soul naturally repairs itself with time, but it could take your entire lifetime."

He nodded and I grunted, taking out a pair of bracelets. I put them on him and drew his blood I needed. I forced him to shift and froze him before taking the wendigo's blood, forcing it to shift back. He said I was right that it was unpleasant.

I shook my head. "That was just the prep work. The unpleasant part starts now."

I dipped the dagger I had in the blood and asked if he was ready. He nodded and I stabbed him with it in the chest. Jenny cried out only for a roar to come from him as he and the wendigo were split apart. He was fine for the most part while I tossed the wendigo into the warehouse bronze with a thought. The Borgia dagger was returned to the warehouse after it was cleaned and the wendigo was bronzed.

Joe asked if it was over and I nodded. He said 'good' before passing out. I turned to Jenny as I caught and lowered him. "Make sure he's not left alone or he could become suicidal for the immediate future. The wendigo changed him and tearing that part of him away left a hole. Most humans feel despair or hollow when a portion of their souls are lost. It's what makes killing easier and why sociopaths feel numb emotionally. They are soulless or born with defective souls due to reincarnation. Just be there for him and try not to panic if he becomes clingy or emotional at times while cold and distant at others."

She nodded and I removed the bracelets from him that had sizzled and burned the eye of Ra on his wrists. I put them away and left with the coven until Abby and Ichabod mentioned the catacombs and needing to get there to regenerate the box to beat the hidden one. Faye beat the hot tar demon that ended up following Abby and Ichabod around by freezing it solid with a spell and shattering it.

She sort of did it in front of Abby's boss and on or off again lover so that cat was out of the bag. When it was time to meet up with the others for the plan, I stepped up and told them we didn't need the box. They went quiet and I sighed. "The immortal realm I carry with me has a secret I don't like sharing unless necessary."

I looked to Pandora and back to the rest. "It has three gods hidden amongst the immortals. One of which is myself."

I told them how I split my soul to be reborn each time in different realities. I explained that they prefer to be left alone because of the fact that they are indifferent to everyone else's needs and wants except their own, even my old self.

I gripped a fist and sighed. "They are not kind to anyone except those they care about so they prefer to act as the other immortals do. It is not my proudest moment, but it was death or ascension to godhood in that world where only the strong survive. Even then a demon god led a war where thousands of gods fell not long after my ascension. After the war, I decided to move on because my power had grown beyond any others and it would only lead to civil war amongst the other gods wanting my power so I divided my soul, stored my god self in the painted world and left with two other gods I knew would never betray me."

Abby asked if they could beat the hidden one and I shook my head. "No, but I can."

I took out my swords and told them. "These are fused with Orion's chakram and the sword of methuselah. They have the power to steal the power of those killed with it and kill anything in existence. In this way the hidden one won't explode and kill us all when he dies. The three gods will hold him and after we bind the circle again, I'll kill the hidden one, drawing all of his power into the circle, making all six of us witches into gods. With this no one person will have too much power. Then it will be time for me to leave again, dividing my soul and moving on to the next world to reincarnate."

I looked to Katrina and she told Ichabod she'd be coming with me to the immortal world and taking Jeremy so he isn't killed and sent to hell if they fail the next trial or the one after that or whatever. Pandora complained and I grunted, telling her she could go to her immortal world, but the box stays here. I glared at her saying there are more than enough paths to godhood without harnessing the pure evil trapped inside the box. She conceded this point and thanked me before asking if she could be apart of the circle binding since she's only a witch now.

I looked to the other female witches and they nodded so I tossed her a bracelet. "To bind your dark magic. I won't have it effecting the circle and you aren't the only one with dark magic, nor the strongest so no lip."

She scowled and put the bracelet on. I tossed Jenny a ring. "It contains the other pieces of the box. With what Pandora brought it should be the whole thing. Sadly what she isn't telling you is that the box requires the sacrifice of a witness to be at full power. Don't put it together because it'll suck in Abby or Ichabod."

They glared at Pandora and she shrugged. "It's not like there won't be more witnesses afterwards."

I snorted. "Already having the arrogance of a goddess. How you remind me that I hate this option. Gods are cold and numb because they aren't human, they don't feel as we do and they don't love the same either. I despise that feeling so let's just get this over with."

They had there plans so I brought out the gods and I gotta say, old Bone and old Sword were happier than I last saw them. Old Bone passed me a giggling baby and said I'd missed a lot in my current form. Old Sword brought out Miss Frederic who was younger and happily pregnant. Miss Frederic asked if it was really me.

She looked to my godly self and said I looked nothing alike. I scoffed, both of me did and she said she saw it now. I grunted and turned to my godly form. All he said was that he knew and he'd summon an eclipse to perform a circle binding.

The humans around us were stunned and my older self said they should've seen me as an ancient elf lord, then they'd really be surprised. He said he almost wanted to fuck me and Faye spoke with Melissa saying that would be so hot. I scowled. "Can we not do this?"

My older self nodded and turned to the humans coldly. "So you're the ants we're saving this time. Do scurry about."

He walked over to Jenny. "Except you love, how would you like to fuck in a hurricane of lightning and pleasure?"

I huffed. "She's with the guy next to her."

He looked to Joe Corbin and said he could come with if that's her only issue. I facepalmed and groaned. "Put it away. We have work to do and a near omnipotent god to kill. Seeing as how we don't want the planet to go boom, you three will have to hold him down so I can kill him."

Miss Frederic spoke up. "We know. We've been watching your lives like it's reality tv which I guess perhaps they are."

I grunted and we got to work. The eclipse bound us and it was time so we tracked the hidden one to Bear mountain where Old Bone portaled us in. The witnesses helped slow him down with magnetic frequency jammers slammed into the ley lines. I drove both swords into the hidden one and drained the power from him, feeding the power in the circle as all six females groaned and began growing power powerful rapidly.

The three gods pinned the hidden one down and boy did he struggle. Earthquakes went off as he flopped around and tried to throw them off. I stored the hourglass in my ring and it fused with it, forming a seed of wonder. When the hidden one was powerless and barely alive, all seven of us had ascended to godhood and damn did it feel good.

Katrina stroked her bulging stomach and I smiled as I withdrew my swords from the hidden one. Pandora had her last words with the hidden one before he died. I told them I was growing bored with this world. My older self nodded and went back with old Bone and Sword.

Cassie asked when we were leaving and I grunted. "In a week at most. Go, have fun and bring me the philosopher's stone pieces. I'll take what other magical artifacts I find interesting. The rest can be left with the witnesses."

They nodded and vanished in the air except Pandora who said she wanted her box. I shook my head and told her I'd make her a ring like mine to gather power, but that trinket would stay here. She nodded and came to my side, asking if I was going to take her as my woman now. I stroked her cheek and kissed her before telling her she would have a hard time running from me with that kind of offer.

She smiled and we turned to the humans that came asking if it was over. I nodded. "The hidden one is dead."

I waved a hand to his disintegrating corpse as it fell to dust and blew away. I told them they bought us enough time to stop him for good. I wished them luck in their next adventures before teleporting with Pandora to the manor where I had my way with her. She was quite well fucked when Katrina returned with the two pieces of the philosopher's stone.

I stored it with the third in the warehouse before taking her while she told us the others were bringing back their human families and my own in Chance Harbor. She became too focused on the feel of me inside her while Pandora watched us. Soon the others arrived and attacked me with an insatiable hunger because of what they felt through the circle connection. Faye was the first to take my seed and get herself pregnant, wanting to have all I could offer her.

Almost the full week passed before they went to the immortal world with baby Jeremy. I headed to the catacombs and freed Betsy Ross, going back in time with her to the revolutionary war after I'd claimed her as my mortal lover. She hadn't denied me anything because she wanted me on their side of the war. I made a more stable clone and my godly self went to the immortal world while I accompanied Betsy to meeting General Washington.

I told the two of them every detail of the future. The enemies the witnesses would face and the allies they'd make. I told them of how I'd convinced them before I'd come to the catacombs to hang as many French lanterns in Sleepy Hollow as possible so any demons remaining could be routed after I'd done a spell to wipe out all the hessians on earth in their time. I stroked Betsy's side affectionately and told them that I'd stay and help where I can so long as I don't cross paths with Ichabod if Betsy wanted me to.

She said she did and I smiled before sighing. "Ichabod will find love after you Betsy, he will have his peace and more. I've seen him with a woman I know to be a soldier and motherly type, just like yourself. It seems you had quite the impression on him in your time together."

Betsy asked. "Motherly type?"

I nodded. "History knows you as having had three marriages and many children. I'm sure I can fake my death twice if it preserves history, but I guarantee you're definitely the motherly type."

She smiled and Washington asked what I could do for the efforts. I looked to him seriously. "I have lived many lives and acquired many skills. I am a master blacksmith, swordsman, inventor, warrior, soldier, assassin, spy and so much more. I can change faces like you change clothes and kill at a distance with any ranged weapon or make their deaths look natural, suicidal or like a wild beast. There is very little I haven't done or been at one point or another in my long life, from beggar to king and mortal to god. I am a man of many faces and many talents."

He smiled. "Then I believe we can use all of them."

I nodded and began years of assassination and spy work with Betsy. When it was over, I retired with her, having eight children in our time as immortals on earth. We raised them and faked our aging until it was time to say goodbye. She'd been eighty-four years old when we faked her death and went to the immortal world.

Our children and grandchildren had all grown up and great grandchildren were nearly so by the time we'd left. I made another clone before passing on so she'd have my first clone to be with. We'd left behind a legacy that would see humans reach their full potential the day I'd entered the catacombs. Ross tech would come out of the shadows and help humanity repair the world, letting those in the position to need to know, know everything.

The war on demons and hell would be one fought on many fronts from then on. The witnesses would have their allies and life would go on for them as they bring down the evils like Malcom Dreyfus. I had the philosopher's stone so even that path was closed off to him. My soul lingered to see the day it began and once it did, Ross tech scoured the nine treasure locations, bringing down the ghouls and using the funds to help the world while sealing away the mystical artifacts.

The French demon exorcising lanterns were made in bulk and Sleepy Hollow had them on every street corner. Soon even Washington DC and Chance Harbor had them all over. Malcom Dreyfus's demon was banished by one of them and he was arrested for ordering several murders. His company was taken apart and his mystical collection was locked away by agency 355 which had been significantly bolstered.

Their own mystical weapons stash had been found and revitalized as well. Once DC had it's demon population eliminated, and there were many as it turns out including John Wilkes Booth, Ross Tech fully stepped out of the shadows, solved world hunger, water shortages, clean energy issues, garbage disposal issues, climate change and so much more. I stopped watching the others after that and passed on.