

Hi my name is Aqua and I'm a mermaid and I'm going to tell you my story. When I was a little girl I would play around the coral reef my parents always told me not to go there because it wasn't safe but I went there anyways and I was humming a song and that's when I swam into trouble A shark came at me out of nowhere and bit me on the tail I then stuck my fingers in its eyeballs and hit in the face and swam away. By the time I got home I could barely swim I was so tired from loss of blood that the ocean was spinning and then everything went black. I woke up in the hospital and and my body ached my tail hurt so bad. I was in the hospital for a couple of weeks and through those weeks I met a boy Who helped me recover he is so cute and nice after we both recovered we were friends forever or so we said but what little me didn't know is that he would grow up to be a very important person in my life.