
The Biggest Shock

It was morning and Anna woke up by 6:15am as she had to go to school and she saw that her parents were getting ready for going to kolkata.

"Mummy by when will you be back?", Anna asked in a crying tone.

"I might be back within 2 days," Anna's mother replied her in hurry.

Anna went to get ready for school and she saw her father coughing. She was feeling bad but she can't do anything. She from her own wore the dress and combed her hair. Anna was just about to leave her mother called ad said,"Anna I will be leaving so you take care of yourself and your brother and listen to your aunt and uncle and don't do mischief and do the homework".

"Ok mummy," Anna said in a sad mood and left for the school.

Anna was sad because she was unable to go with her parents and she was also said for her father. Anna was not so much close to her father because he was strict but after all he was her father and Anna loved him equally as her mother.

Anna when went to school she forgot about everything and she enjoyed with her friends and she was happy. It was 1:25pm and Anna was tried while going to home. She was so much tired that without eating she went to sleep.

"Anna come and eat your lunch", Anna's aunt called her.

Anna could not answer as she changed and slept. When her aunt didn't got any answer she came to the room to check and saw Anna sleeping. She tried to wake her up but Anna could not.

It was 4:00pm and Anna then woke up and went to kitchen to eat as she was hungry. She took a plate and some food as she wanted to eat. Then her aunt came and asked, "Will you be going to tuition today?", Anna answered,"Yes!, but by 5:00pm because she need time to get ready".

"Anna's aunt listened and she went to her room. Anna too went to her room and got ready for tuition and she was back by 6:30pm and then rested for a while and then continued with her homework and tuition work.

This continued for more one day and then on the 3rd day as it was Sunday Anna work up late and was excited that her mother is going to come but when Anna's mother called she became a little sad as she said that she will come by next day evening as some reports are yet to come. Anna was sad but she did not expressed to anyone.

The next day when Anna was coming back from school she got a very big surprise that was Abir was waiting outside for Anna. When Anna saw Abir she was so happy that she was unable to express her feelings. Anna then went to him to talk to her and she asked,"How did you came here?" Abir said," Today I took scooty to my school and as the bell rang i ran my scooty and came to you because i knew you are sad from so many days as your parents are not here so see I came to you to make you feel happy and also bought your favorite chocolate".

"But how did you know that I was sad?", Anna asked with curiosity .

"From so many days you where not coming to terrace or park to meet me and then I asked your cousin brother that is everything ok then he said that your parents were out so I understood that you are sad because to love being with your parents", Abir replied with a smile.

Anna was like he knows so much about me without her saying. He was perfect for her and then after a 10 minutes conversation Anna said that she had to leave as she was getting late. As Anna was about to leave Abir called her and said," Oyee, these are for you".

Anna was surprised as he gave her the favorite chocolate and she said," But I never told you that these are my favorite".

Abir said," I know all about you. Your likes dislikes your priority and everything".

Anna just blushed and went home. Anna then freshen up and then ate her lunch and got ready for the tuition. Anna was so happy and and a different kind of smile on her face when she was with Abir. Anna went to tuition and then she came back and went to terrace as she wanted to meet Abir.

Anna met Abir and they talked for more than 2hrs then Anna's brother came to the terrace and said, "Didi mummy and papa are back. Come down fast".

Anna then said,"Ok! I am coming just in a minute."

That one minute was continued for more than half and hour and then Anna said," Now I will go and meet you tomorrow." Abir said,"Ok! meet you tomorrow and now go and enjoy with your family".

Anna went down and she saw her parents she went to them and sat with them and had talked and asked that what all doctor said.

Day by day Anna's father's health was deteriorating and Anna was sad about it but she talked to him and also did fun with her and her father liked sweets so she hided it and brought it for him.

After 4 days all of sudden in night 1:00am her father's condition was very bad. Anna's mother called her own brother in kolkata and said to arrange a bed fast they are coming by road and it was an emergency.

Anna was sleeping and she did not knew anything. When Anna waked up in the morning and saw that her parents were not there so she asked aunt,"Where is mummy and papa?"

Anna's aunt said," They went to hospital as your father's health deteriorated suddenly."

Anna again got tensed but she then got ready for the school and went.

In school Anna's teacher announced about the final exam that was going to be held in the month of February. So Anna came back and informed about the exam to her aunt as it was only 1 month left.

Anna's parents were back after 3 days and said that doctor and said for the operation so there were planning to go to Bangalore for the operation.

After one week i.e. in the start of February mummy papa and grand parents went to Bangalore for the operation. Anna's behavior was changing little little. She was becoming more stubborn and not wanting to do anything said by her aunt. She was like that everyone is against her and was not letting her do anything and Anna was also just 13 years old so everyone thought she is a child and did not said anything.

It was 13th February and Anna's father had operation on that day and Anna did not knew about it. Anna wanted to go to her friend's birthday party so she asked her uncle and her uncle first said "No" but then Anna cried and said,"I want to go to the party. Its my friend's birthday party and uncle knew her they why not allowing".

Everyone was sad in the house but then uncle allowed and Anna went to the party, Anna then came back to and her father's operation was successful. Everyone was thanking God and making sweet. but the biggest shock came just after 4 days and it was "ANNA'S FATHER WAS NO MORE".