

We remain silent all the time of the return, it is certainly only five minutes away with my bike, but in this kind of situation these minutes are long.

(according to my mother, I'm only really pissed off right now so...)

I enter the property for the Xth time of the day, I let down my passenger and then go and put my bike in the garage alone.

Once done I go back to the main house and when I open the door I smell a good smell of food.

- Mmh ... mom? What did you do ?

I hear her answer me from the kitchen:

- what you prefer, my homemade pizzas.

I smile and enter the kitchen where I see cooking, in each of our two ovens, three different pizzas. I take a deep gluttonous inspiration and silently thank the Italian origins of my mother. I wash my hands and then sit at the table where the others are already waiting. I unhook all my weapons and put them next to my place and I look in the direction of Marie. The latter keeps her eyes on the plate without looking up at me. I sigh and place my elbow on the table to support my head:

- You fucked up.

I see her having a slight start, she knows I'm talking to her.

- Fighting your fears is good. No more paying attention to anything else and putting yourself in danger is just plain stupid.

My mother comes carrying a pizza that she presents to me:

- Lukas, be indulgent. You're the only one who knows how to fight out here and you made her face goblins ... you were there to protect her anyway.

I cut the pizzas in eight and everybody take a slice. Except Marie who keeps her head down.

"- Eat," I tell her but I have no reaction again.

(She gets on my nerves...)

I feel anger rise again but two new pizzas arrive in front of me, served by my mother who gives me an accusing look. I calm down but I continue to criticize her attitude:

- You did not only risk your life but also mine because I had to go save you.

- Lukas, enough is enough, let her breathe!

My mother start to yell at me but this time the anger comes back suddenly and I lose my temper:

- No ! She acted without thinking and we risked our lives because of her! I am responsible for this group! If everyone does what goes through his head without thinking then we will all be killed ! You decided to choose me as chief ? So follow my instructions !

I slam my fists on the table, making it tremble. Fortunately it is solid wood otherwise I would have broken it. My family and Marie jump at the sound of the violent noise.

- When someone makes a mistake we correct it, it's normal, but this is not just a small mistake, it was rush on a monster army without the power to eliminate them all! It was suicide! We went out because I'm lucky to have skills that have saved us by an air breath, but that will not always be the case! In this world we are weak ! At the bottom of the chain ! You asked me to accept her and to save you, but if I'm the only one trying to make it happen then forget it! You will die! Marie !

On hearing her name she jumped and I see that she has tears in her eyes, but I do not mind:

- You do that kind of sh*t again and I'll kill you myself ...

As soon as my words leave my mouth I regret them, but I refuse that she puts us in danger. My mother and sister look at me shocked but my grandfather and my kobolds are silent. Marie cries silently, muttering apologies.

The rest of the meal is in a heavy silence, no one wanting to speak after my statement. I devour the pizza with appetite then get my weapons and I head for the front door.

"- What are you doing ?" Ask my sister.

"- I will strengthen the frontal gate. We are surrounded by hordes of monsters and also people, survivors, who will probably come to loot us. In this kind of situation it's the most likely attitude, so I'm going to improve our defenses", I say without looking back.

The three kobolds accompany me and we go to find in my workshop something to strengthen the large iron gate of our property. I know it looks solid but with a little effort it can be easily opened and even shot down, especially with the different armies of monsters surrounding us. What worries me the most is the presence of orcs in the city next door, they are very numerous and especially strong, stronger in any case than my family and far too many so that the kobolds and I can defeat them. My grandfather is becoming a combat mage but as soon as his mana pool is exhausted he will be unable to do anything, and given their number he will only be able to hold a short time.

(We are weak and too few, we can not take that much face on, we must reduce their number little by little before they attack us. This night I will take Inukami and we will go for a ride to Nemours for recognition ... there is also the problem of the goblins, I angered them so now if I come close to them I'm afraid they'll attack us on sight, no matter the area in which we will be ... damn the situation is sh*tty ...)

After two hours of re-enforcing the portal, my group of kobolds and I go into the house. There are still things to do before dark and this one is fast approaching. I gathered my whole group:

- Well ... The experience with grandfather and Marie allowed me to highlight what is wrong with us. Before you gain experience by killing I must train you at least to handle a weapon and fight a little. Grandpa, now you have something to attack but you have to improve your accuracy, slimes are slow so easy to touch but as soon as a monster is more agile you will have a lot of trouble eliminating it. Mom and little Lyssa, you never fought, never took a weapon etc ... the best thing to do now is... I think I'll teach you how to handle knives and throwing knives. I regret not having my bow, but I think I can make a crossbow, with the internet still available and my equipment it should be feasible, but in the meantime I will teach you to throw knives and hold them properly to stab them. And finally ... Marie.

She must expect me to go through her so I do not see her have a start this time but she does not dare to look at me anyway.

- You have already learned a little on how to hold and kill but you will have to learn to fight properly. You're going to train with one of the Inu, they already know how to fight properly.

I see she starts shaking slightly again, looking at me and looking at the kobolds. The idea of ​​having to learn something from a monster does not charm her but I do not care...

We then start our training session, my grandfather is with Inukami , Alyssa and my mother, outside , while Inuyama and Inuyasha are in my training room with Marie. I brief them to explain what I expect from them for Marie and then go train my mother and my sister. I go down and go out to see Inukami finish placing two targets for the throwing session, my sister places a table on which my mother has all the different blades that I intend to make them try. My grandfather then approaches me and hands me the book I used for the invocation:

- After explaining them, read it again. You never know. I have also selected other books do not forget.

I smile at him and take the book and head to the two women waiting for me. Then finally begins the session for our future survival ....

Hi everyone, the annoying author is here to tell you about something that he cares about... the review. Why ? well to give you a better story of course. With it I can see where I have to improve ! It takes 5 minutes tops, and it will really help me doing a better job for you.

Have a good day/night and stay tune for more Blood sorcerer of the North (living in France) ! The Blóðvölva !

Miaksoucreators' thoughts