
Birth of Super power

(Nam joon is a lawyer and was currently working on sexual harrassment case of a woman who was working in a well reputed company and was harassed when she was working overtime by the CEO of the company.)

"You know about the case I was currently working on" said Nam joon.

"Ya! that harrassment case?" Lee hseok asked.

"Hmm, that one, the victim attempted suicide last night" He said in sorrow and added "I am useless, she died because I was unable to find solid proofs against him(CEO), she lost the hope, her future was over, It's all my fault"

"You did your best and it's not your fault, your fault was when you wanted to end your life, how would you bring her justice if you died" His friend uttered.

After some time he left to his work.

Nam joon was resting and thinking about the case,

"If I died, I won't be able to bring justice to her, I need to stay alive for this case".

After sometime nurse came and asked him "How are you feeling now, if you will recover quickly we will discharge you early so recover fast, eat good, and take care of yourself" she softly muttered.

Nam joon thought "I need to get out of this hospital to work on this case" and said to nurse "I am feeling absolutely fine now, there is no more pain".

Nurse was astonished by his words, "Huhh, how could this be possible it has just been 1 day and you are recovered completely, Stop lying, that discharge thing was just to alleviate your mood, you won't get any such thing, I should get going now" and she left.

He was waiting on the road for the signal to turn green, it turns green, everyone there started walking, he started walking too but in between the road his leg was jammed he was unable to move his leg, everyone there crossed the road and was watching him, "What he is doing there, "Is he okay", "Crossed the road fast, the signal will soon turn red", "Are you listening" people screamed. But his leg was jammed and he tried really hard to move but he can't. Signal turned red. Cars started to pass beside him and from far away, A car was comming towards him with brake failed in Zig-Zag motion. For the first time he was scared of dying because he has a responsibility to complete now.

He opened his eyes, he was sweating from fear and was breathing heavily."What was that, a dream, it was horrible".

2 weeks passed. He discharged from the hospital and called lee hseok and said "He will go to his home alone no need to worry, you don't need to drop me, I'll manage".

He step out from hospital the weather was exactly same as he saw on that day dream, he thought to himself, it's just a mere coincidence, it was just a dream, I am not afraid.

Things were exactly the same when he was waiting for the signal to turn green. He said to himself "My leg is absolutely fine, it won't be jammed like before".

Signal turned green.people started moving his leg was not jammed he was happy about that and move forward but his head started hurting so much that he couldn't handle it, he was unable to move because of the pain, he cannot even open his eyes, the situation there was not being handled, he lost his hope and was extremely sad that he couldn't do anything. People started screaming like before. Cars started passing beside him and that one car whose break was failed was approaching towards him in Zig-Zag motion. He thought about Jessica(the victim who is dead) and tried to move but even after trying really hard, he couldn't even move.

When the truck was really near to him she appears and pull him towards her, she was on him, her eyes has a different kind of sparkle, she was pretty as angel, he looked in her eyes, and thought to himself "pretty", and in another moment he gently pushed her and said rudely "What are you doing, move from me".

"How dare you to talk to me like that, I have saved your life twice, Is this your hobby to risk your life oftentimes".


"Yes, twice, and don't you dare to pass by me again, stupid brat" She said and leave.

He shouted from behind her "you.."

"Twice, means she was the one who saved me earlier from that accident, and she thought she did a favour on me, my foot" he thought to himself.

He arrived at his home after 2 weeks, his house was a total mess, the food items he brought was half spoiled and half was fall in the ground. "Huhh, after all this, I need to clean this trash too". he said.

While cleaning he suddenly realised that his day dream came true, he was shocked, "How can this happens, is this even real, maybe it was just a mere coincidence, but still how can that be so accurate, my lag was not jammed but my head started busting, but the point is what was meant to happen happened". He thought to himself and added "Oh Gosh, am I going crazy! I need to work on my mental health, if this stupid things continues to happen, I'll lose it all".

He was cooking his dinner, and that girl eyes was in his mind, that moment when he was on him looking in his eyes, "No, No, why am I thinking of her, hopefully we will never meet again, Stupid girl". He murmured.

He was on his working desk, preparing for the case, now his victim is dead so he has to work hard to win this case and get justice to her.

He said loudly and confidently "I will bring Justice".

"Life is miserable but ending it isn't the solution to your problems".

Winnie_mikecreators' thoughts