
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
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79 Chs


Waking up as a commoner named Du Ren, the older twin of Du Ze, was a weird experience. I had to mentally run through all I knew of everything and where I was by the time I was two. With that in mind I began trying to jus feel soul force, usually sitting for hours on end with little results. Still by the time I was ten I'd found my soul realm and studied a great deal from what I was taught.

At thirteen I joined the fighter apprentice class with a soul force of fifty-eight and a red soul realm which made ripples on it's own. I was extremely hard working thanks to my family being dirt poor. Still, I made friends with Nie Li and supported him, finding out when nothing changed for him that we weren't in the second timeline yet. It was good information to know so I spent all my time in the library, comparing translated words and texts to the original ones to learn the ancient languages.

It was a futile effort in the end it seems, but it gave me enough to impress Chen Linjian and get a chance at the nightmare demon spirit, the shadow devil demon spirit lantern. I agreed to become his subordinate for the resources necessary to help my own advancement and to get in good with the future patriarch of the Divine Family. It helped that he offered me first pick at the prize as well. I picked up a lot of Purple Haze grass and told Chen Linjian about it as well as the giant blue armed apes rumored to be in the ruins of the ancient orchid city.

He thanked me for the tip honestly and told his men to buy up some of the herbs to smear on their blades and arrows. I hummed, knowing it wouldn't be so easy. Still, with Chen Linjian's helpful herbs he provided for cultivation and the bronze rank body armor he gave me, I began working overtime to push my body and spiritual energy further and further.

My body alone was already a five star peak bronze rank thanks to my pushing for the past six years since I turned seven. It was one of the weirdest parts about me that baffled the teachers when I did the entrance exam test. We soon set out and when we were to run into the Foxbears, I let it happen and made dozens of kills protecting our group as best I could. Even with their silver ranks I managed to kill several dozen with the help of the silver and bronze rank demon spiritualists.

Chen Linjian was impressed that I'd managed to break through as a physical silver rank fighter during the fight and help them protect the group. While several of our group members were injured, none of them had died so far and what remained of the fox bears retreated. We moved on and recovered fairly quickly as cultivators. Thanks to pushing myself to the limits, I'd managed to break through physically, but my real gains were spiritually as a cultivator.

I'd gone from fifty-eight soul force to a solid seventy. When we arrived at the ancient orchid city ruins, Chen Linjian showed us the partial map and I looked it over before humming. He asked for my opinion and I scratched my head. "Although I'm far weaker than young master Chen, I have studied more about the ancient cities than most in all of Glory City while trying to learn their languages and uncover the past."

I tapped the map area saying. "The thing I found about all the ancient cities and even our own Glory city was that the true shelter for the civilians and rich upper families with weak family members is usually where all the military force is located. These military training ground likely have a secret chamber or passageway under them leading to where the civilians hid and along with them, their wealth and valuables since they want them on hand."

Chen Linjian agreed and even Shen Yue couldn't find fault with my words since I didn't actively oppose him or his family. We all agreed to make our way there and dig three feet down looking for the entrance to the secret chamber. I took out an automatic crossbow I'd barely scraped up enough money to buy and modify. With it and the quiver of arrows I had covered in purple haze grass, we made our way in.

I shot down low silver and bronze rank giant blue armed apes left and right by the dozens, telling them when they failed to hand their arrows to me with the purple haze grass poison on them. Several hundred giant blue armed apes later and we attracted the attention of the peak silver blue armed ape. We were forced to flee and I distracted the damned thing, dodging it's blows just barely and making shallow cuts while the others fled.

When it was time, I fled as well, making it chase me right into the Dark Guild group. By then it'd gathered hundreds of silver and bronze rank giant apes who followed like a rabid army. I slipped away using a homemade flash bang to blind the Dark Guild members. They soon recovered, but they were surrounded and facing an army of giant blue armed apes by then.

I headed away and ran into a statue of Kong Ming. Scoffing, I used a rope and climbed down through the trap entrance behind it. Once down, I worked my way through the traps and to the hidden chambers. It took hours and unlike Nie Li, I hadn't made the others wait and search useless areas.

By the time I had the abstruse gemstone and the page from the temporal demon spirit book, I'd grown stronger thanks to the energy from the coffin. It'd been extremely painful, but I'd become a one star bronze rank demon spiritualist with a hundred and thirty soul force points. I made my way to the secret chamber and barely made it in as the team of others arrived.

I tossed my small inter-spacial ring to Chen Linjian while my real ring hid the goods. He checked it seeing I hadn't taken anything and agreed to let me have my first pick. I grabbed the shadow devil lamp and put it in the ring he gave back to me, causing him to nod and tell the others to dig in. He looked to the tunnel I came in and I grimaced. "That way is where the people died from starvation or dehydration. There's nothing there but traps, bones and dust that go on for miles from what I can tell. I was actually stuck there until I heard you all digging and found the way out."

Chen Linjian nodded and asked how I found the place. I shrugged and told him the ground caved in when I was running from the giant apes and a group of dark guild people that managed to intercept the apes for me by accident when they tried to kidnap me. I rubbed my head laughing lightly. "I'm lucky they were there in a way or I'd be ape poo by now. Still, we should pack up and leave quietly before they finish off the apes and find us or the apes return. I'm not too sure who'd win."

They got serious and agreed so we left after everything was stored. When we got back to Glory city in one piece with only Shen Yue missing, I went back to studying the ancient languages and cultivating with the abstruse gemstone necklace which helped speed up my cultivation by three times. When I wasn't reading, I was cultivating and when I wasn't cultivating I was reading, even while upside down on one finger doing a hand stand.

I worked harder than ever to translate the ancient scriptures while pushing my body. It became almost second nature for me and my efforts were well rewarded. By the time the exams were ready months later, I'd hunted horned sheep and deciphered many books in the library. After making translations for them and turning them in, I'd had to explain how I'd done the work deciphering them.

Still, my body had reached one star gold rank and my soul force had reached three star bronze rank. I showed it off and made even my little brother jealous a bit. On the bright side I'd paid out tuition so we were able to stay in school without burdening our family. He had yet to break through to bronze rank, but he was nearly there.

As for the books I'd translated, most were alchemy books which helped the alchemy association a great deal. They sent over their own books in the same language and I translated them as well in my free time in the genius apprentice class I'd been sent to. Still, as much as I'd helped, I could do little with the knowledge I had of this world with how weak I was without the knowledge Nie Li had gained from the library in the temporal demon spirit book.

I wasn't even able to help Xiao Ning'er besides warning her anonymously of the Arctic disease and telling her where the cure was in a book I'd translated. She'd gotten cured in the end, but I had no bullshit cultivation technique to give her so she hadn't soared beyond one star bronze rank. I had done my best to share the herbs Chen Linjian had given me with Nie Li and the rest so they'd gotten a bit better at least.

In the end the beast wave had come three years later and I'd helped defend the city. I fought tooth and nail to beat back the waves as a four star gold rank demons spiritualist with a black winged panther demon spirit as my demon spirit overall. I'd made sure the civilians had a chance to retreat and I'd taken the Thunder God Meteorite sword to ensure the demon beasts didn't get ahold of it.

It had gone into my ring the moment I touched it and I'd fled the city, covering the rear as the last of the surviving humans had fled. I slaughtered thousands of bronze and silver rank demons and dozens of gold rank demons along the way, growing to break through to black gold rank by the time I'd made it out of Glory city. For months we wandered into the desert and in the end I was the strongest remaining demon spiritualist protecting the survivors.

That is until more demon beasts came when we were ambushed again. Ye Ziyun and most of the others died while I'd barely survived the onslaught and was forced further into the desert with Nie Li. We both came upon the temple where the temporal demon spirit book lay and we used it together, swearing vengeance on the demon beast hordes. The library inside was massive and together we spent centuries learning everything it contained before I checked and learned I had a red soul realm with heavenly attribute and the innate heavenly war god physique.

While helpful, it did little good to change the past now. Still, I had an understanding of cultivation and alchemy that surpassed even Nie Li's own. We'd both reached the heavenly fate realm as demon spiritualists by the time we left the book and while we went our own ways, mostly due to him and I disagreeing on how the book should be used, we weren't hostile towards each other. Instead our friendship remained strong and as such we both parted as friends looking for our own paths to getting stronger.

He had the book while I had my own ways of doing things. I headed to the heavenly fate plateau where I freed the fire spiritual goddess Yu Yan. I took the legend rank armor and used her help to understand the laws of tiny world before using the black spring to grow my body and laws inside myself. From time to death and every element in between, I studied and understood a bit of everything before I freed her and killed the two legend rank beasts waiting outside, getting a green poison pearl to boot.

She joined me and we sought her ring so that she could help me get to the draconic ruins realm. It took a while and I learned more about our tiny world along the way, even about alchemy and poison usage. I found the Lightning Dragon cultivation technique in a temple and we crossed the desert again to return to Glory city once more where I slaughtered every demon beast for thousands of miles in my wrath.

I managed to find the second temporal demon spirit book page the patriarch of the heavenly marks family once had along with the soul weapon katars in the heavenly marks family's vault. All the books and resources the city had was taken by me, leaving nothing remotely useful behind. Sure, all the food was long gone, but the treasures were still there since most of the demons had no idea where they were hidden or how to get to them.

I even found myself an egg with inscriptions on it, leaving the city after I snatched it as well. Yu Yan opened a portal for us and we headed to the draconic ruins realm where we entered the divine feathers sect. There I joined brother Li Xingyun and the heavenly path league. For years I fought and bled side by side with him, growing rapidly within the heavenly fate, heavenly star, heavenly axis and Dao of the dragon realms.

Unfortunately, when Long Tianming became the official sect leader, he pressured the Ashen Flames family and Li Xingyun was forced to leave the sect or start an internal war that would tear apart the Ashen Flames family. Still, we left the sect and continued to grow stronger together, eventually reaching the peak of Martial Ancestor realm. By then I was old, two hundred and fifty years to be exact.

Still, I broke through to the infamous deity rank and caused a catastrophe or rather we were pulled into it. It'd taken all our hard work and resources to reach our current realms with most of our brothers being martial ancestor ranks as well. When the deity rank beasts and the sage emperor came knocking, we saw Nie Li there as well, readying himself to take revenge. It was a long and bloody battle that ended brutally as all the Sage emperor's deity rank beasts and bodyguards had fallen by the time he, Nie Li and k faced off.

Both Nie Li and I were severely wounded when when it was just us remaining. Still, together we combined what remained of our power and worked together to severely wound the Sage emperor as he turned around and killed us both. I bled all over the three pages I'd obtained of the temporal demon spirit book and Nie Li bled all over the book itself, triggering a time ripple in the both of us as we died. I jolted in class and found myself in my thirteen year old body once more.

Seeing Nie Li come out of a daze, I made a bored look and watched him play the scoundrel. When he was forced to face the wall, I joined him while checking my ring, smiling at the shadow devil demon spirit and all the resources inside. I hummed and watched as Du Ze, Lu Piao and three others joined us. Nie Li and I made eye contact and I nodded slowly and seriously.

He knew I'd come back as well this time and remained serious before relaxing to the words of my brother and our friends. I huffed and told them I planned to marry Xiao Ning'er and left it at that. We went to the market after school and while Lu Piao bought two crossbows, I told him the herbs to get as well. When we entered the training grounds, I went my own way while Nie Lie, Lu Piao and my brother stayed together.

Nie Li told them not to bother with me as I could handle myself. I sat on a branch and practiced the heavenly god tactics for a while until my cultivation attracted several demon beasts. I slaughtered them with ease thanks to the bronze rank swords I had in my ring. I went on a slaughtering spree with a vengeance and dropped a mound of demon beasts in front of Lu Piao and the others every so often.

I soon emptied out the training grounds of all bronze rank beasts. The trio were hard at work collecting demon spirits and materials to sell. I shrugged and found Xiao Ning'er, playing Nie Li's card and helping her. Once she was treated, I gave her the antidote prescription and told her how to use it.

I saw her crappy cultivation technique and gave her the lightning dragon cultivation technique to practice, telling her to stop practicing at night. I went and translated half the school library's books that hadn't been translated before and made a name for myself amongst the adults. Again I translated all the alchemy books as well, earning higher praise. I was left to my own devices and began skipping classes with Nie Li to practice in the library.

My abstruse gemstone necklace helped me a great deal in laying a constant and solid foundation while I pushed my body to the absolute limits. The pages were gone, but I knew where to get them so I wasn't worried. When Chen Linjian came to the library recruiting, I was already a one star bronze rank demon spiritualist with a two star silver rank body. I even worked out with my weighted clothes and gravity ring.

He agreed to let me go and choose one item first if I helped them figure out where the treasury was. Nie Li was my second invited person and he himself was surprised when I gave him a bronze rank armor set alongside a bronze rank sword. I told him in private that I had a ring soul weapon along with two katars as soul weapons from taking back Glory city for a moment before I'd left tiny world for the draconic ruins realm. I showed him that I had my katars and ring still to his surprise.

I shrugged and told him I'd used all the cultivation resources helping the heavenly path league get to martial ancestor realm before the final battle so all I had was money, gold, demon spirits and weapons with armor sets. I told him the pages I'd had were gone for whatever reason, but that I knew Nie Hai had one of them as the treasure of the Heavenly Marks family.

I told him where the others were and that I knew about including the one in Xiao Ning'er's seal. On the bright side we were heading towards one and a second abstruse gemstone necklace it seems. I gave Nie Li tons of cash, millions in fact, before heading to get all the purple haze grass on the market. Xiao Ning'er had a crush on me and agreed to help thankfully.

With the supplies I bought off the market, I was able to make the special purple haze bath water while Nie Li showed off to Ye Ziyun. I grew faster yet slow compared to other super cultivation techniques, layering a solid foundation along the way. When it was time to leave for the trip, I stuck to the group until we ran into the fox bear problem which Nie Li insisted we avoid. He got two sacred family guards killed to pick at Shen Yue. A third barely managed to escape or would have had I not gone with and killed him myself when he tried an escaping technique.

I surprised Chen Linjian with my ability to kill a silver rank demon spiritualist. Shrugging, I told him my body had broken through to three star silver rank and with a silver rank armor and swords, I was as deadly as any silver rank expert even if I was still only a bronze rank demon spiritualist. He nodded and we headed to meet up with the group after searching the bodies and finding only dark guild tokens and supplies which were a pity.

I took a spiritual enhancing pill and cultivated while walking aimlessly following Nie Li and the others. I broke through to two star bronze rank demon spiritualist along the way. When I gave them the information about the training grounds, we continued and this time I went all out with my swords while Nie Li picked off the apes with the crossbow. Hundreds of apes were killed as my body broke through to four star silver rank physique and three star bronze rank demon spiritualist respectively.

I was a peak grandmaster swordsman in my element fully and cutting down all the giant blue armed apes with ease. When the peak silver rank finally came, I told them to run and I'd be right behind them, holding off the ape like before only I was doing real damage this time. I made it call for help and led it to the dark guild who nearly caught Nie Li only to be surrounded again.

I grabbed Nie Li and tossed a poison smoke bomb into the air before fleeing as it went off. Now even if they beat the blue armed apes they'd likely die from the poison to say the least. The blue armed apes didn't wait and jumped into the smoke attacking the dark guild members. Screams were heard as we met up with Ye Ziyun.

I filled her in on what I'd done and we headed to the statue where emperor Kong Ming had set a trap hole. I triggered it and went down first, not caring about Nie Li playing the rogue with Ye Ziyun. I got us through the traps and we found the skeletons and sarcophagus. Nie Li dealt with the sarcophagus while I took all the supplies the dead had.

We made our way to the treasure chamber after Nie Li finished playing the rogue with Ye Ziyun again. He gave her the abstruse gemstone and kept the page for himself, saying I already had the abstruse gemstone and he knew I was going to take the temporal demon spirit book myself this time. I shrugged and agreed, not caring about such small things. We ended up in the treasury room once Ye Ziyun woke up.

She was a bit embarrassed yet I gave her a blank aloof look before ignoring her. When Chen Linjian and the others came, I showed him my spacial ring that wasn't hidden and took the lamp as my prize, tossing it to Nie Li to his surprise. I told Chen Linjian about the apes and dark guild which he agreed we needed to avoid. Chu Yuan, the guy Nie Li fucked up on the way here, spoke up saying we should be searched in case we were hiding things.

I ignored him as Chin Linjian kicked his ass easily. Once they had all the gold and stuff, we headed out and ran into a fuck ton of giant blue armed apes. I slaughtered them all in a whirlwind of blades and sheer speed, finishing off the poisoned and weakened spiritual grade giant blue armed ape. I took their corpses and we left in a hurry, heading back to the city.

It seems the dark guild hadn't finished off the apes and instead retreated when things turned against their favor. When we arrived back at Glory city I sold all the pelts and spirit stones from the apes, legitimately gaining money I used openly. We were back less than a day before Nie Li and I headed to the alchemist association. We gained their backing for both our families and got the resources necessary to sustain our cultivation needs.

Unlike Nie Li however, I stayed and corrected their views on alchemy, teaching them a great many things about their profession once they'd agreed on a twenty percent share for both Nie Li and I apiece of course. I wrote books and corrected the books they had, truly teaching them what it meant to be an alchemist. Director Yang Xin was more than delighted to learn from me even if I was in a thirteen year old body. My mysterious master took all the blame thanks to Nie Li's lie I perpetuated.

By the time I left the alchemist association that night and headed back to the holy orchid institute, the alchemist association had begun undergoing changes from the top down. All the lost and ancient texts had been mysteriously recovered or so the president of the association said before the city lord visited him and he entered closed door seclusion. The alchemy association was regaining tens of thousands of years of knowledge and prestige step by step.

I warned Director Yang Xin of Nie Li's situation and the Sacred family wanting to pressure his family so she stepped in and helped out. In the meantime my own family received half of my cultivation resources and money to boot. My father was barely a gold rank fighter, but soon he was the head of an aristocratic family who was buying businesses left and right. I sent him a letter to explain everything and a fuck ton of money in the tens of billions alongside half the pills I'd received from Yang Xin.

I even used my mysterious master to warn my father I'd be giving them the best cultivation techniques when I come home. In the meantime I gave half of what I had left to Du Ze alongside the cultivation technique Nie Li gave him. We all went into closed door cultivation as it were in the library. For the next two months I stayed in cultivation, breaking through to gold rank with my physical body and silver rank with my cultivation technique.

I merged with the shadow devil demon spirit in my lamp and threw the lamp away afterwards. Still, I rose to two star silver rank demon spiritualist and worked my body to the bone under my weighted gi and gravity ring. I was at the peak of five star gold rank physique when it came time for the test and four star silver rank cultivation to boot. And all that was after I gave Xiao Ning'er my abstruse gemstone necklace and half the resources I had on my from the alchemist association after dividing it each week with my family and Du Ze.

Nie Li was even sort of jealous by how fast I grew because I didn't have a disordered and attribute-less soul realm. Still, it was no hard feelings after all because we were the oldest of friends and our end goals were the same. I even already had the alchemist association making red oil bombs and bamboo potions with demon blood burst bottles in case any demon beast hordes come knocking. Xiao Ning'er herself was already nearing the peak of silver rank both physically and in soul force, yet I cautioned her against taking in a demon spirit like I have until I can get her a proper god level growth rate demon spirit.

I showed off my physique during the test and broke through to one star black gold rank physique doing so. I astounded the principal and the teachers and that's before I told them I was already a four star silver rank demon spiritualist with a demon spirit in my soul realm. I gave off the air and pressure of my rank, convincing the teachers and dumbfounding them all. I told them that I'd prove with hard work, even a red soul realm can reach legend rank and go beyond to cultivation ranks even Ye Mo has never heard of.

They called me a genius prodigy and allowed me into the genius class. Xiao Ning'er herself had shown up Ye Ziyun with her own hard work and dedication. The soul forming and the abstruse gemstone had given her a boost not even Ye Ziyun could match. In the manga they were equal even with Ye Ziyun having all the advantages Nie Li could give her.

Now though, Xiao Ning'er was already pushing towards gold rank with all the resources I provided her. It was the like difference between myself and Ash in a way. He had talent and bullshit luck while I had hard work and knowledge I got from hard work with a bit of luck and talent. Talent was truly wasted in that case and the same was being wasted with Ye Ziyun because she was a delicate flower while Xiao Ning'er was a tigress working hard to stand by my side.

Nie Li made it to the genius class as well with his usual tricks. I told Xiao Ning'er after the test that I'd send her the demon spirit she needed once I found the best suitable one. She nodded and gave me a ruby, a symbol of her love and deep affection for me. My gaze softened and I smiled, telling her I felt the same.

She blushed and left in a hurry while I ignored Nie Li who was already going to fight with Shen Fei for Xiao Ning'er, something I'd missed out on seeing because I'd been training right up until the last moment. The day after we arrived home I was invited to an auction and went with Director Yang Xin to see it. I told her I wanted the Nightmare Demon pot at all costs and gave her a ring filled with the money, asking her to retrieve it for me.

The rest I cared nothing about including the armors and stuff. I had better armors in my personal ring including a fully repaired legend rank armor from the black spring I wore now under my clothes. It was thin and very light weight, but strong enough to tank blows from legend rank experts without leaving a scratch. I watched as the Heavenly Marks family bought up a lot of the stuff there off and on around the pills without buying even one pill.

When it came time to buy the nightmare demon pot, the patriarch of the heavenly marks family came to deliver the message that Nie Li wanted her to buy it for him. I waved the patriarch off and told him it would be mine and Nie Li would be able to borrow it when I'm not using it. The patriarch was stuck and I waved him off, telling him that Nie Li and I were good brothers and he could tell him Du Ren said so. He nodded politely and I flicked a ring to him with some resources, gold and black gold rank armors and weapons.

He was shocked seeing my gift and I told him the scrolls inside were the real treasure and my gift to my good brother's family. The old man nodded and left to pass on my message. Yang Xin asked what I'd given him and was shocked to learn of the hundreds of armors, weapons and cultivation techniques I'd provided the Heavenly Marks family. I told her if she wins me the pot she'd get more than that to boost the alchemist association's power.

She asked what the pot does and I grunted, explaining the soul realms, their types and relations to demon spirits before telling her the ranks for demon beast spirit's potentials up to god rank. I then gestured to the pot as it was unveiled and the bidding began. I told her what it can potentially do and what I planned to do with it to boost all of Glory city's power. She was shocked and bid fiercely on the pot, going head to head with a dark guild member who came in at the last moment only to win.

I suggested the man was a dark guild member and she said she'd send people to investigate once she won the bidding war. We went to collect our items and I took the pot while she took a ring from me with tons of armors of black gold and legend rank I'd gotten in my past life. I warned her she'd be ambushed by black gold rank experts and she said she had her guards so I just nodded and left with Nie Li and his family. Nie Li was impatient but I could understand his desire so I gave him the pot and a ring full of demon spirits.

I told him to make the best lightning dragon spirit for Xiao Ning'er that he can, telling him only a few hundred inside had dragon bloodlines. I shrugged, sighing. "Most went to the heavenly path league."

He nodded and said he'd do his best and practice with the basic demon spirits first. He asked if I needed a demon spirit and I shook my head. "I'll let you know, but I'm going to try something and if it works, I won't need anymore demon spirits. In fact, I won't ever need any ever again. Still, I'd suggest you buy up all the demon spirits on the market."

He nodded and I turned to Nie Hai and Nie En. "It's been a pleasure meeting you both, but I must be going now. I have stuff of my own to buy and my own family to help."

I held out an arm and Nie Hai clasped it as I told him. "My Du Family will always be allies of the Heavenly Marks family so long as I live."

They thanked me and I turned to Nie Li, flicking his forehead and telling him to lighten up some. He smiled wryly and I disappeared, leaving them there dumbfounded. I heard Nie Hai tell Nie Li he'd done a great job making such loyal allies for their Heavenly Marks family. I was already off buying unused testing spirit stones.

I spent the day testing everyone in my family and giving them cultivation techniques. Even the patriarch who wanted to give me the Fire Qilin waist pendant had received a new cultivation technique. I'd declined and told him to pass it to Du Ze as his talent was no worse than mine, I just had more training thanks to my hidden teacher. All of my Du Family revered me and I couldn't seem to shake them.

Still, he took my advice and gave the pendant to Du Ze, naming him the successor of our Du family patriarch. I myself was given elder status in our family while I provided them with knowledge in the form of a library's worth of books. I gave them resources, armors and weapons. My family soared together, growing stronger as a whole while I left Glory city to train.

I gathered tons of blood burst bottles and entered the abyss prison realm alone. There I brought out the Pokéballs and three Egyptian god cards. The cards seemed to work like demon spirit stones in this world and gave off an extremely formidable pressure that ranked them as potential deity beast spirits with legend rank strength. I communed with them and spoke with Mewtwo who finally was able to come out of his ball.

He waved a hand and slaughtered thousands of scarlet ghosts. Looking at the overall situation, he turned to Dialga and Palkia, telling them to join with my spirit realm Dialga agreed after I showed it my memories of this world and what's to come if we stand alone. Palkia was on the fence while the Egyptian God cards were more or less in agreement, knowing my true nature. For now though, I chose Dialga as my second demon spirit.

It's power over time only helped me increase my understanding of the law of time. I'd even done the soul seal to take in the legendary dragon demon beast in this world's point of view. I put the rest away for now and Dialga settled in, scaring the shit out of the Shadow devil with it's sheer power. As for Mewtwo, he'd decided against it as he wanted to keep his body and stay outside of my soul realm.

We wandered the prison realm slaughtering scarlet ghosts and retrieving hundreds of blood crystals. We emptied out several wild mines the scarlet ghosts lived in getting millions of blood crystals and he guarded me while I purified and refined the crystals before using them to reach the peak of silver rank. I could go no further with them so we emptied out all the wild mines for hundreds of miles. I went to the market alone while Mewtwo ventured out to get more blood crystals from caves and mines.

There I bought tons of rare and valuable things with food and cultivation pills. From market to market I traveled buying all the stuff the abyss prison realm had to offer before meeting up with Mewtwo. He wasn't happy to leave slaves working to death in mines and neither was I, but I warned him there was a supreme expert in the abyss prison realm and we wanted no part of him. I told him we'd both die horribly if he turned his anger on us and while I didn't fear death, I didn't want to lose him either.

So we left and he returned to his ball while I got the light stones needed to open the portal out of the prison realm. I'd left the things Nie Li wanted alone including the legend rank scrolls the Divine Family had. There was even a set of attribute less flying daggers though I couldn't use them myself easily so they were left behind. I gave the blood crystals to the alchemist association, my Du family, Xiao Ning'er and the Divine family through brother Chen Linjian.

I passed Nie Li by before he was headed to the contest to face Shen Fei and told him to head to the Abyss prison realm when he gets the chance. I gave him a couple blood crystals saying I'd already gone there and found some cool stuff. I gave him the legend rank scrolls I repaired saying I wouldn't need them now before getting the heavenly lightning sparrow from him for Xiao Ning'er.

I went to see Xiao Ning'er and gave her the spirit beast before going into closed door cultivation with the pot. I made hundreds of god growth rate demon spirits and gave them to my family first before moving onwards to the alchemist association and all the others I shared the blood crystals with. I shared the secret of the demon spirit's potential with each of them and gave the demon spirits with the remaining blood crystals, weapons, armors, gold, money and knowledge of cultivation techniques, soul realms and more to the Winged Dragon family. I made my intentions to court Ning'er clear and told them I intended to help them grow strong so they need not fear the reprisals of the Sacred family.

I went so far as to gift them all cultivation techniques and demon spirits tailor made to all of their family members one by one. I even gave them a book and scroll set copies of the soul realm forms, how to tell and what cultivation technique suits each one, the same as I'd done to my Du family. The Winged Dragon patriarch thanked me for my generosity and told me I had to understand the future was not set in stone, but for now Ning'er and I needed to become a lot stronger if we could hope to succeed.

I bowed politely and told him that if strength is what is needed then I'd become the strongest in all of Glory city to be with Ning'er. I turned to the elders and back to him before telling him. "This is only the first gift and there will be many more. One day we will be one family and I never neglect to help anyone in my family. Money means nothing to me and cultivation resources are easily required. Weapons, armor, knowledge and power, I will gift it all to those I see as family."

I flicked another ring out and he caught it as I told him. "Knowledge that rivals the alchemy association in all fields of study including cultivation secrets, alchemy itself, laws, techniques, inscriptions, ancient languages and more. Now all I need to bring you is power and when I return it will be a gift I freely give to you and all those Ning'er and I care for."

I bowed politely and said my goodbyes before turning to Ning'er. I told her I'd return to her and Glory City within a few weeks to a few months and when I did, I'd bring knowledge and power capable of turning a silver rank into a peak gold rank powerhouse in days to weeks. I left at her nod and insistence that I be careful. I bought tons of demon beast meat, fruits and vegetables alongside literal tons of rice, enough to feed a city several times over.

I headed to the heavenly fate plateau once more, trading purple smoke rocks for food at a high price. I did so and only had to beat down a few fools before telling them I'd be gone a few weeks and when I returned I'd bring more food so they should gather all the purple smoke rocks as they can in this time. I went off to cultivate and ended up killing a couple idiots before forcing the rest to help me build a bridge in the poison swamp after I reached the peak of gold rank thanks to the purified purple smoke rocks. I rewarded them with antidotes and news that the more purple smoke rocks they gathered the more food they'd get when I returned.

I made my way into the black spring with the rope I'd brought and found the legend rank armors and rings again. I met the goddess Yu Yan and brought out Mewtwo. She freaked a bit until we calmed her down and I showed her the memories of the past life we shared as friends and comrades. I told her how I came back in time thanks to the temporal demon spirit book and that I intended to grow stronger this time and prepare better.

She let me repair and plant a seal on her body that gathered fire law energy to it automatically and I soaked in the law energies in the black spring well, gathering the laws of time-space, darkness, light, death, life and many more. I left the law of fire and nether alone while the rest I fully comprehended and found my cultivation growing rapidly. My body refined itself in the law energies naturally so it was growing beyond one and two star black gold rank.

Soon it broke through to legend rank and without the vine sucking up all the energy, my cultivation wasn't far behind. I broke through to black gold rank and flew through it was forcing my cultivation to slow down and lay an absolute solid foundation. Two weeks later I broke through to legend rank as a demon spiritualist while my body was already beyond legend rank and forcing my cultivation to grow on it's own. I'd reached a bottleneck a week after that as a peak legend rank and full demigod rank expert with the power of many laws behind me.

I even helped sister Yu Yan recover her lost law essence and rebuild her godhead fully by gathering the law energy of fire from the sun and earth's core. Mewtwo helped a lot and managed to reach legend rank both physically and spiritually himself. He learned a lot about the law of the soul and mind. When it was time, I hid Yu Yan in a special box with inscriptions that gathered the law of fire and natural law energy.

In exchange I left a sort of semi clone of her that would last longer than Nie Li's little skit of a trick. I took the law energy well water in my ring with a touch and covered the box in the law of darkness and obscured it from other's senses. She wasn't big with her current godhead being the size of an inch or so, but there was plenty of room in the box. We left the well and resealed it behind us before heading back to the plateau.

There, I traded food once more for virtually all the purple smoke rocks on the plateau. The locals wanted to know what they were for and how to safely use them, but I didn't comment, only telling them about Glory City, how to get there and giving them a safe route map. I told them to ask for the Du family if they wished to join it before telling them Glory city's power ranks and numbers, including myself as a legend rank and two others. I tossed out a mountain of food they couldn't afford and left flying before summoning Mewtwo who pulled out all the buried smoke rocks in the plateau.

Millions and millions of them flowed towards us and disappeared before we left. I put away Mewtwo's ball and hummed before sighing as I became invisible. I killed every legend rank beast in the ancestral mountains between me and glory city along the way. I put on the rank three treasure armor under my clothes and entered Glory city, returning home as I felt Nie Li pull the thunder god meteorite sword from it's place in the sacred testing grounds.

Chuckling, I had the one from our time strapped to my back with my rank nine blue heaven treasured sword from our previous life. It wasn't a god rank weapon like the book or the thunder god meteorite swords, but it was powerful and useful. I heard news of Nie Li living in the city lord's lands so after I greeted my family and shared the secrets of the purple smoke rocks, how to refine them and use them properly, I went to see him.

I arrived as he and Xiao Ning'er came out of the testing grounds and with one look, he was shocked. He asked how and I grunted. "Heavenly fate plateau, black spring. I'll explain more once we have time. I brought you a gift to help and knowledge you'll need to get stronger faster like I did."

I flicked my hand and a ring flew to him. He caught it and I turned to Ning'er who'd stepped into gold rank. Smiling, I gave them both information with soul force strings with a single point of my finger. They learned a lot and Nie Li sighed finding out he needed more blood crystals before he could use purple smoke rocks. He thanked me for the gift and smiled seeing my armor and weapons.

I tossed him the legend rank armor I wore before and he slipped it on before we left. We ran into a group of Sacred family assholes and Nie Li found one who was a deacon for the Dark Guild amongst them. He and his soul puppet ancestor of the snow wind family watched with the rest as I waved a hand and knocked all the weaklings out. I made them float behind us in a pile as we headed to the alchemy association.

There we handed them over to Yang Xin who was a black gold rank powerhouse herself now. We soon parted ways and I headed with Xiao Ning'er to see her family. There I outed myself as a new legend rank expert and gave them the information on how to safely use the purple smoke rocks. I gave them a large portion and they immediately agreed to Xiao Ning'er's engagement to myself.

I offered to help those stuck in bottlenecks advance and sure enough even the patriarch managed to break through to five star black gold rank with my help. Not even the elders could argue with our engagement, not that any of them would or wanted to at this point. Xiao Ning'er found herself cultivating with me as she quickly reached the peak of five star gold rank. I helped her break through into one star black gold rank and gave her a legend rank armor set with a three grade treasure sword.

It was the best I had left besides my own swords and it suited her style. I went to visit the Divine family as the last on the list and the patriarch was confused by my generosity. I showed him my legend rank status and told him about the trip to the ruins, saying that without brother Chen Linjian I'd never have met my teacher and for this no amount of resources can express my gratitude. I turned to Chen Linjian and bowed politely, saying I owed him a great debt for allowing me to come with him and seeking me out.

He waved it off and said we were more than even. I shrugged and sighed. "Still, my Du family will remain allies of your Divine family so long as we both live. After that-"

I shrugged. "I can't control the future beyond myself."

He nodded with a smile saying he whole heartedly agreed that our families would be allies so long as we lived. I turned back to the patriarch and wished them the best before I went into closed door cultivation where I made two arrays. One to gather law energies and another to gather fire law energies specifically. I set the shrouded box in the two arrays before I myself worked on making god growth rate demon spirits by the hundreds and thousands nonstop.

My father and family made sure I had all the demon spirits I needed while they themselves rapidly grew stronger. When I exited because of the city lord arriving to ask for my help in laying down the ten thousand demon beast array, I really knew he was prodding into whether or not I really had reached legend rank. I showed him I had and he declared my Du family a major family. Anyways, I made an even more massive hundred thousand demon beast array around the whole city.

I altered the array inscriptions and made it so the demon beast spirits could eat the dead demon beast's soul force and grow in ranks with their god growth rate talents. It took considerably less time with all the materials I had to build the massive array. In fact, with my cultivation and understanding of laws, I literally built the towers within hours around the outside walls of the city. The hundred thousand god growth rate demon beast spirits were basically all I had on tap at the moment so I had a headache.

Still, it was worth it for Glory city to be safe. In the end the Divine family, Snow Wind family and my Du family had the key stones to each of the arrays around the walls of the city. My family patriarch and the elders had all reached black gold rank with my help including my father and twin brother. Still, the Divine family and Snow Wind family posted black gold rank guards at each tower outside the walls.

I'd warned them it was for beast waves because it needed to feed on demon beasts before it could grow stronger unlike the array going up around the city lord's manor. I told them it had more potential as once the demon spirits grew to legend rank, the law arrays would kick in and they'd reach beyond legend rank, capable of halting any army of demon beasts in tiny world and slaughtering them outright. I built a similar array around my Du family, the Winged Dragon family, alchemist association and the Divine family lands, using up most of my materials.

I went back to working on making more god growth rate demon spirits after I told the city lord that he had Nie Li so he didn't need my help. Nie Li showed up one day after a banquet I'd attended with Xiao Ning'er. Out of all the resources I'd shared, none of it went to the Sacred family in the end. Not even the cultivation methods or knowledge I'd shared.

Hell, they barely had the translated books in the holy orchid institute and only because anyone could read them freely. Chen Zhenlong greeted me at the banquet in person which confused Shen Hong, the sacred family patriarch. When Ye Zong payed his respects to me, bowing politely, Shen Hong asked him why he was being so polite to a brat like me. I waved a hand and a fist of air fucked up his face, making him eat wall and cough up blood.

I spoke coldly and aloofly. "I am a peak legend rank expert. Call me a brat again and it'll be the last thing you do in this life."

I let out a mountainous pressure that brought him and his to their knees as I stared down at him. The other black gold rank experts around us merely felt my presence, nothing more. I snorted and withdrew my pressure and presence after he apologized. "Next time it would be best if you hold judgement until you know the strength of those you insult. Just because I don't openly flaunt my power doesn't mean I'm not powerful."

He wiped his mouth and agreed to my 'wise' advice. I sat down with Xiao Ning'er and introduced her to the city lord politely as my fiancé. I told him we were to be married in three year's time and I'd help her reach legend rank as well before then. Ye Zong congratulated us and we ate politely while talking about the arrays.

I told them the arrays were fine and I damaged while I'd caught the perpetrators the night before and sealed them away for questioning. I told them the dark guild members were at best black gold rank ants with no real knowledge of the true path of cultivation. I told them my master instructed me on cultivation and told me of the ranks above legend that I'd soon reach. I explained the heavenly fate realm, heavenly star, heavenly axis, all the way to deity rank powerhouses.

I told them of the draconic ruins realm and the fact that no one can go passed peak legend realm in tiny world without suppressing their power or face a heavenly tribulation that would deep fry them and scatter their fate souls. They grimaced and I told them I'd reached a bottleneck and when I break through I will be forced to suppress the power of my new realm or die. All the black gold rank experts were fascinated as I told them how the draconic ruins realm was situated and all the worlds like tiny world.

I told the city lord of those I told of glory city on the plateau and that they'd be coming to join Glory city. I waved a hand and made the illusion of a globe appear before them. I showed them the tiny world and where we were in it before telling them of all the places with human survivors. I warned them of the martial ancestor rank expert in the abyss prison realm who was half crazed.

I made sure even Nie Li was listening when I mentioned the abyss prison realm and continued, telling them how to enter and the rule of the abyss prison realm that only allowed a person to enter and leave once. I told them the martial ancestor realm expert enforces those rules and he would kill anyone who breaks them. I mentioned the resources, families and power structure of the people there. I told them what they lacked and how their power could be added to Glory city's if they were brought into the fold.

I told them that it would be a great place to retreat to if the demon beasts broke through our defenses and overwhelmed the city. I scratched my chin before humming and saying they'd have to be careful as I was unsure of the personalities of those inside beyond the few I'd met when I ventured there. I nodded to Chen Zhenlong. "The blood crystals came from there while the purple smoke rocks came from the plateau."

I warned them of the demon beast dangers and the chances of facing large hordes of demon beasts who fed on blood crystals. I turned to Yang Xin, telling her of the scarlet ghosts and their blood being excellent materials for the special defense the alchemist association was making. She nodded saying she'd send black gold rank experts to collect it. I smiled and suggested they take my junior brother Nie Li to guide them so they can all benefit and perhaps a representative of the city lord mansion to gather the factions inside.

Ye Zong agreed and Ye Xiu agreed to go with Nie Li and his group to represent the city lord mansion and bring about the best outcomes. I just suggested they let Nie Li speak for them while they were there because he had a talent for silver tongue speech. Ye Zong agreed and Nie Li sweat dropped while Ye Ziyun laughed lightly and agreed. When Ye Hong started in on Ye Ziyun, I stopped the big stuff and spoke to the rest at the adult's tables while we watched Nie Li prove me right.

When Shen Hong went to strike Nie Li and 'teach him a lesson in manners' I stopped him and severely injured his cultivation. He coughed up more blood and the city lord told him to let the kids handle things in their own ways. Nie Li made Shen Fei scram and he did so Shen Hong left as well, not having the face to stay. Ye Zong didn't stop him and barely commented on it which showed the remaining patriarchs including my Du family patriarch that the Sacred family weren't in his favor.

I left with Ning'er a bit later saying my master left me in charge of protecting my junior brother, but while he was in the abyss prison realm I was relying on their strength to protect him since I couldn't return without being killed. The next day is when Nie Li invited me since he hadn't stuck around to hear that I couldn't go back in myself or simply hadn't connected the dots himself. Still, I told him to be careful of the Silver Wing family.

Xiao Ning'er and I went into closed door cultivation since I wasn't really about to wait to help her get stronger. I told her about laws and showed her the law of lightning before I had her carefully sit in a tub of law energy filled water. I helped her dual cultivate and get stronger, using myself as a buffer while her body grew beyond black gold rank rapidly. Her cultivation soared as I helped her stave off the backlashes and keep from exploding with all the law energy.

Soon enough she had strong and solid breakthroughs, reaching three star legend rank before the energy in the tub ran out. She had to bathe because of the grime and impurities forced out of her body so I politely waited outside and we continued until she reached the peak of legend rank and comprehended the law of lightning enough to reach demigod rank. After that she reached a bottleneck just like me and decided to expand her own knowledge. I gave her all the books and scrolls she could want while I refined demon spirits constantly.

I answered her questions as she asked while simultaneously working and even told her of Yu Yan in the box next to us. I told her the dangers of opening the box while in glory city and that we weren't yet strong enough to face the one that would come for her. Still, Yu Yan was able to hear and speak with Ning'er, creating a bond of friendship. When Nie Li and the others returned a few weeks later with a shit ton of people who wished to join Glory city, he told us they'd emptied out the mines for resources and brought it all back to strengthen Glory city like I'd asked.

He himself had reached the mid three star gold rank range and needed law water. I'd shared my understanding of the laws he'd learned in the novel so he just needed more. I suggested he use the purple smoke rocks so the water wasn't wasted since they're far more abundant. I still gave him the water, but he shrugged and said he'd try. In the meantime, he told me of the demon lord and the statue he found there.

I shrugged saying I wasn't interested and yet a day later the alarms rang for a beast horde coming. Nie Li helped set the traps and the alchemist association brought out all the stops. Soon enough I operated the hundred thousand demon beast array and helped keep the demon beasts dying by the thousands as the array grew stronger and stronger. Sure enough, most of the ten million bronze, silver and gold rank demon beasts died before the black gold rank demon beast leaders could even call them back.

It was a massacre which pissed off the black gold rank beasts who charged the walls.