
Chapter 1: Ana met a strange man

One day, ana hung the bag on her back silently opened the door and came out of the house. She was nervoused but she had decided to runaway from the house. She called her friend Daisy and said in a hurry, "where are you? Please hurry up .I'm waiting for you". Daisy replied,"yeah I'm coming". As she reached the road she saw that police was coming. She was surprised. The police came to her and asked her address. She was upset to see the address. After giving the address she asked, "Is there any problem?". On which the officer told her that not a big problem. When they gone ,she runaway from there into the forest as she thought that police was searching her. After sometime , she got tired as she walked. She stopped there, drunk water from her bottle. As soon as her water was finished, she went in search of water but there was no water anywhere. As she walked, she came out of the forest . She saw that two cars coming back and forth and the car behind was speeding suddenly, the car in the back collided with the car in front. The car in front went and hit a tree which lead to the accident. To see all this, Ana hide in the bushes. Then the car behind started moving in a speed. By seeing this, Ana came running towards the car, opened the door and pulled him out saw that his head was bleeding . She was upset to see this. Then she took her handkerchief from her bag and tied on his head so that his bleeding would stop. After this she started looking for his I,D but suddenly ,he raised his hand and his hand got stuck in her necklace which cause the necklace to fall there . He was in scurvy and asked for water then she saw that he was thirsty so she took out her water bottle but there was no water in it. Ana decided to go into forest in search of water but then she decided to call an ambulance first. When she went into the forest so after running for a long distance, she saw a canal from where she filled her bottle with water. After filling it with water, she hurried to the car. She watered him by herself then he looked at her and fainted. When ambulance came, she left. She didn't see that her necklace was fallen there . After this, she went to her friend Daisy's home. Daisy went store room to hide Ana. She made all arrangements for her stay. Daisy said to her," Where did you were? How long I have been waiting for you?".Ana explained the whole story which happened to her. When Daisy's mom heard the two of them talking to each other, she raised her voice"Daisy , what are you doing in store room?". Hearing mom's voice , Daisy hide Ana behind the boxes. Then mom came in to the room and asked, " What are you doing here and who were you talking to?". She refused and said that she had came to get some of her books. When her mom left, they both calmed down. Daisy arranged some food for her and then she slept there comfortably. At the next day , the door bell rang in the doorway. When Daisy's mom went to the door so she saw that the police had came. Mom asked," How can I help you?". The officer told her that they were searching Ana as she had runaway from her house then he asked,"Did you saw Ana anywhere?". When Daisy saw the police, she went and told Ana all the situation. Hearing this, she ran out of the house from the back window. Police searched her house but they didn't find anything. Ana went to the hostel from there, rented a room and started working there. One day, She was missing her father so she decided to go to the park and sat on the bench. As she was crying remembering her father so a woman came to her and sat down. Then the woman started asking that what is your name and where do you live?. Ana told her that she had left her home. Upon hearing this, she realized that she was alone then woman said to her that I have to do an emergency call. The woman went to the corner, called her friend and said that there is a girl who is alone so you guys come. She kept her busy. After a while, a man came behind the bench put his handkerchief on her face due to which she fainted then they took her with them. When she regained consciousness so she saw that her hands and feet were tired with ropes. She looked around and found that she was in a hut. She heard two peoples talking to each other about her that they have sent her out of the city for a huge amount of money. She was shocking to hear this. She thought that she had to runaway from there before it is too late. Her hands were tied behind her back. She tried hard to untie the ropes after a while , ropes loosened and opened. She slowly opened the door, looked around so no one was there. She came out quietly and was spotted by a man. She started running and they were also running after her to catch her. As she ran, her foot got stuck in the bushes which caused her to fall. Her hand was scratched and started bleeding. She got up quickly and running again. She didn't understand where she had to go because there was a thick forest around her. As she ran, she came across a car suddenly the driver took a break and she fell down. He got out of the car. He was Daniel. He went and picked her up. She grabbed him and cried," Save me please . Help me". She was looking back and crying. Daniel asked,"Tell me . What happened with you?". Then he saw that three men running after her so he grabbed her hand and pushed her back then he stood in front of them. When they saw him,the left. He said to her,"Please sit in the car". At first, she refused but when she saw that it was very dark at night, she got into the car. He saw that her hand was bleeding so he pulled out a first aid kit and bandaged it. Then he asked ,"What's your name and who were those people?". She recognized him but she was amazed that he didn't recognized her. Ana told him that some hooligans had caught her and about to be sent somewhere .Then he asked her address but she didn't told the right address and he dropped her near the hostel. After going to the hostel,she started thinking about him then the thought came to her that she should not think about him instead she should focuse on her work then she fell asleep. At the net morning, she told the story of the night to her hostel's friend. One day, when Ana went to the market with her friend she felt like someone was chasing her. When she told her friend, she turned around and saw that no one was there so she said,"You have a misunderstanding, no one is following us and don't think too much". When she was going to the market , she saw that Daniel was standing with his friend outside the house. She thought that maybe he was chasing her. She went to him in anger and said," Why are you following me?". She would not let him speak so his friend interrupted and told that you have a misunderstanding, this is my home and by the way what's wrong with you if we are talking outside our house. When he spoke angrily , Daniel silenced him and said,"Yeah , that's right. I'm not chasing you. He's my friend and I come here often". She didn't believe him and left quietly. When she left,his friend said to him," Do you know her and how was she talking to you?".so he told him that she is the same girl I was talking about. A day, Ana received a letter in which it was written that I am very sick and I want to meet you my child. It had her father's name written on it. After reading the letter, she became very upset and decided to go to the hospital. When she was going to hospital , she felt that someone was chasing her she stopped there and looked around but there was no body . As she walked, she saw a shadow. Seeing that she stopped and turned but there was no one there. She was shocked that what's going on with her so went to a bench and sat there suddenly she saw again that shadow coming from behind her. When she looked back, there was no one. As she walked she reached a bridge below which was a river . She kept walking and wondering where to go next. She saw again the same shadow which that was long and wide. When she looked around there was a strange man standing there. When she saw him, she was afraid. She asked in a trembling voice,"Who are you , why are you following me and what do you want?". The man looked around and pulled her in the river then escaped from there. As she fell, her bag got stuck in the bridge and hung there. She fell into the river. She reached a village some distance away in the waves of the river. When police found that someone had fallen into the river so they went and searched the bridge but there they found only bag. When the bag shown to Ana's father so he was recognized . Then police send their team into the river in search of Ana but they found nothing from there. Suddenly they saw a scarf which was stucked behind the rock then it was declared that Ana was died but her father didn't believed. As they didn't found her dead body so everyone had to except this that she had died. After a whole night ,when it came to the morning she came to the halt on the rocks. When an old woman came to get water, she saw Ana and took it with her. Ana had a head injury due to which she was unconscious. When she regained consciousness, the beautiful sound of birds echoed in her ears."Good morning"a voice echoed.when she opened her eyes she saw that an old woman was sitting near her. She tried to get up so she began to feel dizzy. The woman sat her down comfortably and said," relax, you have a small head injury but you will be fine soon".Ana asked nervously," who are you and where am I?". The old woman replied,"Don't worry , I'm Hellen and you are currently in a small house in a small village. This is my home and you are safe here". Then she made soup for her. The old woman asked about her then she told everything and asked ,"Can I stay here for few days?". The old woman replied,"Yeah, why not? .You can stay here as long as you want. Anyway , I live here alone". Ana thanked her. Ana did all the house work for her and helped her. She used to take the pictures of beautiful views of the village and then made them in her sketch book. The people of village enjoyed watching her drawings and liked them. She was very happy with the simple life of the village. She became a friend there, who worked at a nearby coffee shop. When she recovered so she thought she should do the job. She talked to her friend about it then her friend offered her a job at a coffee shop. She didn't refused and started job there. One day, Daniel came there with his friend for some business reasons so he ordered coffee. When she brought coffee at the table , she was surprised to see him. He also recognized her. When she started to leave , he stopped her and said ,"What are you doing here in this village?.Do you live here?. She said angrily,"What problem do you have if I go anywhere or work anywhere. This is not your headache". Daniel said,"You are misunderstanding me. I didn't mean that". Then she left and started doing her job and Daniel sat silently..Next day, He went there again to find out what was wrong with her so he found out that she has quite her job. He was very surprised.