
The shop

I then catch a stone, with all the rubble it is not difficult to find one , and approaches the pigs-head. One of them sees me and warns the others who stop their "game" to pick me up serenely. I then throw the stone at them , touching one of them who start screaming while holding his skull where the stone fell. He sees red and charges me alone, while these camardes seem to laugh at the sight of him being hurt by a "small prey". He is not even armed, and just comes at me to catch me and probably torture me before eating me. Or eat me alive. Or torture me and eat me alive. In any case he does not expect his "prey" to be armed and stabs a long sword in his throat that pierces him through.

The other pigs then stop laughing and charge me all together, armed this time, with one of their ugly "grouick" sound. I begin to flee to where I came from, passing the hiding place where the four idiots are. The orcs follow me, slowly compared to me but at least they follow me. Fortunately none are smart enough to warn other groups but the sounds they make may alert some anyway. I noticed that I managed to get rid of them quite easily, whether it was in combat or just to run away. Their slowness is their greatest weakness, and I exploit it completely.

My "companions" begin to walk to the shops through the bridge while I play cat and mouse with pigs, sometimes attacking them to keep them focused on me. Well it's rather "annoyed" than "focused".

This game continues for a good 5 minutes before I get fed up and start to kill some of these monsters while redirecting myself to the bridge to see where the others are.

After eliminating the third orcs I find myself on the bridge from where I can see the store, the door was opened, by the four men or by something else I do not know yet.

I kill a new orc and suddenly I hear a scream coming from the hunting shop. A shot rang out, followed by more shout, human and swine.

(Shit! They were followed in the store! This shoot will only attract more!)

Indeed I see the orcs that I fought until now turn their head in the direction of the noise, and I hear shouts of orcs resounded everywhere from the surrounding houses.

I use [Blood Manipulation] to hide myself and go to the store, hoping at least that they could have amassed weapons and ammunition in the bags I gave them.

I'm coming to the store and have a look inside:

an orc with one arm less is beating the body of one of the men I captured, cutting him with a sword (it's a sword only in the general shape, the blacksmith in me refuses to associate this weapon with the one which I forged).

There are two other mutilated bodies in the corner, with the bags. I take advantage of the bloodthirsty madness of the pig to slip in his back and run a sword in his neck. Finally I can see what we came for: there are boxes of ammunition in the bags and four rifles, although throughout the shop there are rifles everywhere. Too bad it's only a hunting shop and there are only rifles and not other types of guns ...

I suddenly see in a showcase something much more interesting in my opinion:

(A bow! And crossbows!)

A hunting bow and several crossbows sit there in the middle of all the other rifles. Why is it more interesting? Because a bow is quieter and ammunition can be recovered. It is certainly less powerful than a rifle but an arrow in the eye or the throat will always have its effect. The three crossbows can be used by my family, it's easier to use in my opinion, especially since it all come with a laser sight.

So I break the window and get everything as soon as possible because monsters arrive on me, I can hear them. I have three heavy bags and all my personal equipment but holding [Burning Rancor] in my hand, I have a boost of Str that allows me to take everything. I hold the body of one of the men and change their blood to be able to use [Blood Implosion] as soon as others monsters enters the shop.

The wait is not long, two monsters jostle to enter, they stumble even on the body of the guy I make implode. My mana was empty at once, given the size of the body it was predictable, but I had planned the blow and absorbed the blood of the orc to get back on my feet. I do not even look at the result of my "trap", I jump out and leave the store. I just have time to see a weapon fall to my head before I throw myself on the ground to avoid it.

(Shit I'm surrounded ...)

It's a bet but ...

"- [King's Bloody Aura] !"

Their cowardice blocks them even if they surround me and are in numerical superiority. I leap forward, frightening those to whom I go, who then departs of my path. I manage to get out of the encirclement but see then from the corner of the eye an orc resembling the one who had the halberd. He also sees me and howls, making others finally react so that they chase me. The bags are horribly heavy and unbalanced, I have one on each side and one on the back, and my sword in hand. If the orcs were not so heavy and clumsy I think I would be a dead man by now doing what I did just before ...

That's when I feel a shock on the right side: the boar orc that had shouted , threw me a spear that pierced the bag. If he had not been there ...

(I have already been impaled, I do not want to do it again)

I cross the bridge and enter the street that I had already cleaned but the screams of the monsters attracted others who then come out of the houses and also start pursuing me when they see me. Very sincerely, I am not in a favorable situation, the more I advance and the more orcs there are in front of me and behind me. They may be slow, but they still have endurance and an impressive number. I cut the throat of an orc with my sword and finally see the garage where the car is. I take a look behind me and see a real tide of orc.

(I have to get out of here as soon as possible ... they do not even need to attack me, I'll end up in a pile of meat just if all them charges and tramples me)

I had left the car open in case I have to flee quickly, even if it only saves me a few seconds, it can be useful. I throw the bags in and start the engine as fast as possible, setting a gear and bouncing the car forward. I still have a pang in my heart when I treat my car like this but now the front is already dented because of the creatures knocked down and the door is scarred (I'll remember the hobgoblin on the roundabout for that). I'm not an outstanding driver, as soon as the car comes out of the garage I want to turn to avoid getting into the orcs but I can not do well and go into another car, setting off an alarm.

(F*ck it, at this level it does not change much to make noise, I'm glad that the airbag did not got triggered at least ...)

I go back while the first orcs are almost on me, I even hit one of them and then go back to 1st gear and finally away from them. Of course they still chase me but succeeding in catching a car when they could not even outrun me ... is a hopefull thinking on their part.

(I managed to get the weapons back, certainly three of the captives are dead and one has disappeared but it is not important for me, I do not think we can be too armed in our new world ...)

3 dead, 1 missing... Such usefull pawns

also, sorry for the delay, my pc crashed (obviously it had to be now)

Miaksoucreators' thoughts