
A new danger

At dinner we do a briefing with my family: my grandfather has improved his mastery of the [Lesser Mana Sphere]. He is certainly a [Grand Magus] but while waiting to find other spells ... well it's the only one he can use. Alyssa has managed to properly control the bow, which makes me very proud. Marie is pretty good with a crossbow and sometimes even manages to shoot multiple time a moving target.

(A target the size of a bowl...)

The only one that seems to stagnate is my mother ...

"-I would like you to go hunting so that you can train against a real monster" I say to them while eating.

My statement is greeted differently according to the people present: fear, uncertainty, indifference, enthusiasm ...

(Okay, only the kobolds are enthusiastic but ...)

They need to increase their level, because that's how they will have stats points, and it is with more powerful stats that they will be better off. Every point equals several months of training for a classic human being, it's a must have for us.

That's how I present that to them anyway. My grandfather seems to be acquiescing, but what he reads absorbs him a lot. Marie seems to understand the issues, as well as Alyssa, but she seems to agree with everything I say ... My mother is still worried, but no matter, becoming strong is our priority.

(ONE of our priorities)

We must always get rid of the immediate dangers that are the orcs and goblins, even if, by becoming stronger, it will be easier, we still have to recover fuel, more food and more weapons etc. (So much to do while death is looming over us)

It's time to go to bed and do our night rounds: all the lights are off when the sun disappears, the curtains are drawn and the guards are hiding with binoculars and weapons at bay. As I was able to rest a little before that, I am the first to stand up to watch with one of the Inus. I am sitting at the front of the house, watching our reinforced entrance gate, a loaded crossbow at my side. I'm reviewing recent events in my mind.

(Goblins and orcs are rather weak classic creatures in games, salamanders are more like enemies in dangerous areas like volcanoes and other fire zones ... they would be the most dangerous around the corner if it was a suitable area for them, but the relative intelligence of the Orc and Goblin tribes, as well as their number, places them at the top of the sources of danger for us, obviously not counting the monsters of the forest which I did not even see the level ... if they decide to go out I do not even dare to imagine what would remain of the region.With a little luck, they are confined, the monsters in games having only movements limited to certain "zones" ...)

While I speculate and imagine hypotheses to reassure me while watching the area, I think I capture some movements behind the portals with the corner of my eye. I warn Inuyasha, who is on guard duty with me, using the walkie-talkie and go as discreetly as possible to the portal ...

"- He's here, I swear! That's where we came from ! The guy with the sword comes from there! Please let me go ... I told you everything I swear... he is in this house with his family ...let me leave me I beg you, I want to live, I want to leave here ... "

(That's the fourth guy's voice, he was still alive and brought people back with him !)

I'm leaving to get back home to warn my family of the danger lurking on our doorsteps, I could not verify who he had brought, orcs or goblins, but one thing is certain ...

(They will not leave this place alive ...)

I ask Inuyasha to monitor the entrance while I wake everyone up quickly and if possible without sound or light.

(Let them try to come in, they will finish like those of the last time)

I can not bear the idea that one can invade my property, my blood seems to boil just at the idea that they can try. I wake up the Inus first, though they only need to hear me whistle quietly to get them down and already armed. I then wake up my grandfather, my mother and the redhead and finally Alyssa. Our patriarch is strangely alert and begins to mentally prepare for the attack by activating his magic. Alyssa claims the bow and I told her to go upstairs, hidden near a window so she can see the garden. Marie nervously seizes her arms (lent by me) and wait for my instructions. I hand her a crossbow, telling her to stay with Alyssa while waiting for me to give them a sign. I ask my mother to stay with my grandfather, armed with a rifle, to defend him when needed.

"- Inukami, you stay in the house, watch the other entrance while Grandpa takes care of that one. Inuyasha and Inuyama you come with me, we will "play" with our guests outside ... "

When I spoke to the Inus, I turn my back on my family because while saying "play" I feel my predatory smile appear again.

So us three slip outside the house, our possible assailants still have not made movements, we can hide as we want. I climb a pine tree that dominates our entire garden, and from there I can finally see who the dirty rat has taken here : humans !

(... I did not expect it ... They're all armed with rifles !)

Seeing the equipment of the ten people present outside the walls of the property I am suddenly less sure of myself. I have not tried my gun resistance, but I can assume that as long as I do not have a level of Def equivalent to that of a certain comic character who becomes green and giant when he is upset, I could not take a bullet without flinching ...

(And I do not even talk about the rest of my group ...)

The situation that I thought was under control suddenly becomes much more worrying. The monsters are idiots, in any case it was the case of all those that I crossed so far, except for the Inus. But humans ... if these people have survived until now it's because they have resources.

(And that's not good for me if they're hostile, and I can bet the whole Library that they are ...)

During the previous attack, the men had entered quietly to surprise us, while the orcs and goblins are more of the kind to scream while charging at us.

As I ponder how to handle the situation, I see one of the men walking towards the portal and ...

* Driiiiing*

(He rang the bell ?! He announces himself ?!)

I remain speechless. This situation is absolutely not what I had imagined ...

" -Excuse me ! Are you the ones who attacked the goblins and orcs recently? As well as looted the supermarket ? I would like to discuss! "

* Driiiiing*

He rings again and tries call us by repeating his speech. I grab my walkie talkie and whisper softly to my grandfather to answer him and ask what they want.

The latter does what I ask him and I hear him from far away the intercom.

"- We want to join forces with yours ! I am sure you have seen that we are in the minority against these monsters, but together we will have a better chance of surviving, I am sure. The two big clans of monsters are fighting at the moment and who knows if they are not going to move the fight over here ? My group and I have taken over the town hall and we are thirty men well armed. We can help you ! Let's pool our resources and survive ! "

My eyebrows are frowned, our intercom is a model with camera and I see that it is only him who stands before it. The others are in a blind spot ... let's add to that what he said just before, thirty well armed men, and I can easily feel that he threatens us as much as he wants to avoid a confit. So it's a cautious and calculating man, just what I feared. I do not know if it is the chief of the band but in any case he acts as such there. I have a strong desire to get rid of all this beautiful group at once, but I have no explosive (my skill [Blood Implosion] works better if I have a body to blow up rather than having to empty me of my blood) or automatic firearm ... shooting down ten men armed with rifles will not be done simply in hand-to-hand combat. If I jump in the middle of them, nothing tells me that they will not be afraid and shoot even if their colleagues are in the line of fire...