
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
Not enough ratings
79 Chs


Reborn again, this time in a weird ass world weirder than the last, I knew I was in for a trip when I saw Grandpa Sword as he called himself, show me a sword he had. I was born the twin of Ning Rongrong and nothing like her at all. I had black hair where hers was a whitish red that looked pink in the sunlight, I was born with two spirit forms and she was born with one. She was a spoiled brat and I…was not.

My spirit essence was the famed treasure glass tower pagoda with seven floors, but I had a second spirit essence, the thunder god meteorite sword. I'd shocked both Grandpa Bones and Grandpa sword as well as my father. Oh yeah, and my mother had died giving birth to both of us while poisoned apparently by the spirit hall if father is to be believed. When I turned six, I'd been told the truths of the world around us while my spirit essence had been awakened.

I'd had a full ten innate spirit essence harmonization so I asked for a full set of weighted clothes lined and threaded with heavy metals to strengthen my body. This had confused my father until I told him. "I intend to add only spirit rings to my pagoda until I'm strong enough to withstand a hundred thousand spirit ring on my sword, then all of the spirit rings on my sword will be a hundred thousand years or a million years if I can find a spirit that strong."

My voice turned cold as I spoke. "Then, once I've surpassed all others I will eliminate the spirit hall and bathe my sword in their blood until none stand before me. I will break through and become a mythical deity after surpassing rank one hundred."

I turned to my father, Ning Fengzhi and told him. "For a strong sword it must be tempered over and over, honed in battle and bathed in blood at the edge of life and death. As with any sword, it's only as strong as the wielder so I need a strong body father. Only through pain and suffering can one truly become strong."

He saw the conviction in my eyes and agreed so for the next three years I learned everything, honing my mind and learning about spirit beasts, their attributes, strengths, weaknesses and useful qualities. In that time I honed and pushed my body beyond the limits as I practiced with my sword until I decided it was time to take on my first spirit ring on my Pagoda. I chose a peak nine thousand year old lightning jaguar and Grandpa Sword who'd become my instructor and bodyguard, watched me face the spirit beast alone in the spirit beast forest.

Ning Rongrong may be a spoiled princess, but I was a bloodthirsty prince of the sword. I killed the lightning panther after nearly a thousand cuts from our clashes and added it's ring to my pagoda. It was painful, but there was no soul shock and the pain was strain on my body and spirit essence which subsided eventually as the fusion of it's spirit ring was completed. I stayed seated and melded it into my pagoda like a floor compactor, making sure it was fully fused and no lingering after effects remained.

My first floor pagoda offered a forty-five percent speed boost with a paralyzing lightning armor that stunned foes on contact within or lower than the user in rank. It had a one hour cooldown and was a serious drain on my spirit energy, but with it, I'd jumped to rank eighteen almost immediately due to the three years of constant practice compressing and purifying of my spirit energy.

I stood up and applied the paste at the bottom hilt of my sword to the cuts on me and told grandpa Sword. "I'll stay and practice more to hone my body and skills in real life and death battles. You can go see sister Rongrong if you want Grandpa."

He smiled before shaking his head. "If I let little Ren die so easily by any would be spirit beast or random cultivator old Bones would never let me hear the end of it. Sorry little Ren, but you're stuck with me."

I scowled before telling him he can collect the spirit bone then and stay out of my way or I'll never get any real training done. Within two months I reached rank twenty and got my first ten thousand year black spirit ring. My body was already honed and powerful especially for a nine year old. I stayed in the forest and managed to get quite a few spirit bones.

I left and headed to the spirit arena to fight as a rank twenty, one ring expert. I wore a mask and fought with only a wooden sword, not bothering to use my spirit sword or pagoda. So there I was, a soon to be ten year old with a hundred win streak in the arena. In the end I decided to jump ranks and face rank thirty experts or three ringers as they called them.

At first I was forced to use my pagoda's one ring to keep up, outing myself as a Seven Treasure Glaze Tile clan member. Still, I won my match if barely and went on to fight another twenty more with varying results before I was able to adapt and face rank thirties without my pagoda. I pushed my body so much that I wanted to challenge rank forties, but grandpa sword stopped me saying I needed to get my second ring now or risk pushing myself too hard.

So back to the forest we went where I challenged a ten thousand year Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear. It was the stupidest and best idea I'd ever had because while I barely survived, grandpa bones managed to help me kill it by going all out to weaken it. I finished it off and got it's spirit ring, resisting a massive soul shock with ease. My mind was ancient and more powerful than even the silly spirit beast's.

In the end it took grandpa's help to forcefully fuse the ring fully and it jumped me to rank twenty five. On the bright side I got the external right palm spirit bone which I didn't fuse with. I gave it to grandpa sword who was startled until I explained that it was my fault for dragging him into a battle we won together thanks to him letting me finish the bear off. He thanked me with a smile and fused with it, getting an extremely powerful external spirit bone.

He made me leave the forest for fear I'd challenge the beast god or another of the great beasts. He dragged me back to the sect where I spent the next two and a half years training brutally under grandpa sword. I trained against his sword domain, facing his sword styles with my own as I honed my body and pushed myself night and day. When I heard about Ning Rongrong wanting to join the Shrek Academy for monsters, I asked to be allowed to go and train there from now on.

Grandpa Sword agreed and father gave me things I'd need including some money and a spacial ring. I left with Ning Rongrong and headed to the so called academy of monsters after grandpa bones took me to get my third spirit ring I was more than ready for. I chose a forty thousand year Emerald Swan and grandpa Bones helped me get it with great difficulty. I apologized to the swan before I killed it for it's spirit ring.

I suffered through an even more massive soul shock than before because apparently it was a highly intelligent spirit beast and didn't take too kindly to my killing it. On the bright side I gave Grandpa Bones the external wing bone of the swan so he now had a healing wing effect for him and his allies and the ability to fly. In the end he gave it to Ning Rongrong as a gift when we left and told her not to fuse with it until she had five or more spirit rings. She loved the gift, especially when he told her it was from my spirit beast.

Apparently I'd ignored my sister so much she felt she barely knew me and appreciated the thoughtful gift. I told her the wings were a gift to Grandpa Bones for helping me and they were from him to her because he dotted on her, nothing more. She seemed to deflate at that and I sighed, telling her that it wasn't my intention to be mean or sound cold, I just have my own indifference to her because she and I have separate lives and goals.

We headed to the outskirts of Suotuo City where we signed up after seeing Tang San and Xiao Wu sign up. Ning Rongrong showed off her two yellow spirit rings and I brought out my black/purple ring with my two black rings, shocking the gathered crowd as I held up my pagoda easily. Seeing I was twelve and a spirit grandmaster with a support auxiliary type spirit essence, I immediately qualified for the last test. I moved on without a word after paying the twenty gold for both Ning Rongrong and myself.

When the crowd complained about special privileges, I allowed the examiner to feel my power before he said shakily. "Rank thirty-eight, spirit elder."

I moved on to the fourth test as the examiner recommended while he checked Ning Rongrong, saying she was a rank twenty-six spirit grandmaster. Zhu Zhu Qing snatched the testing ball from Rongrong and showed her rank twenty-seven spirit power. When she said her name, I looked back and smiled wryly before continuing on without a word. When I reached the fourth testing area, I flipped upside down and meditated on one finger, as strait as a sword.

When the others came, I heard Xiao Wu ask Ning Rongrong what I was doing. She told her with a sad smile. "My brother is a training maniac who takes every free moment he has to train. I've only seen him a handful of times since our sixth birthday when we awakened our spirit essence. Since then he's trained with Grandpa Sword or Grandpa Bones so much that until yesterday when we left the clan I'd only seen him in passing."

I didn't comment or move until the vice principal came out saying we were going to face him in a five on one scenario for an hour and if one of us is led standing then we'd all pass. I flipped off my finger and landed with a crack as the ground beneath me shook a bit. I straightened and took off my shirt, dropping it with a loud bang, revealing the weighted vest under it. They watched as I removed my weighted training clothes one after another, leaving busted and sunken ground where I dropped them.

I took off my ring last, setting it on the pile I picked up and set beside the tree. I took out a shirt and training sword before removing my leg weights. I took off my weighted boots and stretched, cracking and popping the joints in my body as I nearly twisted in half before standing up straight. "I'm ready when you are vice principal."

I grabbed my wooden sword and asked. "Is this fine? I don't want to use my second spirit essence since it doesn't have any rings on it yet."

He grinned. "Of course, though I can't wait to see what you do with that toothpick."

My blank face remained so as I told the others about my seven treasure pagoda and the three abilities. The first was speed, the second was defense and a fuck ton at that, and the third was a healing and spirit power regeneration ability that made them all smile. I told them I was a speed attack and auxiliary support dual type with a sturdy and strong body that can tank hits from attack type spirit ancestors.

This surprised them and I explained coldly that I didn't believe in focusing on one type and weakening yourself despite the average cultivator doing so. I told them that I would train the weakness out of myself and forge my sword into the strongest spirit essence in the world even if I had to slaughter any cultivator that gets in my way. I was done talking and waited to hear their strengths and weaknesses. When it was time, I helped Zhu Zhuqing distract the vice principal and instead of sticking to strictly speed, I broke Zhao Wuji's nose with my sword, cutting him to his surprise even with his spirit armor and nearly taking his head with the second strike.

He punched me into a tree a few yards away and I bounced back to his surprise, trying to take his head again with even greater speeds. He blocked and I moved under and around him, wounding his stomach and cutting his side with my sword aura. He roared and went on a rampage, using his real guard to make a solid spirit essence armor. Not even my sword aura and killing intent could penetrate it so I was forced to help the others stall and overwhelm him.

That went over well because the moment he got a clear hit on me, he used me to break several trees in a half assed gardening attempt. Even my wooden sword broke blocking the blow as his punch landed against my chest. Yup, it was nearly lights out for me and yet I couldn't just leave it alone. Coughing up blood, I climbed out from under a tree that landed on me and walked back to the clearing. Still covered in blood, I stood there facing him with my treasured pagoda healing us and recovering their spirit energy.

While the others except Tang San were unconscious, I waved Tang San off and threw away the broken wooden sword. I got into a stance and told Zhao Wuji. "Come. I'm not done yet."

Sword aura permeated my body and rose into the sky as I broke through to rank forty, skipping thirty-nine entirely. I became a sword and the very air hummed with my aura. He came and I put away my pagoda, closing my eyes and moving as he tried to punch me. I moved faster than ever before and appeared behind him.

I lowered my arms and spoke coldly. "I win."

I fell at the same time he did while the trees and ground near us split. I'd run out of spirit energy and he'd fallen unconscious from trauma and blood loss. I stayed awake long enough to tell Tang San to use the ointment in my sword hilt for Zhao Wuji's wounds. The next time I woke up, I was in a cabin with a loud snoring kid named Oscar and Tang San.

I sat up in agony and saw my body was a mass of bruises with several broken bones. Groaning, I grabbed a bean from my ring and sighed as it healed me in seconds. Yup, abusing the fuck out of a ring of infinite broken ass senzu beans is the way to go. I got up and went to my weighted clothes, taking them and washing up before wearing my weighted gear again.

As the sun rose, I saw Tang San practicing while I did the same only I didn't need secret arts. I ignored the others who got noisy for a while and focused on strengthening my body, forever doing so it seems. Instead of breakfast, I ate a senzu bean and continued training. When the principal mentioned the hundred gold tuition, I tossed a sack at his head that he caught and thanked me for.

I hopped up to my feet when he said our training starts tomorrow. I grunted. "I'm going for a run then."

I several dozen laps before going swimming in the lake with weights on. I brought out a net of fish and made a fire pit, making fish for lunch for myself and ending up sharing with the others. I ate and cleaned up before doing push-ups and squats with a half ton bar. When I dropped it, a loud bang was heard as I went to the nearest and toughest tree.

I strapped special metal guards on it and practiced my sword aura until I'd exhausted myself and my spirit essence. I sat in meditation until I heard Flanders yell at Rongrong. She bit back that I was more of a monster than any of his so called students and he really couldn't argue with that. Still, he pointed out that she wasn't me and she was lazy.

She looked to me to speak up and I did. "He's right Rongrong. You're spoiled and lazy which would only mean danger for yourself and everyone with you in a fight. If you can't hack it here, I'll send for some members to escort you back to the clan where you can be the princess there. Shrek isn't the clan who coddle you, it's a place for monsters, not princesses."

I stood up and told her. "So become a monster or go home."

I flipped and landed on my fingers, reducing them until I stood on only one. I straightened my form and worked every muscle in my body at once. I closed my eyes and recovered my spirit essence. The gravity upped itself naturally thanks to my ring so I was constantly pushing the limits.

I was stopped a bit later by Zhu Zhuqing who asked how I was so fast. She said she saw my last attack on the vice principal the other day and it was like I disappeared and reappeared. I got off my one finger position and brought out some leg weights. "I started out small and while they feel light, they weigh fifty pounds when they're put on. The ambient spirit energy in the air gathers in them and their weight increases."

I tapped my own. "These weigh five hundred pounds apiece while everything else weighs about the same."

I showed her my ring. "This collects ambient spirit energy and increases the gravity on my body slowly as I grow accustomed to it. It was created by mimicking spirit abilities like Zhao Wuji's gravity spirit ability."

I took out a senzu bean. "This is a bean grown to mimic Oscar's tofu stuff only it heals from any injury baring death nearly instantly and provides enough energy to burn for three days for normal cultivators. It even staves off hunger for a week if you don't train. Basically, I have the right equipment and supplies to constantly train my body even while I'm sleeping."

I showed her the abstruse gemstone. "This was a gift I was given for saving a cultivator from a spirit beast when I was seven. It increases the spirit energy pulled into the body and subconsciously trains it even while not doing anything. I never used it because it was something I acquired as a gift and I was afraid my way of training would break it or I'd roll over in my sleep and crush it with the weights I wear."

I handed it to her with a genuine smile. "Take it, I don't need it and it suits you."

I gave her the extra leg weights and a sack of beans the size of a backpack. I put the beans in the extra spacial ring and gave her the ring. She blushed and thanked me while I shrugged. I told her she had inner strength and I found it attractive that she wanted to get stronger and was willing to work hard to do so.

She blushed further and asked why I meditated on one finger. I told her it was a secret, but some day, if she really wanted to get stronger my way I'd tell her and teach her how to do so. I actually took off my weights and went for a swim for a bit, bring rocks and a boulder out of the lake. I cut it with my hand and sword aura, shaping a forge pit of stone.

Some of the others watched me cut a tree down before making blocks I tossed in the center, burning it to charcoal before adding more and more. I headed into town to buy metals and came back with a pile of steel. I forged tools using my spirit energy and sword aura while healing with senzu beans while I worked. Once I had a decent set of tools, I forged better ones quicker.

I made a gravity ring with a few seals and applied spirit energy with a bit of magic. I gave the ring to Zhu Zhuqing and she thanked me with a smile. I nodded without a word and left the forge there after killing the fire. I headed for a swim to catch more fish for dinner.

I headed into the woods and came back with a bee hive and emptied it of honey before putting it back. I made honey cakes, fish, rice and a fruit salad of sorts. The smell woke up Zhao Wuji and he came out sniffing for the honey cakes while drooling. He looked like shit, but he was alive and bearing a scar that made him look like Zoro.

I tossed him a bean and he sniffed it before asking what it was. I told him it would heal all his injuries barring poison or disease. He looked impressed and tried it out it worked and even the scars went away, leaving him at full strength. He still came for the honey cakes which made me smile.

Even Oscar and Rongrong enjoyed the food when he returned and she stopped pouting. After dinner, I cleaned up and went to bed with the rest of them. The next morning I was up before the sun, practicing once more. Even Tang San was impressed now and stopped me to ask if I had anymore training supplies.

I asked what he needed specifically and gave him a full set of weighted gear, warning him that they were naturally adjusting to the maximum weight he can safely handle. I told him they reinforce the ground as well so unless he goes jumping around, there won't be any issues. He thanked me and I gave him a sack of beans, explaining what it is they do and even telling him how broken their healing powers are. He thanked me again and I shrugged before going back to my training.

I told him as he walked away that I'd make a gravity ring when he can wear the weights at full capacity without relying on his soul power so he'll continue to get stronger. He was surprised at that and I grunted while I closed my eyes and meditated on one finger. When the principal came to take us to Soutuo city, I washed up and dressed in fresh clothes, albeit still weighted.

Zhu Zhuqing was wearing the rings I gave her and the leg weights as well, so she had a resolute expression when we left for the city. Along the way I turned a tree into another dozen swords and put them away, bringing out my last wooden practice sword. When we went into the arena, I chose the rank sixty to seventy spirit emperors to face. I even got a new bronze rank medallion after tossing my diamond one to the principal since I needed to start anew.

He didn't say anything and I beat my matches throughout the day mercilessly, both as single opponents and in tag team matches with Zhu Zhuqing who offered to try a rank skipping match. I'd gone easy on her and chose spirit ancestors to face. She could barely dodge their attacks so I beat them down mercilessly and we moved on. Bones were broken and life goes on as they say.

When Zhuqing overheard Ma Hongjun and Dai Mubai talking about hitting up a brothel, she came to me and asked if I had plans for tonight. I shrugged and told her I could take her to a fancy restaurant before teaching her some basic spirit energy techniques if she wanted before I trained. She agreed and Dai Mubai lost his cool, acting like a jackass. I left with Zhuqing and took her to the best restaurant in town before taking her shopping.

I taught her how to manipulate wind, fire and all the other elements using her spirit energy. When I finished, I went to train, telling her that while I don't mind her using me to make Dai Mubai jealous, I would rather she want to be with me for me. The next day, Oscar broke through to rank thirty and we all ate his tofu with garlic. When he mentioned it, we were told we'd have to head to Star Dou forest.

I spoke up then. "I reached rank forty while facing the vice principal so I'll need a ring as well since we're going. I need at least a seventy thousand year Thorn Dragon as my next spirit ring. It should give a combined speed and attack bonus while opening up the space element if it has a domain. If it's a hundred thousand year spirit beast, all the better."

My words stunned them and the principal spoke evenly. "Your family said they'd take care of your special needs for spirit rings. Still, are you sure about the hundred thousand year mark?"

I nodded slowly. "A hundred thousand year beast is just within my body and mind's capabilities after I broke through. I've been feeling slowed in the arena as well because grandpa Sword warned me not to go after spirit saints until I get my fourth ring and that's about the time they can get their red rings on average."

I brought out my pagoda and told them what all the rings came from including the Duskgold Dreadclaw Bear and the Emerald Swan. Xiao Wu held a hand over her mouth because I'd killed such a nice spirit beast and Zhao Wuji was shocked to hear about the bear. I told him grandpa Sword had to help me because I'd pissed off one of the ten lords of the Star Dou forest and ended up helping kill it. I put away my pagoda and shrugged, saying the absolute north would be my next stop to get the red rings for my sword.

Since I had to contact Grandpa Sword or Grandpa Bones, I took a walk into town and sent the message through the clan contacts. Soon enough Grandpa Bones and Sword both came to help me. We headed into the Star Dou forest where Grandpa Bones helped track down a Thorn Dragon King in the inner region of the forest. We had to be extremely careful and once the fight began, I could only watch as they worked together to bring down the massive thorn dragon king.

I finished it off and thanked it for it's sacrifice before beginning to absorbed the scarlet ring into my pagoda. Unfortunately my freaking sword got in the way, wanting it more so that's where it ended up, as the first ring of my Thundergod Meteorite Sword. It's domain of space was added and the right claw became my first spirit bone. The experience was…painful.

We left the Star Dou forest for the Icebound Forest core through one of Grandpa Bones's portals. There we hunted a ninety thousand year Mirror Image Beast for my pagoda which worked well enough. I got a skull bone, but I passed it to my Grandpas saying I didn't want it and I'd need their help one last time to get three more rings for my sword. They gave exasperated smiles and agreed, though I told them not immediately because I wanted to adjust to the one red ring I do have now and strengthen my body more.

They dropped me off in Soutou city the day Tang San and the rest came back from the forest with their own gains. I asked how it went and got a vague description of chaos. I smiled lightly and showed them my fourth black pagoda ring that had a bit of red in it, telling them about my trip. I showed them the power of my Thorn Dragon arm bone which allowed me to barely control the space thorn domain with my current spirit power reserves.

I showed them my sword and the red ring on it just for reference before telling them I'd only reached rank forty-six after both rings were added because I hadn't had a lot of time to purify and compress my spirit energy. Still, I showed them the fourth Pagoda ring ability which gave them a thirty percent strength boost and made mirror clones of everyone for a five minute window with a thirty second cooldown. They were fascinated, especially Oscar as I described the Mirror Image Beast.

I noticed Tang San not looking too well and huffed, taking out my wooden swords. I faced him and attacked without warning. The others were confused until eight spider lances came out of his back. I knocked them back easily with extreme skill and shocked him onto his ass before backing up. "Your external spirit bone is rare and extremely dangerous. You've not even fully fused with it which is why it's behaving erratically."

The poison melted through my wooden swords and I tossed them aside sighing. "They're extremely poisonous as well it seems. You'll have to learn to control them before you're able to be around normal people. Vice principal, can you help Tang San by using your gravity on him and increasing it slowly to put pressure on his body so the lances will fuse fully?"

He nodded and Tang San asked for a minute before saying he was ready. Sure enough, once they fully fused, his headaches went away and he was able to focus easier. Yu Xiao Gang, Tang San's master, came out of the principal's office and said he'd be teaching us all starting tomorrow. By teaching us, it turns out he taught everyone except me.

My control and ability to manipulate spirit energy plus my extreme self training equaled him saying I was fine on my own. Still, he asked if I could explain my training methods and what it I was doing to allow me such an exaggerated jump in spirit ring ages. I showed him and everyone my weighted gear, told him how I abuse the senzu beans and what my one finger physical cultivation hand stand does.

I told him how it works every muscle in the body at a constant pace and with the weights, automatic adjustable gravity ring and senzu beans, I was constantly pushing the limits of my body to the point where I was growing stronger while I meditated, fortifying my mind, spirit energy and soul. I told them I'd done right the body advances rapidly in strength and although painful, the human mind can adjust to high levels of pain as you train so you'll never truly be in agony. I gestured to the tree wrapped in special plating and told them it was a special spirit energy canceling metal forged to practice sword aura and spirit energy attacks on.

I tossed Yu Xiao Gang a sack of beans and told him their full effects. I told him that he could be cut in half at the waist and so long as he managed to swallow one he'd fully recover in seconds to full fighting strength. He asked if I had more and I held up a ring. "This is connected to a pocket dimension I have that automatically grows and refills them. It's a very special ring and has a near endless supply of them so yes, I have as many as I want for as long as I live."

He was surprised by such a goldmine while the principal was even more happy. I grunted and told them they had a two month expiration once outside the original ring unless in a similar spacial device. I scratched my chin and had Mewtwo read Xioagang's mind for all he knows of everything about this world. I soon knew all Xiaogang did so I gave him the beans he wanted and Tang San stored what he could while the principal went to sell or use the rest.

I wasn't too sure and didn't really care either way. I trained on my own and visited the arena off and on for the next twelve days until the first stage of the special training was over. They'd all been given weights and gravity rings for the special punishment and we were told to run the Devil's road, a four hundred mile long road all the way around in a giant half circle to Soutuo city the long way. Yu Xaiogang put my ring up five notches and told me that if any of them fell I'd have to carry them one or all back.

I shrugged and found walking hard, let alone running, but we were told no using spirit energy and to come back before night time or we'd have to run it again without senzu beans the second time. I had to pass them out and even with the beans they were pushed to their mental breaking point constantly by the weights and gravity rings. In the end I had to carry all except Dai Mubai and Tang San back. I was pushing it and helping all of them as much as Tang San and Dai Mubai helped me.

Carrying all of the others with the weights and the gravity rings, it was an insane task I barely managed and I collapsed immediately after getting them back to the academy. I woke up in a medical bath and looked at the ingredients before adding my own including purple haze grass. I took a scarlet body tempering pill and relaxed after giving the other guys some. When we met with Yu Xiaogang, I told him he should've told me he planned to use herbal medicines because I have a lot for the body and the spirit that could've helped a great deal including in the baths.

I gave him a ring filled with pills and told him I grow my own supply. It wasn't entirely true, Mewtwo did a lot of gardening and growing of all sorts of herbs from all the worlds we'd been to. He'd learned alchemy from me and improved himself with my Phoenix, Jidan, as it turns out. Still, when you have an entire planet to grow shit on and experiment with, why not go ape shit?

At least that's Mewtwo's motto and since we'd seen all there was of each world, he had all the time in the world to do as he pleased. Yu Xiaogang had everyone enter the coliseum again with masks this time to start over and earn money to repay the school's debts while working our way up to the silver rank badges. He even chose our names and I frowned hearing him name me the Violent Sword God. I didn't reply and instead went to the coliseum with the mask he provided.

I had it hardest because everyone else had useful partners and I had Oscar. I was forbidden from taking my weights off or using my spirit essences. I had to focus solely on sword aura and use the wooden swords I had to beat the opponents we faced in skipping league matches up to spirit emperors while facing spirit saints in one on one fights to earn more money and points so they could fight as a team.

I was told I was the secret weapon and for that I had to be pressured harder than the others. My first two on two match with Oscar, aka the Food God, ended violently because I'd gone toe to toe with two defense and attack type team members at the spirit emperor level. I'd broken both my swords taking out the attacker so I broke my hand and nearly cut the defense type spirit emperor in half in a bloody mess. I spoke coldly while my hand healed with a senzu bean. "I hold the sword in my heart above all else and my sword is indomitable. Your petty defenses can't hope to stop the inevitable."

He was carried out on a stretcher and barely survived. We won and I was reprimanded by Yu Xiaogang for being too sharp. I gave him a cold look before closing my eyes and opening them. "Very well. A true sword master can cut everything and nothing. I will endeavor to cut nothing so that I cut what I want without cutting what I don't wish to."

I walked away and sat in meditation, remembering my lessons with Hawkeye, Rayleigh and the battles there in. I brought forth my will and smiled while Ma Hongjun said it looked creepy on my face. I opened my eyes and stood up while losing my smile. "Then you know the smile of the reaper that will claim the souls of all that stands against it."

He got a shiver and I turned to Yu Xiaogang. "There will be no more accidents. I've mastered the blade in my heart and forged my will like a blade. A sword that cuts everything is a useless tool because it doesn't obey it's master. It needed tempering and you've reminded me that my will is the tempering my sword heart needed."

He nodded slowly while I turned to go to my one on one match against a spirit saint. They watched as I held my hand out and told the spirit emperor to give up because he wouldn't win even if he was a spirit douluo. He tried his best while ignoring my words because I was a lowly spirit ancestor. I dodged his moves with ease and my sword aura surrounding my body protected me from his skills as he tried and failed one by one.

Eventually he ran out of spirit power and I kicked him, shattering his real guard and sending him rocketing into the coliseum wall, making a new window while unconscious and stuck. I was tired afterwards, but I'd won and it was time to collect my winnings and move on. Tang San asked. "How were you able to do that? You had no wasted movements and the one attack you landed was so strong."

I shook my head. "It wasn't as strong as Zhao Wuji hit me in our test exam. Actually, it took very little strength at all. I just hit him where he was vulnerable while his spirit energy was exhausted. The result was a single kick, but most of the power as you call it came from the gravity ring and weights all pressing his weakest points at the contact point of my kick. It was…heavy. Weighing a lot can have it's advantages if you know how to use it properly."

I scratched my head sighing. "I've exhausted myself just from his spirit energy constantly clashing with my sword aura when I dodged and deflected. If I'd gone at him head on my energy reserves would've lasted ten minutes tops."

I sat down and went to meditate before sighing. "It's not always about how powerful you are, but how you apply the power you do have. A trained normal human fighter can kill a tilted douluo if they apply their meager human strength just right. After all, everyone sleeps, eats and becomes vulnerable eventually, even if it's after they've spent all their energy wastefully trying to hit a target that isn't there anymore."

A month and a half later I had my silver rank badge and the others had faced twenty seven team and solo battles as well as two on two battles. I broke through to rank forty-eight and I was pushing rank forty-nine at the moment when everyone decided to get drunk and celebrate. I ignored them and Zhuqing because she and Dai Mubai seemed to be cooling off and she wasn't interested in me more than training advice.

I left the banquet and practiced all night. Come morning I'd broken through to rank forty-nine while Zhuqing had broken through to rank thirty a while ago. She gave the abstruse gemstone back to me saying it was too precious for someone who didn't feel that way about me. I shrugged and put it away while Yu Xiaogang asked to see me.

He wanted me to face the Royal team, led by a former Shrek academy student who teaches the team. More over, he wanted me to face the team unarmed and with my weights on without severely hurting them. I agreed once he set it up with the coliseum manager and the Royal team manager. My body was currently as strong as a spirit saint's with them using spirit energy while I wasn't using any.

I walked out on the arena stage and faced all seven Royal academy students. Their leader was an arrogant tyrant dragon clan member and the others were just as overconfident. I told them coldly to use all their ability and power or I won't be able to keep my promise and not kill them instantly. They scoffed until I stomped and cracked the arena in half as I charged.

Their expressions went from arrogance to startled surprise to horror in seconds. The beating I laid on them could double as a brutal torture session if not for the fact that none of my blows actually hurt more than soft punched repeatedly all over. In the end even the tyrant dragon lost control and used up his spirit energy trying to hit me. I used his own teammates against him, getting them knocked out until only he and I remained in the arena while he was drained of spirit power.

I flicked him and sent him flying off the arena into his teammates while I heard Xiaogang tell the Royal academy's instructor that of all the Shrek seven monsters, I was the most terrifying monster beyond even his own personal student. He told them I was the prodigy of the seven treasure glass clan and a monster at hard work and training. He told him about the weights, my dual spirits and my rings as well as the fact that all of the fight was my pure physical abilities while severely handicapping myself as a near thirteen year old spirit king.

The teacher, Qin Ming, was absolutely shocked. I waved a hand and repaired the stage with my remaining spirit energy before leaving. Next the Shrek seven faced the Royal academy team and won, allowing them to earn their silver ranked badges. We ended up at the Royal academy thinking to sign everyone up together as students.

In the end we faced the three spirit douluo and they decided to test me first, pushing my body until I was forced to bring out my pagoda and my sword. Then came the spirit rings and finally, I broke through to rank fifty. I was pushed further until my spirit bone in my right arm glowed to help stave off the pressure. They stopped and called me a magnificent prodigy before testing Tang San and helping him in his own way, more than I or Zhao Wuji could it seems.

He fully fused with his lances and thanked them. When the second prince came in and said we'd never be apart of the Royal academy, I unleashed my space thorn domain and it clashed with the poison domain of the poison douluo, a titled douluo who while strong was weaker than Grandpa Bones and Grandpa Sword. When Rongrong fell to poison, I spoke coldly. "Stop now or you risk the wrath of the two titled Douluo of the Treasure glass clan, on my word as the prince of my clan."

My cold words chilled the room as I literally threatened war between titled douluo. I put away my space thorn domain and told Tang San to treat the others. I turned to the three elders. "Since my fellow students and I aren't welcome here we will be leaving here."

I turned to the second prince and spoke coldly. "Don't count this assault on my sister as over. Grandpa Bones and Sword dote on her and sicking a titled douluo on her will require reprisals."

I took out several herbs and moved my hands as a fire formed in front of me. I waved my hands and I made dozen detoxifying pills, tossing them to each of the effected and taking one myself. The poison in me had been worse, but I knew how to slow it down. The pill got rid of the poison and boosted our immune systems to that specific brand.

Tang San kept the pill and I didn't comment as I helped the others up to leave. Du Gu, the titled Douluo who poisoned everyone, asked how he could be in trouble if everyone dies. I turned colder and unleashed my sword even with the one spirit ring. My domain encircled us and his pressure blasted us out of the side of the building.

A sword made of aura encompassed us and I set us down safely as the crowd gathered and Dugu Bo's granddaughter, one of the Royal team members, stopped him. He told us to fuck off and we left with Qin Ming retiring from the Royal academy to come with us. We ended up heading to the Tyrant Dragon academy who was looking for teachers. We arrived and drama happened before Tang San was taken.

When he was safe with the old poison douluo, I left with Grandpa sword, heading to the Star Lou empire where and stopping to kill a three hundred thousand year old Evil Spirit Orca King and absorb it's ring into my sword while getting a left leg bone. Once I'd fused with both, we moved on to the dragon valley that I was able to locate with the millennium ring. There only I was able to enter since I wasn't above rank fifty yet while grandpa sword was stuck waiting outside.

I cleaned out the bones of the old dragons, finding the Tyrant Dragon and the Earth Dragon King still alive, if barely to my shock. I spoke in their minds and made the off for an equal fusion to become two of my rings in exchange for becoming a part of a god. When they refused, I used my space thorn domain and my sword aura to finish both of their arrogant asses off. I failed and had to toss off my weights, beating them to death physically.

Seeing as neither were strong enough to fight back, murder was the way to go it seems. It was hard, especially with their soul shocks for their spirit rings, but I got a right leg bone and a left arm bone out of the deal with two gold spirit rings, one on each of my spirit essence. Unfortunately when I added the tyrant dragon's ring to my pagoda, I rose above fifty and I barely had time to grab their bodies and bones before I was yanked out of the dragon valley and dropped at the entrance unceremoniously.

I asked Grandpa Sword to help me bring down the Dark Devilgod Tiger in the Star Dou forest as my fourth spirit ring for my sword. He asked what I wanted for my fifth ring and prayed it wasn't something insane. I smiled and told him I'd get that later once I become a tilted douluo with my pagoda or at least reach the spirit Saint level if it really is impossible. He agreed reluctantly and called for Grandpa Bones because a dark Devilgod Tiger was no joke.

I told him it was sixty thousand years old and he nearly choked. I told him it would be alright as I had a plan. He and Grandpa Bones listened to my plan and they reluctantly agreed to give it a try after I fused with my two spirit bones. I played bait while they watched and when the Dark Devilgod Tovar used it's domain, Grandpa Bones would portal in and help me distract it with his biggest move while Granpa Sword would drop from above with his full power.

If the damned Tiger wasn't so fucking resilient it would've been a one shot. Still, I surprised it using my sword aura to finish it, piercing it's brain. A ball tried to flee and I sucked it into the painting already ready where Mewtwo was waiting. There was nowhere for it to flee and damned if it didn't work…mostly.

The only failed part was Grandpa Bone getting turned into a chibi for an hour while Grandpa Sword teased him mercilessly. I'd feel bad, but I was busy taking in the black spirit ring for my sword. When I finished, Grandpa Bones asked about my golden spirit ring. I told him about the tyrant dragon and earth dragon king, the one million year rings and the bones I have in my left arm and right leg.

They were both gobsmacked while I grunted, telling them I planned to take the skull bone and ring of the seven hundred thousand year Evileye Tyrant in the forest of the Sun and Moon empire. Seeing the wing bones glowing from the dark devilgod tiger, I happily added them as my external spirit bone. Sprouting wings was painful for the first time and I had both my grandpas use their pressure on me to ensure everything was fully fused. I clenched my fist, smiling. "If all goes right, I'll have at least one more million year spirit ring when I become a titled douluo and it will be my final spirit bone since the Evileye Tyrants kings only leave skull bones or external third eye spirit bones."

They both smiled and Grandpa Bones chuckled, saying his little Ren was growing strong. I smiled lightly and said I was just trying to be like my two grandpas. I put on the abstruse gemstone and went with them to the clan to train for the next five months. In the end I reached rank sixty in two months thanks to the spirit rings and bones pushing my spirit power up two notches apiece. After a month with the abstruse gemstone, the clan and my grandpas helped me beat down the Evileye Tyrant king together with my father and I supporting them.

I added the ring to my sword and the third eye external spirit bone I gave to my father to augment his strength. Instead I took a skull bone and ring from a one hundred thousand year Evileye Tyrant King. The ring became my sixth pagoda ring and the skull bone increased my spiritual power by more than three times. Even the ring ability for the pagoda was insane, doubling the spiritual energy and attack strength of my teammates.

If used with the skull, the enemies become lost in an illusion in their own minds. Red rings and bones are fucking strong! As for the fifth sword ring, it was a sword illusion domain that increased my spiritual energy as well as sapping those caught in it. Even the fourth one from the evil darkdevil tiger was a domain that was the typical age reversal, removing all spiritual abilities and leaving it a pure physical battle.

Thanks to the thundergod meteorite sword all the domains gained a lightning effect that paralyzed the enemies up to one realm above me unless overpowered. For my sixth sword ring, father insisted on helping with both grandpas because it was no doubt going to be insanely dangerous with the path I'd chosen. In the end, I told them we had to search for. Lightning horned dragon of a hundred thousand years here or a beast of similar qualities because my thundergod meteorite sword would be most effective with such an elemental boost.

In the end a Thunder Phoenix was the closest we could find at five hundred thousand years. It was actually attracted to my sword and tried to eat me for it thinking to use it to advance further. After a death scare from hell, even both Grandpas were tired. We went back to the clan and dad got a five hundred thousand year old chest bone of a thunder Phoenix king.

My thunder domain and lightning aura went over well with improving my current strength. On the bright side, father had gotten a lot stronger with the two spirit bones, particularly the Evileye Tyrant's eye. I left after a week and went on the hell road where I spent almost three months in slaughter city honing my killing intent and fusing my domains. When I left through the hell road after killing my way through a hundred battles, I broke through to rank seventy thanks to the freakin abstruse gemstone.

Even with my ultimate domain and the forming of my first core using the evil Darkdevil tiger's neidan, I didn't really need so much power. My body had broken through again and nothing lower than a titled douluo could beat me now. My own domains had overlapped to create a super domain. The space thorn dark thunder earth domain of slaughter.

It was a mouthful, but it took the best of everything including my Tyrant domain and Earth dragon king domains and fused them into one horrific and draining domain. I called it my purgatory land for short because you'd rather be in hell than stuck in there. I returned to the academy from my trip abroad just before Tang San had. Mewtwo had been off doing things like taking and cloning plants from the fire and ice well Tang San was at and seeing the world as a whole.

Ever since I swallowed the neidan to form my first core he'd been hesitant to stick near me as the pure evil attribute seemed to turn my thoughts chaotic for him to read. Still, he was searching for more neidans to balance it out and soothe my inner murdering psychopath. Always a worry wart, that one. Anyways, I'd made it back to the academy and it was now called Shrek oddly enough.

I met with the principal and Flanders told me what all I'd missed. He was shocked at my progress while I explained to him and the others what I'd been through. I left very little out so they understood everything easily before telling them and teacher Xiaogang that I brought gifts. I gave them all abstruse gemstones and told them I'd figured out how to make them.

Zhuqing explained what they did when she took hers and all of them happily did so as well. I gave all of the spacial rings telling them I'd made them with the help of my space thorn domain. I told them about each chest of pills inside and the large and small bags of senzu beans. I told them the very limits of everything I was giving them before telling them I'd acquired three chest bones of hundred thousand year spirit beasts from the hell road.

I told them about the lava hound, the dark gold three headed bat king and the ten headed fire yang serpent king. I gave them the chest bones and warned them the fusion could be painful. Still, Flanders, Liu Erlong and Yu Xiaogang agreed to try it. I told Xiaogang I'd be able to help him, but only once because my domain is so overbearing and costly now.

It wasn't hard to help him much, but only because I'd given him a soul shield of sorts in the millennium scales. I used my overbearing purgatory domain to pressure the spirit bone into fusing with his body while my pagoda, which now had seven rings on it, boosted his everything except the berserk state ring I had as my seventh ring thanks to the ten headed fire yang serpent king. It was just as the doctor ordered because he made it through.

When he was done, I put away the scales and helped the other two fuse the bones they needed including the ten headed fire yang serpent chest bone for Liu Erlong and the dark gold three headed bat king for Flanders. I gave Yu Xiaogang a pill Mewtwo had come up with and warned him it would be agony unlike anything he'd ever experienced. I told him it would forcefully mutate his spirit essence and pour in the dragon bloodline of all the dragon bones I'd taken from the dragon valley graveyard.

I told him it was a pill that defied the heavens and as such went through a lightning tribulation upon completion. I added that I couldn't guarantee success, mainly because I'd never tried it due to my treasure glass tower not having anything to do with dragons in essence. Liu Erlong said she'd try it first so I gave her another and warned her of the pain involved. She choked and fell over screaming almost as soon as she swallowed it.

Her Tyrant Dragon spirit essence came out while roaring with her as they both screamed until it grew wings and mutated visibly. Lightning descended and struck her spirit essence like a rain storm as it evolved into a peak earth and lightning tyrant dragon king. The king symbol was in blue on it's forehead as she and it roared as one. She collapsed once more and the spirit essence went back into her.

It was quite the show to say the least and not a pleasant one for her. She woke up about an hour later extremely tired and in Yu Xiaogang's arms. Her spirit power went up to rank eighty and condensed massively with the abstruse gemstone at work. She was extremely happy so I suggested she hunt a heavenly dragon horse or something with a pure dragon bloodline.

I gave her a red pill and told her it was a beast pill. "Give that to a ten thousand year old dragon bloodline spirit beast and it'll advance rapidly in age within a week. When the advancement is over, it'll at least be a hundred thousand year old spirit beast, if not more. From there all you need do is win the fight and the ring with a hundred thousand year old spirit bone is yours."

I turned to Yu Xiaogang. "Your experience will be far more painful I think thanks to the messed up mutation. It'll still evolve into a dragon, but your pain will at least be three times more than she suffered and you'll have to stay awake through it all or San Pao may mutate the wrong way."

He agreed to try at least and I nodded. "I'll prepare a special place so you can reap all of the benefits possible. Wait until I tell you and you'll be fine I think. I should be able to mute the pain a bit, but that's all your going to get pain wise. Though afterwards the formation I plan to set up should nourish and grow you spirit power to the point of multiple breakthroughs."

I left and headed to the outside where we'd first met Liu Erlong. I carved runes and glyphs everywhere in the area I had ready. Once it was all in place, Yu Xiaogang and the rest found the entire forest covered in runes that glowed. I led them to the center and warned them all that they could cultivate, but they can't leave until it's over or it could cause Xiaogang more pain.

I told them the formation would draw in massive quantities of spirit energy while the abstruse gemstones would pull and help them refine and compress it. Once they were ready, I activated the formation and told Xiaogang to take his medicine. He did so and Liu Erlong held him for a full day and night. The others broke through repeatedly until they reached the bottleneck of their ranks while I focused on making my own breakthroughs.

I reached rank seventy-nine, but my pagoda could go no further as it was only seven levels. I felt immense pressure as I reached my bottleneck and all the spirit power I absorbed was condensed all freaking night. I was sweating with the others as they were feeling their own strain. As for Xiaogang, come morning his screams had turned to whispers while San Pao had evolved into a Golden Saint Dragon.

What's more he'd broken through to level thirty and condensed his own spirit power a great deal as well. When Tang San found us just after the formation broke and the glyphs were overgrown all over, he said he was back with gifts. I told him that unless he had something to evolve my seven treasure glass tower, I didn't need nor couldn't use anything. I tossed him a ring and an abstruse gemstone saying he wasn't the only one that just got back with gifts.

I told him what they were and that everyone here just reached rank forty with a spirit energy gathering formation. I grunted and told him to give me a minute and I'd help him make a smaller one for personal usage. I told him I could only make it once because it was dangerous to use it more than once because it would ruin the foundation of the cultivator if used and pressured more than once. I got to work while Tang San passed out gifts.

When he showed Rongrong and I the beautiful tulip, I asked for it because I had a way to make more. I told him I had a painting world that hid a pocket dimension with an immortal garden of my own. They were stunned until I explained I'd gotten it from dragon valley and that's where I hid everything. I took us all there and told them to hand me the plants they had.

I took them to the massive garden that had similar plants. Seeing the massive world sized garden, I told them I hadn't been idle. I took them to a special lake Mewtwo had made and I set the plants all around it, transplanting them. The spirit energy was so abundant and pure, the water flowed up to the plants unnaturally and I closed my eyes. Many of each kind sprouted and a book came out of the lake while the bracelets on it glowed and forced it back down.

I huffed and told them. "You can take as many as you all want, though don't take them all. The lake is a time lake and with my control over this place I'm able to make plants grow while the lake or more accurately the artifacts in it, speed up time around the lake until a new to land becomes a hundred thousand year immortal herb."

They went down to pick some and I picked the million year old beautiful silk tulip with the second tulip with it. I stored the million year old one and used the second, suggesting they keep the million year old ones and use them when they get their next spirit ring. I used the tulip and broke through to rank eighty as my seven treasure pagoda turned into a nine treasure one. I told Rongrong to keep one and I'd leave one while the rest were turned over to the clan to help the seven treasure glass tower clan turn into the nine treasure glass tower clan.

She did so and Tang San shared all his herbs just so I could multiply them. I took us out once he'd had some of all the types of plants in my painted world. I gave him a ring with books for the plants and their uses before warning him to be careful. I told Rongrong to stay with the school and I'd be back later once I spoke with father and helped the clan.

I left and headed to meet our father who was both shocked and happy to break through. I gave the clan all sorts of supplies and set up the formations, leaving them with abstruse gemstone necklaces and an abundance of beautiful silk tulips. The whole clan was in closed door cultivation while grandpas Bones and Sword broke through in rank with the formations. Grandpa Sword only went up once and became a rank ninety-six titled douluo while Grandpa Bone went up twice to become a rank ninety-seven thanks to the special bone purifying pill I provided.

Still, Grandpa Sword equalled him in strength when going all out. I gave him a book on sword cultivation and my own insights into the sword, so it wouldn't be long until he breaks through again and probably surpasses Grandpa Bone. For my eighth spirit ring on my nine layer pagoda, I went with father and the grandpas while the clan was all out searching as well to get stronger thanks to the formations and the gemstones with the tulips.

Father had used the million year ring of the beautiful silk tulip who'd gained sentience as a true immortal herb. Needless to say he nearly reached rank ninety, stopping at rank eighty-seven. With the formation he'd broken through to rank ninety in under a day and consolidated his power. We were out looking for his ninth ring and my eighth.

When we found an ice dragon in the frozen north, I gave it ten beast pills and we watched as it grew into a monstrous million year old ice dragon king. It took the whole clan working together to bring it down with Grandpa Bone and Sword. Even then I was exhausted and insisted father finish the beast because I'd need his help taking on my own. He became the Seven Treasure Douluo and the first pure support Douluo in the history of our continent. At rank ninety-two thanks to it being a million year spirit ring, he fused with the external wing bone of the ice dragon king.

It took almost a week before he finished and his power went to rank ninety-four. We went after my spirit ring next after I stored the ice dragon king's corpse. I chose a golden tortoise I fed regular beast pills to by the bags full. When it reached the hundred thousand year mark, I gave it far more potent beast pills.

It grew fast for a tortoise while inside a formation. When it reached the nine hundred thousand year mark it started to have problems because of the forceful cultivation so I fed it more and when it barely survived it's final tribulation, I killed it, thanking it for it's sacrifice. I fused it's golden ring and kept the chest bone to fuse with later. At rank eighty-three, my spirit power was so much more dense and abundant than most people's my rank and it would give me a great advantage in battle.

In the meantime father and the grandpas told me we'd hide the advancements we made and keep it all secret for as long as possible. I returned to the school and learned of the Valentine's Day stuff. I ignored it and went to an auction with father since I had no love interests in this world. Instead I sat by my father, bored while the cat spirit essence mother next to me wanted her daughter back.

I closed my eyes, meditating when I heard Tang San and Xiao Wu enter the auction room. I watched my father make fast acquaintances with Tang San and help him up the prince's bid on Tang San's hidden weapon with some tricks. When father won back the cat girl in an auction bid, the prince tried to send a spirit saint after father and I snorted as a massive slaughtering aura rose up from me.

The world turned blood red around us as the spirit saint exploded into a shower of blood and gore all over the walls. I grunted. "Such a waste of blood, but no matter."

The blood faded as my domain vanished with it. The prince paled as Tang San and Xiao Wu looked sick. I grunted. "The coward killed himself rather than experience my domain for more than a few minutes."

I turned to the prince and took off my mask as grandpa Bone cleaned up the mess while he arrived through a portal. Father took off his mask and the prince found a great reason to be anywhere but here once he saw who he'd tried to kill. I scoffed as he fled. "Cowards everywhere these days."

I turned to Tang San. "You'll have to walk the hell road sooner or later if you hope to protect what's most precious to you."

I turned to Xiao Wu. "You should keep the flower you grew on you all the time or a titled douluo can see through your appearance."

She bit her lip and turned to Tang San. I chuckled. "Don't worry, he knows. He's known for a while with that weird eye technique. I've known since I met you and neither my father nor my Grandpas would hurt you both. Your mine and Rongrong's friends after all."

I turned to the cat people and asked Grandpa Bone to send the two somewhere safe. The old man from the one strength clan knelt at Tang San's feet and we ended up somewhere more private. I grunted saying I wasn't interested before heading to cultivate. Grandpa Sword was helping the clan members get the best rings they can stand.

All of the clan used gravity rings and weight training gear these days and had done so except Rongrong from the day I managed to fuse with a black gold ring as my second ring.