
How's life for you

Have u ever felt depressed or sad or u just wanted to be free like from ur parents? I did (did) well usually u feel like that because u feel that no one understands u and dont get u plus ur being bullied then this story is for u,have u ever stopped to think what life would be like without this person or something that happend while walking do u just close ur eyes while listening to music and having such a great day well I'm pretty sure we have had that moment even without music or walking but we also have a our bad days like u wake up saying what am I doing today or someone just ruins ur day or u originally feel like that because of depression well I can relate because I got up like that but because of depression or someone ruining my day and having to start drama I use to live in coral springs and I had a great life plus I haven't seen my dad in seven years and my mom found a guy again (sorry I just don't like how mom has different guys every 3;4 months I this says realistic-fiction but I couldn't find anything that says real life well something like that so she got a new guy let's call him John(not his real name) so they were together talking on the phone then one day I finally meet him at a park that my family and I went to the most favorite park I love to skateboard at and if ur wondering I'm a female just to get that clear so after that he pulled me aside and said I love ur mom and I'm not trying to replace ur dad and I said how do u know about my dad he said because ur mom told me and I said ohhhh... then went back to my mom after that a few month later he comes then starts living with us I have two sisters and two brothers plus my grandma then we moved to the north side of Lauderdale and he was there for a few days and they got married then he went back to New Jersey;new York to tell his family then after a few days I text him well I had his number because I mean he was my stepfather so any hoo I text him and I ask him when will u be back he said Idk then he told me I'm leaving because ur mom wants me to i started crying i have never cried like that In my life i was crying but i had to cover my mouth so my mom wouldn't hear me crying because he was someone that I had a connection with and he liked marvel,avengers,DC legends,animes,songs, but I told him plz dont leave me alone, I actually like u , I told him at least ten times dont leave me then he just stopped texting and I changed phones I was just crying I felt like I finally had a dad well somewhat like a dad who was actually there on my birthday then after a few months I started school and I guess it was rare for a girl to skateboard at a middle school I still am in middle school I'm going to eighth grade ever since I have been depressed and I,l just fell apart I started crying for no reason and I literally hanged myself and I just recently cut myself my mom started screaming because blood was there and I became so deeply depressed that I just stopped coming out of my room....if u feel like u have been through this then read other story's of mine

I have gone through this before and would love to share so that's why I'm writing this and I love to write I wanna be a writer so I hope you like this for my first story

BTS_FAN_6590creators' thoughts