
A Night to Remember

The house creaks with the wind. It's like a warning to all in it that they should get out. too bad I don't listen. it's late and I have killed a few big, no huge, ticks. The ticks are as big as the spade end of a shovel. Where these the monsters that the doctor wrote about? If so, it's hard to imagine that these could kill anybody.

Thwack, Thwack, Thwack.

'Someone's at the window.'

Thwack, Thwack, Thwack.

'And this someone wants in.'


'It stopped?' I thought. I got up from the floor of the room and walked over to the window, mindful of the creaking floor boards. I looked out the window through the cracks in the barricade. Nothing, no one was there. I pressed my ear to the window and close my eyes to listen.

Step, Step,Step,Step,Step,Step,Step...

'Running!' I realized a little too late. I jumped out from in front of the window as whoever was on the other side jumped through it, we both laid on the floor for a minute. I looked at what had just jumped through my window and was met with a man with a seam traveling from the top of his head to the middle of his back. I watched as he stirred to get up.

I looked around the house to see if there was anything I could use as a weapon, the only thing I could see was an axe that was on the work table, that was on the other side of the man. I began to sneak over to the table, walking around the backside of the man, when I stepped on a floorboard that broke underneath me.

'Shit!' was the only though that I had. The man shot up and let out a piercing screech. The seam that ran down him exploded from the middle, splitting his upper body in half. Strings of red saliva dripped from the rows of teeth that was now exposed. Red flesh pulsated, as if it was trying to swallow something. It stood on all fours and started to scatter towards me. I went to run but fell. I was horrified, I was stuck, and I couldn't reach the axe. The monster jumped onto me, the red saliva dripping on me as I fought to get it off. I grabbed one of the broken boards and smacked it upside the head and used my free foot to kick it off of me. It hit the wall with a screech.

I went to get my foot unstuck, pulling and twisting it both my foot and the boards that was stuck along with it. The monster got up and ran into me, getting me unstuck but cutting my ankle. It swung its clawed hand at me and threw me across the room into the glass from the broken window. I gasped and screamed, my side ached , my head was spinning, and my ankle was bleeding. I looked at the monster through the strands of my hair examining it for a weak point.

Two eyes on either side if the mouth. 'I need to hit there, but with what?' I looked around, the axe was too far from me. I wouldn't make it with the monster right there. 'I need to get up.' I shifted onto my hands and knees, looking at the ground. 'Glass...' the monster screamed at me and raced towards me. I grabbed a handful of glass and threw the shards at it, it stalled and wiped at its tongue. I grabbed the two knife sized shards and ran back behind it . It whipped around, looking like an alligator, and lunged at me. I kicked it and jumped on its back, straddling it, and shoved the two pieces of glass into its eyes.

The monster thrashed and flung me off of its back, I hit the work table making the axe fall next to my head. I quickly got up and grabbed the handle. The monster was still flailing around as I ran towards it the axe down next to my hip, I swung up and caught it upside its jaw, slicing through the left side. The monster screamed and hit me into the wall. It looked at me with its bottom jaw hanging from its head. I got in a ready stance, ready for anything. The monster then slinked over to the window and crawled out, I watched as it slinked down the road.

I collapsed to the floor, the fight exhausted me, it was now that all of the pain racked my body. I felt the blood flow down my side. I was tired and knew that I would die where I sat. As my eyes began to close I saw the sun rise through the window. My sight blurred and I figure appeared before me. I closed my eyes and waited for the sweet release from the pain.