
Life Is Hard

Oz, an avid fan of all things fictional, because life sucks even for the best of us sometimes, is reborn as Ren, son of Bardock and Gine five years before Goku. This is his story, deal with it.

Time_Kink · TV
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79 Chs


I trained my Pokémon and saw the sights of Vermillion city, switching out Fearow for Squirtle and Gyarados for Zubat. Squirtle was irked and used water gun a lot on me until Dragonair tail smacked it into a tree at the park. All my Pokémon glared at the poor Squirtle and Zubat both. Hell, Charmeleon set Squirtle's ass on fire and I hat to stop him or I'd have roasted turtle instead of a Pokémon. Zubat submitted right away and happily so while Squirtle faced down Dragonair, Charmeleon, Poliwhirl and Scyther.

I made lunch and told them to knock it off so they came and ate, still giving Squirtle dirty looks. Sighing, I healed Squirtle up and asked him. "You were abandoned before right?"

He nodded slowly and I smiled, flicking his head. He held it and complained while I sighed. "Silly, not all trainers are alike just like not all Pokémon are alike. Right now I'm letting my Fearow and Gyarados rest and relax at a ranch so I can train you and Zubat as well as spend time with you and make friends. I personally don't care if you evolve, that's on you after all. All I care about is helping you become as strong as you can be and making sure you're happy."

I set several bowls of food in front of him and told him to try each one and let me know which flavors he likes best. I advised mixing a bit so I knew exactly what he liked as well. He hesitated before trying each food happily, mixing them on occasions before letting me know while I wrote down what he liked. Smiling, I thanked him and petted him before sighing. "I'll pick up some more raw Pokémon food and hand make your favorite food so you can have it for every meal. Now, on to treats."

I did the same there before giving each of my Pokémon massages. Once that was done and the hour of rest was over, Squirtle learned how to train, picking up training from Poliwhirl while Dragonair taught dragon moves to Charmeleon. Scyther and I sparred while Poliwhirl took Squirtle under his wing. Smiling, I couldn't help but to approve seeing this.

Like this three days passed while I held Squirtle doing tours of Vermillion city until Ash, Brock and Misty showed up. I'd trained and battled all the amateur trainers in the city, giving them tips to beat Lt.Surge along the way so things weren't so bad. As for Ash, Brock and Misty, they were surprised to see a Squirtle resting in my arms. Misty asked about Dratini and I slumped my shoulders. "Dratini evolved and got too big to carry. Dragonair now is nearly as long as Gyarados though not nearly as big."

Seeing Misty, Squirtle jumped out of my arms and into hers. She caught it happily and I huffed, telling her I'd beaten Lt.Surge already. Ash was so excited he said Lt.Surge must be easy to beat then. All the trainers around in the Pokémon center lobby looked at him oddly.

I shrugged and opened up my badge case. "After Lavender town I headed to Saffron city where I got the marsh badge from Sabrina. Then I headed to Celadon city and beat Erika before coming here to beat Lt.Surge. I don't know where you all have been, but I only need three more badges to compete in the Indigo Conference. My Pokémon have been training really hard and Squirtle here is just happy to see the beautiful girl I told him about."

Squirtle agreed and Ash poked him only to get a face full of water gun. Sighing, I took Squirtle back before telling them that Fearow and Gyarados were with Professor Oak while I was getting to know my new buddies Squirtle and Zubat. I showed them Dragonair and the others after they'd showered before taking them to eat a proper meal at a restaurant.

Brock asked how I could afford all this and I told him before Ash could say anything. "I beat all the trainers in town and helped a few learn some tips on how to beat Lt.Surge for extra cash. Lt.Surge is brutal and makes fun of everyone he faces to test them. Most people get mad at being called a baby, but it just shows him those who can and can't keep a cool head, splitting the truly strong and mentally prepared from the weak minded children."

I flicked Ash's head when he complained about it before telling him. "Lt.Surge is the cut off line Ash. He separates those who know what they're doing and training hard every day from those that can't cut it and send them packing in defeat. I won't say he's hard to beat, because if you have the right strategy and Pokémon he's really not, but he isn't easy either. His Pokémon focus on pure power and they don't hold back."

Ash said he could beat him and I nodded. "If you've kept up the training I taught you I'm sure you can. If not then you've got very little chance."

Ash nearly fell over and Misty told him she'd warned him. Ash said it was just too much to keep up and I shrugged. "That's up to you Ash. For me, I don't have a limit to what I'd do for my Pokémon. You seem to have found yours so I'll only say this, charging in head first will only get your Pokémon hurt. Surge isn't the type of guy to hold back and using a short temporary power boost to Pikachu won't cut it this time. You'll either train properly or get your Pokémon injured."

I poked his head. "And when that time comes, I won't tell you I told you so, I won't have the heart to gloat because you'll have caused your Pokémon unnecessary pain and emotional trauma."

I stopped and told him in a sigh. "Sometimes you have to do what you don't like because it's what's best for your Pokémon, not for yourself Ash. Your laziness and lack of knowledge will be what causes your Pokémon the most pain because every gym battle is meant to test the trainer as much as the Pokémon."

He gritted his teeth and I patted his shoulder. "Do what you want, just don't expect me to help teach your Pokémon again. You clearly don't appreciate the effort so I won't help anymore."

We went to the Pokémon center where he rushed off with his Pokémon to face Lt.Surge. Twenty minutes later he was rushing back to the Pokémon center because his Pikachu had been badly injured. Seeing this and my lack of help, one of the trainers I'd helped told Ash while his Pikachu was resting that Lt.Surge hadn't trained his Pikachu and directly evolved it after it knew all the electric type attacks so it was strong, but slow.

He suggested Ash use Pikachu's speed to wear it down. Another suggested Ash teach Pikachu how to use Iron Tail to ground itself in the ground so the overpowered lightning attacks didn't work. Hell, another said to use a ground type Pokémon and earthquake attacks as well as dig and magnitude. Half the trainers here had beaten Lt.Surge and we're waiting on the St.Anne.

Even nurse Joy offered a thunder stone to Ash to evolve his Pikachu. I however said nothing and instead asked Misty if she'd like to go out and see Vermillion city's sights with me before having dinner at a romantic restaurant. She agreed and we had a great day out. I blinked, smiling the next morning as Misty laid across my chest, naked and only covered by the sheets we were tangled in.

She slept soundly, though she was quite loud and passionate last night. I gripped her ass and she moaned in her sleep as I wondered why safe sex wasn't a thing in this reality. Mentally shrugging, I smiled as she yawned and blinked herself awake. She smiled and kissed my cheek while I rolled us over and entered her.

She moaned. "No more, I'm still sore."

I winced and saw the blood stains on the sheets. I apologized and pulled free of her depths until she stopped me sighing. "Just go slow ok?"

I nodded and worked us both carefully, massaging her breasts and rubbing her clit as I eventually sent us both over the edge. Her legs were wrapped around me so I was balls deep in her while I came. We shared a kiss and she told me that if I get her pregnant I'd have to take responsibility. I rolled us over and grabbed her nice ass. "I have more than enough money to support us and I'd be more than willing to open a gym with you."

She moaned happily as I ground myself into her womb while our liquid love mixture slid out a bit. She sighed and told me we still weren't ready to be parents though. I agreed slowly and she sat up, letting me get a full view of her amazing breasts and stuffed pink lower lips with the tuft of orange hair below. She smiled. "I'm yours you know, from my lips to my…lips. All of me is yours whenever you want me."

I instantly began to stiffen again thanks to my teenage hormones and her eyes went wide feeling me do so. She moaned and slapped my chest lightly. "Not right now ok? I really am sore. Last night was my first time and it lasted most of the night. Let's grab a shower and if- I mean, there are other things we could-"

She blushed and I chuckled lightly. "Alright. I'm fine with other things as well."

We grabbed a shower and after an experimental blowjob, I bent her over and used lotion to lube up her rear. She was hesitant at first, but with the lube and a bit of playing, I slid in with relative ease and very little pain. Soon enough I had her squirting and moaning while I filled her rear as well. She shuddered as I pulled free and temporarily put it in her other entrance while more seed overflowed.

The sight of her face down ass up with both holes gaping and leaking seed made me very enthusiastic. After another blowjob and a bit of cleaning, I returned the favor and gave her oral as well. She quite enjoyed my talents until our shower was over. We dressed and she walked a bit funny, but when we relaxed while watching Ash try again, I held her in my arms.

Brock saw and didn't comment, having his eye on older women only. After the match, Ash won his thunder badge and Lt.Surge's respect. Lt.Surge gave me an odd look before asking Ash if he knew me. Ash told him I was his fraternal twin brother. Lt.Surge nearly fell over before telling him. "You got one talented brother, that's all I'll say. Word on the street is that he's beaten all the trainers in town and he's responsible for my recent rash of losses. Kid's talented if he can come up with so many ways to beat me."

Ash said that didn't matter because he came up with his own way to win. I chuckled as Brock told him. "Actually, Ren beat all the other trainers and gave them those tips you used to beat Lt.Surge. So in a way he's partially responsible for your victory as well. Give credit where credit is due Ash."

Ash actually tripped and I shrugged. "I didn't tell them to tell Ash the tips I gave them. Besides, all the hard work was done by Pikachu so he's mostly responsible after all."

Pikachu happily accepted my praise and petting. Zubat sitting on my shoulder and Squirtle both cheered for Pikachu. Tapping my chin, I told them we should head to the St.Anne since it was giving out free tickets from what I heard. We headed to the docks where the team rocket in disguise duo gave us free tickets.

I took mine and gave Misty hers before heading to the St.Anne where I began challenging every trainer there. Round after round my Pokémon battles while Misty, Ash and Brock went to check out everything. Charmeleon, Scyther and Poliwhirl loved the fighting life and Dragonair liked the attention it got for being so rare and beautiful as well as powerful. Fifty battles in a revolving six Pokémon team was a lot and after the fiftieth match, I called it to let my Pokémon rest and relax.

I went to the stalls and scanned all the trainers Pokémon off hand, seeing most of the Kanto Pokémon I one evolution form or another. I ignored Ash's one match, wandering around and buying Misty a Golduck doll backpack. I gave it to her when we met up to eat and she kissed me with a thanks, saying she loved it.

I hummed and let my Pokémon out to eat with us. When the rich Gentleman came over, he instantly wanted to trade his Raticate for my Dragonair. I snorted. "I'll pass. Trading Pokémon shouldn't be done lightly and Dragonair was my first Pokémon friend. I've had him since he was an egg and before I was a trainer. None of my Pokémon are getting traded, especially not Dragonair."

Dragonair hugged me and cheered with my other Pokémon as I told the Gentleman. "If you don't have the same bond with your Pokémon than that's fine, but I could never trade any of mine, not even the newest two."

I petted Squirtle and Zubat who happily ate and cheered. Smiling, I ate a few things and the Gentleman nodded, saying that it was understandable before offering Ash to trade his Raticate for Ash's Butterfree. Ash was mixed feelings the way the Gentleman described trading. I chuckled when Ash asked me my thoughts. "Personally I'd say he wants your Butterfree because it almost beat his Raticate if he hadn't pulled his Pokémon and declared it a draw. Do what you want Ash, they're your Pokémon, I won't stop you because it's your decision."

Ash gritted his teeth before asking Brock if he should trade. Brock was drooling over the Gentleman's woman and talking nonsense while I ignored him. Once my Pokémon were done eating, I gave them massages and put them away one by one before locking my belt. I finished eating and watched Ash trade his Butterfree with the Gentleman for his Raticate.

Soon enough team rocket attacked and I sent out Charmeleon. Charmeleon used Fire Blast and fucked up a full group of team rocket members. When a group of Pidgeotto used a group Gust, I had Charmeleon and Dragonair add flamethrowers to it. A typhoon of fire blew the grunts away before the ship started to rock about. I returned my Pokémon and locked my belt again, following Ash who traded back his Butterfree and Raticate with the Gentleman. Ash dropped his ball and I caught it, handing it to him. "Let's get off this ship before it sinks."

They agreed and we headed to the life boats where we got a ride safely or mostly anyways. I had to bring out Dragonair and fly on it next to the life boats since there wasn't enough room for all of us. We made it to Port Avista where we had to wait on a ride to the next island. When Ash nearly stole a boat, I knocked them off and stopped them, telling them. "We don't own this boat and stealing it isn't going to go over well."

Misty said Ash brought her on and Ash said Brock borrowed it while Brock said he followed Pikachu on board. They got off and I told Ash he was a dumb ass for assuming things. I ended up having Dragonair use Thunder on the Gyarados submarine that crashed the beach and started causing trouble. It exploded and team rocket went flying while we met Mo, a restaurant owner. I volunteered us to help him in exchange for free food.

My Pokémon all helped out at the restaurant with Ash's alongside us. I cooked exotic food which was just Chinese food and Indian Pad thai with different kinds of sea food while Misty served the food and Ash helped Brock get the word out about the contest Mom and Professor Oak showed up to tell us about. The moment team rocket tried to interfere in the restaurant, I set Meowth on fire and had Charmeleon send the flaming can of oil flying with him back to the restaurant he worked for.

The place caught fire and exploded being a safety hazard and having no water Pokémon on hand or sprinklers. I shrugged and went back to cooking while things continued to run smoothly. Ash and the rest even made pocket money and Misty won the beauty contest with Dragonair making a throne for her to sit in. Fearow flew over dressed as Zapdos and Pikachu used thunderbolts from it's back to make it look like the legendary Pokémon was there.

It even zapped the fake tits James wore when he pretended to be a female and caused the crowd to boo him off stage with Jessie when one tit deflated and the crowd realized he was a dude. Gary made his appearance and showed off his fans, but nothing beat Misty's performance so Ash got half for the Pokémon costume contest part and Misty got half for the beauty contest.

I introduced her to mom afterwards as my girlfriend and Misty blushed before greeting her. Mom said we'd make cute little grandchildren for her to play with and help raise which caused Misty to blush further. I shrugged it off and we headed back to the hotel room where I had my way with Misty and she enjoyed every minute of it. She lay panting on my chest saying. "A few more times like that and we really might give your mom those grandkids she was talking about."

I chuckled and told her. "I just couldn't help myself. You were so beautiful out there and seeing you in that bathing suit, you're lucky I didn't have my way with you right there on stage or backstage at the very least."

She blushed and called me a pervert which I chuckled to, massaging her ass while she moaned. "Only for my beautiful girlfriend."

Misty nodded smiling before she kissed me and got some sleep. We rested for a couple hours before grabbing a shower and heading out with Ash and Brock. We missed the boat so we had to wait for the next ferry. Soon the boat out blew up and I sent out Poliwhirl, Fearow and Dragonair to help the people on the boat. Misty liked the Horsea that'd warned us and it liked her a great deal.

The people we helped brought us to a resort owner who wanted us to exterminate the Tentacool that attacked the ship. I told her piss off before saying. "Your resort is on a reef and likely it's their nest. They were there first and you disturbing their breeding grounds is against league regulations!"

She said the league doesn't have a day out here because she's not a Pokémon trainer. I snorted and contacted Professor Oak, telling him everything. I advised a water or ice trainer from the league come to deal with this and settle the Tentacool before a war breaks out. He agreed to make a few calls and sure enough, by the time Nestina or whatever hired Team Rocket, Lorelei of the Elite four had come on her Dewgong.

She ordered them to stop and cease immediately but they refused and a super Tentacruel was made. Lorelei brought out her Cloyster and Lapras, forcing the Tentacruel to listen before calming down. It still destroyed the resort on the reef and Nestina or whoever was sent flying by a smack of it's tentacle. Still, Lorelei settled things so Porta Vista wasn't destroyed.

Team Rocket took a Thunder head on from my Dragonair and were sent flying with Nestina. The town was saved and the idiot humans went back to being idiots. We got a ride from the next ferry off the island after Lorelei thanked me for the heads up. She said my Dragonair was impressive and that Lance would be happy to see it someday.

I told her that her own Pokémon were impressive before offering a tip on nevermelt ice and making necklaces or jewelry for them to power up their ice type moves. I petted her Lapras and said it could go farther if it had an outside boosting item to hold. I told her about the move sheer cold and it's low accuracy but instant knock out power if it hits like fissure.

She smiled and called me quite knowledgeable, like a young Professor Oak. I shrugged and thanked her considering he was a champion once upon a time. We parted after she and Misty talked water Pokémon and ice type move training tips.

Ash asked why she seemed so important and I told him. "Lorelei is one of the elite four as of this year. She's the youngest of them currently and quite powerful in her own right as an ice type Pokémon specialist. Her Lapras is her strongest Pokémon while her Cloyster is the weakest and yet any one of them could go toe to toe with that Tentacruel any day. That's the mark of a master trainer."

As was mad he didn't get to see her battle and I just sighed before bringing back Dragonair as we boarded the ship bound for the next island. I soon split up with the group again after catching a talking Ghastly since they were headed to Saffron city. I headed to Fushia city to find my next gym battle and promised to meet up with them again once they reached Fushia city itself where the Pokémon safari was.

They agreed and I flew off on Fearow heading to the Fushia city gym hidden in the mountains between Celadon and Fushia. It took a day or so, but I found it easily enough and Zubat helped me avoid the traps in the trap house until I faced Aya, Koga's sister. Her bug/poison type Pokémon lost horribly to my Charmeleon before I faced Koga himself.

I used Squirtle against his Venomoth before evolving into Warturtle and putting on his glasses. I chuckled and congratulated him before Koga sent out Golbat. I brought back Warturtle and sent out Zubat, using Zubat's speed and agile size to outmaneuver and bring Golbat down. Zubat pinned the Golbat down and fed on it with leech life until Golbat fainted and Zubat evolved.

I smiled seeing my Golbat and held out my arm for her to land on. She sat there happily while Koga gave me the Soul badge. I congratulated both Warturtle and Golbat before recalling them and heading to Cinnabar island via Fearow. That only took a few hours since I had it's exact location on my nav. Once there, I met with Blaine and insisted we battle.

I pitted my Warturtle against his Ninetails and won, though inside a volcano it got too hot for Warturtle's liking after one round. When I returned him, I sent out Scyther and after a fierce battle with Blaine's Rhydon, both our Pokémon fainted, leaving Magmar versus my Charmeleon who insisted on facing Magmar. At first Charmeleon got beat around when they made contact, but soon it evolved and damned if the match wasn't far more even.

The freaking arena was half destroyed by the time I won my volcano badge.Charizard acted prideful until I knocked it on it's head and it apologized in it's own way. I petted him and Blaine said it was a great battle which I had to agree. I let my Pokémon rest for the day before heading to Viridian city again via Fearow than Charizard when Charizard wanted to carry me.

I smiled and flew with my Pokémon for hours before we arrived. I let them rest and went inside to face Giovanni. I beat his Rhydon, Nidoqueen and finally faced off against his Mewtwo. He told me to use all my Pokémon, but I shook my head and brought out Haunter whom I'd evolved from Ghastly into Cinnabar island.

I told Mewtwo who and what Giovanni was psychically before telling him to hold still so Haunter can help him remove the devices meant to measure his power and force his compliance hid he rebelled. It looked like a battle, shadow balls being traded and all, but in reality Haunter hit only the machines in certain areas until they broke off and Mewtwo made them explode.

Mewtwo and Haunter faced off while Giovanni got mad. He tossed me my badge and told Mewtwo to come with him to get his armor refitted. Mewtwo refused, seeing what Pokémon friendships were supposed to be like from my open mind and wanting that over being Giovanni's weapon. He turned on Giovanni and beat his Pokémon before I asked Mewtwo if he'd like to join me and be real friends, no secrets and no lies.

He nodded slowly and I promised him I'd help him meet Mew one day before holding up a Great Ball, one of the only ones I'd gotten so far. He clicked it and didn't resist, being pulled in and captured. I brought him back out and Giovanni cursed and ranted at me. I shrugged, leaving with Mewtwo and heading to Fushia city.

Mewtwo saw all my memories, no secrets and no lies. He knew all my secrets and knew I'd never betray him. Hell, he'd even found my knowledge of the Pokémon world and saw a version of himself doing bad things before leaving with a Mew. I showed him his evolution possibilities and told him we'd discover them together if he desired to do so.

At Fushia, I sent Golbat and all except Dragonair and Mewtwo back to Professor Oak. I headed to the safari zone and asked to go out and catch some Pokémon. He pointed a gun at me and I asked him. "Are you prepared to use that old man? Because pointing a gun at someone who doesn't have a weapon is very rude and disrespectful."

He glared at me and I took the gun away from him, emptying it and setting it on the counter. I told him that if he pointed another weapon at me, I would take it from him and shoot him in the knees before calling the police. He said I was in private property and I grunted. "I'm a league certified trainer and this is a league funded establishment, not private property, league property you rent for rights to run and maintain the Safari Zone. Now unless you'd like to pull that league backing and pack up your personal Pokémon, leaving the rest for the next league certified shop owner, I'd suggest you look into the laws surrounding your establishment yourself."

He gritted his teeth and huffed, telling me the price and to leave any empty Pokéballs and stuff with him. I shook my head, telling him all my stuff was left at the hotel so I could come here. I tossed my money on the counter and took the basket of Safari balls alongside the fishing rod. He grunted. "Whatever, just go and don't bug me again kid."

I shrugged and went out to see the Safari zone. It was mostly bare except a Tauros herd and a few Ryhorn. I caught one of said Ryhorn before catching a Tauros. I sat down to fish for a bit and caught nothing so I moved on deeper into the Safari zone where I found the dragon valley as it was called.

There I met and fed a Dratini and Dragonair before showing them my Dragonair. My Dragonair was make while both the wild Dratini and Dragonair were female so I caught the Dratini since the Dragonair didn't want to come along as well. Still, my Dragonair and it disappeared below the water for a bit while I petted and gave treats to the Dratini. Half a day soon passed before both Dragonair surfaced.

My Dragonair looked smug and satisfied while the female just looked tired and worn out as she showed a clutch of six eggs. I congratulated her and told her to protect them well. The safari owner found us then and said I was stealing the Dragon Pokémon. My Dragonair bitch slapped him into the water with it's tail and I sat on a rock, holding Dratini. "First of all, I'm not a thief, these Pokémon are wild and I have a right to catch them if I want to. Secondly, my own Dragonair went and made eggs with this wild one so even though I caught this one Dratini, there will soon be six more of them here so bite me old man."

He looked up at the tired female Dragonair and saw the mark on it's horn, asking if it was true. She nodded and showed him the eggs before he celebrated. My Dragonair got in his face when he went to touch one and the female nudged him so he let it go. Seeing this, I smiled and told him to come back and leave it be.

He flew back to me and I returned both my Pokémon before handing the empty safari balls to the owner. "I already have the Pokémon I wanted to find so unless you have an Electabuzz or Magmar around here, I'm gonna go."

He hesitated before saying. "I down know about Magmar or even Electabuzz, but if they're what you want, let me show you something kid, as a thanks for well, everything."

I shrugged and followed him to his generator room for the ranch. A lone Elekid and a group of Pikachu were playing and charging the power. He said the darn thing just showed up one day. I caught the Elekid with a Safari ball he offered before leaving. I stayed in Fushia city for almost three weeks visiting the Safari zone each day for Dragonair.

It had several more clutches of eggs with the Safari Dragonair and the first two clutches had hatched making thirteen newborn Dratini. The Safari zone owner couldn't be happier as he and I fed them each day and I trained my new Pokémon in the Safari zone for a bit. Mewtwo watched over the Pokémon and us when I wasn't meditating and going over moves he could learn with him. My Dragonair beat the local Gyarados who was the father of my new Dratini so the Safari Dragonair only ever mated with my Dragonair while we were around for now.

The Gyarados went off and sulked before having it's way with a Goldeen, the poor thing. Yup, Pokémon were weird and I learned how to watch them by expanding my psychic powers. I was headed to the Safari zone to train one day when I saw Ash and the others waiting outside. I waved off old Kaiser. "Quit the theatrics old man, the idiot in the official league hat is my brother and the beauty is my girlfriend, they're cool."

He relaxed and nodded. "Alright then Ren, but only because you say so."

I smiled and nodded, talking to them and catching up. I showed them my eight badges and Ash was really jealous. I told him he'd get there soon enough no doubt. Still, he had six so Blaine's gym was next anyways.

He said Sabrina and Erika sure made him work for it. I shrugged and told them all the stuff they'd missed and before Team Rocket showed up. I sent out Dragonair and it used thunder wave, paralyzing them. I told Kaiser. "Call Officer Jenny. These three are team rocket, known Pokémon thieves and wanted in connection with crimes all over Kanto. I'll hold them here until the police arrive."

He nodded and ran inside while I had Dragonair repeatedly use thunder wave to keep them paralyzed. When Officer Jenny came, Kaiser and I helped her arrest them. The police took their pokéballs and shipped them out. Officer Jenny said we did the right thing and thanked us after taking our statements.

I'd listed all the known crimes they were responsible for including the destruction of the Pokémon center in Viridian city, theft and destruction in Cerulean city, attempted theft on the St.Anne leading to it's destruction and so much more alongside attempted Pokémon genocide at Porta Vista where they'd nearly caused a Pokémon tide war. It was all very serious stuff and they were going away for a very long time from what Officer Jenny said.

In the meantime Kaiser and I took Ash and the rest to Dragon Valley where I stopped them from trying to catch the Dratini. "They're still babies right now and aren't yet ready to be caught. They just hatched a couple days ago. It'll be a month or two at least before any of them are ready to become trained Pokémon except their mother."

My Dragonair rubbed up against the female and they disappeared below the water for a while. Ash asked where they went and I snorted. "When one Pokémon likes another very much-"

Ash blushed and said. "Oh, that."

I nodded and Misty said it was very romantic. I chuckled and trained my Pokémon a bit, smiling as my Electabuzz learned thunder punch finally. Ash was surprised to see it and I just chuckled, showing him my Ryhorn as well, telling him both were caught in the safari with my new Dratini and Tauros. Misty said she was going to try her luck at water Pokémon so I warned her. "Be careful, there's a male Gyarados down there that's a bit off his game since the Dragonairs are mating instead of him and the female Dragonair."

She was surprised until I told her my Dragonair beat him and took his woman, having lots of Dratini eggs together so the Gyarados is biding his time until we leave today so he can get back with the female Dragonair. Another clutch started hatching so we watched that as the Dragonair's came back up with another set of eggs. After the newest eggs were placed, the oldest ones finished hatching.

I suggested to Kaiser. "Perhaps you should close off the Dragon Valley for maintenance for the next two months so the trainers that come don't accidentally or intentionally hurt the Dratini."

He nodded rubbing his chin. "That can work. After all, your Pokémon sure have done a number on the valley while training."

Seeing nothing had changed, Mewtwo smacked the wall and caused a small collapse far away from the Pokémon. Seeing the dust settle, I smiled. "I'm sorry old man. My Pokémon sure don't know their own strength. I'll pay for any damages, just send me the bill."

He waved it off. "No problem kid. I'm sure it'll take me a while to clean up, but money won't be necessary since it's just dirt."

We both laughed and Ash asked about Mewtwo, just now noticing it. I told him about it and that it was a legendary Pokémon like Moltres, Articuno and Zapdos. I told him Mewtwo was psychic so he could read thoughts and even speak in his mind, though him being my Pokémon had to stay secret as well for now because of certain issues. Mewtwo introduced himself before growing bored and bringing himself back into his ball.

They looked to me and I shrugged. "He's like that. He's so powerful he can come and go as he pleases and he's reading old books in my mind right now that I've ready in the past. It amuses him and he's really a gentle soul."

I smiled and patted his ball before turning to Dragonair. "Stay and have fun for a bit, once it starts getting dark come to the main house, we'll leave then."

Dragonair nodded and the Dratini's cheered while Kaiser stayed and fed them with Brock. Ash and Misty went to catch Pokémon and Ash still ended up with a herd of Tauros. Misty caught a Poliwag and a Tentacool she was very happy with. Brock caught a Tauros and left it at that before Dragonair returned with Electabuzz. We left after saying goodbye to Kaiser who'd set up a closed for maintenance sign and chains near the entrance to the Dragon Valley.

Professor Oak was surprised to hear about so many Datinis outside of Johto's dragon cave. I told him what happened and he was shocked until I told him my Dragonair was an overachiever and wouldn't let the female go until he was sure they'd repopulated by a lot. Misty said sometimes Pokémon and trainers really were a lot alike. Professor Oak laughed and Ash said he really didn't want to know those things.

Still, we were soon on our way to the coast on foot. A few days later we found a bridge heading to Sunny town. We headed to the bridge and they said we needed a bike or car to cross. We went to the bike store and Ash complained. "We can't afford these."

Misty turned to me and said one of us could. I shrugged. "I can, but I'd have to transfer some money over a direct line. Let's head to the Pokémon center, it has a landline."

They nodded and Ash asked. "You really mean it?"

I shrugged. "Well, for Misty yes, and I suppose I'll buy Brock one as well for looking after my little brother."

Ash growled. "Your only five minutes older!"

I smiled. "Still older, be it five minutes or five million years. Now shoosh. You can ride on Brock's handle bars or something. I only have enough for two bikes this month. All my other liquid cash goes into investing and taking care of my Pokémon or helping mom back home. This'll blow my savings as is."

Misty asked. "What about you?"

I smiled. "I have a bike, besides, Dragonair, Charizard and Fearow like flying with me so I don't really need one. Still, it's healthier to ride and all that fun stuff."

We headed to the Pokémon center and I moved my Pokémon around, keeping Dragonair, Dratini, Mewtwo, Electabuzz and getting Warturtle back with Charizard. I got the money from my savings transferred and let to buy the bikes. When I returned Ash was happy to have borrowed a bike from the Pokémon center while he agreed to help them ferry a bag of medicine to the one in Sunny town.

I gave Misty her blue bike and Brock a brown one, bringing out my black custom built bike. It was for comfort and training because the entire thing from the seat to the chain was made of a lot of strong metals meant to make it impossibly hard to break with my sort of strength in the one piece world or far stronger. We took the bike path and stopped at a rest area where we rested until a bike gang came. They wanted an introduction battle until I told them. "After we get the medicine we're carrying to the Pokémon center in Sunny town I'll battle all of you if you want. Until then buzz off!"

They apologized and we got on our way fast like. We got across just as a storm started up over the bridge. Minutes later we arrived at the Pokémon center and the medicine was delivered. I turned to the bikers that followed us and told them to follow me.

I brought out Electabuzz and told them to send out whatever Pokémon they want in whatever order. The leader sent out a Golem and one ice punch later it was frozen solid before a mega punch knocked it out. A Cloyster from the female leader next was thunder punched so hard it's shell dented and they called it seeing Electabuzz beat his chest in triumph and get worked up.

Soon enough all twenty gang members were beaten and Electabuzz was satisfied. On the bright side we were at a Pokémon center so they had immediate care. Once the storm ended, I patted Electabuzz and put him away, petting the Dratini draped over my shoulders. Smiling, all my Pokémon are before going to bed while I dragged Misty to my room where she didn't leave for the whole night. Come morning I took her out on a date before calling it when it was time to go.

Misty and I shared a tent each night from then on and pitched it away from Ash and Brock's each time we camped at night. When we came across the Ditto house place, I ignored it all until the Ditto could transform properly. I had the girl tell her ditto to turn into a Warturtle and stuck my warturle in the same room with it, closing the door.

The trainer asked why and I smiled, telling her to give them an hour. I put some music on my Pokédex and we talked for a bit before Warturle came out with Ditto and an egg. Warturtle gave me the egg and I passed it to Misty. "A Squirtle egg. I figured you'd want a Squirtle and Ditto can do more than look like other Pokémon, it's DNA transforms with it. So it's a perfect breeding Pokémon."

I turned to Brock. "You want to be a breeder so you should know a Ditto will be the biggest advantage you can have."

I turned to Duplika. "As for you, if you'd like extra money to get this place up and running I can contact Kaiser at the Fushia city Safari Zone. Your Ditto could help a lot in replenishing the Pokémon there and I'm sure the league would be willing to pay a stipend for such a helpful thing, especially for the rarer or nearly extinct species out there."

Duplika agreed slowly saying the house of Imitate needed a lot of funding. I called Professor Oak and he made arrangements immediately once he learned what all Ditto could truly do. I handed Misty an incubator and told her. "I used it for Dragonair when he was an egg. It'll regulate the temperature and ensure the egg stays safe even if you dropped it off a cliff or a wild Pokémon attacks it. It'll also help speed up the incubation time before the Squirtle hatches."

Misty thanked me and when Duplika imitated Misty, I grabbed Misty and Duplika, heading to a back room. Duplika was surprised, but not altogether against it while I had my way with both of them. Duplika was sore when the storm stopped, having just lost her own virginity now. Misty called me a horny pervert and I blamed Duplika for making two of her.

The imitation specialist blushed and thanked me for the compliment before bending over to reach for her panties. Misty warned her a little to late and I was soon balls deep in the shocked female. She soon joined Misty in the bed unable to move much for being so tired. Misty told her she'd given up trying to limit me back in Fushia city because we'd ended up in bed with a nurse Joy and officer Jenny combo.

I gripped their rears and they shivered until Misty was soon beneath me again. Duplika watched until she joined and lost her other virginity. The poor naive trainer simply hadn't expected so much at once. Misty told her right before I'd finished in Duplika's slit for the last time not to bend over in front of me because the view entices me.

When we left, I left Duplika my number and she promised to call if anything comes up or she ends up pregnant. The secrets of our bedroom sexcapades weren't known by Ash and Brock mostly so they didn't care. Duplika knew how to contact Kaiser and tell him I sent her to help so there was that. The league had agreed to pay her a stipend per Pokémon e group she helps keep the numbers up of in the safari zone.

A week later we found a herd of Pikachu by a stream. Ash nearly left his own Pikachu there after a night of seeing how much fun Pikachu was having. I'd recorded all the Pikachu from the moment we found them to the moment we saved them later that night. The next morning Pikachu joined us as we left and the other Pikachu cheered Ash on.

We came across an Eevee tied up and abandoned. I nearly caught the poor thing myself before stopping myself seeing the tag. We took it to Stone town nearby where the address for the tags read. There we found an evolution party going on.

Seeing the expensive evolution stones, even I was a bit envious with how rich the owners must be while my Pokédex scanned all the Pokémon and stones. When the hosts met us, they thanked us for bringing Eevee back before calling a kid named Mikey over. They asked him which Eevee evolution he wanted to make his Eevee evolve into, saying there were only three. I burst out laughing, interrupting them entirely, falling to my knees as I held my side laughing so hard. They demanded to know what was so funny and I chuckled before telling them. "You seriously think there are only three evolutions for Eevee?"

They nodded and the spiky haired guy said. "Yeah, there are only three everybody knows that!"

I laughed harder before sighing and standing up. "Sorry, well then everybody's wrong. As of right now there are seven Eevee evolution lines of which five use stones."

I held up my Pokédex and the Sam Oak AI explained Umbreon, Espeon, Leafeon and Glaceon while saying Eevee's genetic makeup has the potential for even more evolutions, but no more have yet been confirmed in the scientific circle. It went on to explain the qualifications for each evolution including the leaf stone, Sinnoh's ice stone, friendship and experience during the day and night respectively.

Examples were shown in a larger hologram before I put my Pokédex away waving them off. "Sorry, I've spent the last eleven years studying Pokémon under Professor Oak and hearing you say such things so matter of factly was just too hilarious to someone in my shoes. I mean, imagine if someone said Gloom could only evolve into Vileplume without them realizing that Bellosom's in Johto were all Glooms that evolved with a sun stone."

The people there were quite disturbed by this news and asked which of the other Pokémon could evolve differently. I pointed to the newly evolved Poliwrath. "Poliwhirl evolves into Politoad with a king's rock."

I showed them a hologram of a Politoad and shrugged. "From what I can see besides Vileplume and Poliwrath, only the Eevee line have other evolutions here. Still, sun stones are expensive like ice stones here in Kanto. The only thing more expensive would be the kings rock which is super rare because Slowpokes use it to evolve into Slowkings and gain intelligence including the ability to speak."

I summoned my Poliwhirl and showed it the Politoad and Poliwrath holograms, asking it which it wanted to be. I told him I'd find him a kings rock if he wanted to become a Politoad or buy a water stone if he wanted to become a Poliwrath. He pointed to Poliwrath so I nodded and asked if I could buy a water stone. They said those here were free to use so I evolved Poliwhirl because he was ready.

I'd spent months teaching him water, psychic and fighting moves alongside the normal and ice type moves. He was more than ready and he evolved as such. I turned to Mikey. "If you want to evolve your Eevee later on or let it evolve naturally that's fine as well. Even can become a powerful Pokémon when trained right and even strong enough to take on gyms if you choose the gym right."

He sighed. "Really?"

I nodded and petted Eevee. "Yeah. Though it takes care, friendship and dedication to evolve an Eevee naturally and even more so if you want to train it as is to beat gyms."

I turned to the three brothers. "Just because they evolved their Pokémon early without exploring and building a strong foundation doesn't mean you have to. In fact, the stronger your Eevee becomes before it evolves, the more powerful it'll be afterwards with higher potential, no matter the evolution it turns into. That's why Lt.Surge gets beaten so often, he himself evolved his Pikachu early without teaching it a more rounded move set. Do what makes you and Eevee happy kid, that's the best thing you can do for the both of you."

He smiled and thanked me while the three brothers asked for advice on their own Pokémon since I was the student of such a famous expert. I spent a lot of time giving advice until Team Rocket came. Poliwrath froze them with an ice beam and before they could act and I sent out Dragonair. "Draco Meteor!"

A burst of draconic energy came from Dragonair as a Meteor formed and slammed into them, exploding the balloon and sending them flying before they could start trouble. They gave me a few stones for if I get any other Pokémon I want to evolve as thanks for all the advice in helping their Pokémon. We left after our Pokémon were done eating and I was done answering questions.

When we came across a bum who played the Poké flute for us, I handed him some money and a plate of food like he asked. I sat down and we had lunch before I asked if he was a Pokémon trainer. He said no and that he didn't have any Pokémon, but he looked after some wild Snorlax's. I asked asked if he'd mind me catching one and he shrugged. "So long as you can afford to feed em, I don't mind my friend."

I smiled. "Know of any close by?"

He nodded. "One of them is due to wake up so I might as well show you the way as thanks."

He lead us to a thorny dried up patch where I cut a few patches of thorn vines, putting them away to start up my own fields of them. With Charizard's slash attack, it cleared the way for us until we found the sleeping Snorlax. The old man played his Poké flute and woke up Snorlax who ate all the thorn bushes, clearing up a river. When it was done, Charizard and it battled fiercely, exchanging mega punches, a seismic toss and a fierce Giga Impact that allowed me to catch the knocked out Snorlax.

I called Professor Oak to let him know what I'd caught before thanking the old man. He nodded and thanked me when I gave him a bag of food before we continued onwards down stream. We got to see the recovering town who thanked us for clearing up the river before we moved onwards. Capsules really were broken sometimes, even I have to admit it.

A week later we came across a town called Dark city. It was ravaged by two would be gyms competing for an official league license. Sighing, when they went to fight, I called out Mewtwo and told him. "Knock out the Pokémon gently before knocking out the trainers. You don't have to be gentle with them, just don't damage the city anymore than it already is."

Mewtwo nodded and waved a hand, using hypnosis to knock the Pokémon out. The trainers were next and being repeatedly lifted and slammed into the ground until they passed out was enough. I turned to Brock, Misty and Ash. "Tie up the trainers and return their Pokémon to their balls. I'll call Professor Oak and see about getting a league representative out here to ban them from ever making a gym if they refuse to cooperate together. Using Pokémon for personal profit, they're as bad as team rocket."

Nurse Joy revealed herself and said that wouldn't be necessary. She was a league representative and here to see if they qualified to become a gym which they clearly weren't. I told her my idea and she agreed before asking about Mewtwo. Mewtwo answered her, telling her his situation, what he was and his choice to be my Pokémon and friend.

She was surprised to see a bonafide legendary Pokémon in power here. I smiled and told her not to worry as Mewtwo was a big softy. He went back in his ball all on his own and I smiled. "He might be shy as well."

We went out and woke the gym leaders up with their tied up friends and team rocket. I told the gym leaders. "Here's how it's going to go. You and your people are going to repair this town, apologize to it's people and strive to repair the rift your constant fighting has caused between the citizens and trainers. Only then will the both of you combine your gyms into one as dual gym leaders."

They asked what happens if they disagree and I made their pokeballs all float up. "Or I bring out your Pokémon, crush their balls and free them from your tyranny, freeing this town as well and leaving you to the league official who will ban each and every one of you from ever being trainers and having Pokémon again!"

My eyes glowed as I lifted them all as everyone woke up. "That's after I accidentally cripple you for life for abusing Pokémon in this manner and ensuring you'll all never walk again!"

My words were cold and power radiated from my voice. They each heard my words and agreed so I dropped them lightly, snapping their bindings before returning their pokeballs. "For reference, it only took one of my Pokémon to beat all of you and your Pokémon unconscious. If you try and go back on your words all six of my Pokémon will bury you in a bloody mass grave."

They gulped and I pulled team rocket to me, dropping them at Nurse Joy's feet. "Those three are team rocket, a terrorist organization and individually wanted for multiple crimes all over Kanto. I'm sure the league will want them caught and questioned or the information pulled from their minds with psychic Pokémon to find proof of their organization's leadership."

Nurse Joy nodded and sighed. "Thank you Ren. As the official league representative, I can safely back the non violent words he's spoken here today. As for what he and his Pokémon do if you all attack, that's up to him."

The Cas and Yaz gym leaders straightened their acts, starting the cleanup and working together to repair the town. Nurse Joy said she'd stay and if they go back on their words the league would handle this matter further so we left things in her and Chansey's care. I had to stop drooling over Chansey and leave with the group. We came across a carnival next and damned if it didn't nearly end badly when a herd of Executor came rampaging towards the town.

I had Charizard and Warturle use flamethrower and ice beam, freezing and burning the entire horde until all of them had fainted. I got Ash out of there before catching all the Executor with the trainers there. Warturtle evolved into Blastoise after over five hundred Pokémon beaten between it and Charizard. Both of them were happy and a bit irritated.

Still, they obeyed me absolutely and soon all the Executor except one were gone, revealing the cause was an asshole stage magician who'd used a psychic move on Ash to make him obey. Team rocket was there, but I let them flee as I was getting tired of turning them in. The Executor herd had destroyed the pokeballs the idiot had used to capture them so they were freed at least before I and a couple others had caught them. I'd given over four hundred and fifty of them so Professor Oak had to be called and warned.

The asshole magician lost his job and ended up in jail for assaulting Ash with a psychic Pokémon and using him and his Pokémon to catch the herd first. Blast pose and Charizard roared and I waved them off. "Yeah, yeah, return, I'll give you massages and treats later."

I brought them back before the trainers with fifty odd Exeggutors thanked me. The thirty trainers went their happy ways and Ash was disappointed that he didn't even get one. I told him I'd give him one later since I collected most of the herd. I called Professor Oak and warned him just in time to prevent a disaster.

Professor Oak did me the favor of transferring one to Ash's Pokémon account. Ash's Charmander evolved soon enough when it faced a Paris. Seeing that Cassandra needed Paris to evolve, I tapped my chin before knocking Charmeleon into the ground when it stopped obeying Ash. It looked at me and flipped out before hiding behind Ash.

I turned to Cassandra and Paris before sighing as Mewtwo came out. Mewtwo lifted Cassandra up and I told Paris. "Either you beat this legendary powerful Pokémon here and now or your most precious friend in this world dies in agony right in front of you. You can be a coward and run to the ends of the world Paris, but all you'll ever be is alone. Personally I'd rather be dead than alone like that, but you'll have to make that decision for yourself, NOW!"

My voice shook the forest and Paris looked to Cassandra struggling to breathe before looking to Mewtwo. It charged repeatedly, firing stun spore, using cut, scratch and even tackle. It attacked so desperately that on the last attack Mewtwo released Cassandra and flew back ten feet, sliding to a stop and pretending to be unconscious. I growled. "So you beat a legendary Pokémon capable of fighting the three legendary birds and Mew. It seems you aren't entirely a coward after all."

Paris pumped up and evolved while Mewtwo stood up smiling. I turned to him. "Happy now?"

He nodded and I scoffed. "Softy."

He shrugged and I smiled as Parasect finished evolving. Cassandra stopped it and said she was never really in any danger, it was a ruse to help it see and feel the power within itself so that they could help each other. Parasect still looked at Mewtwo and eye wearily. I chuckled. "It's fine if you hate me Parasect, so long as you never forget my words. Being a coward and surviving means nothing if you're all alone in the end. Remember the strength and courage you felt, the desperation to redefine the impossible and challenge a legendary Pokémon to protect what you hold most dear. That's what will make sure it never truly happens."

Parasect nodded slowly and stared at Mewtwo as they spoke before Mewtwo returned to his ball. Cassandra thanked us and we stocked up on potions at her place before heading out. I continued to train my Pokémon as we went, working out with them until we reached Neon Town. Ash nearly got into a fight on the way into town and Officer Jenny stopped it before suggesting we get to a hotel for the night.

I smiled and stayed with Misty until she was asleep before I went gambling. I won big all night until early morning, clearing casinos and emptying a lot of wallets at poker and blackjack. Smiling, I couldn't help but think it was too easy with everyone so sleep deprived. Bluffing them and choosing cards was easy.

In one night I went from a couple thousand to a couple hundred million in my account. Jackpots were there for a reason after all. I showered and woke Misty up happily before we showered together as well. Once we met up with the others we left Neon town and ran into a wild Jigglypuff in the forest.

Misty wanted it and ended up making it cry until she calmed it down. It loved her so I gave it a fruit for sore throats and once it could sing, I suggested it join Misty and become her Pokémon, telling it Misty even had a moon stone that could evolve it when it was ready. Jigglypuff agreed and team rocket showed up for three seconds before I flicked a finger and they shot off like a cannon blast.

The others looked to me and I shrugged. "I've been using telekinesis to lift weights while I work out so I'm getting a lot stronger psychically. It's been happening ever since Sabrina tried reading my mind and showed me how telekinesis and teleportation works. Im sure soon I'll be able to teleport over short distances like she and her dad can."

I turned to Misty. "Go ahead, catch Jigglypuff. Then we can get her to sing for all of Neon Town. That way they'll be able to calm down a bit."

Misty agreed and caught Jigglypuff who was more than willing. We headed back to Neon town and ran into team rocket again only they had a portable concert truck. Jigglypuff sang and I protected us from the sonic frequencies that knocked everyone in town out. We clapped for Jigglypuff and it cheered happily before writing on everyone else's faces.

Even team rocket passed out so Misty returned Jigglypuff and we left Neon town before people could wake up. A week later we ended up at Grandpa Canyon where Gary was waiting. We'd already gotten the news about the fossil hunt and we were prepared for it now. Gary showed me his his new upgraded Pokédex and thanked me for giving his grandfather the blueprints and software. He still called Ash a loser, but he said I was alright at least.

I shrugged and Ash complained he hadn't gotten an upgrade yet. I told him to call Professor Oak later or whatever, for now I was on a fossil hunt. Gary didn't use his Pokédex to scan the canyon, but I did, smiling when I found the Togepi egg. I went out of my way to dig it up carefully before showing it to Misty who gave me the incubator since her Squirtle had hatched a while back. I put the Togepi egg inside and told her the incubator was on it's last charge so I'd have to send it to Professor Oak after the egg hatched.

Still, my Pokédex had identified the Pokémon it would be and Misty wanted it, calling it so cute. I gave it to her and she gave me a deep kiss saying I'd be rewarded later. Ash made gagging sounds before we overheard team rocket causing trouble. Ash and I went to stop them and they'd already lit the fuse to a ton of explosives.

Ash used Squirtle while I tried running ahead only to get tangled up in them rolling behind me. We landed hard not far from the dynamite and it blew a fissure that stretched below us, dropping all of us into it and effectively burying us in an ancient underground cave system.