
Chapter 1 The Start of the Day

Ever since I was little mammals told me I couldn't be a cop, that I was crazy there's never been a bunny cop. But I did everything to prove them wrong I fought trials and Prejudice and boy I tried hard to get where I am today. My parents always said I was trier and they were right I wasn't a normal bunny, I always went out of the social norm and while my sisters and other girls my age were thinking about dating, getting married ,having kids, or becoming a carrot farmer I was a tomboy who mostly studied and got into fights with boys. Most of the time it was bunnies like me other times was Gideon and his friends basically people who didn't believe in me and there was a lot of people who didn't believe in me , my own parents even tried to talk me out of my dreams mostly because they were afaird their daughter might get hurt or worse end up dead. I guess their fear was only natural considering what happened with me and Gideon Grey ,predators were always the one thing they worried about when I went to the city don't get me wrong my parents are good people but they might be a little prejudiced sometimes especially towards foxes but then again so was I a little.

Believe it or not I had friends that were predators when I was a kid and I made some good ones now but the thing was Gideon it kinda scarred me mentally and emotionally, even though I didn't want to admit it. I finally realized it after I hurt Nick at the press conference that I haven't gotten over it and these scars on my face is proof of that I also could never forget. I found out the hard way Zootopia is not all black and white and because of my small minded response of the Savage animals it drove the city into chaos it almost broke me and I blamed myself so I left and went back home but that didn't even help me , I was still depressed of what I've done funny thing is it was Gideon the fox that caused my trauma that brought me out of the the grey cloud hanging over my heart , not only had he changed, he apologized for what he did to me and had become a working partner with my parents he bought their crops for his pastries , yeah that's right the jerk from when I was a kid became a baker and I was even more surprised that my parents were willing to work with a fox. I was happy because they were able to change their feelings about foxes even just a little bit, it was because of my parents and him I was able to find out the the real reason why the predators were going savage so I raced back to the city trying to find the only mammal I trusted Nick, even though he would probably hate me and I was fine with that , I needed his help to make it right for him and all the other predators but truthfully it broke my heart thinking that he would hate me, nearly shattering it to pieces but when I heard him pull the same recording trick I pulled on him to get him to help me I realized he had forgiven me and it filled my heart with joy.

We then went to follow a source who needed some persuasion to tell us the information when he finally did we found the lab where the Night Howler serum was being made when I heard the Ram Doug on the phone with Bellweather (who I didn't know it was her at the time) saying he was going to target another animal it made me flashback to Mr. Otterton, Mr. Manchas ,The Savage animals, Mrs. Otterton, and all the lives that they hurt and it made me enraged. Nick was right we bunnies are emotional and usually act without thinking which is why I shoved Doug outside with his little buddies and locked the door, Nick thought I was crazy but he just started to realize how crazy I could get when I'm mad. I think the Rams started to realize how crazy I was too when they started chasing after the train I refused stop it even when I was hanging outside the window and when we were about to hit another train. In the end we caught Bellwether and showed proof of her crimes and the doctors got the antidote for the Night Howler serum and I was right with Mrs. Otterton when her husband woke up and when she thanked me it made me realize why I became a cop in the first place , I wasn't perfect ,I make mistakes but I was going to try try to make the world a better place.

It's been eight months since that incident Nick has since become a cop and my partner I may still have the scars on my cheek but my emotional and mental trauma it is slowly beginning to heal thanks to my feelings for Nick the most important mammal to me. I will tell him all about the trauma I went through when I was young, he told me what happened to him with the Rangers a close personal Secret that made me understand him better and which brought me closer to him it's only fair and I think he should know that way he can better understand why I had the fox repellent and why I acted the way I did at the press conference. Why I haven't been able to tell him until now I don't know. I guess I thought I would make him sad again but anyway Nick is the most important thing to me and I can't imagine my life without him.

My alarm woke me up at 5:30 like always and like always I got up, I got ready, and went straight to work when I got out the door there was Nick standing below the outside steps of my apartment holding two cups of coffee

" Nick!" I smiled he took his sunglasses off and smiled back at me" Morning Carrots, I thought would like some caffeine since you wake up early but it looks like you already had your boost so maybe I should drink it" he said as he was about to drink it but I snatched it just before he could " Oh no you don't, you know I never pass up a free cup of coffee" he laughed, usually I'm one to go over to pick up Nick at his place giving him coffee since he's not really a morning mammal.

" I'm surprised usually I'm the one has to drag you out of bed to go to work"I laughed." A gentleman should always cater to a lady's needs even if she tomboyish, Ow!" he rubbed his arm where I punched him and I gave him a sly smirk. He chuckled a little " sly bunny" " dumb fox" rest of the way we talked what we would do tonight agreed to watch PawFlixs and order a pizza and before you know it we were at the precinct.

We walked in and we were greeted by Benji was eating Donuts as usual "hey guys how you doing" he said with his mouth full while waving " hey Benji how's your weekend "" OMG it was awesome Gazelle was signing autographs in the mall this weekend and I waited two hours early to be first in line get one" he squealed with Glee " Really cool" Judy said excitingly I forgot she loves Gazelle just as much as he does she's so cute when she's like this but she would probably kill me for saying that Nick thought as he he smiled. "Nick? NICK!" Shouting burst him out of his thoughts. "Wha?" he asked confused. " I was asking if you and Judy wanted to get drinks with the rest us tomorrow night at the Pub." The Pub was a bar that most of the officers went to drink.

"Oh sorry, zoned out yea I can go" he said. "Great so what's the deal with you guys you've been coming to work together every morning for 8 months now Oh are guys finally dating!" he squealed. " Um no we're just friends Nick not a morning person so I have to drag him out bed every morning you should see him he's like a zombie" I laughed." well I would like to wake you up early in the morning and see how you act" he said snarky. "You wouldn't need too unlike you I actually listen to my alarm get up right away and out the door in a hour to head over to your place to drag you out of bed, it's not like you will be able to have enough energy to drag me out bed early anyways"I said. " Is that a invitation?" he said with a smirk and it made me blush.

" Uhhh guys hate to interrupt you but I think you should head over the the bull pin roll call is about to start" Clawhauser said. With that it snapped her out her daze" Oh your right thanks Benji!" she said as she raced off dragging Nick behind her Benji waved at them as they left " Awww there so in love each other and they don't know it yet, I'm so winning the betting pool."

Nick and I got into the seat we shared together waiting for the chief to come in I was thinking about what Benji said about us being a couple believe or not it's not the first time someone mistook us for being one because of much we spend time together and how much we care for each other. While most mammals think we look good together however I notice how some speciest and prejudice mammals judge us and I think it affects Nick the most even though he doesn't show or tell me, I remember when we stopped by a dinner for lunch called Gordon's that this one horse had called us disgusting and unnatural I got so mad at her I turned around and yelled " LADY YOU GOT A PROBLEM WITH US SAY IT TO OUR FACES OR GET UP AND LEAVE!" Nick who was looking down coolly while gripping his hand tightly then looked at me with wide eyes that were freaked out by my outburst.

The horse was so embarrassed that she got up with a huff and left. After she left I grabbed his hand and stroked it with my thumb telling him it was OK with caring eyes, after he got over his shock he grabbed my paw with both of his then he started to laugh " dumb bunny" he said tears began to appear from laughing so hard " you know you love me" I smiled. " Yes, yes I do" he smiled back at me. When he said that to me I could sworn that he really meant it . While it's the 21st century Zootopia is slowly beginning to accept interspecies relationships there's only few relationships that are pred and prey. I think my feelings are becoming deeper for Nick. I was snapped out my thoughts the roaring started that meant the chief was coming in.

" Alright Alright, quiet down" Bogo said as put on his glasses " going to call a list of names those who are called come to my office the rest will be on patrol Hopps, Wilde, Fangmeyer, Grizzoli, Delgato, and Wolford dismissed." "Why does it feel like we are being sent to detention" Nick said while smiling sarcastically. "SHUT IT WILDE!" everybody snickered. After everybody left we went to Bogo's office " OK everybody there was a murder this morning" Murder? I thought. I have handled one Murder case before and it was of a abusive puma who after many years of beating his wife he finally beat her to death and Nick was the one who chased the monster down and put cuffs on him and I think Nick took pleasure in it after seeing what the guy did to his wife, her body was in such bad condition that it made me barf but I think also had to the fact never saw dead body before, Nick was became a little sick as well after seeing the body. He didn't want me to cuff him cause he knew how bad my temper was , I would have beaten him to bloody pulp. "The murder happened in Tundra Town, I want all you to go over there, you shall find out more information there dismissed" with that we all left, honestly I don't handle murder cases well and with Bogo only sending a select of us with little information it makes me worried.