
Admission into St. Ann's Secondary

It's three months after we wrote the exam . And was already preparing towards the Senior High school , even though I didn't know the school I was going to get i had this air of confidence that I am going to get my first choice school since I knew perfectly what I wrote was right. I had a long list of provisions which I was going to give to my uncle.Another long list of groceries to my aunt and other stuff to my mum. Finally the results were inn . I was going to check the following day . I checked and I had 7 ones. I knew I was going to pass it was just a walk in the park. After two weeks I was a proud student of St. Ann's Secondary offering General Arts , actually it was a mix so I had to make new friends. We were 15 females in the dorm. On that first night away from home, I felt uncomfortable plus it was my first time sleeping with such number of people in a room. Early in the morning around 5:00am, the alarm ranked for us to wake up. I said a short prayer and found my way to the bathroom with others . I didn't believe we were going to bath together . That was unbelievable , well ! we had to . After our bath we went to dress and made our way to the dinning hall ,they served us with white porridge and bread . On my table we were 5 girls and 5 boys . Hi!" I'm Samuel " a guy sitting on my right said to me . Hi I replied I'm also Annabel nice meeting I added to cut the conversation and eat my food. After the meal we headed to assembly ground for a welcome ceremony for all the SHS 1 students , we were told to put up our best behavior and obey the rules and regulations govern the school to avoid punishment. We accepted it all in good faith , our classes we given to us and lessons had already begun . Mr. Andrews introduced himself as our class teacher. He told all of us to come out so that he would give us our sitting partners he mentioned my name and to my surprise I was sitting with Samuel the guy I met at the dinning hall. We all took our seat and Samuel said"Annabel right"? Hmmm I responded" since now we are sitting together I guess we are friends" he added. Erhm Y---h I said . Good then let's get to know each other well . So Samuel Anderson is my name I come from a family of two thus my little sister and myself. My dad owns West Hills Malls . Malls because all branches are his and also the CEO of Goil Good Energy and last but not the least he is the second in command of Trassaco Estate, my mom is also a nurse but owns Ann's ROT FR at East-Legon . Now tell me about yourself he said . Naa it's not necessary but I insist ok my name is Annabel Hillson I come from a family of two my little brother and I . I don't know the whereabout of my dad but my mom is a trader. Really ! Yh . (the siren blew for launch) . After lunch when I came my books were on the floor when I tried picking it up someone stepped on my hand who could that be when I looked up it was Frank another classmate . You are hurting me I said on top of my voice. What are u trying to do? I'm m picking up my book . Which book, the second hand book? ( the whole class broke into laughter ) what do you mean by second hand book? Oh well you think we don't know that you are fatherless and from a poor home . Who told you all this ? Samuel . ( I went took my seat and placed my head against my table and I begun to sob bitterly.

Mr. Andrews came inn and Samuel said "sir please I want to change my seat I don't want to sit beside this thing". Ok if you say so , Annabel pick-up your stuff and move to the back seat. Sir please the chair here is broken . Thus the chair left you've got to manage. ( I put my books on the floor and sat on the chair even though it was difficult I tried. The siren blew for us to go and bath . When I went to the dorm they had put my mattress on the floor I asked why and they said that the bed had been occupied by someone else I was confused and So I went to the hose mistress to confirm she told me that someone with enough money she means a rich person paid for it. As a poor girl I had no there choice than to sleep at the entrance behind the door. No one wanted to befriend me . This happened for a whole year thus SHS 1 . During vacation I was working in a restaurant to fish out some money to buy a text book in school. When we reopened I went to the administration to get my class changed it was approved and I left to B . After some days in school during lunch time I was going to sit on table 3 buy when I told the person to shift it was Samuel and I went back and said sorry. It was actually visiting that day so there's was no super , parents came and brought their children food and stuff but my mom wasn't able to make it . So I needed to find something and eat , I went to my chop box but it was empty even gari was unavailable for me l had to starve that night. During mid- night I begun to feel pains in my stomach , I was suffering I begun to scream for help but no one helped me I was unable to breathe well I screamed louder but Wendy a dorm mate tied a cloth around my mouth and told me to shut up. I was helpless I hit Karen another dorm mate and pleaded with her to help me she held my hand and sent me to the clinic when we got there she left me and went back to the dorm. The nurse saw me suffering but didn't attend to me no sooner Samuel was brought inn complaining of slight headache she quickly gave him a first aid and a head massage. He was well immediately he stood up I fainted and my head touched his shoes he quickly removed his shoes and my head hit the floor and I begun to bleed .