
The first Boss

The whole house trembles under the body of the creature trying to climb a staircase too small for her. A wall falls, the ramp is crushed, and soon the stairs collapse but it does not discourage the monster : it manages to tear the ground of the first floor to clear a path. But I did not stay there without doing anything of course, I already got out of the house by jumping from the first floor.

(Okay, before I would have given anything for a rifle, now I would give all the rifles for C4 !)

Fortunately for me, the car with my [Subordinates] arrives in the street where I am.

* Boom! *

It was without counting this horrible lizard that has just collapsed the entire house and springs from the ruins and aims at me by opening his mouth wide. I see his infernal fire begin to appear, if I stay there I'll finish cooked, but the others arrive too fast with the car, they will also go through the torrent of fire. So I decide to save myself and try to save them too: I dive to the side, but I also aim for the creature with my rifle. Everything seems to slow down around me. I can see everything perfectly: the flames that are growing visibly in the throat of this monster, the car coming too fast, my rifle pointed at the throat of the salamander.

* Bang! *

The shot is fired, I even see the big cartridge coming out of the barrel and going inside the gaping mouth.

The salamander leaps back in surprise or pain, the sheaf of fire just passing by my head before flying in the air because of the sudden movement of the creature.

(I would not like something this big tickling my glottis either)

The car still goes through the flames but these are just the remains. Marie cries out of terror and closes her eyes while she is driving, so obviously she loses control and I already see my death happenning, crushed by my pretty [Subordinate]. Inuyasha takes the steering wheel and avoids me at the last moment while I'm on the ground after my dodge.

And to say that all this lasted only a second ... but my back is soaked with cold sweat (whereas I feel my skin being scorched by the flames). To die in this way would not have been a good conclusion.

I get up shaking, but the salamander is already fixing its eyes on me. It ready its support and leaps on me.

(This thing has to weight ... I do not know, a good elephant and a half at least, but if it lands on me it will not even have anything to eat ! I will just end up like a squished bug on a windshield)

An umpteenth time I throw myself to the side, but the impact of the monster on the ground is so powerful that it sends me flying ten meters away. I roll on the ground, losing my rifle and hurting my face, but I manage to get up and start running back to a near house. I hear Marie yelling at me to go to the next street.

(Easier said than done!)

I admit it, I'm scared ... scared but not terrified like the first time! We're not talking about a man with a dog's head or pork or green dwarf, we're talking about a creature resembling a black dinosaur that can ravage a house simply by gesturing or capable of blowing a fire so powerful that a stone wall is transform in magma immediately. Beside that I'm nothing, but yet ... I'm still alive and I've even hurt this monster. I'm even starting to be excited because certainly it's not even at the level of creatures that I saw on the news, but here I still have a chance to survive !

(I can only imagine some truly heavy weapon to be able to fight against the kind of monster from Paris ...)

Many thoughts cross my mind but I feel strangely more and more calm. I go through a window, cutting myself on the glass.

(I have not checked my status or my Hp since the beginning but I know they are not high, yet I do not even feel the pain anymore)

Indeed, the feeling of previous heat should have put my nerves alit but I do not feel fatigue or pain now, only my blood pulsing in my veins.

I even begin to hear no other sound than the beating of my heart and the flow of blood running through my body ... I follow the course of my blood in my mind while my body only reacts instinctively. I see my blood traveling in every corner, every vein, feeding my muscles by carrying oxygen and nutrients ...

Ding *



your knowledge of the skill [Blood Manipulation] has taken it to the next level.


New sub-skill!

Unique Skill: [Blood Rush]

Effect: Your blood travels through your body much faster, increasing your physique in general:

Increased regeneration

Increased Hp

Increased stamina

Increased strength

Increased dexterity

Increased Agility

Increased Wisdom

consumes 20 mana upon use then 20 / sec

changed by [Magus]: 15 / activation then 15 / sec

The user enters a period of weakness after using the skill. The length varies according to the activation time.


The sudden appearance of the panel and the Ding * allows me to emerge from my torpor as I dodge a new jet of flame.

(A new skill ! I hope it will be enough to save me)

I activate [Blood Rush] and then feel my blood pounding in my veins like never before. A feeling of power different from when I activate [King's Bloody Aura] invades me and I feel like I grow wings. Indeed if one is more focused on the energy and aura that I release, there it is a direct influence on my body, the feeling of power is real.

My running speed, my reflexes, everything is suddenly boosted as if I was on anabolic. I'm not a drug user, but that's probably the kind of thing that happens when you ingest steroids or other crap the first time.

I almost want to go back to attack the giant salamander. Fortunately I'm not that suicidal, it would swallow me in one gulp or burn me alive before I even approached.

However, I still decided to try something: after entering a house I quickly draw my sword [Burning Rancor] and impale a small salamander that was there. I grab her by the tail and go upstairs. I use [Blood Manipulation ] to bleed it a little (and I find that my mana is dangerously low because of the use of too much skill) then opens my veins to inject my own blood into it. I intend to make a bomb to throw in the mouth of the big one ! My blood is fighting against its but by injecting more mana he manages to dominate while the giant salamander directly knock the floor of the first floor to catch me.

Our eyes meet and I smile at it. Its reaction is not long and it opens its bloody mouth, just what I expected ...

I throw the body of the little salamander while jumping into an adjacent room and shouting my skill:

"- [Blood Implosion !]"

The time seems to be slow for me again and I can clearly see what happens:

the lifeless body writhes on itself before reaching the point of no return, the pressure is then released and it explodes in the jaws of what must be the queen / king salamanders as it was preparing to spit hell at my face. I enter at that moment in the room and do not see the continuation, but the absence of fire and especially the horrible scream that I hear then makes me say that I succeeded my blow. I am ecstatic ! I hurt this monster! With a little time and talent I ...

"-Lukas !!! "

(Shit, Marie !)