
First Encounter

"We were sorry for this incident happened,"

"Many of our agents are lost in this mission,"


48 hours ago

"Today mission we will infiltrate H-gang's secret base, at exact 7 p.m. team A with team B go from underground tunnels to their base, team C hack the building system, team D get ready anytime to assist other team, any questions?" a handsome middle age man stand in front of forty to fifty special agents with heroic looking face

"No, sir!"

"Good, The mission will be start in 5 minutes, get ready to your position,"

"Yes, sir!"

"Remember our target is the top secret file that they stole from our country, kill anyone who try to stop you, don't spare anyone, your kindness to enemy isn't necessary, cause it can make you get killed!"

"Yes, sir!"


"J, come here a second,"

"Yes, sir!" a young girl with short hair walk towards the middle age man

"Did you forget what I said? When we were together alone call me father,"

"I'm sorry, sir.. Father," answer J with Indifferent face

"Sigh.. It's my fault, I'm sorry. After this mission done we'll be retired and go back to our hometown and live ordinary life," said middle age man while stroking J's hair

"Father's wish is J's wish,"

"Good girl, be careful, comeback alive,"

"Yes, father,"

J, as far as she remembers she always inside military camp never step out except for missions and training, the father she has now isn't her real father but her foster father who groom her till became top expert in this field.

She doesn't know any feeling that 17 years old girl would have, she doesn't know how to do make up, she doesn't know about love, all she know is how to kill enemy and how to execute mission perfectly.

Since the beginning she doesn't have any proper name, everyone only call her J

07.00 p. m.

J was in team A that have responsibilities to infiltrate the enemy's base, team A is the main force to take the secret file away while team B assist them to get rid of the enemy,


All agents with J start their mission,

Inside underground tunnels J feels something isn't right about this base but she can't point out what was wrong, so she keep go ahead with the rest of team

When they entered the enemy's base J felt more and more uneasy, because this place is just too quite for a big and famous gang in this country,

"Ye, go inform master about this situation, hurry," no matter what she is a team leader so she must stay and stay alert,

A short young boy run towards the exit of tunnels to inform their master, J's foster father.

Alas, looks like heaven didn't take their side on them, not long after the boy disappear their group heard some strange sound

tik.. tik.. tik..

The head towards the direction of the sound, they carefully and slowly walk, they didn't dare to lower their guard

When they arrived in front of a room they take a look from small gap at the door

nobody in the room but they saw there is a box that has top secret files of their country,

They were supposed to be calm and caution, yet there some new agents that still too ignorant about this they rush over to the box

"Stop right there! Don't go near that box!"

J shout at them but the strange sound suddenly stop and


The room exploded, one after another the bomb inside the secret base exploded they were being fooled by the gang and they already know their movement,

Outside the base, J's foster father their master, Lu Sihan, drop in his knees while crying

Never had he imagined even in his darkest nightmare that the only foster daughter that he considered as his own child died

He rush over but the other agents stop him

"Sir, don't go, you'll give up your life if you rush over!" one of his attendants hold him with all his might

"Yes, he is right sir, please this time only hear us," the other said while made human fence

"NO! J IS STILL INSIDE THERE!!" he scream there is no more heroic look in his face there's only full of despair

"Sir, J also wouldn't want you lost your life with her! thinking bout her feeling even if she never showed it in her face she always love you, she would never want you to hurt yourself because of her!"

He lost all his strength and sat on the grass, he also know that but he didn't want to part ways with his beloved daughter

"Father... help me.." in her desperate situation her father always come to save her but she know that now her father can't save her unless her father ready to die but she doesn't want her father take this risk to save her

I'm so sorry father..



'Water? aren't I in the sea of fire and bomb?' she think

"Hey.. open your eyes!"

'Who is this?'

Slowly she open her eyes, a young handsome boy with wet long hair come into her sight

The next moment foreign memories come into her head, make her head hurt so bad

"Ahh.." she scream weakly and grip her head

It turn out the body she use right now isn't her body this is the body of young lady of prime minister, but she is abandoned because she has mental illness, her mother and father despite her to the core and today they push her to this stream, turn out this body owner bring shame upon their family name, even though she has mental illness, she at least a girl, when there is a banquet at their home she had a guts to chase after forth prince, Han TianYe, and their family became laughing stock

Hello Mochi is here~

Nice to meet you, thank you for reading my little story hope you like it ⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄

I kinda embarrassed to say this but actually I'm not good with English grammar so forgive me if the language kinda messy hehe..

Kindly advise me about this novel, I build my courage in this fragile heart to write this although I'm scared if my story really bad I still want to write it ~\(≧▽≦)/~

Hoerricanecreators' thoughts