

I scanned deeper and told them. "He saw the power Goku had on something called god tube and wanted it for himself since a mortal could achieve it. So he hatched a plan to become invincible by killing the supreme kais, all of them. He used the time ring to meet a future counterpart and put him in Goku's body before returning to his own time. His potara earring is ready so when his past self catches up with the wish for invincibility they'll fuse into a more powerful being and become all powerful in his time."

Whis sighed. "Oh dear, that is a problem. I guess we have no choice then. My lord Beerus will head to universe ten to deal with Zamasu from this timeline. We can't have that happening here, especially if Zamasu jumped into your body. It would be disastrous."

I shrugged. "Yet funny and sort of ironic. Especially considering the implications."

I waved a hand and a massive force of magic pulled Goku Black towards me while Goku's was squaring off with him. Goku complained and I ignored him. Goku Black tried to swing at me and I caught his fist, wrapping my tail around his other one and holding him in place. I took his potara earring and the time ring before asking him. "I'd the Goku you swapped bodies with alive? No? Ok then."

I broke his neck and his body crumpled before I turned to Beerus and Whis. "If his alternate future self uses the super dragon balls to wish for invincibility, then only Zeno Sama will be able to eliminate him without gathering the balls again. I may be strong, but I know I have limits just like Beerus and yourself Whis."

Whis reluctantly agreed so I suggested our Goku go and if he's there, use the button to summon Zeno, after they try to beat him of course. I slid on the time ring. "I'll see you all there. In a moment this ring and the dead idiot will be pulled back to the future so I'm going with to try and repair the planet. If I can, I'll find Namek and wish for the world restored with it's Kami before using the earth dragon balls to return everyone and everything Zamasu has destroyed back to the way it was."

I turned to Goku. "If you lot fail and don't want to summon Zeno, I suppose I could seal Zamasu away with the evil containment wave. After all, it's not harming him if he simply can't go anywhere or do anything."

Trunks was more than happy with this outcome while Goku asked. "But we still get to fight him right?"

I waved him off. "Of course. I want to fight him as well. I simply didn't want to fight this weakling here because he's oh so strong in a weak timeline."

I snorted at that and told them our universe is full of strong people and to eliminate them before they could get stronger out of fear is the mark of a coward. Vegeta agreed so I tossed the potara earring to Whis. "Your proof that Zamasu has done what I've read in his mind. His personal potara earring."

Whis nodded and asked. "How will you get back to our time?"

I shrugged. "I'll contact Chronoa once things are done and she can send me back once Beerus is returned in the future. I imagine he's going to need someone to knock some sense into him and give him Zamasu's container to torment the dumb asshole with."

Beerus huffed and Whis held his hand over his mouth laughing. I was soon pulled to the future alongside Goku Black's body. Once there I saw the ruins of earth and sighed. "Not my earth, not my women, not my children, not my students."

I repeated it like a mantra and closed my eyes, teleporting to New Namek. There the Namekians were alive at least. I gathered the dragon balls and wished for all the planets Zamasu under the guise of Goku Black had destroyed were full returned and repaired. The dragon could barely do it, so I just wished for the Kami of earth returned back to life.

Once their Dende was back, I went ahead and asked for time ring Zamasu has to be given to me, but the dragon couldn't do that. I asked for a full understanding of Ultra Instinct and the dragon gave me what it could. Smiling, I watched it leave before returning to earth where I gathered the dragon balls in a couple seconds and wished for all the people Zamasu under the guise of Goku Black has killed returned to life.

It worked and the people of earth were brought back. I teleported down and told Mai and this world's Bulma what I did and who I was. I grabbed Goku Black's body and told Bulma how it all happened before putting the body away in my space ring. Zamasu was pissed when he showed up, but no more than a minute later Goku and the rest arrived in the time ship.

Goku, Vegeta and Trunks all fought him, but he was already invincible and unkillable. I punched the smug fucker into outer space and joined him there where I laid a beating on him so fierce he was hesitant to believe he was invincible. I hit him with a massive ball of hakai and he reformed laughing. Getting pissed, I brought out a jar and did the evil containment wave which he didn't expect.

He was sucked into the bottle and I went to pick it up only for the bottle to break and for me to get slammed flying into earth's atmosphere. I landed in a crater and got up growling. "The evil containment wave jar was broken. It seems only a divine object can hold him and I'm fresh out."

I turned to Goku. "Call Zeno or do something because I'm out of ideas."

Zamasu tried to destroy the planet and I sent his attack back at him. I flew back up and told him. "You may be invincible, but you're still weaker than me so your power is moot."

I flickered and took his time ring before ripping out his potara earring. He wasn't happy to hear this and we fought a hell of a lot more while I used him as a training dummy to try out all of my moves, new ideas and hell, I just had fun like when I was a kid again. He said something was impossible and I scoffed, not caring. I only stopped when this timeline's Whis and Beerus showed up.

Whis said they were informed of everything so Zamasu tried to escape. Beerus hit him with a full hakai which disintegrated him. When he became mist, he leaked into the fabric of this reality like a cancer and grew rapidly. I told Goku to summon Zeno now or Zamasu would force the destruction of this reality by Zeno's hand later.

Goku hit the button and Zeno appeared. He asked who we were and I told him there was no time, pointing to Zamasu's cancer like growth. Zeno looked at it and said. "That's not good. You go bye bye now."

He held up a hand and erased Zamasu from existence. The tear in reality was repaired by Whis and Beerus begged Zeno for forgiveness for failing in his duties. Before Zeno could pass judgement, I tapped his head and he made and 'oh' face as I gave him all the knowledge of what transpired. He turned to Beerus and told him he wasn't to blame.

I sighed and told Zeno of the tournament of power his alternate timeline self was making. I suggested he come back to see it and possibly bring his own fighters back as well to take part. He liked that idea and I suggested he bring his set of super dragon balls for the prize like ours is so his timeline's warriors could benefit and at the end we'd see whose timeline and universe was strongest.

Now even Goku was giddy at the prospect. Zeno agreed and asked who I was. I smiled. "I'm a destroyer god candidate for our timeline's seventh universe."

Whis said I must be doing something right because my body was showing ultra instinct. I looked down to my fur and found it white. With a thought, I made it go away and I was hit with a wave of fatigue. I barely stayed floating and recovered after a senzu drink.

I tapped Zeno's head with my tail and showed him that I'd reincarnated from far away into my body along with it's circumstances and everything. I asked if we could be friends and he agreed happily. "Ok."

I shook his hand and his guards made me put him down. I apologized and Zeno gave me a button as well. When he left to make the announcement for the tournament of power, I told Whis and Beerus what I did in our timeline and how they could improve their universe's standing and power ranking. I tossed the body of Goku Black to Whis and told them how to revive him as one of their strongest warriors.

I advised they use the super dragon balls to bring back all the strong saiyans the androids killed and make them stronger. After that I tossed them a super dragon ball radar and told Goku and the rest I was going to Chronoa to get back to our time because I had two time rings to return to her anyways. Whis said he'd take care of that and took the rings along with the earring. When Zeno and the others returned, I asked him to send me to my timeline because the time ship wouldn't hold us all.

Zeno agreed and I was flung back to my time outside the ship. When I crash landed, I rubbed my ass because that hurt. Bulma was happy to see I was back and the others soon arrived to tell her everything. Zeno arrived and met his counterpart as well before I tapped our Zeno's head and he looked absolutely giddy about more fighters, more fun and more everything.

I asked to be his friend as well after showing him my whole life in the blink of an eye. He agreed happily and once more I was asked to put a Zeno down. They went to play together and I focused on being with my women and training under Whis. He was very happy when he heard about ultra instinct.

Beerus wasn't so happy so while Whis worked to train me, he slept. Apparently our Zamasu was thinking similar things as well so he'd been destroyed. After Eighteen gave birth to our most recent son, Kira, I had her training with me on Beerus's planet. Nine months soon passed on the outside while two years in a time room with Eighteen and nine months outside had passed as well.

I'd had Bulma help Eighteen with the energy absorbers nineteen and twenty had alongside the super Android genetic upgrades. When we weren't training or fighting, we were mating in my gravity training room or back on earth doing so. Bulma was happily pregnant with another daughter alongside all my women and they all were due around the same time so they were holding a massive baby shower.

Eighteen was happy for them and speaking to Videl when Goku came around with stuff for Whis and Beerus so they'd train him. When Whis arrived, Goku asked if I was going with him and Vegeta and Whis said there was no need since I was nearing full mastery of my power like Beerus was and I'd just spent nine months training on his planet with Eighteen alongside two years in a time and gravity room.

Goku complained about not thinking of that himself. He asked how strong I'd gotten and Whis told him I was nearly as strong as Beerus at the moment and pushing to become stronger which would make me the destroyer god automatically and bump Beerus down to a candidate. He told them Beerus himself was training now so as not to lose out on his position.

I shrugged and rubbed Bulma and Tights's stomachs, making Vegeta ask Whis if they could go now. Whis asked if they got the food and Goku showed him the bag before I tossed Whis a key. He caught it and looked confused. I smiled. "I call it the skeleton key. I spent a day learning all the magic in our universe and made that. Touch a door with it and think of where you want to go then open the door. It'll create a portal to any door in universe seven including any door to the restaurants of earth. With a simple step you could be eating all the delicious food you want and be back home to train Beerus or do whatever it is you do when I'm not there. You can eat anything earth has for every meal with ease."

Whis absolutely loved the gift and I shrugged when he thanked me. "Consider it a thanks for all the training. I know it's not entirely in your job description so you deserve something from me as appreciation."

He smiled and nodded. "Happy to help. Now, off we go, to the restaurants- ahem, I mean to training."

They left and I turned to Bulma, telling her I wanted to learn all the science she could teach me now. I told her I know saiyans can be smart or we wouldn't have had interstellar spaceships. She seemed so happy to teach me that she made quizzes into sex games. We had to be careful not to induce labor as she and the other females was ready to pop any day now.

Still, the rewards made me try so much harder and left each of my easily tired women now laying naked and sighing happily. Eighteen was bouncing on my lap while Bulma asked me more questions. A week later my 'lessons' were interrupted by the Zenos wanting a pre show to the tournament of power. Beerus said I could participate and I joined for it only to be stopped by by the Zenos when I went ultra instinct and used the Kiao Ken times a thousand.

Space and time warped, realities cracked and the Zenos told me to stop. The head angel told Whis and Beerus I wasn't allowed to participate since I qualified as a destroyer and more powerful than most destroyers. I hung my head and headed back to the stands until the contestant called me a cheater. I tail slapped him through ten pillars and told him to shut his mouth or I'd end him.

I was still fuming when I sat down and watched the fight. We won easily when Goku went super Saiyan four to beat his opponent. The other universe called foul, but the angel in charge said it was a natural transformation ability of our species and I was an acception because I was different and now biologically at the peak of mortal strength and had full access to god of destruction powers.

He explained that I was a destroyer candidate equaling the god of destruction for our universe and soon I'd replace him after I surpass him. Beerus grumbled and future Zeno said I was strong, too strong to make it fun. The universe nine weaklings got their asses kicked by Gohan and Zeus next before complaining that they stood no chance because everyone seemed to be able to go SSJ4.

I huffed and told them they were just too weak because even some of the humans in our universe nearly equaled that form in power. They called bullshit and the lead angel checked before saying it was true, that as of this moment our universe was currently growing incredibly powerful, touching the peak of mortal strength in many places like the super Saiyan four form did.

He said some had even begun to touch on the god realm of god ki. This shut the universe nine contestants up and I snickered. "Soon our entire universe will have nothing but god level beings."

I turned to the Zenos. "Imagine a tournament of the gods spanning an entire universe in scope with everyone capable of being gods of destruction. The power, the fighting, the fun."

Zeno asked excited. "Really?"

I nodded. "Why settle for a simple tournament of power for mortals when a god level tournament of power could span every universe. The destruction, the power and the ability to take part in the ultimate battle against everyone capable of fighting a god of destruction…that has been my goal since the very moment I promoted the growth of our universe. To win, prove I am the strongest and perhaps one day to challenge you myself, after I challenge the angels of course. It would be so fun."

Goku was practically vibrating in his seat with giddiness. The gods and angels called me arrogant, but Zeno said that would be fun. The future Zeno said it would be dangerous because the battles would destroy the universes and even if I survived, there's be nothing left so they'd have to start over. Zeno nodded. "Too dangerous. Ok, you go bye bye now."

He held up a hand and I started disintegrating. I growled and yelled no before going all out. I knew I fucked up when I proposed it and yet I couldn't help myself. I used the button to teleport to Zeno and attack before his guards could stop me. The angel wasn't so slow though and deflected my all out attack.

I growled and teleported again, this time I lost focus and a blast that shook the twelve universes from the void sprang forth, freeing every bad thing ever sealed away. I was dying so I decided to give the little assholes one last middle finger. The tree of life that tied everything into being was cut at the roots, tearing holes through every universe. I closed my eyes and apologized to Bulma and the others as I faded into molecules of light.

Next chapter