
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
Not enough ratings
79 Chs


The little Bagon was so jealous, I helped it memorize all the attacks it could learn and how to train in them. I sent the same training data to it's trainer who had goggles that did a bit of what my scouter did only far less accurate. When she saw my scouter, I asked to see her goggles. I took out my capsule lab and went in.

Twenty minutes later I came out and handed them back. "That's the best I can do with the less advanced tech and materials they're made from. It's not full scouter capabilities, but they should give you a lot more information on the targets and help calculate trajectories far faster than what you're used to."

She thanked me and I shrugged before helping her practice with her Pokémon a bit until Bagon evolved into Shelgon. I told it to battle and train hard and soon it would be a Salamence as well. We soon met up with Misty who said there was a Togepi ceremony and invited us to see it as well. When we arrived at the Togepi paradise kingdom, I sent team rocket back to Dewford now and put the asshole that wanted to kidnap Misty's Togepi to sleep along with all the guards that attacked.

I spoke to the king of the kingdom coldly and asked if they supported league laws. When he said the league had no say in their kingdom, I asked him just as coldly. "Then answer me this, why shouldn't I cripple this asshole and lay waste to your kingdom for allowing your people to attack my friends and attempt to kidnap my friend's Pokémon?"

The guards raise their weapons before falling down in silent screams as I endured a nightmare of hallucinations across all those that raised weapons towards us. More came in and I waved a hand, bouncing them all over the place like ping pong balls before dropping them in a pile unconscious. I stared at the king coldly and told him the woman his subject tried to kill and steal the Togepi from is pregnant with my child.

My eyes glowed and all of the kingdom shook as my anger lashed out, cracking the walls. Misty put a hand on my shoulder and said she was fine and unharmed. The king apologized and I huffed, putting away my power before turning to Misty. "No one hurts you or my kids and gets away with it, ever."

I walked over to the unconscious asshole, kicking him into a pillar as he woke up screaming. I beat him viciously before standing over his bloody form and telling him that the only reason he's alive is because he'd failed and if he had succeeded I would've buried this entire kingdom on top of him in my wrath. I grabbed him by the head and told him the beating was for trying to kill my woman, so now it was time he paid for trying to kill my unborn child.

His screams were torturous yet when it was over I'd barely laid a hand on him. I told the king. "His body will heal, but even if it does, he'll likely never wake up again. I dropped him in a never ending world of nightmares, forever."

I turned and walked out, leaving the others quiet as I passed. Misty worked out a deal with the princess to let her use Togepi to become the successor. In the end we all went to the Togepi wonderland where I brought out my Blissey and Chanseys I'd changed out for this moment. They ran all over healing the Togepis while I gave all the Togepi the knowledge and mental training necessary to master all their abilities.

About half the Togepi evolved into Togetic while I flew off to explore the recovered valley. It didn't take long for me to find a few shiny stones inside their land and brought them back. About a half of the Togetic evolved again into Togekiss when exposed to the shiny stones. I kept three shiny stones, one of which was given to Misty when I told her how to evolve Togetic once it was ready.

She agreed and her Togetic decided to stay with her because the others didn't need it. I told them the shiny stones could be found all over the place in this pocket dimension. May asked what they were used for besides evolving Togetic into Togekiss and I tapped my chin. "There are only two recorded Pokémon to need a shiny stone to evolve, Togetic and Rosalia. Rosalia evolves into Roserade with the shiny stone."

I shrugged. "Beyond that not much research into the matter has been done."

She picked up a shiny stone and asked the Togetic if she could have it. They nodded and played with our Pokémon happily until it was time to go. The Togekiss saw us out and we left. Misty caught an Alakazam ride to Cerulean after dropping us off in a blimp.

We continued on our way through the fiery path until we ran out of water. Luckily I'd switched out my Pokémon and used Swampert to cool us off. We eventually came across a farm alongside the battling family. They gave us water and food before challenging us to a battle.

I accepted the battle and instead of a four on four, I asked to battle them consecutively. I told them I had plenty of Pokémon and I needed to train anyways. They agreed and I beat them consecutively without barely breaking a sweat unfortunately. I was so disappointed, I used them to help Nuzleaf get experience at least.

The match that was difficult was the Grandma's Camerupt. It put up one hell of a fight and Nuzleaf was barely standing when Camerupt fell over, passed out. Bullet seed and repeated takedowns had beaten the Camerupt and drained Nuzleaf of most of it's energy. It was only standing out of sheer stubbornness not to fall.

Team rocket showed up and took Ash's Pikachu only to be stopped by an outside force who had a psychic Pokémon and a regular Swellow. The Grandma spoke a lot and sent us off by having her Camerupt use eruption. I summoned Swampert and had it use rain dance which made it rain, putting out the Eruption while we left. I helped May work on her act with Beatifly until Torchic found a Skitty.

After an aromatherapy healing sessions to cure Skitty's exhaustion and a run in with team idiot, May caught Skitty or rather Skitty caught Skitty. It'd knocked the ball out of May's hand and caught itself by touching the button on the empty ball. It ended up being like Misty's old Psyduck and kept letting itself out of it's ball to play.

I told May about it and that it was probably like Ash's Pikachu and felt too confined in the Pokéball. I played with Skitty and told her I'd had a lot of Pokémon like that and I still do, though they're back home. Next we met a Nickerbocker or whatever the weird dude dressing as Pokémon called himself, Max and May. There was a Zangoose and Seviper incident until my Metagross separated them with Psychic and prevent both Pokémon from fighting it out.

I sent team idiot flying with their snake Pokémon and when the others were ready, we went on our way. The next incident involved a thirteen year old kid named Max that looked like a brown haired older version of our Max only he had a bad attitude and was as bossy as Jessie. I yawned seeing their issues and went upstairs to sleep in the Pokémon center.

Later that evening we left the Pokémon center and the two Max's were no longer feuding. Once at the Fallarbor coordinator competition, I left them there and headed to Dewford to a cave where I recorded everything I found there, from the temple to the ancient writings and cave paintings. I spent all night working on it and only teleported back in time to catch a shower before the show. May scored pretty high and when Jessie went up cheating with a wire, I left it to fate. She ended up getting to the semifinals only to lose to May and be outed as a cheater.

Ash sent team idiot flying and we watched Drew face and lose to Grace, a coordinator friend of May's. May won the contest in the end, beating Grace in the finals. We ended up on the road again heading to Lavaridge where Ash and the others met Thatcher from the mountain lighthouse at a pep squad. When they asked us to be in a test battle to demonstrate their cheering.

I chose to go first and faced Jamester as he went by. I used Blaziken and blew his Cacnea away with a fire blast and flame wheel combo. Cacnea didn't stand a chance with a TKO and not even cheering could help it now as the attack was so powerful it severely burned the Cactus Pokémon. I recalled Blaziken and brought out a few potions, healing the knocked out Pokémon and apologizing because my Pokémon were really too powerful to face them fairly it seems.

Cacnea recovered after a while and Jamester thanked me awkwardly. The cheer captain asked me if I had any weaker Pokémon on me. I tapped my chin. "Hmm, Metagross, Salamence, Swampert, Aggron, Blaziken, Swellow, Kirlia or Nuzleaf."

He frowned. "Trainers can only carry six Pokémon!"

I shook my head. "I'm allowed eight if I choose to as an official league certified field researcher. I'm also a certified judge and a gym leader of a Kanto gym near Viridian city. I specialize in dragon and psychic type Pokémon mostly, but I have a lot of other types as well."

I turned to Jamester. "If you'd like I can bring out any of the Pokémon I named and you can try battling them, but I have to warn you my Kirlia is quite violent and my Metagross is the strongest Pokémon I have on me. The weakest would be my Nuzleaf, if you'd like to fight him."

Jamester waved his hands. "No, that's quite alright. I didn't exactly plan to fight a gym leader out in the woods after all."

I shrugged and walked to the sidelines where Brock went up next, saying he was a former gym leader, but none of his Pokémon on him were as horrifically powerful as my own at the moment. He used Forretress and when I saw the helping hand being used, I used my psychic energy to tear the drums sidings, revealing the Pokémon within. Another psychic burst and the fake clothes team idiot were wearing fell away like leaves in the wind.

I brought out Metagross and revealed everything before blasting team idiot off and capturing the so called cheer captain with Metagross's psychic abilities. I'd recorded everything on my scouter and ended out calling the nearest police. An officer Jenny from Fallarbor town which we'd just left showed up and arrested the scam artist after Metagross made him confess all his crimes out loud to be recorded and sent to the police. Thatcher and the rest were innocent which meant they were let off with a warning while the asshole was arrested, his Pokémon confiscated and he was made to pay back all the money he swindled out of people.

We ended up on the fiery path where May's Skitty pissed off a group of Slugma. Swampert cooled them off and pissed off a ton of Magcargo, cooling them off as well only for a horse of fire Pokémon chasing us out of the cave. We made our own path out and rolled down a hill while Swampert and Nuzleaf covered our escape. Skitty attacked a Numel and I ignored them while picking a ton of berries from a nearby tree.

We met Julie while I hand fed the Numel when it woke to eat. Julie invited us over to her Numel ranch for the night. May and Julie had a battle where May learned of Assist. May lost the battle, but learned Julie used to be a Pokémon coordinator. After a great dinner, I practiced with my Pokémon until a giant Numel shaped robot came. I had Metagross send it flying at super speeds with Psychic.

The next morning Julie told us where to go to get to the rope way station and head across Mt.Chimney. We made it just in time to the cable car where team idiot showed up getting a ride with us. When the cable car stopped, I climbed opened the side door, bringing out Salamence and hopping on. I turned to Ash and the others. "Use a rope to tie off to the tower from the top of the cable car and crawl across, I'll head up to the top and find out what's happening."

They agreed and I flew the rest of the way to the top of the mountain, running into a scientist asking for my help to keep a meteorite safe from team Magma and Aqua. I brought out Metagross, Swampert, Blaziken, Nuzleaf, Kirlia, Swellow and Aggron, making my full team versus both teams Aqua and Magma, with over twenty people and forty Pokémon. I put the humans to sleep and my Pokémon beat the shit out of theirs. Nuzleaf was soon ready to evolve and I gave it a leaf stone once the last of the Pokémon were beaten.

Shiftry was happy to have finally evolved fully with my approval. I turned the cable car on again after freeing the workers and the meteorologist recognized me before asking me to hold onto the meteorite so teams Aqua and Magma didn't come after him for it again.

I shrugged and put it away, recalling my Pokémon except Metagross who took team Aqua and Magma's Pokéballs while I tied them all up. Metagross recalled the other Pokémon and I sent them with the sack of Pokéballs to the police in Lavaridge town with an explanation on what they were trying to do in a neat little note pinned to their sleeping forms. I took their helicopters into my ring as the others arrived not long afterwards.

Ash showed up on his own though saying team rocket snapped the rope. Metagross sent them flying and they landed by the edge of the cliff before it gave way and saw them rock surfing down the mountain. I shrugged and thanked Metagross before recalling it.

We ledges down the jagged pass towards Lavaridge. The Professor said he'd visit the lab in Viridian when he gets done and I told him he could safely study it there with Mewtwo if he wanted so long as he didn't try to steal Mewtwo's or my work. I held up the meteorite and teleported it to Mewtwo with one hand. Mewtwo had been waiting and was more than happy to study it, especially if it leads to legendary mega stone research of any kind.

When we arrived in Lavaridge, May wanted a sand bath and hot spring soaking but Ash said no. I thumped him on the head and grunted. "Don't be mean. You can go have your gym battle and have sand baths. The gym is host to both sand baths and gym battles or it was when I was here last. The gym leader's granddaughter hosted them and Flannery's Slugma heated up the sand just fine. Besides, the moment you get your badge you'll want to run off to the next gym immediately, not giving anyone a chance to enjoy Lavaridge."

I yawned and patted his shoulder. "Have fun at the gym, I'm going to the hot springs myself. My Pokémon loved them when I was here last time and they're great for humans as well."

I left them there while I went to the hot springs connected to the Pokémon center. All of my Pokémon including Blaziken loved them and soaked in them just fine. We got the biggest one so Salamence and Metagross could both enjoy them together as well. After a scented bath, I headed to the gym where I helped them clean up the gym.

I had Metagross and Aggron do most of the cleaning and packing of the ground so it was done in seconds before telling them. "The rules old man Moore told me when I faced him were three on three with the contender being able to switch out as necessary so long as they only used three Pokémon altogether."

We had lunch and I yawned while sweeping the floor of the gym before going to the bathroom. I found the box of gym badges in there and gave them to Flannery, telling them the safe fell while I was washing my hands. I was the official judge for the match and when team rocket tried to come in for gym maintenance, Blaziken used sky uppercut to send them flying. Ash beat Flannery even after her first Slugma evolved , barely winning yet winning nonetheless.

When it was over I repaired the field once more before we all had warm relaxing sand baths. I showered afterwards and all my Pokémon appreciated the warm sand bath, Swellow included. Salamence crawled under the sand happily and curled up while I chuckled. After a Spinda incident, we ended up in the valley of steel again and I warned them it was ruled by a powerful Steelix.

I recommended Brock catch it if we come across it while I floated on Metagross, relaxing as it kept pace with the others. Ash and the others worried about a Torcoal and when we got to the end he caught it before battling the Steelix with it. The Steelix lost and Ash let Brock catch it since he preferred Torcoal. I yawned and parted ways with them, teleporting to Lilycove city where I headed out flying on Salamence towards Mossdeep city.

I beat the twins there after a day of flying and spent time remodeling and upgrading their rocket they planned to launch in a few months. It took some time and I had to add security measures to a whole slew of things alongside upgrading their software just to keep in contact with the rocket, but by the time I left for Sootopolis, I'd done most of the main work leaving them with the lighter basic stuff. I faced and beat Juan's five Pokémon in two double and one single battle, earning the rain badge, my eighth and final badge.

I got a text from Ash saying they were going fishing and smiled before waving to Juan and teleporting away to the Whiscash lake where I'd gotten my master ball. We met the god of fishing again and he was practically crazed saying he couldn't control his Whiscash and it'd broke it's own Pokéball before escaping an hour after we'd traded. He showed me the second master ball he'd spent everything getting and asked me to help him get it on land without catching it so he could beat it himself and the master ball was mine.

I inspected it before shrugging. "Alright, but I want your extra fishing rods and some of your best lures as well. Catching Whiscash is easy, getting it on land without doing so is a lot harder."

He nodded. "Deal, you can choose whichever rods and lure you'd like if you succeed."

I smiled and took the master ball. "In that case consider this a down payment. I don't want you getting caught up in the moment and using it to catch Nero especially if it's going to be my payment for doing this."

I brought out Swampert and Metagross while Ash said it ate his badge case. I shrugged and told my Pokémon. "Find the giant Whiscash and let me know when you do so I can bring it out of the lake."

They nodded and went into the water. Moments later I dove in with a psychic bubble around me. I found them surrounding Nero and used my psychic energy to grab the giant struggling Whiscash, tossing it out on land. We flew and jumped out of the water where I had Metagross use psychic to remove the badge case from it's mouth. It floated to me and I tossed the case to Ash. "Maybe don't bring it out next time. Every time you do it seems some Pokémon or idiot tries to steal your badges."

He looked glum and thanked me. I shrugged and returned my Pokémon while the angry Whiscash faced the legendary self proclaimed fishing god. I grunted and turned to see Jessie with a Feebas eating her hair tip. She flicked it off and I made it float to me where I caught it.

A bit later another Feebas was flung off her hair and I caught it as well. A third, shiny one, pulled her into the lake and I pulled it to me when she pulled it off, catching it as well. The legendary fisherman failed to catch Nero again, using a third master ball which Whiscash swallowed before jumping back into the water. I shrugged and handed May a Pokéball. "Here, it's a Feebas, I caught three of them today. For whatever reason team rocket keeps throwing them away while out on that boat out there."

I thumbed in their direction and the others looked while I told May. "Feebas evolved into Milotic with love, caring and beautifying poké blocks. Or you can just use a sea prism stone and evolve it that way, whatever floats your boat I guess."

May thanked me and I shrugged before telling her I had room for one on my team so the other two were back home now, but I'd be getting the shiny one I caught back soon enough to train it. I told her I'd be putting the other up for trade for a Dawn stone from the Sinnoh region so I can evolve my Kirlia soon. Max commented. "I thought Kirlia only evolved into a Gardevoir when it had enough experience."

I nodded. "True, but that's only the females. The males can evolve with a Dawn stone into Gallade."

I showed him my Pokédex and a Gallade popped up in the hologram. After that I put it away and sent out Metagross before catching Nero for myself once the fishing legend was gone and the others went to make lunch. I got the master ball from it, making a grand total of three for me. I had the fishing rods and lures as well so I was happy and when team rocket left their boat, I took it, heading out happily.

Even Whiscash was happy because it could tell by my Pokémon that I was an extremely powerful trainer. I shrugged, welcoming it to the team before rejoining the others for lunch. We moved on and I told them I'd caught Nero. Ash asked if we should go back and tell the fishing legend and I shook my head. "So long as Nero is still out there he'll always find it, be it this Whiscash or another. If we took away his dream that would be worse than giving it to him knowing he could never control it at his current pace. Let the man dream and catch Whiscash, one day another Whiscash will take this one's place and he'll be ready to catch it then, or not."

I shrugged and kept walking while Ash agreed slowly before asking why I caught it. I shrugged. "It's powerful against all except grass type attacks and can learn ground, poison, electric, water, fighting, ice and normal type attacks. I could go on, but this Whiscash also had the king gene like my Dragonite and Charizard so that alone is enough reason to interest me. It truly is a rare find, almost as much as the shiny Feebas I caught."

We came across the Baltoy room again only it was empty of the Baltoy from before and there was no older woman waiting on us. Instead I showed Ash the time machine along with a girl we met, telling them what it was and that messing with time was extremely dangerous for humans. We left and met back up with the group while the little girl and her Baltoy left happily after learning a lot about the ancient Baltoy worshipping civilization.

We ended up in Rubello town where we met Drew and I told May I'd be competing in the competition to keep my coordinator skills sharp as well. I told her Kirlia and I would be doing our best so we'd see her in the finals if possible. She agreed and I wished her luck before heading off to sign up and practice. In point of fact any of my Pokémon could compete because being a coordinator has taught me a lot about battles and I held all my Pokémon to those same standards.

Kirlia just liked to show off more and enjoyed having this one thing with me. The next day we put on a brilliant performance and got a perfect score. We ended up facing Drew as our semifinals opponent and beating his Masquerain after a really tough battle, ending up in the finals against a lady the others met at the coordinator contest lobby, winning another ribbon.

The woman I beat had beaten May so it was fine I guess. We soon moved on and said goodbye to the rest, heading out of town. I told them I was heading to LaRousse City for the battle tower there to help my Pokémon gain real experience and hopefully bet on some great matches. I told them they should head there after Ash's next battle for a break as it was a high tech paradise with tons of trainer and Pokémon things.

Ash asked why now and I smiled, telling him I was meeting there to trade the extra Feebas for a Dawn stone a trainer mentioned having and willing to trade for, plus the battle tower just sounded like fun and a great training experience. When I arrived in LaRousse City, I was given a passport upon arrival and spent a day getting used to the city to find out where everything was. I met and traded the Feebas trainer her new Feebas for the Dawn stone that I evolved Kerlia into Gallade with.

After that I spent the next couple weeks racking up a hundred battle win streak at the battle tower where I trained and battled constantly. I met Rebecca, Sid, Rafe and his twin younger sisters at the battle tower and beat them in battles all the time. By the time Ash and the others arrived, I had a two hundred and fifty win streak going, making myself a legend in this city. Even outside of the battle tower I was famed for random battles in the parks, my excessive training and my extremely powerful Pokémon.

When Ash and the others arrived, I was on the way to the battle tower with Rebecca and the rest. Rafe helped Ash get on the right moving floor tiles before I told him to follow me and I'd let him take my place with Rebecca in the tag team battle we had planned. Brock asked if Rebecca and I were together and I shook my head. "No, we just both have Metagross we use in tag team battles."

He began hitting on her then and I ignored him. When we reached the battle tower I told Ash to stick with Rebecca and she'd take him there. Ash ended up running ahead and in a tag battle with a kid who didn't have a Pokémon. It was a mess I just shrugged to when Rebecca asked if my brother had a brain.

I told her that was one mystery I myself doubt I could solve in my lifetime. When it was over, we had a fun day and evening. May and Max just adored my Gallade while they played that evening. Sid told them Gallade was a nightmare to battle against and their current tag team project in the battle tower.

I sighed and told Sid that chance was gone now because I'd be leaving in a couple days with Ash and the others. I told them my training here had pretty much stalled anyways so I'd be going elsewhere for new experiences and chances to grow stronger. The next day we met Tory, the kid Ash battled with before, in a garden. He had a special friend so I brought out all of my Pokémon to meet it.

The others did the same until my scanner went off and I got a call from officer Jenny in south city warning me of the lockdown and asking for my assistance in stopping two legendary level Pokémon from destroying the city. I told her to evacuate everyone and leave it to me. I turned off the life sized hologram and told the others. "You all stay here and try to fund a safe place to hide. My Pokémon and I will deal with the threats."

I turned to Metagross. "No more playing nice with weak trainers. We have a Rayquaza and an unknown Pokémon classified as Deoxys that we need to stop."

Metagross and the others got ready and we left the garden, blasting hundreds of Deoxys clones to dust and starting a fight. Hundreds more came and soon Deoxys itself was forced to come. The ensuing battle stopped when I connected with it psychically and told it I could find it's friend without all the fuss. It calmed down and retracted all the clones, following me.

My Pokémon were on guard, but it was very calm so we escorted it to the labs through the garden where we met up with Yūko, Tory and the rest. I told it what Deoxys wanted and that them taking it's friend was the reason it was here in the first place. I told them that once it had it's friend it would leave and Rayquaza would do the same. Yūko brought us to the labs and I stopped Deoxys from interfering, telling it they were trying to speed up it's revival.

I helped them supercharge the Deoxys core and it shone brilliantly before another Deoxys formed. They circled each other and let out an aura borealis, talking to each other. When they finished, I lead them outside where they tried to leave only for Rayquaza tried to stop them only to be stopped by my Pokémon and I. I tried to reason with the stubborn legendary dragon and it didn't want to listen.

In the end it was forced to listen when Mewtwo showed up and together we beat Rayquaza down. It was a brutal nine on one battle that ended with Rayquaza fleeing back to the North Pole once it got up. Mewtwo called it a stubborn lizard which I laughed lightly to. Once Rayquaza and both Deoxys left, Mewtwo having taken the two alien Pokémon to the ranch to study and live there peacefully, the city came off of lockdown and things simmered down.

There was one AI glitch, but I hacked the system and repaired it before I called Officer Jenny who thanked me for my help. Sid asked why the police had called me and Rebecca was the one who answered, telling him who I was back in Kanto and Johto as well as what I was doing here in Hoenn. She mentioned that I'd already qualified and registered for the Hoenn conference in Evergrand city since I already had all eight badges. She mentioned my seven coordinator contest ribbon wins and my rumored ranch of powerful Pokémon of which several legendary Pokémon supposedly live on.

I smiled and told her she shouldn't put much stock in rumors. Rebecca looked up from her laptop and asked. "So it's not true then?"

I shook my head. "No, it's true, but a good trainer should search for the truth themselves. I have a gym there alongside a lab, breeding center, Pokémon daycare and a home for myself and any Pokémon who seeks shelter there to live in peace. Most humans aren't allowed on the ranch and that includes the elite four. No matter how powerful or influential, no one gets on the ranch without my express permission."

I petted the Metagross Rebecca owned and told her. "Still, rumors are dangerous half baked truths or outright lies that shouldn't be relied upon. They can be dangerous if taken too literal. As it is I have a hard enough time arguing with the press and keeping poachers off my land."

A day later the city was back to running smoothly and Ash got a proper battle tower experience. Once the tag battle was over, we said goodbye to the others and headed out near Fortree city. We came across a movie man and his Camerupt stuck in a river before helping them get across. When we found a bridge out, Shiftry built a new one very fast, leading us onwards.

When rocks fell on a mountain pass, Shiftry and Metagross moved them off and while we ate lunch we heard the man's story of why he does things, for good people. It moved Shiftry so much Shiftry decided to stick with him and make his trips smoother. I chuckled as we soon made it to the village in record breaking time. I'd given the guy a capsule and with Shiftry's help, he didn't need his Camerupt to work so hard or even be out because Shiftry was extremely fast even without the Extremespeed move it knew.

As it is, only teleportation would be faster and more efficient. Shiftry was in fact fast enough to run on water with extreme speed. Once we made it to the village, we celebrated and waited until nightfall to see the movie. When it was over, team rocket tried to interrupt only for Shiftry to send them flying with a hyper beam so powerful even Wabuffet's mirror coat failed.

They were sent flying and I gave Shiftry's ball to the movie man, wishing them luck. Our next adventure was a Lunatone that fell from the moon and seemed to be using psychic on the whole town. We helped it out and I sent the crazy space Pokémon snatching duo to the sewers in the Orange islands again. Team rocket was sent flying and Lunatone was recharged before it stayed with Nurse Joy peacefully.

Finally we got to the famous Bannana garden where I captured a Slakoth before sending Blaziken to Professor Oak so I could get my Feebas and keep Slakoth with me. Blaziken was practicing fire based attacks with Typhlosion and Charizard so it was happy for now. As for the wild Snorlax, I simply made some Snorlax Poké block and fed it each time it woke up. I then had Metagross battle Snorlax before catching it and giving it to the banana garden owner with the Poké block recipe.

While we ate, I helped one Slakoth from the garden evolve into a Vigoroth with my own Slakoth I finished teaching and helping master it's limited move pool. The owner of the garden really appreciated it when I told him how it could beat any more Snorlax who are chased off the mountain by land developers. I pointed out how he could best use Snorlax's talent for using Yawn as well.

With the Poké block recipe in hand, the new Snorlax resting room and the Vigoroth, he was extremely happy. We had plenty of free desert and what we didn't eat immediately I took into my ring to keep fresh for later when it gets hot. We waved goodbye and left happily. I told May about the contest in Lilycove city along the way.

When a tree fell on our rout, I had Gallade send it flying into the team idiot robot that busted it down. It blew up and the barrier I made protected us all. Team idiot was sent flying and we moved on easily, avoiding a pitfall along the way. We skipped lunch to arrive at Lilycove where we went to an outdoor berry farmer's market.

I bought a few berries I was running low on before May asked if I'd be joining the contest. I tilted my head before shaking it. "Gallade likes fighting more than contests now so I'll only be participating in the grand festival in Slateport when we get there. Though after this one I can teleport you wherever you want to contest battle at to get the last ribbons you need to qualify and both Gallade and I would be more than happy to help you practice battle for the contests to keep ourselves in contest shape."

She said that it would be great and agreed before we saw a girl fall and nearly spill her berry bag until her Grumpig saved the berries and I saved her via telekinesis. Once she was up, I let her go and floated the bag to her hands. She thanked her Grumpig who she thought did it. The people around us clapped and she thanked them saying they'd be in the contest tomorrow.

We met the girl, Kelly, and she invited us to her home where they make and sell Poké block. We met Kelly's mom and dug in, eating lots of the famous Lilycove stew. Ash wanted to practice for his next gym battle by teaching his Swellow Aerial Ace. I spent the day making Poké block for all my Pokémon, here and at the farm.

I spent the bulk of my funds on berries to make tons of Poké block to send back home. The next day I sat in the crowd watching May win, having practiced every day with Skitty, Beatifly and Combusken o she was ready to take the stage. I'd given her rules and tips to follow for great performances. She even knew not to take other's advice that she was competing against if they mentioned sticking with one move because it meant they were secretly trying to make her fail.

Her Combusken did beautifully and got a solid perfect score, having had sense knocked into it by Gallade more than enough times. I wasn't surprised to see Jessie there and in the end she too got a perfect score with Chimecho while I covered myself in a psychic barrier to hold off the Astonish she made it do. May faced a random before beating Jessie and winning the ribbon against Kelly.

The final battle on stage was fierce and her ribbon was well deserved. We ended up on the way to Bomba island thanks to May and Ash lazing about the next morning. I didn't mind since I was already ready for the Hoenn league. So I spent my time training Feebas and Vigoroth.

When we made land, we met Jimmy and his second evolutions of all three of the original starters of Pallet town. Seeing them, and them seeing me, Charmeleon warmed up to me right away. I smiled and telepathically taught them all their attacks while helping them memorize everything and feeding them Pokémon food. I turned to Jimmy and asked to train my Vigoroth against them for a time in an unofficial capacity.

I even made the boxes they were carrying float, helping them carry everything to the judging place. Jimmy said yes and I spent the day training them to master every move, big and small, in mock battles against my Feebas and Vigoroth who did the same. When each of them had mastered their attacks that evening, I challenged Jimmy to a real battle and made my Pokémon fight just as hard until Warturtle, Charmeleon and Ivysaur all three evolved. Jimmy was surprised they beat my Vigoroth, Feebas and lost to my Gallade.

I told him Gallade was the first Pokémon I caught in the Hoenn region as a Ralts when I was first starting out and I spent a few weeks in a battle tower so I wasn't surprised it won. Still, I told him his Pokémon were extremely powerful. I showed him telepathically what I'd done to help them train and told him they worked so hard for him. I smiled. "Moves are just window dressing. The effort they put into learning them was so they could help you with your dreams, that's what makes a good trainer and an even better team. That friendship and bond you share with each of them is what made them push themselves so hard to improve themselves and help you."

I patted his shoulder. "Someday you'll make an excellent trainer and perhaps a really powerful Pokémon master, so long as you make sure to care for and nurture those bonds with all your Pokémon that is."

He asked if I thought so and I nodded. "I really do Jimmy. Now, what you need is confidence in yourself and your Pokémon that can only be acquired with battles won of hard work on both sides. I suggest you enter the Hoenn, Kanto or Johto gym circuit, win your badges the hard way and never back down from a challenge. Just remember that your Pokémon's health means more than winning any battle."

He smiled and agreed, saying it meant a lot from a two time champion. I sweat dropped and asked if everyone knew nowadays. He said pretty much because the judges started spreading the truth after my second defeat of the elite four back in Kanto and Johto with two separate sets of Pokémon. I groaned and Ash told me to face my fame while I just grunted before sulking, saying I'd likely have to dodge reporters once I beat the elite four in the Hoenn region.

I sighed and we ate dinner while I suggested the route before telling Jimmy if he liked that I could go back to Kanto and face him for his eighth badge in Viridian city. He agreed before telling us how he ended up with all three starters. I chuckled and told him about the places to train each of his Pokémon in their wild instincts, letting them go there for special training while he raises the rest of his team.

He said that sounded great and I shrugged, telling him my Blastoise, Venusaur and Charizard would team them a great deal about their natures. I mentioned the shiny Magikarp and how rare it really was so he'd really lucked out both ways. I told him all about shiny Pokémon and why they were so much stronger than the others of their species. When team rocket showed up, Jimmy and his fully evolved Pokémon beat them and sent them flying.

The next morning we got a boat to the next island while Jimmy agreed to set out once more. We ran into a Spoink pearl problem and on the next island we helped settle it while learning about the red Clampearl pearl. I scanned it and sent team idiot flying when they came after it. I caught the Spoink myself afterwards and we soon moved on to the next island where I had to teleport team idiot to Rustboro city while we found a Relicanth nest in a pirate's sunken treasure ship with a diver.

I recorded everything and pinged the location of the nest for more researchers later. We left peacefully after getting the heart scale treasures which the diver and his wife shared trinkets of for remembrance. Afterwards I spent the rest of the beach day scouring the ocean floor for big pearls Clampearls spit out when the pearl get's too big for their shells.

I had to teleport back after Feebas helped me find so many. I'd managed to map out a large portion of the sea floor in the Hoenn region, finding tons of lost treasures, sunken ships and pearls along the way. It had been a fun adventure and one Feebas really enjoyed. Having recorded and mapped it all, including the types of Pokémon, their nesting locations and everything in general, I spent a lot of time doing so for the whole Hoenn underwater region while the others went to the next island sets.

When they arrived at the first island I teleported over and met with Professor Birch and the rest of the group using Metagross who stayed with them as a psychic beacon. I showed them all the treasures I found and told them I'd be selling them all off to help support the ranch's needs and starting a gym repair service business.

I told them I planned to have it expand to cover Kanto, Johto and the Hoenn region as the world's only cleanup and repair service, paid by the league to keep gyms, unofficial public battlefields and destroyed habitats in tip top shape for all challengers, small time trainers and wild Pokémon. I told them it would need massive start up funds to get it off the ground and the Pidgey express agreed board to manage the details as a sub business that'll practically run itself so long as I supplied the funds to hire the people for it.

They all said that was a great idea and I smiled before we went on a scientific research hunt where I got plenty of deep sea scales and deep sea tooth. I put one apiece on my necklace and scanned both places, comparing it to the valley where the Gloom evolved into Bellosom and Vileplume. Professor Birch agreed with my analysis and we helped the others understand as well back on the first island where we met Professor Birch in the first place.

It was all about Clampearls evolving into Gorebyss and Huntail for the two kids Ash and the others had met. Once they'd evolved, we moved on since team idiot hadn't caught up yet. Next was a muscle beach and team idiot had in fact caught up thanks to stowing away on a ship bound for Mossdeep and getting thrown overboard in a failed coupe or so Meowth said. Ash beat the leader of Muscle island, Rocky.

I got to watch because I wasn't allowed to workout anymore. Ash and Brock explained my condition and I proved it by destroying several boulders and making a fissure with my fist. I slouched when I was done and went to relax, letting my Pokémon workout while I watched Ash battle. When it was over we ended up on team rocket's boat where they tried to catch Pikachu and we all ended up electrocuted.

I made a barrier at the last second and protected myself, ending up on the ship alone until I put it in my ring and teleported to Ash and the rest on the team magma submarine. When we went into their secret base, I hid via Latios's cloaking methods oddly enough. When I figured out how I was doing it, I followed the team Aqua spy to Kyogre. I saw what she and the other teams had planned for it and contacted Kyogre telepathically, telling the ancient and powerful legendary Pokémon everything.

It asked for my help in it's own way and I told it the only way I could get it out was catching it because it's too large to do so stealthily and even my Pokémon can't beat team magma in their headquarters at the moment, telling it we'd be over run.

It agreed after I showed it my life as a trainer, everything I'd done and felt for Pokémon and the fact that I had two legendary Pokémon already. I snuck into it's chamber and it agreed so I caught it with a heavy ball. I promised to free it as soon as possible and the alarms went off all the same as the team Aqua agent was caught and I disappeared with the heavy ball and Kyogre. I made my way to the others and knocked out the unprepared team magma guards with Ash and the others who had the blue orb inside Pikachu.

We escaped and I released Salamence to deal with the assholes chasing us. When we got to the railing, I had Ash and the rest get on Salamence and flee to Monsu island. They left with Pikachu on Salamence and I flew towards the team Aqua HQ ship not far away, going invisible again. When I saw the leader of team Aqua holding the red orb, I yanked it away with telekinesis and slammed it into the ship with full force, breaking the orb.

I brought out Kyogre who woke up finally and broke the bindings on itself, telling it to destroy the ship and free Groudon as well before destroying the team magma HQ ship. It's destructive path cleared the way for Groudon to be released as I woke it up myself. It helped Kyogre destroy the ships fully while team Aqua and magma fled. Once both ships were destroyed, we headed to Monsu island and I helped them extract and destroy the blue orb before offering to release Kyogre.

Lance stopped me to my surprise, telling me that Kyogre and Groudon were the balance of land and sea in the Hoenn region like a pair and now that I had caught Kyogre, another of it's kind would've awaken to balance Groudon so if I released it then another Groudon would awaken from wherever the ancient Pokémon slumbered. He said it was complicated, but like Ho-Oh and Mewtwo, it seems the world adjusted when legendary Pokémon were captured. I turned to Kyogre and asked if it wished to remain with me and be my friend as well.

It agreed happily and I smiled before turning to Groudon and wishing it luck finding a safe and peaceful place to slumber again. I gave it a few ideas and locations including the underwater cavern where the Relicanth live. It liked that one best so I teleported it there before returning worn out, saying size doze matter when you teleport huge Pokémon. As for team Aqua and Magma, Lance and I rounded up most of them while their leaders seemed to have escaped.

When it was all over, I took Kyogre to the ranch to rest in it's own personal lake where it would be fed special poké blocks when it woke up to keep it happy. When I returned with my original team again, teleporting back, I was dead tired when I brought out the ferry and Brock drove us to the next island. The ferry was returned to it's owners and we were in Mossdeep so everything turned out fine in the end I guess. We headed to the gym then the space center where they were launching the spaceship.

Max was surprised to hear about it being a spaceship instead of a rocket shuttle and Rachel, Tate and Liza's mother, said I was to blame for the recent upgrades to the shuttle that became a ship. I grunted and asked. "So the patent's came in then?"

She nodded. "All your hard work and engineering has paid off. The first interstellar spaceship, the Pidgeot, is now ready to launch. Once it's successful all the patents will be worth billions, especially the antigravity thrusters and repulser engines you came up with while studying Baltoy, Metagross, Lunatone, Solrock and Latios."

I shrugged. "It's not that big a deal. I just figured out how the Pokémon flew and applied it to science in a way that could be beneficial, just like solar beam becoming solar powered batteries and energy reserves. Besides, Mewtwo helped with a lot of the calculations once we put our heads together and your family did most of the remodeling."

She nodded and smiled. "Still, we only applied what you gave us."

I shrugged. "And I only applied what the Pokémon gave us. I guess that means our Pokémon are to thank for it all."

She agreed happily before rushing off to do preflight checks. I told them while we headed to the space center that Rachel was state and Liza's mother and the twins were the gym leaders, using Solrock and Lunatone as their Pokémon in double battles for the gym. I told Ash that they did things differently in zero gravity so his Pokémon would have a hard time if he wasn't prepared. When we arrived, Ash played around with the training machines.

He found they training gym and we met with state and Liza. I made sure to send team idiot back to Dewford island while my Pokémon kept an eye on the other Pokémon. When Corfish tried to run off, Metagross stopped it with confusion and brought it back while I told Ash and the others the Pokémon were hungry. Tate and Max had to be asked off the ship so the astronauts could go up.

It wasn't an issue and after a successful launch, Jin, Rachel's husband, kept in contact the whole way. He circled the solar system and scanned the planets in it for Pokémon or other life. They found several Pokémon on two planets nearby while the rest were dead rocks. The planets in question had Lunatones and Solrocks respectively, finding two separate yet confirmed near identical planets with such Pokémon was a big discovery.

There weren't any Clefairy on the moon as it turns out and Deoxys came from a lot farther away than our solar system it seems. Ash had his battle with Tate and Liza and won it in the end before we moved onwards. The science and everything found was interesting, but we didn't have time to stargaze for now. Ash got in another battle before we bumped into Drake of the Hoenn elite four at a restaurant.

Ash got full of himself and I beat the snot out of his entire team with Gallade. When it was over, Drake offered us a ride on his boat. Ash ended up getting his ass beat by Drake who turned to me, asking if I was interested as well, calling me by name. I shrugged and agreed, bringing out Vigoroth.

He brought out his Sheldon again and they battled so fiercely that both Sheldon and Vigoroth evolved. In the end Salamence lost, being too bulky with it's wings to dodge a head on hyper beam and Giga impact combo. The ship was damaged as Slaking walked to me and laid down as I returned it after petting it and feeding it a few poké blocks. I turned to Drake and told him. "If we continue your ship will be destroyed. For now at least, I think it's best if we postpone our battle for another time. The rest of my Pokémon are a lot stronger than Slaking and far more experienced. I don't want to owe you a new ship after all."

He laughed and agreed, saying he'd wait for my challenge after the Hoenn league conference. I smiled and agreed before we left since team idiot hadn't returned to following us again. We enjoyed dinner with the crew later that night where Drake gave Ash valuable advice about not getting cocky. We caught a boat to Wales island the next day.

I found the revived fossil Pokémon fascinating and interesting to study, but went to train anyways after copying the research they were doing and leaving an automatic update feed to my lab where Mewtwo happily accepted all the information on them. When an Armaldo went wild, I ended up feeding it some ancient berries I found. I sent team idiot flying and Armaldo calmed right down. I collected a few ancient fruit samples to study and left the rest for Armaldo to eat.

After May beat an coordinator asshole that tried to trick her into repeating the same moves with her Skitty, she won her next ribbon in Purika city and we moved on. We soon found ourselves facing a giant Claydol team idiot released. The end Mewtwo came and I was forced to capture it in a heavy ball. Mewtwo put it with Gengar and Alakazam at the ranch, making it four giant Pokémon at the ranch respectively if you include the giant bell Jigglypuff.

Along the way to Cerosi town, we bumped into a singer and her Mawile who fell in love with Brock's Lombre. In the end Lombre evolved and Mawile fell out of love real quickly. Then we ran into a bunch of Trapinch holes where I searched and found myself a shiny Trapinch. I caught it after Slaking beat it down and recorded everything including the tunnels and underground Oasis where the other Trapinch evolved into Vibrava.

We soon met an Absol and with it's help we managed to prevent disaster for a small town. Afterwards I caught it and did some moving around. My Whiscash, Slaking, Swampert and Aggron were sent home, leaving me with Feebas, Metagross, Gallade, Swellow and Salamence.

I had plenty of room now especially with Blaziken and the others back home training as well. Ash soon caught a Snorunt and Max befriended a Ralts who was too young to catch. I treated it's fever and helped it recover along the way so it was in no real danger when we finally got it to the Pokémon center. Afterwards a Kirlia and Gardevoir showed up to take it back before sending team idiot blasting off.

We caught a ferry from Cerosi to Sootopolis where Ash faced Juan twice and beat him the second time, getting his eight badge for the Hoenn region. We met a Linoone who stole two of May's Pokéballs and I wandered off where I found all kinds of treasures, including a dragon fang, kings rock, two thick clubs, soothe bell, three deep sea tooths, a deep sea scale, a silk scarf and a sharp beak.

I searched around more and found a some evolution stones alongside some never melt ice, Magmarizer and a special charcoal for fire type Pokémon. I pretty much emptied out the area when the others came looking. They asked if I found anything around here and I nodded. "I found all sorts of stuff with Metagross's psychic senses, why? Did they belong to someone?"

The Linoone owner said no so I shrugged while May asked if I found any Pokéballs. I shook my head. "No, and the area's pretty much been picked clean by me. Even Metagross here found a mind plate that boosts psychic type moves. Oh, that reminds me, here."

I held out a prism stone for May. "I found a few Prism stones in between two rocks over there. They should be able to evolve both our Feebas."

I handed Ash a soul dew as well, telling him it was for his Latias since I already had one for Latios now. I scratched my head saying even Mewtwo has a twisted spoon that boosts his psychic moves and Kyogre has a mystic water pendent which I now have plenty of. Linoone showed up and team idiot followed until they were sent flying. We soon headed onwards from Giban island.

I headed off alone to Donto island while they trailed behind having fun. There on Donto island I caught a shiny female Donphan and a very weak yet in love male Donphan before moving onwards. The pair ended up becoming a mated couple so I sent the both of them to the ranch once I ended up in Pacifidlog town. I ended up watching May win the Pacifidlog contest on Southern island towards Slateport where the grand festival was being held.

There all the berries were free so I emptied half the island of free berries, making tons and tons of Poké blocks.