
Chapter 6 The Trauma

I was sitting in a chair bending over with my head to my paw, waiting for one the doctors to tell about Michelle's condition. Nick went to get coffee, I was so emotionally and physically exhausted, but there was no time for resting right now, when I looked up I saw coffee infront of my face that a smiling Nick was holding, I smiled.

"Thanks" I said weakly.

" Have they told you anything yet" he asked me as he sat down next to me.

I shook my head and drank some of the coffee that I really needed right now.

" You look terrible Carrots"

"Pffh, jeez thanks Slick, girls love hearing that" I said sarcastically.

" I mean you look exhausted, haven't slept in 3 days" I looked at Nick who staring at me with concern on his face" You go home, I'll stay, I'll call when there's an update.

" I can't do that" I said softy as I rubbed my eyes. He sighed, knowing how stubborn I was.

"Carrots I know you, every time we get a case you put it above everything else, including your physical and emotional health, this job is going to be the death of you."

"You may be right" I said looking off into space.

"Of course I'm right, I'm a sly fox" he smirked.

I chuckled.

" So how did you meet that civet kid, what's his name Dusty?" he asked curiously and sneered at me.

I knew he going ask about that sooner or later.

"Well while you were in the academy I was looking for this drug dealer that was selling Wolfsbane to kids around Savannah Central and no surprise the kids wouldn't talk to me,I was looking around for weeks."

"So that's why your familiar with them?" he asked.

"Yea but I did eventually find some who did tell me few things... And that was only after I threaten some them, some were just excited to help out the hero cop that saved the city...the rest wanted money."

"You threatened kids, with what?" he asked with a amused look on his face.

"While they're not afraid of getting arrested. "they think it will make them cooler for some reason" I mumbled that part." They are afraid of they're parents" I smiled evilly.

Nick laughed.

"You threaten to call their mommies and daddies?"

"That and I threaten to break their stuff, I actually threw one kid's phone over a fence, and I threaten to follow them around all day, every day."

"Yea I can imagine you doing that" he chuckled.

"I grew up with 275 brother and sisters, you learn how to deal with douche kids" I smiled.

" I think they just didn't want the crazy scary bunny to follow them " he laughed.

"Hehehe yea probably" I smiled." By that time 3 kids had already over doused on that stuff... I was angry.. I wanted to get that bastard more then ever"

Nick's ears lowered at this comment.

"I eventually met Dustin "Dusty" Blur while cruising around and caught him spray painting a side of a building, haha.. he was surprised to find I was the crazy ass cop his little buddies kept talking about" I chuckled a little at the last part.

" One of the kids that over dosed was one of Dusty's friends so he was more then willing to help me out" I said looking down.

" I think the fact he has a major crush on you might have major influence as well" Nick snickered.

" Tell me about it" I said as I brought my paw to my face" He actually wanted me to put the cuffs on him and arrest him, don't know why he has a crush on me."

Nick laughed hard at this.

"He's a good kid though, despite defacing public property he's harmless, you might have actually seen some of his work like there's this big one on one of the buildings in Sahara Square, you know the one where the waterfall comes out of the cloud then falls onto another cloud and drips on the sun."

"Really? He made that?" He said amazed.

I nodded.

" We eventually found the drug dealer and charged him with possession, intend to sell, intend to sell to minors, and liable for the death of those kids, he won't get out for a long time" I said.

"Let me guess you were the one to cuff the guy, must have been really unforgettable for him?"

"Yep" I grinned.

"It's a good thing you caught him when you did, Wolfsbane is very addictive, there could have been more deaths" he said seriously, his face looking grim.

I don't really know much about Nick's past because he doesn't really like to talk about it, I think it mostly because he's not proud of it and because of bad memories.

" Have you...ever used drugs?"

"Hell no!" he snapped.

His reaction made jump a little with my ears flat. He saw my reaction and I then saw guilt on his face.

"Sorry.. No I never used it or sold it, I had my morals remember... it was the reason Fin and I had are fallout with the Leopard... He wanted us to sell it..."he then quickly brushed off his thought.

" Then what did you do for him in the beginning.." I asked worriedly.

"He mostly started us off with transporting items, working in this underground casino as dealers, making sure the gamblers weren't cheating, I was really good at poker" he said confidently.

It does seem like something Nick would be good at, due to how well he's able to read mammals. Just then my phone rang I took it out of my pocket and look on the screen to see my parents contact shinning brightly. Oh sweet cheese and crackers I haven't talk to my parents in 3 days, usually I talked to them at the end of each day so they don't freak out, but I forgot because everything that's been going on lately, honestly I'm surprised they haven't shown up in front my apartment uninvited yet...or did they. My eyes widen with horror. I motion Nick to be quiet because I was about to answer a call with my parents. I put on my fake smile.

" Hey it's my parents" I said over the top joyful, seeing the smiling faces of my parents and judging by the background they were still at the farm Oh thank God.

"Hey Jude the Dude"

"Hi Bun Bun"

"We haven't haven't heard from you in awhile everything ok" my dad asked.

" Yep, it's just this case right that's making us really busy so haven't time to call you guys."

"Oh my, what kind of case did someone get hurt" My mom asked worriedly.

" Umm..well-

"Doctor we you need operating room 2, Doctor we need you operating room 2" the loud speaker cut me off oh crap.

"Doctor?!Judy are in the hospital?" She freaked out.

"Yes but-

"Stu pack our bags were going to Zootopia! What hospital are you at!?" she yelled.

Nick was snickering behind me I gave him dirty look.

"Mom! I'm fine, even ask Nick! Nick tell my mother I'm fine!" I said as I turned my phone to him.

"Hey Mr. And Mrs. Hopps" he smiled awkwardly at them kinda surprised at the move I just did.

"Hello Nick"

"Hi Nick"

"Seriously Nick just call us Bonnie and Stu" my mom said.

My parents have met Nick do to me video calling them most of them, at first they were a little bit nervous of him but after getting to know him a little bit they began to like him.

"Yea your daughter is fine, I don't think she would spazing out this much if she wasn't" he joked, I gave him a another dirty look.

"Haha your probably right about that" my dad laughed.

"Why are both you in the hospital then?" my mom asked, I slapped my paw to my face I loved my parents but they could be so uhhhggg at times.

" That's what I been trying to tell you mom, The witness in the case we've working on was hurt and she's in the hospital right now" I said as I turned the phone back to me.

"Oh ok, wait why-

"Officer Hopps, Officer Wilde ?" voice interrupted us I turned it was the doctor.

" Sorry guys I got to go talk to you another time" I said curtly and then hung up.

"How is she I asked?"

The doctor who was a oryx looked confused but she then went back to normal.

"She has Pneumonia, along with the lacerations, it was a miracle she survived, the only thing I think of why she did is from what you told me, the cold from Tundra Town slowed down blood flow that kept her from bleeding out and then she tried her best to banged it" I my ears became flat at this.

"Not to mention the pure drive to live alone" Nick butted in.

"Can we talk to her?" I asked.

"We gave her a anesthetic she be out for the next 12 hours, you can try talking to her tomorrow but I have to warn you her condition is not good right now, it might be hard to get questions out her until she gets better."

"Did you determine what age she is?" Nick asked.

"Well she's lost all her baby teeth but she still has her baby fur so she's definitely under the age of 19, my guess she's between 14 to 16."

Well are suspicions were finally confirmed about her age.

"There was something else we found when we were checking her for injuries" my ears picked up at this. " We found that she scars on both her paws they look like burns marks about a year old do you know how she got them?" she asked curiously.

I was shocked I looked at Nick who ears went flat I then looked back at the doctor and shook my head and I thanked her who then went back to her other patients. I then took my phone to call Clawhauser because I left my walkie talkie in the cruiser.

"Hey Benji we found the girl, she's alive but really sick."

"Oh poor girl, it's good that you found her."

" Was wondering if you could get Bogo to send an officer down here to guard her."

"Ok, oh also do you guys still want to come with us to the pub? Since you no one could come yesterday " he asked hopefully.

The pub, I totally forgot about that. I put my paw to my forehead

" I don't think we can Benji-

I didn't get to finish because Nick grabbed the phone away from me.

" Sure Benji we'll come."

"Great! Everybody is meeting at 7 see you then" with that Clawhauser ended the call.

I was looking at him mad right now at the stunt he just pulled.

" Your a workaholic Carrots, you need to relax and have fun more" he said with his arms crossed and looked at me seriously as he gave me my phone.

I tried to protest but he raised his paw before I could.

" No buts your going to have fun and that's final, I'll pick you up and drag you there if I have too." be bent over a little and smugly smirked at me.

I stared at him for awhile with my paws on my hips but then sighed in defeat, I was too tried to argue with him today.

"Great, let's go I'm going home to take a shower and to change, and judging by they way you smell you should too Jude the Dude" he continued to smirk.

"Har, har," I said sarcastically glaring at him.

Before Nick dropped me off at my apartment. I called Mr. Koslov to tell him we found her but he couldn't talk to her even if he wanted to do to her condition right now and surprisingly he agreed with me, it's understandable considering it's kind of hard to talk to someone when their knocked out cold, he agreed to wait until she woke up.

Nick offered me to take a shower at his place but since I had no change of clothes with me so I chose to use the shower at my place, and when I mean shower I mean the apartment building's shared shower and bath and I really needed one right now with everything going on the last 36 hours. After I got dropped off I grabbed some clothes and walked to the end of the hall to where the shower was and luckily no one was using it today. Because there's always someone using it when I try too I usually just take a shower at work. It was a pretty bland bathroom with white tile, white tub, white walls, white sink, and a white toilet. I didn't really complain about it since it was always clean, the manager cleans it well I guess. I turned on the water, got undressed, and tried my best not to get my stitches wet. The water felt really good all over my aching body and I soaked my face in it and let my self relax. I got out after 5 minutes dried my self off and put on black underwear with a black bra and then blue jeans with a lightly loose purple shirt, After I changed, I grabbed my stuff, put them back into my room and left to head over to head over to the bar.

The bar was 5 blocks away from my apartment so I no problem walking there. By the time I got there, Nick and Clawhauser were already there sitting at a table talking. The Pub was an old bar with wooden floors, wooden walls, booths with cushions, wooden tables, and of course a classic bar front. Clawhauser saw me come in and waved with a big smile, I smiled back and walked over to them.

"Hey Judy I almost thought you wouldn't come" he with a big smile it was obvious he was really happy I came.

" Of course I came Benji I'm not some workaholic,I like to have fun too " I sought Nick a look at my remark and he smirked at me. Benji was wearing a green t-shirt with blue jeans and Nick of course was wearing one of his signature Pawaiian shirt with his brown slacks, this one was red with a blue tie.

"Seriously Nick where do you get there shirts?" I asked.

" You just don't understand my fashion sense, these shirts just make me more handsome." he touch his chest proudly.

" I think they suit you" Clawhauser said.

" Thank you Benji"

I chuckled.

Just then I heard other mammals come in I turned around to see that was it Wolford, Fangmeyer, and Mchorn.

"Wow Hopps your here I'm surprised" Fangmeyer said with a smile.

" Yea I thought you lived at the office" Wolford joked.

" Why is so hard to believe I have fun, I'm not some stiff you know" I said with my arms crossed.

"Thank God she's not a stiff you guys, we don't need another buffalo but" Nick said with a smirk.

I gave him a dirty look and everybody starting cracking up at his comment.

" Wilde I've missed hanging out with you" Wolford said while drying his tears.

" Well miss me no further here I am" he said with smirk.

"So where's the rest of the guys?" asked Clawhauser.

"Delgato got night shift and Grizzoli had to go home to the wife so they couldn't come this time" Mchorn said.

" Ok who wants beer" Nick raised his voice and no surprise we all raised are hands.

For most the night we were drinking, talking, and laughing it was pretty normal until Fangmeyer ordered some shots, I asked to try one and Fangmeyer asked if was sure I could handle it and it got me fired up and made me bet I could drink more then him, gladly accepted the challenge, by the time I got to my 10th shot everybody at the table looked at me bewildered, even Nick was staring wide eyed in wonderment. In the end I won because Fangmeyer threw up after the 12th shot, I slammed my last shot on the table and did a victory dance on my chair while the rest of the guy's were applauding me. We eventually got the point of showing each other are scar's and I wasn't even embarrassed to show mine not even the ones on my leg or my waist, maybe because I was drunk, I beat Wolford by one. Nick showed off the one on his neck and one I didn't even know about between his shoulder and upper chest when did he get that? We eventually started talking about are most funniest cases, I brought up the one of this bear who was robbing a store and made the made the mistake of underestimating me by calling me cute little bunny and tried to grabbed me, he ended up getting a good kick in the face and landing flat on his but.

"Just to show you, you don't want the face the wrath of Hopps" Wolford laughed.

" I told him he shouldn't have called her that" Nick smugly smirked remembering it.

" What about you Nick, what was the funniest case do you remember" asked Clawhauser.

"Well I think it have to be when we pulled over that speed racer 5 months ago to find out it was my high school buddy flash the sloth, I couldn't forget the look on Carrots face when she found out who it was, it was priceless not as funny as when you had your first experience at the Spring Oasis though" he started cracking up along with everybody else.

I gave him a blank look with my eyes half closed.

" Speaking of priceless looks, It was to hard forget the one you made when the manager at the Lagoon Motel recognized you for being an old regular" I said deviously.

Everybody's ears picked up this and Nick who was drinking his beer choked at my with eyes wide comment.

"If I recall the manager said he used to get noise complaints about you and the females you brought with you" I said in a sultry tone.

Everybody at the table was laughing hard now and I gave Nick a triumph look.

He chuckled a little" Sly bunny."

" Dumb Fox" I smiled.

" How did you get so many female a with those God awful shirts you wear?" Wolford asked trying to hold in laughter.

" I have you know my good sir, my shirts help me catch the females." he said dramatically while showing off his shirt. Everybody was cracking up.

" Well you wouldn't be you with them, so I guess Benji is right they do suit you, even though they are kind of tacky." I said with my ears turning red.

" So you do like my shirts then" he said with smirk and my ears got redder.

I could see everybody staring at me smirking, quickly drank my beer and changed the subject about something else. After a little while the rest of the guys went home until it was only Nick, Clawhauser, and I. By that time we had moved to the front of the bar and I was really drunk.

"Benji your cheeks are so chubby, chubby" I giggled squishing his cheeks together.

"Judy stop that tickles" he giggled.

"You're so adorable" I said in a cutesy voice padding his cheeks.

" Well I need to get going home I'll see you guys tomorrow" Clawhauser said as he got up to leave.

"Nooo stay!" I whined as I hugged him but Nick wrapped his arms around me and made a motion to let Clawhauser know he could know escape. He laughed waved bye to us as he left. I looked up at Nick my back against his chest and bopped him lightly on the noose.

"Traitor" I pouted.

I then found something new that caught my interest, it was Nick's tail. I grabbed it and it made Nick jump in surprise.

"Your tail is so fluffy" I said petting it only for the Reynard to garb it out of my reach,causing me to whine, if I didn't know any better I think I could see him blushing.

" Ok Carrots, no more alcohol for you" he said as he put back on my stool, I spun around on it laughing. I then saw him looking serious at me that made stop playing around.

"What?" I asked

"You said would tell me about that incident" he said firmly.

I froze.

" I didn't think you want me to tell you right now" I said as turned to back to the bar.

" It just the two of right now, you promised remember."

I sighed and put one of my paws to hold my forehead as my ears drooped.

"I was 15 and walking home from this festival my high school threw every year during the fall... Gideon had this friend named Travis he, was a Ferret"


I was laughing so hard from the roller coaster we just got off from.

"That was amazing!" I said filled with adrenaline skipping with my friend Bobby Catmull following shortly behind me.

"That was 3rd time we've been on that ride Jude, I swear your not afraid of anything" he laughed.

" Well if you didn't take risks what fun would you have" I said skipping backwards to look at him.

"Well the last time I took a risk I got stuck up in tree and our teacher called the fire department to get me down, and to think the one who got me down was a cute fluffy bunny that became my best friend" he joked.

I glared at him and skipped over to him lightly punched him in the arm, he rubbed it while laughing.

" I told you what I would do if you called me that."

"Hey being violent isn't lady like, your never going to find a boyfriend if your just keep hurting guys." he smiled big at me.

" ughh all the bucks here are stupid jerks why would I want one, you sound like my mother" I said with my arms crossed while rolling my eyes.

He laughed it off and wrapped his larger arm around me I did the same but my arm only reached his waist, we walked around the festival for awhile until my eyes made contact with Gideon.

" Speaking of jerks" Bobby said softly.

While Gideon was a aggressive jerk when were kids he started to change when we started middle school, he didn't try to physically hurt me anymore but he still called me names and try put me down that led us to have verbal spats with each other it was like he was intentionally trying to push my buttons, once we got into high school he for some reason stopped the constant name calling and put downs, I mean he would be a little jerky to me sometimes but it wasn't even that bad, he now mostly just stares at me and I think he even follows me around sometimes. Gideon who had been staring at us all this time was now glaring I followed his gaze to see he was glaring at Bobby and Bobby was returning the favor. While my relationship with Gideon with was antagonistic but Gideon and Bobby's was of pure malice, they would always get into vicious violent fights with each other and usually I'm the reason why, Bobby has always tried to protect me against Gideon and it makes me mad, it makes feel like I'm a defenseless rabbit who can't defend herself, last week they had a brawl in the cafeteria I don't know what it was about but what ever it was had made the mountain lion snap, I tried to get answer out of Bobby of what Gideon did this time all I got was " he knows what he did' none of the other kids knew why either I even tried to ask Gideon and he plain flat ignored me, after it died down and nobody really talked about it anymore calling it just another one of Bobby's and Gideon's spats.

"Bobby don't bother with it, let's just go, Sharla, her brother, and Sam left already anyways" I said trying to keep him calm, looking up at him with pleading eyes with my ears drooping.

"Yea that might be good idea" he mumbled while not removing his eye contact from Gideon as he let me drag him towards the exit.

After we got off the fairgrounds Bobby offered to walk me home but I declined since it would make him late to get home. The fair grounds was just a 2 miles down the road to my family's farm and I liked walking So it was no problem for me to walk home.

"Well look who it is, Miss I think I can be a cop" said a drunken voice.

I stopped to look around to see it was Gideon's stupid friend Travis leaning against on one the fences that separate the farm lands from the road, he was obviously drunk.

" What do you want Travis" I said annoyed.

He took a drink out of his flask he was holding.

" You know for someone acts like a tough doe who fights her own battles you sure do love to sic your attack cat on mammals" he sneered.

" I don't tell Bobby to attack anybody and you know it" I said with my arms crossed.

He laughed and stumbled closer to me.

" Your fucking him aren't you" he slurred." little tomboy Judy acting like she doesn't need any male but in reality she a fucking slut." he said as stumbled closer to me, stood my ground staring hard at him.

"I'm surprised Gideon isn't with you right now, usually your hanging around in his shadow" I shot back at him.

He got even closer to me to glare down at me.

" Me and Gid had a fallout and the funny thing is it was about you, are you fucking him too?."

I was little surprised at this revelation me? why would they fight about me? But

" Your drunk Travis " I said as I turned around to leave but I was stopped by Travis who grabbed my arm spun me back around to face him, feel his drunken stench in me, He then shoved me to me the ground roughly, I looked up him and my eyes widen in horror, he was beginning unbuckling his pants with a horrible sneer on his muzzle.

" I want to see what big deal is with you so I'm going to try you out to see how good of a fuck you are."

I then tried to make a getaway but he quickly grabbed my arm and got on top of me putting his knee between my legs and I was fighting like hell clawing, biting, kicking, hitting, everything I could to try to get away from him which ended up being me smacked and punched by him more then once. He had managed to rip open my blouse though out this whole ordeal along with my bra slightly ripped and was still trying take off my pants, by this time I was screaming and Travis quickly cover my mouth with his paw.

"Com'on Judy just enjoy it your a bunny after all" he practically growled.

And to my fears came true he was finally able to pull my pants down and he brought his unbuckled waist closer to mine I squinted my eyes shut waiting for the worst but I then felt the ferrets weight lifted off me, left rephrase that yanked off me I looked up to see that it was a police officer and he was cuffing Travis and his partner came up to me to see if I was all right.

End of flashback

"He was charged with sexual assault and was sent to juvie I didn't see him again through out high school" I said monotone staring off into space I then turned my head to the side to look at Nick, I couldn't read the look on his face.

" So were is this guy now?" he asked.

" Last I heard he was in and out of jail."

I we sat in silence for a few minutes.

" Lets go fluff we have work in the morning." he said as helped me down from the stool and guided me out the door. I pretty much stumbled all the back to my apartment with Nick helping me keep balance. I was starting to feel really hot from being really close to him, I began to feel the weight if my feelings about fall out into the open. I don't know if it ethier had to do with the trauma that I confessed to Nick or because that I have deep feelings for the fox, maybe because I was just plain drunk but once we got to the front of my apartment building I grabbed him by his tie, yanked him down and kissed him hard. He grabbed me by the arms to pull me away, he face wide shock, like he didn't know how to apprehend what I just did. My ears went flat and it felt like my heart begin to break at the thought of rejection.

"Judy this-

" I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have done that, it was stupid" I apologized as I pulled away from him.

" No Judy th-

" Just a stupid dumb bunny move" I joked trying to hold back from sobbing" I'll see you tomorrow" I said as I ran into my building, by the time I got to my door I was sobbing freely trying to stand up straight, my tears were running done like bullets as I fumbled to put my key into the door but my trembling and cloudy vision was making it hard for me too.

" Hey Judy why are you crying!" Pronk yelled.

"Leave her alone can't you see she's hurting!" Bucky yelled at him.

"Oh shut up!"

"You shut up!"

I ignored them, couldn't deal with them right now, by the time I got my door open Nick had run up next to me. I couldn't bear to look at him.

"Judy I just don't want to take advantage of you in this state" he said softly.

"I know I'm not pretty" I sobbed still not looking at him I then felt his paws grab my face to make me look at him. I looked into his eyes that were staring back at me warmly his nose almost touching mine.

" You're beautiful" he whispered as he gently kissed me" your beautiful" he kissed me again. I wrapped my arms around his neck to kiss him back, he pulled me closer to him by wrapping his arm around my waist to kiss me deeper ,the other still on my face. I opened my door from behind and we dragged each other inside, kissing still continuing, are paws going all over each other. I then felt the edge of the bed which I fell on. I stared back up at Nick, my pleading eyes into his stoic emerald ones .

" I won't be able to stop myself Judy, are you sure about this? Do you really want to lose your virginity to me" he said as he loosened his tie.

" I never been more sure in my life, I want you" I said determinedly.

He was still looking at me stoic as he took off his shirt, I could see his muscles now, the Reynard's academy training really paid off really well, made him even more attractive. After he got on top off me we eventually discarded all of our clothing, kissing became more passionate and we ran our paws all other each others bodies.

I now could feel him slowly enter me and I wasn't about to lie it hurt, a lot. I gripped his back tightly grunting into his neck, after a couple minutes of him repeating the process of entering me it became more bearable and eventually became pleasurable. The rest of the night was filled with moans and grunts until we both finally reached are climaxes. Nick collapsed on top of me I noticed he still hadn't pulled out of me yet, when I tried to do it I realized he was stuck inside me, his raspy voice told me in my ear I would have to wait a few minutes before his knot loosened then he could pull out, I was too tried and drunk to comprehend it so I passed out boy I was going to have a bad hang over tomorrow.