
The Orc village

(That's for sure now... nothing could have possibly survive here. These salamanders are far too numerous and dangerous for anyone to stay in the vicinity of this place ... damn ... how are we going to do it... we are surrounded by creatures! Orcs have the city, the goblins are edgy because of me, the salamanders kept this village for I do not know how long and there are still many places around us where I could not go for lack of time! And we have so little to survive in this hell ! Goddammit !)

I began to swear on the inside while riding my dear motorcycle. The more I discover about the situation around my home and the more I say to myself that we are in a very, very bad situation... we are eight who have to face legions of monsters that want to kill us! And they count on me to get them out of there! The very idea of ​​having the life of my loved ones in my hands makes me tremble ... I have to tighten the handlebars of my motorcycle to hide my shakings to the kobold just behind me. Why was this kind of scenario always better in my dreams ?!

I do not even pay attention to the time during which my thoughts get lost in a semi panic attack that we are already back at the roundabout with all the different races of creature who were fantastic or imaginary until now. The goblins see me and move but I go outside their "zone", heading for the new orc city. I do not go the same way as the last time, I take a more diverted one that brings me with Inukami outside the city, slightly on the heights at the North of the city.

I hide my bike and take my weapons and a pair of binoculars, hoping to learn more about the situation of the city from my high point of view. From there already I see smoke rising everywhere, I hear shouts in the distance but I do not know who or what is screaming ...

I look in the binoculars and observe:

I see orcs wandering around the city, returning cars or sacking houses and apartments, objects flying through the windows and shops with broken showcase ...

(oh no ... my favorite japanese restaurant ... it really did not take long to turn a pretty medieval town into a ruin ...)

Thinking of the origin of the city I take the opportunity to look at the castle but it is hidden by the large baroque church: surprisingly these two buildings are intact.

(Well, there's a gathering of orcs at the foot of the church ... I do not see what's inside of this place, or even the entrance!) Anyway it's time to move, I have a dangerous idea in mind I want to put in place ...)

Indeed, thinking back to the reaction of the goblins when I mentioned the orcs, and considering the liabilities they now have with Marie and me, I came to the conclusion that we are three factions that can not stand being under the same sky. I killed in both camps and the two hated each other ... how to take advantage of this situation? I know that they will have clashes for the territories soon but why not speed things up and if possible before our own camp is destroyed by one or the other? My goal is to make things worse between them and enjoy the show, then I'll end them ...

I change places with Inukami and I get dangerously close to the city from the South now , from there I see the castle that does not look different from before, and especially I can finally see the entrance of the church and a little bit of the inside. I wear binoculars in my eyes again and ... my heart misses a beat. The vision that is offered to me is worthy of a nightmare: people from the village had to take refuge in the church, in a last hope of salvation they surely turned to religion, but the orcs must have broke the doors given the condition they're in ... and now ...

(They're devouring them ... my god ... and this woman is being r*ped ...)

As I become aware of what I see, an uncontrollable urge takes me, I suddenly move away, releasing the binoculars and surprising the kobold in passing, and I vomit ... I spit all the dinner I had swallowed ... then I collapse on my butt, shaking entirely . The images that I had just seen were replaying themself in my mind, this man struggling as an orc was toring off his arm, this woman being raped by two of these pigs at the same time with what I suppose to be his daughter being eaten alive in front of her...

I ended up sitting, paralyzed, prostrate, a nervous laugh escaping from my mouth ...

"-Damn ... ahah f*ck it can't be true ... it does not look like the games or stories I read ... that's '' my new reality '' then? "

Although I am associable, I am nonetheless human. Seeing my peers ending up like this ... terrifies me deeply, disgusts me and annoys me. But I can not help it. I can not do anything for them without putting myself in danger ... I am neither altruistic, nor heroic, I remain a human despite my powers etc ... seeing all of this reminds me of my helplessness in this global situation .. .

Suddenly I see a hairy arm appear in my field of vision, a freshly opened wound blocking my view. I finally let go of my head and look at Inukami: I see in his look some worry I think ... I do not know why the kobolds are attached to me like that, if it's due to their nature as a dog or something else but one thing is for sure they want my wellbeing.

Almost by reflex now I absorb a little blood and heals him. This gesture has become harmless now I feel, but it strangely calm me ... I take the binoculars and look again towards the church: the show is still disgusting but I support it ... and Above all, more than disgust, it is anger that now dominates ...

(I knew this man I think, it's the postman, and this woman is one of the hairdressers in the hair salon where I'm going ... I wonder what happened to the rather cute one who cuts them for me normally ... not the moment Lukas !)

I swept unnecessary thoughts away and continue my surveillance ...

Fortunately the electric system is still working and the city is lit otherwise even with these binoculars, at night I would not see much. For an hour I stay there to watch, engraving shocking images to the depths of my soul ...

"-I am going to kill them ... all ... I would wash this city with their blood ... even if they are points, I refuse to have their blood in me. I have enough monster blood in me, I will not have that one of these waste as a bonus! "

I lower the binoculars while promising to put an end to what I see, but deep inside me I know that ... I'm weak ... I can not carry out this "crusade". They are numerous and strong, and I have not even seen the totality of their troop or their leader, an elite among the elite if I have to suppose. So far I've been able to "feel" a boss, the alpha of the kobolds, and I was terrified. I saw an eye of another one, the salamander, and I finished just as terrified .. and these presences in the forest ...

" -Damn it ! Thrice ! I was terrified for the first time in my life three times in a few days! Shit ! Shit shit shit! I am weak ! "

At that moment I hate myself at least as much as I hate these monsters, at least I hate my weakness especially. I go back with Inukami on the motorcycle, while putting [Burning Rancor] back in the special compartment of my bike.

"- Where are we going Blóðvölva ?" My kobold asks me.

"- Quite frankly, I do not know, we still have a lot of places in the area that we could visit. But this is not the moment. Even though the night is still long, but we have spent enough time outside and away from my family ... after watching the overall situation I am even more worried than before. The monst... the other creatures surround us totally, even if at the moment they remain predominantly in their zones, we do not know how long it will last ... I hate it but ... it is possible that we had to leave quickly from here. I will have to convince my grandfather to leave this house he built for us and the Library. Well ... shit anyway we will have to leave, we are two steps from the hell that is Paris, surrounded by an unknown number of dangers! I refuse to believe that there is not a place a minimum safe on Earth! "

I accelerate while finishing my sentence angrily. I go back to the "zone of division" of the monsters and see from the corner of my eye that several [Hobgoblins] are gathered in front of the entrance of the party of goblins ... and they observe me.

(Shit ... they're getting ready. They know I'm in the area and will probably move soon to look for me ... I have to hurry !)